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Emission trading is one of the most effective alternatives to controlling water pollution. Water environmental functional zone (WEFZ) is used to determine the water quality standard and identify the zone boundary for each river or reach. In this study, a new emission trading scheme was addressed based on WEFZ, accounting for both the temporal dimension and water quality control. A temporal factor of emission trading was proposed based on variations in the environmental capacity within a year by dividing the year into three periods, including high, normal, and low periods of environmental capacity. During each period, emission trading was implemented exclusively. A water quality-control scheme was suggested based on the water quality requirement in the water functional zone, in which the water quality at the downstream boundary of the zone was required to meet the water standard following auto-purification in the stream. Two methods of calculating water quality control are addressed for point-source pollution and non-point-source pollution. The calculated temporal dimension and water quality control were located in Dongxi River of the Daning Watershed in the Three Gorges Watershed. The high period was during June, July, and August, the normal period was during April, May, September, and October, and the low period was during January, February, March, November, and December. The results from the water quality calculation demonstrated that the discharge of point-source and non-point-source pollutions led to an excess of common contaminants at the downstream boundary of WEFZ. The temporal and spatial factors above should be incorporated into the emission trading scheme based on WEFZ.  相似文献   
不同农田土壤养分可持续性指数的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了不同农田土壤碳、氮、磷、钾养分的可持续性指数。结果表明,不同施肥方式、不同土壤类型对碳、氮养分可持续性指数的影响表现为有机肥配施化肥处理>有机肥处理>化肥处理,潮土>水稻土>红壤;对磷、钾养分表现为化肥处理>有机肥配施化肥处理>有机肥处理,水稻土>潮土>红壤。相关分析表明,土壤养分可持续性指数与土壤养分相关或极相关。这表明,土壤养分可持续性指数可以用来评价土壤肥力和指示土壤养分的动态变化。  相似文献   
基于震后现场调查的震害损失评估软件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据国家地震局的有关文件,研制了本软件。主要用于震后现场调查的地震灾害损失评估,也可根据抽样调查数据及背景资料对某地区地震灾害进行预估。本软件采用汉化的友好操作界面,使用方便。  相似文献   
There is growing appreciation of the use of concentrated rural settlement as an effective means of implementing infrastructure projects and helping to achieve sustainable development in rural areas. This occurs in China through the exchange of rural residential land for urban construction. However, this policy has not been effective under normal circumstances (called development‐driven conditions) as frequently farmers are reluctant to accept such an exchange. By contrast, in a time of disaster, such as after the 2008 earthquake in Sichuan Province, China, rural victims have accepted this policy of rural residential land exchange. Employing game theory, this paper identifies the reasons for the different outcomes and it contends that the implementation of concentrated rural settlement practice under disaster‐induced conditions is more effective than its introduction under development‐driven conditions. The results of the analysis indicate that, in China, concentrated rural settlement is feasible in a context of post‐disaster reconstruction.  相似文献   
跨海大桥主墩桩基钢护筒腐蚀损伤识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
跨海大桥主墩桩基施工过程中采用的钢护筒被保留作为桩基的外层,容易受到海洋环境的腐蚀破坏。提出一种基于插值曲率模态指纹库比对的桩基损伤识别方法,为解决测试数据不完备的问题,采用三次样条函数几何插值得到扩展后的桩基振型,然后在扩展振型的基础上采用中心差分计算得到曲率模态指标。以金塘大桥为工程背景,建立索塔-基础多尺度有限元模型,考虑海水腐蚀造成桩基钢护筒局部损失情况,以损失减薄区域的位置、轴向长度、深度为损伤参数,设置多种损伤工况样本,计算并建立基于插值曲率模态的桩基损伤识别指纹库,最后通过指纹库以外损伤工况与库内样本比对的方式,验证损伤识别效果。研究表明,为保证三次样条函数几何插值得到扩展振型对真实振型的拟合精度,至少需要沿桩基均布6个位移插值点。通过指纹库比对,能够准确识别桩基钢护筒减薄区域的位置与轴向长度。  相似文献   
为了探究船桥碰撞时船撞力的影响因素,选取合适的船撞力为桥梁设计提供参考,采用动力分析软件 LS ? DYNA,结合沪通长江大桥、天生港专用航道桥以及厦漳大桥三座实桥,分别进行了不同船速、不同通航水位、不同基础形式和不同船型等因素对船撞力的影响分析研究。研究结果表明:船撞力峰值和船速正相关;中通行水位时, 船桥撞击动力响应最大;不同桥墩基础和不同船型对船撞力有较大影响。基于中国铁路规范和有限元计算结果, 考虑了船舶类型和基础类型对船撞力的影响,对船撞力计算公式提出改进方法,所得研究结果可为桥梁抗撞设计和研究提供参考。  相似文献   
目前对于微生物诱导碳酸盐沉淀技术(MICP)土体加固技术的研究大多数集中在宏观力学性能上,对微观力学特性的研究较少。为了探究页岩土MICP结石体的微观力学特性,在不同峰值荷载下对页岩土MICP结石体进行纳米压痕测试,并基于能量法中弹性参数计算模型及塑性断裂力学理论计算页岩土MICP结石体中胶结体区域及土颗粒区域的硬度、弹性模量和断裂韧度。结合激光显微镜及X射线衍射试验,探讨测点处碳酸钙胶结体状态及矿物组分对页岩土MICP结石体各相材料微观力学特性的影响,建立页岩土MICP结石体弹性模量、硬度及断裂韧度三者之间的线性关系。结果表明,利用纳米压痕技术测试页岩土MICP结石体材料的弹性模量、硬度及断裂韧度具备可行性。由于MICP技术诱导生成的方解石晶体质地不均匀,导致页岩土MICP结石体中胶结体的弹性模量、硬度及断裂韧度存在较大离散性。矿物组分中石英矿物的存在能够强化页岩土颗粒的微观力学特性,使部分页岩土颗粒的力学参数提高。各区域的断裂韧度变化趋势与弹性模量、硬度相同,三者之间具有简单线性关系。纳米压痕技术打破了常规力学试验对试样尺寸的限制,为测定页岩土MICP结石体的细观力学参数提供借鉴。  相似文献   
粪肠球菌是一种在自然水体中广泛存在的革兰氏阳性细菌。信息素调控质粒介导的接合转移是造成粪肠球菌耐药基因快速扩散的重要方式。双酚A是一种内分泌干扰物,因其在工业中大量应用造成其在水环境中的广泛分布。本文以信息素调控质粒中比较有代表性的pCF10质粒作为研究对象,研究了双酚A对粪肠球菌中耐药基因接合转移的影响,证实了双酚A可以促进pCF10质粒介导的耐药基因接合转移,且这一结果同双酚A作用浓度和作用时间相关。双酚A影响耐药基因的扩散,是通过促进编码正调控信息素的ccfA基因表达实现的。本文旨在深入理解双酚A影响抗生素抗性基因扩散的环境行为,为耐药基因控制及双酚A环境效应的评估提供理论支持。  相似文献   
• New method of mineralizing PFCs was proposed. • Activated carbon was regenerated while mineralizing PFCs. • Molten NaOH has good mineralization effect on PFOS and PFBS. Current study proposes a green regeneration method of activated carbon (AC) laden with Perfluorochemicals (PFCs) from the perspective of environmental safety and resource regeneration. The defluorination efficiencies of AC adsorbed perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorobutanesulfonate (PFBS) using three molten sodium salts and one molten alkali were compared. Results showed that defluorination efficiencies of molten NaOH for the three PFCs were higher than the other three molten sodium salts at lower temperature. At 700°C, the defluorination efficiencies of PFOS and PFBS using molten NaOH reached to 84.2% and 79.2%, respectively, while the defluorination efficiency of PFOA was 35.3%. In addition, the temperature of molten salt, the holding time and the ratio of salt to carbon were directly proportional to the defluorination efficiency. The low defluorination efficiency of PFOA was due to the low thermal stability of PFOA, which made it difficult to be captured by molten salt.The weight loss range of PFOA was 75°C–125°C, which was much lower than PFOS and PFBS (400°C–500°C). From the perspective of gas production, fluorine-containing gases produced from molten NaOH-treated AC were significantly reduced, which means that environmental risks were significantly reduced. After molten NaOH treatment, the regenerated AC had higher adsorption capacity than that of pre-treated AC.  相似文献   
黄河源区自然条件严酷,生态环境脆弱。随着黄河源区资源开发力度逐步加大,草场和灌丛植被遭到不同程度的破坏,生态环境日趋恶化。具体表现为草原退化严重,水土流失加剧,土地荒漠化扩大,水源涵养能力大为降低。因此,保护黄河源区生态环境,建立黄河源头特殊生态功能保护区已刻不容缓。  相似文献   
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