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This paper deals with effects of airborne fluorine on the army worm, Mythimna separata (Walker), by rearing the larvae on the wheat foliage exposed to HF or fumigating the larvae on the artificial diet with the pollutant. Larval relative growth rate (GR) and index of population trend of the insect reduced by 5% and 11%, respectively, when the larvae were reared on the foliage taken from the wheat plants exposed to 0.87 g·dm-2·day-1 of fluorine compared with those of the control. An extra instar appeared in a majority of the larvae treated. Survival rate and GR of the larvae on the wheat plant being exposure to the same concentration of fluorine in field open-top fumigation device were 40% and 15% lower than that of the control, respectively. Similar experiment with the insect on the artificial diet also showed that direct impact of the pollutant on the army worm was greater than its indirect effect via their host plant. 相似文献
沉积物-水微宇宙系统是经济合作发展组织(Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development,OECD)颁布的化学品测试准则中推荐的试验系统之一,可用来测试化学品对底栖生物的慢性毒性。为了在试验前对化学品的浓度变化进行预测,进而确定试验方法,以摇蚊慢性毒性试验系统为例,采用环境多介质模型的建模方法,构建了一种可通过化学品理化性质和试验系统参数,对化学品在沉积物-水试验系统中浓度变化进行预测的模型。结合试验数据和文献资料,给出了模型中试验系统参数的推荐取值,并使用Matlab软件中的Simulink工具对模型进行编程和求解。以此模型为基础,给出了模型在3个方面的应用,即预测蓄积时间、预测平衡时间以及拟合试验数据。对80种已有或假想化学品的蓄积时间和平衡时间进行了计算,得出的范围分别为1~204 d和1~73 d。此外,适当修改模型结构和模型参数,也可将其应用于其他暴露场景中。但使用模型对化学品浓度进行预测时发现,模型仅对沉积物中化学品浓度的预测结果较为准确,而对水中化学品浓度的预测结果与实测值相差1~2个数量级。模型对浓度的预测精度未来仍需进一步提高。上述研究结果完善了沉积物-水微宇宙系统试验方法。 相似文献
天津表层土壤PAHs分子标志物参数的空间特征 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
以天津地区为例,在选取分子标志物的基础上,应用地统计学方法探讨了多种多环芳烃(PAHs)分子标志物的空间特征,并在此基础上探讨污染源空间分布状况.结果表明,分子标志物的计算和空间分布的模拟,可以帮助识别复杂情况下污染来源的分布情况.通过对天津地区表层土壤PAHs 6种分子标志物参数空间分布的研究,发现天津地区主要的PAHs污染源是煤燃烧源,在天津绝大部分地区都有分布.而石油源和交通污染源主要分布在中部和滨海地区,2 种污染源有一定的重叠.在远郊县的边界地区,有一定的木柴污染源分布. 相似文献
基于模糊贴近度的岩溶塌陷易发性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在综合分析岩溶塌陷特点及其影响因素的基础上,参考大量实例及专家意见,结合模糊贴近度理论,建立了岩溶塌陷易发性评价模型.在模型的建立过程中,讨论了岩溶塌陷评价指标隶属度的计算,使用层次分析法确定了各评价指标的权重.以武山铜矿区上屋周地段岩溶塌陷评价为实例,利用模型分别对该地段目前和1994年的岩溶塌陷易发性进行了评价,并进行了对比,评价结果与实际情况基本一致.利用武山铜矿区多个已发生岩溶塌陷的地段对方法进行了验证,并对整个碳酸岩覆盖区域进行评价,均表明该评价模型效果良好.所提基于模糊贴近度的岩溶塌陷易发性评价模型原理直观,计算方法简单、快速、实用,为岩溶塌陷易发性评价提供了新的思路和方法. 相似文献
北京市气溶胶的时间变化与空间分布特征 总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7
以MODIS气溶胶遥感数据与同期AERONET监测数据为基础,应用统计分析、对比分析、时间序列分析等技术手段,研究了北京地区气溶胶的时间变化和空间分布特征.结果表明,气溶胶MODIS遥感反演数据和同期AERONET监测数据吻合较好,Pearson积矩相关系数为0 789,误差为ΔAOT550 = -0.077AOT 0.03.北京地区气溶胶550 nm光学厚度AOT和细粒比η的时间变化规律性明显:夏季以城市污染气溶胶为主,光学厚度最高,且具细粒特征;春季城市污染气溶胶和春季沙尘共存,光学厚度比较高,且粗粒占一定比例;冬季以采暖燃煤气溶胶为主,光学厚度不高,但是粗粒占较大比例;秋季大气清澈,气溶胶平均光学厚度仅为0.34.空间分布方面,主要受植被覆盖和产业结构等因素影响,位于西部北部山区的延庆、密云、怀柔和门头沟区气溶胶的光学厚度低,位于东南部平原地区的昌平、顺义、通县、大兴和房山区气溶胶光学厚度总体较高. 相似文献
汉江上游郧县曲远河河口段全新世古洪水水文状态研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对汉江上游河谷郧县曲远河河口剖面进行了沉积学、粒度、磁化率和烧失量的研究。结果表明:夹在古土壤中的灰白色沉积层是典型的古洪水滞流沉积物,记录了一次特大洪水事件,用地层对比法和OSL方法确定其发生时间为4 950~5 450 a B.P.。用古洪水SWD尖灭点法确定古洪水行洪水位高程为169 m,采用比降法恢复其洪峰流量为60 577 m3/s。根据2011年汉江上游洪水洪痕,用相同的方法对洪峰流量进行了反演,误差为-411%,说明用比降法恢复的古洪水洪峰流量是可靠的 相似文献
随着滇池治理的进展,在今后一个时期内,恢复滇池饮用水环境功能,成为滇池治理的首要目标和任务。围绕滇池流域水资源供求平衡,采用水资源全要素配置框架下的三次平衡分析理论,从整体上分析了滇池流域水资源供求平衡关系及存在的主要问题,提出了以需求为导向,建立滇池流域水资源综合平衡管理目标和措施。分析表明:在滇池治理的基础上,通过建立滇池流域水资源综合平衡管理体系,落实管理措施,从总量平衡的理论上能够充分发挥引水工程的作用,恢复滇池饮用水环境功能,实现水量、水质供求的综合平衡。建议进一步开展量化分析和模拟实验研究,为在滇池流域实施综合平衡管理提供可靠依据和建议 相似文献
Abstract The paper demonstrates why it is necessary to take the restoration of marine coastal ecosystem health as a new goal for integrated catchment management, in coastal area of the Tolo Harbour. The present goal of integrated catchment management (ICM) in the Tolo Harbour is to meet with Water Quality Objectives. The performance of an ICM plan, Tolo Harbour Action Plan (THAP), is evaluated by using marine coastal ecosystem health indicators including stress indicators and responses indicators. Since the implementation of THAP in 1988, some significant reduction in pollution loading has been observed—reduction of 83% of BOD load and 82% of TN between 1988 and 1999. There has been an improvement in the health state of Tolo Harbour marine coastal ecosystem as evidenced in the trends of the physical, chemical and biological indicators, although some reverse fluctuations in some periods exist. However, this can only be considered as the first sign of the ecosystem health restoration, since ecosystem health covers not only physical, chemical and biological aspects of an ecosystem, but also ecosystem-service-function aspect. It is recommended to take the restoration and protection of marine coastal ecosystem health as a new goal, instead of water quality objective management, for integrated catchment management in Tolo Harbour catchment. Steps to further improve the marine coastal ecosystem health of Tolo harbour are discussed in the paper. 相似文献
Wang Shu 《中国人口.资源与环境(英文版)》2013,11(3):57-59
Abstract This paper discusses the basic concept and connotation of population modernization. The author briefly analyzes the actuality of population modernization in China, gives some advice and puts forward some measures. 相似文献