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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The huge demand and consumption of DOX, its incomplete metabolism, and complex behavior in atmosphere are causing a great ecological issue, which...  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In this study, we are reporting a novel prediction model for forecasting the carbon dioxide (CO2) fixation of microalgae which is based on the hybrid...  相似文献   
The present study deals with the assessment of ambient air quality with respect to respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM or PM10 < or = 10 microm) and trace metals (Fe, Zn, Cu, Cr Ni, Cd, Mn and Pb) concentrations in RSPM at five locations of Renukoot, an industrial area of Eastern Uttar Pradesh. The 24 hr mean concentrations of PM10 ranged between 69.3 to 118.9 microg m(-3), which is well within the permissible limit (150 microg m(-3)) of national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) but found higher than the prescribed annual daily limit of US EPA (50 microg m(-3)). The ambient air was mostly dominated by the Fe and least by the Cd among the metal analysed. Murdhawa, a commercial place influenced by vehicular population, is found to be the most polluted area of Renukoot and Dongia nalla (forest area) the least. The ambient air of Murdhawa is rich in Cu and Ni, indicating contribution of mobile sources. The Rammandir a residential place near the industry, is rich in Cd and Cr suggesting contribution of point sources. The Ni concentration is found to be alarmingly high in the air at all the locations except Dongia nallah, when compared with the EC (European Commission) limit (20 ng m(-3)). The Cd concentration is found to be higher only at Rammandir as compared with the EC limit (5 ng m(-3)). Mean concentrations of Zn, Pb and Mn are found to be almost equal in the ambient air of all the locations, suggesting the significance of sources contributing to presence of these metals. Zn, Cu, Pb and Ni having a significant correlation with PM10 indicate the same source contributing these metals as well as PM10. The present study has focused on the quantitative variation in different metals in the PM10, which is extremely harmful due to their toxic and carcinogenic nature.  相似文献   
In Channa punctatus testicular regression commonly observed during spawning and postspawing phases of reproductive cycle. In the present study testicular regression was frequently noticed in fish maintained under both long photoperiod-warm temperature (LD 16 : 8-30 degrees C) and short photoperiod-warm temperature (LD 8 : 16-30 degrees C) regimes. Testicular regression was characterized by distortion of cellular boundary of lobules and formation of collagenous capsules containing degenerating germ cells, blood cells and colloidal mass within the lobules. The magnitude of testicular regression was more in fish exposed to short photoperiod regime (R-73.33%, SP-41.67%) than long photoperiod regime (R-50.83%, SP-19.16%) and control group (R-20.83%, SP-16.67%) in both resting (R) and spawning (SP) phases. Further the frequency of testicular regression during resting phase was 73.33% (short photoperiod), 50.83% (long photoperiod) and 20.83% (control) whereas during spawning phase was 41.67% (short photoperiod) 19.16% (long photoperiod) and 16.67% (control). In the present study occurrence of more testicular regression during resting phase than spawning phase may be due to change in the endogenous condition of the fish.  相似文献   
Effluent originating from distilleries contain large amount of dark brown coloured wastewater called molasses spent wash (MSW). This MSW is the unwanted residual liquid waste to dispose because of low pH, high temperature, dark brown colour, high ash content, unpleasant odour and high percentage of organic and inorganic matter. Dark brown colour of MSW is due to the presence of melanoidin pigment. It reduces sunlight penetration in rivers and lakes which in turn decrease both photosynthetic activity and dissolved oxygen concentration affecting aquatic life. So the disposal of this effluent is one of the critical environmental issues. A number of treatment processes have been employed for the distillery waste management. This review paper present an overview of the pollution problems caused by melanoidin and the technologies employed globally for its removal.  相似文献   
The present study deals with the quantitative effect of vehicular emission on ambient air quality during May 2006 in urban area of Lucknow city. In this study SPM, RSPM, SO2, NOx and 7 trace metals associated with RSPM were estimated at 10 representative locations in urban area and one village area for control. Beside this, air quality index (AQI), health effects of different metals and mortality were assessed. The 24 hr average concentration of SPM, RSPM, SO2 and NOx was found to be 382.3, 171.5, 24.3 and 33.8 microg m(-3) respectively in urban area and these concentrations were found to be significantly (p < 0.01) higher by 94.8, 134.8, 107.4 and 129.6% than control site respectively The 24 hr mean of SPM and RSPM at each location of urban area were found to be higher than prescribed limit of National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) except SPM for industrial area. The 24 hr mean concentration of metals associated with RSPM was found to be higher than the control site by 52.3, 271.8, 408.9, 75.81, 62.7, 487.54 and 189.5% for Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Mn and Cr respectively. The inter correlation of metals Pb with Mn, Fe and Cr; Zn with Ni and Cr; Ni with Cr; Mn with Fe and Cu with Cr showed significant positive relation either at p < 0.05 or p < 0.01 level. Metals Pb, Mn and Cr (p < 0.01) and Cu (p < 0.05) showed significant positive correlation with RSPM. These results indicate that ambient air quality in the urban area is affected adversely due to emission and accumulation of SPM, RSPM, SO2, NOx and trace metals. These pollutants may pose detrimental effect on human health, as exposure of these are associated with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, neurological impairments, increased risk of preterm birth and even mortality and morbidity.  相似文献   
Ambient air monitoring for suspended particulate matter was carried over a period of one year in some coal mining areas of the Raniganj coalfield. Concentrations of seven elements in suspended particulate matter were determined. The set of data obtained was analysed to determine the sources of trace elements by factor analysis. The data could be interpreted on the basis of five factors. These factors are attributed to various sources of particulate matter by noting the dependence of factors on the elements.  相似文献   
The impact of riverbank filtration (RBF) on the treatment of water from the River Yamuna at Mathura, which has disagreeable visual properties, has been investigated. The dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and colour of the river water were 4.0–6.8 mg/L and 40–65 colour units (CU), respectively. Pre-chlorination is in practice to improve raw water quality. Chlorine doses as high as 60 mg/L ahead of the water treatment units reduced colour by about 78%. Removal of DOC and UV-absorbance was less than 18%. In comparison to direct pumping of the river water, collection of water through RBF resulted in the reduction of DOC, colour, UV-absorbance and fecal coliforms by around 50%. However, riverbank filtrate did not conform to the drinking water quality standards. Therefore, riverbank-filtered water along with the Yamuna water were ozonated for different durations. To reduce DOC to the desired level, the dose of ozone required for the riverbank filtrate was found to be considerably less than the ozone required for the river water. RBF as compared to direct pumping of Yamuna water appears to be effective in improving the quality of the raw water.  相似文献   
Sustainable resource management is the critical agricultural research and development challenge in sub-Saharan Africa. The accumulated knowledge on soil management gathered over the last 10 years, combined with solid crop improvement and plant health research at farmers’ level, has brought us to a stage where we can now address with confidence the intensification of cereal–grain–legume-based cropping systems in the dry savanna of West Africa in a sustainable and environmentally positive manner.Two sustainable farming systems that greatly enhance the productivity and sustainability of integrated livestock systems have been developed and implemented in the dry savanna of Nigeria. These are: (i) maize (Zea mays L.)–promiscuous soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] rotations that combine high nitrogen fixation and the ability to kill large numbers of Striga hermonthica seeds in the soil; and (ii) miflet [Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaerth] and dual-purpose cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.]. Improvement of the cropping systems in the dry savanna has been driven by the adoption of promiscuously nodulating soybean varieties (in particular TGx 1448-2E) and dual-purpose cowpea. The rate of adoption is very high, even in the absence of an efficient seed distribution system. The number of farmers cultivating the improved varieties increased by 228% during the last 3 years. Increased production of promiscuous soybean has been stimulated by increased demand from industries and home utilization. Production in Nigeria was estimated at 405,000 t in 1999 compared to less than 60,000 t in 1984. Economic analysis of these systems shows already an increase of 50–70% in the gross incomes of adopting farmers compared to those still following the current practices, mainly continuous maize cultivation. Furthermore, increases in legume areas of 10% in Nigeria (about 30,000 ha in the northern Guinea savanna) and increases of 20% in yield have translated into additional fixed nitrogen valued annually at US$ 44 million. This reflects, at the same time, an equivalent increase in land-use productivity, and with further spread of the improved crops, there are excellent prospects for additional economic and environmental benefits from a very large recommendation domain across West Africa.  相似文献   
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