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列举了大量的事实,重点介绍了几种高新技术在废气污染控制中的研究与应用,说明了向环保发展迟缓领挑战依赖于科学技术,而环保的发展又向科学技术提出了更高的要求。 相似文献
贾志学 《安全.健康和环境》2004,4(9):11-13
介绍了管道防腐层失效的原因和方式,指出水和氧气是防腐层失效的原因,含水量和含氧量决定腐蚀程度,提出对防腐层及时检查与修复等措施. 相似文献
In China, volatile organic compound(VOC) control directives have been continuously released and implemented for important sources and regions to tackle air pollution. The corresponding control requirements were based on VOC emission amounts(EA), but never considered the significant differentiation of VOC species in terms of atmospheric chemical reactivity. This will adversely influence the effect of VOC reduction on air quality improvement. Therefore,this study attempted to develop a comprehensive classification method for typical VOC sources in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region(BTH), by combining the VOC emission amounts with the chemical reactivities of VOC species. Firstly, we obtained the VOC chemical profiles by measuring 5 key sources in the BTH region and referencing another 10 key sources, and estimated the ozone formation potential(OFP) per ton VOC emission for these sources by using the maximum incremental reactivity(MIR) index as the characteristic of source reactivity(SR). Then, we applied the data normalization method to respectively convert EA and SR to normalized EA(NEA) and normalized SR(NSR) for various sources in the BTH region.Finally, the control index(CI) was calculated, and these sources were further classified into four grades based on the normalized CI(NCI). The study results showed that in the BTH region,furniture coating, automobile coating, and road vehicles are characterized by high NCI and need to be given more attention; however, the petro-chemical industry, which was designated as an important control source by air quality managers, has a lower NCI. 相似文献
“日本是一个深受自然恩惠的国家,而且国民们都感觉到了这种恩惠。”日本北九州尤其享受到了环境保护给他们带来的恩惠。提起北九州,便不能不提及上世纪中叶,轰动世界的八大公害事件。1968年3月,在日本的北九州市、爱知县一带.突然有几十万只火鸡死亡。不久,发现了一批奇怪的病人:眼睑浮肿,眼分泌物增多,全身起红疙瘩,肌肉疼痛,四肢麻木,肝功能下降,胃肠道功能紊乱,有的因医治无效而死亡。这种病很快蔓延开来,受害者达1万多人。这就是震惊世界的八大公害事件之一的米糠油事件,也称火鸡事件、多氯联苯污染事件。“公害事件”之后,北九州从政府到民间企业,从学者到普通市民,都把环保事业当成头等大事。经过20多年的努力,他们终于把连大肠杆菌都不能生存的“死海”,变成了百种鱼类的生产基地,把日降尘量位居日本首位的“七色烟城“,日本第一个获得联合国环境规划署颁发的“全球500佳奖“的城市,1992年在联合国环境与发展会议(UNCED地球首脑会议)上,北九州获得“联合国地方城市表彰奖”。[编者按] 相似文献
发展循环经济,是建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会和实现可持续发展的重要途径。坚持开发节约并重、节约优先,按照减量化、再利用、资源化的原则,大力推进节能节水节地节材。加强资源综合利用。完善再生资源回收利用体系。全面推行清洁生产。形成低投入、低消耗、低排放和高效率的节约型增长方式。[编者按] 相似文献
浑河是沈阳市水系的水脉,也是沈阳市建设与发展的命脉。“十一五”期间,沈阳市对浑河实施的大规模综合整治,实现了浑河水环境由“厌氧型严重污染水体”向“好氧型轻度污染水体”的转变。对于“十一五”浑河水环境的建设,则应以水质升级达标和生态环境建设为目标,重在“污染控制与水质改善”“水资源保护与开发利用”和“生态环境保护与建设”三个方面取得新突破和新成果。 相似文献