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Cr(VI) was often reported to oxidize soil organic matter at acidic environments due to its high ORP, probably thus changing cationic metal species bound to soil organic matter, and influencing their electro-migration patterns. However, such an effect on the electro-migration was not confirmed in most previous studies. Therefore, this study applied a fixed voltage direct current field on an aged electroplating contaminated clayed soil, with a special interest in the direct or indirect influence of Cr(VI) on the electro-migration of other coexisting metals. After 353 h electrokinetic process, 81% of Zn, 53% of Ni and 22% of Cu in the original soil were electro-migrated into the electrolyte, and most of the remaining concentrated near the cathode. The Cr(VI) oxidized some soil organic matter along its migration pathway, with a pronounced reaction occurred near the anode at low pHs. The resulting Cr(III) reversed its original movement, and migrated towards the cathode, leading to the occurrence of a second Cr concentration peak in the soil. Metal species analyses showed that the amount of metals bound to soil organic matter significantly decreased, while a substantial increase in the Cr species bound to Fe/Mn (hydro-)oxides was observed, suggesting an enhancement of cationic metal electro-migration by the reduction of Cr(VI) into Cr(III). However, the Cr(VI) may form some stable lead chromate precipitates, and in turn demobilize Pb in the soil, as the results showed a low Pb removal and an increase in its acid-extractable and residual fractions after electrokinetic remediation. 相似文献
生孢噬纤维菌荚膜多糖的分离纯化及其性质 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
生孢噬纤维菌(Sporocytophaga)是能降解纤维素的滑动细菌,它可将滤纸和棉花纤维素完全降解.本文对生孢噬纤维菌产生的荚膜多糖的分离纯化以及性质进行了研究.以滤纸平板法培养生孢噬纤维菌,加入1%苯酚后,荚膜多糖溶解在水相中,再经氯化十六烷基吡啶(CPC)沉淀,分离出荚膜多糖提取物.利用Sephadex G-75柱层析法、胰蛋白酶和Sevag法对荚膜多糖提取物进行纯化;并利用比旋光度检查、红外光谱、液相色谱以及气相色谱等分析手段对精制后的荚膜多糖进行分析.结果表明,分离纯化得到了纯度较高的生孢噬纤维菌荚膜多糖.Sephadex G-75柱层析分析表明,荚膜多糖提取物中含有结合蛋白,除去结合蛋白后,多糖分子量约为6.5×103;气相色谱分析表明,该荚膜多糖主要由Gal、Glc、GlcA以及Man等单糖组成,其比值约为3.513.33.61;同时该荚膜多糖的红外光谱显示,该多糖所含的甲基、亚甲基等基团的量比正常多糖多;红外光谱图中881cm-1处的峰位显示,该多糖含有不典型β糖苷键特征吸收峰.图5参8 相似文献
"十一五"期间,秦皇岛市环境质量总体趋于好转。环境空气质量Ⅱ级以上天数始终保持在350天以上,综合污染指数明显下降;城市集中式饮用水源地水质达标率100%;地表水河流Ⅲ类断面比例提高了43.8%;劣Ⅴ类断面比例降低了35.7%。近岸海域海水水质达标率100%,海水浴场水质良好。但存在局部空气污染严重、部分河段水质恶化等主要环境问题,针对上述问题提出了总量减排、污染物联控等对策建议。 相似文献
中国环境应急响应体系建设的探讨 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
今年以来,环境污染事故频发,引发突发性环境污染事故的深层原因是什么?政府和企业又应该如何防止和应对,各类媒体众说纷纭,见仁见智,本刊在此编发了从事环境应急响应体系研究多年的曾维华教授的署名文章、以期引起社会各界的关注和广泛讨论。防止和应对突发性污染事故是环境保护工作的重大课题,我们恳切地希望专家学者和对这一问题有独到见解的同志参加讨论,各抒己见从而推进这一领域工作的进展.[编者按] 相似文献
针对APMP制浆废水的特点,采用物化预处理+水解酸化预处理+IC反应器处理(内循环厌氧反应器)+好氧处理+深度处理作为废水处理工艺,工艺运行稳定,成本低廉,完全达排放标准。 相似文献
青岛市大气污染特征分析及防治对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对青岛的空气质量监测数据进行了分析,分析结果表明:青岛市大气污染物主要是SO2、PM10与NO2,大气污染主要原因是工业废气和机动车尾气。本文还探讨了大气污染防治的新形势,提。出了大气环境质量的改善对策。 相似文献
介绍了石化行业安全仪表系统及其安全完整性等级确定方法,并对方法的应用范围进行了说明。 相似文献