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Understanding the efectiveness of national air pollution controls is important for control policy design to improve the future air quality in China. This study evaluated the efectiveness of major national control policies implemented recently in China through a modeling analysis. The sulfur dioxide(SO2) control policy during the 11th Five Year Plan period(2006–2010) had succeeded in reducing the national SO2emission in 2010 by 14% from its 2005 level, which correspondingly reduced ambient SO2and sulfate(SO4 2) concentrations by 13%–15% and 8%–10% respectively over east China. The nitrogen oxides(NOx) control policy during the 12th Five Year Plan period(2011–2015) targets the reduction of the national NOx emission in 2015 by 10% on the basis of 2010. The simulation results suggest that such a reduction in NOx emission will reduce the ambient nitrogen dioxide(NO2), nitrate(NO3), 1-hr maxima ozone(O3) concentrations and total nitrogen deposition by 8%, 3%–14%, 2% and 2%–4%, respectively over east China. The application of new emission standards for power plants will further reduce the NO2, NO3, 1-hr maxima O3concentrations and total nitrogen deposition by 2%–4%, 1%–6%, 0–2% and 1%–2%, respectively. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate the inter-provincial impacts of emission reduction in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and the Yangtze River Delta, which indicated the need to implement joint regional air pollution control.  相似文献   
采用综合污染指数法对锦州市农村两家畜禽养殖场区周边土壤监测数据进行评估,分析了畜禽粪便对畜禽养殖场周边土壤中重金属污染的影响。  相似文献   
通过对全国2009—2012年交流输变电工程竣工环境保护验收执行情况的统计,分析了交流输变电工程竣工环保验收中存在的问题,并针对性地提出了相应的对策,探讨了交流输变电工程竣工环境保护验收工作需制定和完善技术标准;推行施工期环境监理;推行设计图纸备案制度等环境保护对策。  相似文献   
根据联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会推荐的方法,计算了秦皇岛市工业行业2005-2010年的能源消费碳排放。秦皇岛市工业效益偏低,重工业比例偏大和以煤炭为主的能源结构是碳排总量和碳排放强度的主要驱动力。改造提升传统主导产业,做强装备制造业,加快工业园区建设,完善产业链,改善能源结构等是秦皇岛市工业产业结构优化的主要途径。  相似文献   
对山海关滨海盐生植物及盐生植被景观和群落配置情况进行实地调查并参考历史文献,发现山海关滨海湿地共有盐生种子植物26科44属51种。结合山海关海岸带的气候、土壤理化性质及土地覆盖和利用的现状,选择乔、灌木类盐生植物3种,藤本类盐生植物1种,中生草本盐生植物5种,旱生草本盐生植物2种,湿生植物4种,共计15种作为滨海地区盐碱地改良和植被恢复的野生植物种类。  相似文献   
Accurate and reliable forecasting is important for the sustainable management of ecosystems. Chlorophyll a (Chl a) simulation and forecasting can provide early warning information and enable managers to make appropriate decisions for protecting lake ecosystems. In this study, we proposed a method for Chl a simulation in a lake that coupled the wavelet analysis and the artificial neural networks (WA–ANN). The proposed method had the advantage of data preprocessing, which reduced noise and managed nonstationary data. Fourteen variables were included in the developed and validated model, relating to hydrologic, ecological and meteorologic time series data from January 2000 to December 2009 at the Lake Baiyangdian study area, North China. The performance of the proposed WA–ANN model for monthly Chl a simulation in the lake ecosystem was compared with a multiple stepwise linear regression (MSLR) model, an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model and a regular ANN model. The results showed that the WA-ANN model was suitable for Chl a simulation providing a more accurate performance than the MSLR, ARIMA, and ANN models. We recommend that the proposed method be widely applied to further facilitate the development and implementation of lake ecosystem management.  相似文献   
中国危险废物的产生量呈增长态势,危险废物出口的数量也逐年增加。本文重点分析美国、日本等发达国家的危险废物出口管理经验,结合发展中国家马来西亚的管理模式,通过综合研究国际危险废物出口管理政策,对我国危险废物出口管理工作提出了建议。  相似文献   
文章阐述了石化环境监测LIMS系统中BOD5的组态方法。在组态之前,需要根据实际工作中变量的常规取值对BOD5和溶解氧的计算公式进行简化,组态BOD5的LIMS分析方法所需的组态分项包括水样在培养前后的溶解氧浓度等15个,每个分项均应根据数据类型、修约规则、计量单位设置相应的属性,空白样在培养前、后的溶解氧质量浓度用LabWare LIMS的"标准试剂"功能实现组态。BOD5值根据分析方法的计算公式、检出限、测定范围等限定条件编制程序语句计算出最终结果,编程组态后的LIMS分析经反复测试完全正确。  相似文献   
让纳若尔油田采出水处理汽提脱硫工艺,高温工况下结垢严重,筛选合适的阻垢剂并对其进行应用评价,使脱硫塔达到良好的运行效果。文章分析了汽提脱硫装置结垢原因,进行了常规阻垢剂筛选评价、新型合成阻垢剂性能评价、化学平衡防垢技术的研究。结果表明:现场试运行实验投加有机复合酸离子调整剂A40mg/L、新型合成阻垢剂G-3为30mg/L,作为适合本工程的阻垢剂。  相似文献   
石油开采和加工过程会产生大量的含油污泥,其成分复杂、稳定性高、处理难度大,已成为影响石油生产的主要污染因素,因此寻找出合理的含油污泥资源化处理技术十分必要。文章综述了稠油污泥的处理方法和不同油田针对其污泥采用的工艺流程,着重介绍了热解处理的原理和试验方法,并且对含油污泥处理技术未来的发展方向做出展望。  相似文献   
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