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A/O~2法在炼油污水处理中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探索A/O2(厌氧Anaerobic/好氧Oxic/好氧Oxic)法在处理炼油污水中的应用,进行了A/O2法中型试验,验证NH3-N容积负荷与去除率之间的关系,以及溶解氧、含油量对处理效果的影响等几项内容。A/O2法应用于炼油污水的处理是可行的,对COD、NH3-N、油、酚、SS等有很好的处理效果。将A/O2法应用于济南炼油厂,各构筑物运转正常,处理效果很好,完全达到国家排放标准。A/O2用来处理炼油污水,工艺可行、技术先进、经济合理,不仅对COD、氨氮去除率高,对其它排放指标去除率都很高。实践证明A/O2法用来处理炼油污水是完全可行的,济南炼厂污水处理的成功经验值得推广。  相似文献   
周红慧  马浩 《环境化学》1999,18(1):77-81
本文总结介绍了含膦羧酸共聚物TS-617组份的阻垢缓蚀剂的在灰水回收系统中稳定处理的实验方法及情况。  相似文献   
反渗透法处理土霉素结晶母液的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
土霉素结晶母液经调节pH值后的水经预滤后进行反渗透处理,可使污染物去除率达99%以上,排放水CODcr153mg/L、BOD107mg/L水可以回用或达标排放。  相似文献   
通过对洞庭湖区湿地衰退原因与特征的分析,提出合理开发湿地资源必须强化湿地整体管理,控制湿地开发规模,适度退田还湖还蓄(洪区),调整农业布局与种植制度,走集约持续发展之路,建设复合高效湿地生态系统;进行适应洪涝灾害发生规律的避洪、耐渍型生态设计,建立适应浅水水体、湖洲和低湖渍害田的复合高效生态工程模式。  相似文献   
从造纸中段废水絮凝法处理和生化处理效果的实验研究结果出发,讨论了造纸中段废水处理的技术路线,指出絮凝法与好氧生化法联用是该废水处理的适宜方法。根据废纸造纸产生的两股废水(打浆洗涤废水和抄纸废水)的污染物特性,提出了废纸造纸废水处理的5条设计原则。  相似文献   
稀土元素分馏作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了环境中稀土元素的分馏过程以及分馏作用对其在岩石、土壤、植物、水环境中分布、迁移规律的影响,探讨了引起稀土分馏的机理,为稀土的环境化学研究提供了详实的材料。  相似文献   
气浮净水技术研究及进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文系统总结了目前气浮净水技术的研究现状,着重阐述了溶气气浮机理及气浮池的设计、影响气浮效果的因素、气浮技术的评价及应用现状,同时对有关溶气气浮技术的模型及新概念,以及溶气气浮技术的发展方向进行了论述。  相似文献   
经济结构变动对环境污染物排放的影响分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文利用投入产出技术给出一类经济结构变动对环境污染物排放的影响分析模型,该方法着重分析了各产业部门的生产技术变动、最终需求变动及收入变动对环境污染物排放量的影响。  相似文献   
To obtain detailed information on the pyrolysis characteristics, a thermogravimetric study on the pyrolysis of 14 typical medical waste compositions was carried out in thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) equipment using dynamic techniques in a stream of N(2). An index representing pyrolysis reactivity of waste was presented. Kinetic parameters were obtained by Coats-Redfern method and used to model the TG curve. The results showed that: (a) Plastic, protein, cellulosic material, synthetic fibre, and rubber entered pyrolysis process in succession. (b) There was one decomposition stage in the pyrolysis of one-off medical glove, operating glove, cellulosic waste, absorbable catgut suture and adhesive plaster, while other components had two obvious weight loss stages. (c) The obtained apparent activation energy for second stage pyrolysis was comparably higher than that for first stage. (d) Each stage was controlled by only one kinetic mechanism, in which kinetic parameters were constant. (e) The degradation kinetics of medical waste may be affected by special physical and chemical treatment in the product manufacturing process. (f) Among 13 waste samples, the pyrolysis index of cellulosic matter was the highest, which indicated cellulosic matter had strong pyrolysis reactivity. (g) With increasing heating rate, TG curve and DTG peak shifted to high temperatures and main reaction interval of the sample became longer.  相似文献   
Wang X  Wang H  Tan C 《Chemosphere》2005,61(10):1468-1474
Two hexazinone-degrading bacterial strains were isolated from soil by enrichment culture technique, and identified as Pseudomonas sp. and Enterobacter cloacap. The two purified isolates, designated as WFX-1 and WFX-2, could rapidly degrade hexazinone with a half-life of 3.08 days and 2.95 days in mineral salt medium (MSM), while their mixed bacterial culture was found to degrade hexazinone, at an initial concentration of 50 microg/ml, by enhancing 2.3-fold over that when the isolates were used alone. Two microbial metabolites (A and D) were obtained by preparative TLC and identified on the basis of the spectral data of IR, 1H NMR and HPLC-ESI-MS, but both of them were known products as they had been reported in soil and vegetation metabolites of hexazinone. However, metabolites B and C were new degradates, whose molecular weights (MW) were 157 and 156, respectively, being reported from microbial metabolism for the first time.  相似文献   
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