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对我国野生土沉香4个主要分布区的土壤特性及自身营养特性进行了分析研究。结果表明,不同分布区的同一土层的土壤物理性质有明显的差异(P〈0.05)。海南临高分布区各层土壤容重最小,总空隙度、自然含水量毛管持水量比较高;海南屯昌分布区各层的土壤容重最大,总空隙度较低;广东东莞分布区与广东陆河分布区各层土壤松紧度比较适宜,透水性,通气性,持水能力比较协调。各分布区土壤均呈酸性,其有机质含量和营养元素含量偏低。土壤有效Mn、有效B均处于较低水平,有效Fe的含量均高于临界值;海南屯昌分布区土壤中有效Cu的含量极低,其余3分布区则均高于临界值;除海南临高分布区有效Zn的含量高于临界值,其他3个分布区均低于临界值;海南屯昌分布区土壤有效S含量稍低于临界值,为中等水平,广东陆河分布区高于临界值处于较高水平,广东东莞分布区为临界值的2.76倍,而海南临高分布区则高达临界值的7.31倍,均处于极高水平。野生土沉香叶片各营养元素之间的相关性总体不明显。  相似文献   
Developing renewable energy is now becoming a hot topic as it is important in dealing with climate change issue and energy supply issue. With the growing demand of energy, it has become urgent to develop the effective policies and measures that would enable people to maintain the living standards. Among all the measures, price is an essential one. In order to evaluate the costs and prices of the electricity from renewable energy sources (RES-E) and their effects to the market, this paper firstly focus on the extra costs of the RES-E by breaking it into four parts, including investment, construction, connection and operation. Then, the policy choices made in some typical industrialized countries are examined to find answers to the problems RES-E can raise. Finally, the choices made in China are examined in comparison to industrialized countries so as to determine how the current situation could be improved.  相似文献   
In this paper, it proposed an index system for hazard and vulnerability evaluations of water distribution networks, based on the simulation of contamination events caused by pollutant injections at different junctions. It attempted to answer the following two questions in the case of contamination events: 1) Which are the most hazardous junctions? 2) Which are the most vulnerable junctions? With EPANET toolkit, it simulated the propagation of the contaminant, and calculated the peak concentration of the contaminant and mass delivered at different nodes. According to types of consumers, different weights were assigned to the consumer nodes for assessing the influence of the contaminant on the consumers. Using the method proposed herein, both the hazard index and vulnerability index were calculated for each node in the pipe network. The presented method was therefore applied to the water network of the city of Zhenjiang, which contains two water plants, two booster pump stations with storage tanks. In conclusion, the response time, the relationships between the peak concentration of contaminant and the total absorption are the most important factors in hazard and vulnerability evaluation of the water distribution network.  相似文献   
The reduction of hexavalent chromium by scrap iron was investigated in continuous long-term fixed bed system. The effects of pH, empty bed contact time (EBCT), and initial Cr(VI) concentration on Cr(VI) reduction were studied. The results showed that the pH, EBCT, and initial Cr(VI) concentration significantly affected the reduction capacity of scrap iron. The reduction capacity of scrap iron were 4.56, 1.51, and 0.57 mg Cr(VI)·g-1 Fe0 at pH 3, 5, and 7 (initial Cr(VI) concentration 4 mg·L-1, EBCT 2 min, and temperature 25°C), 0.51, 1.51, and 2.85 mg Cr(VI)·g-1 Fe0 at EBCTs of 0.5, 2.0, and 6.0 min (initial Cr(VI) concentration 4 mg·L-1, pH 5, and temperature 25°C), and 2.99, 1.51, and 1.01 mg Cr(VI)·g-1 Fe0 at influent concentrations of 1, 4, and 8 mg·L-1 (EBCT 2 min, pH 5, and temperature 25°C), respectively. Fe(total) concentration in the column effluent continuously decreased in time, due to a decrease in time of the iron corrosion rate. The fixed bed reactor can be readily used for the treatment of drinking water containing low amounts of Cr(VI) ions, although the hardness and humic acid in water may shorten the lifetime of the reactor, the reduction capacity of scrap iron still achieved 1.98 mg Cr6+·g-1 Fe. Scanning electron microscope equipped with energy dispersion spectrometer and X-ray diffraction were conducted to examine the surface species of the scrap iron before and after its use. In addition to iron oxides and hydroxide species, iron-chromium complex was also observed on the reacted scrap iron.  相似文献   
重金属污染土壤属性区间识别模型的赋权分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤重金属污染评价为土壤重金属污染的及时防范和综合治理提供重要的理论依据。文章在属性区间识别理论的基础上,构建土壤重金属污染评价的属性区间识别模型:选取土壤重金属污染中普遍存在的Hg、Cd、As、Pb、Cu、Zn作为评价指标,采用均化系数将各评价指标的属性测度区间转化为综合属性测度;为避免主观因素,利用主成分分析法、熵权法、CRITIC法对各评价指标进行3次客观赋权;最后根据置信度准则和分级标准进行土壤重金属污染的综合评价。对3种赋权法得到的权重和评价结果进行比较,表明:属性识别模型在土壤重金属污染评价中适用且有利于评价结果准确性的提高;3种客观赋权法算得的权重合理,且其优异程度为主成分分析法〈熵权法〈CRITIC法。  相似文献   
膨润土对镉胁迫下水稻幼苗生理生化特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了探讨膨润土钝化修复镉(Cd)污染土壤对水稻幼苗生理生化特性的响应,通过盆栽试验研究了膨润土对Cd胁迫下水稻幼苗地上部生物量,叶片叶绿素含量,SOD、POD活性以及MDA含量的影响.结果表明,膨润土在不同程度上提高了水稻幼苗叶片叶绿素含量,促进了水稻幼苗的生长和发育,地上部生物量随膨润土投加量的增加而增大.单一Cd污染土壤中,水稻幼苗叶片SOD活性变化不明显,而幼苗根系SOD活性随Cd浓度的增加而显著降低(P<0.05),投加膨润土后整体上提高了根系SOD活性.单一Cd污染土壤中,水稻幼苗叶片和根系POD活性随Cd浓度的增加而均呈现先应激性升高然后降低的变化趋势,投加膨润土后叶片POD活性有所降低,而5 ~50 g·kg-1膨润土处理显著提高根系POD活性(P<0.05),比未投加膨润土处理分别增加13.2% ~22.4%、4.9% ~9.5%、44.8%~80.6%和6.9%~49.6%.单一Cd污染土壤中,水稻幼苗叶片和根系MDA含量随着Cd浓度的升高而升高,与无Cd胁迫对照相比,分别增加139.0%和158.1%;投加膨润土处理水稻幼苗MDA含量显著降低,膜脂过氧化作用明显减弱.因此,膨润土能有效缓解Cd胁迫对水稻幼苗的毒害作用,可用于Cd污染土壤的钝化修复.  相似文献   
由于河道水体的线性特征,使得涉及自然保护区河道的建设项目难以避绕,所在区域的内河运输航道、跨河桥梁和防洪设施等建设项目都面临着不同程度的法律障碍,河道水体的保护与合理利用难以兼顾.从促进水生生物多样性保护、河道两岸经济社会建设和民生协调发展的角度出发,就当前涉及自然保护区河道的建设项目环境准入中存在的下列问题进行分析:《自然保护区条例》未考虑河道水体的特殊性,自然保护区功能区划的规定不适用于河道水体类型的自然保护区,以及与河道水体相关的法律法规缺少涉及自然保护区的规定.提出包括有条件地允许一些基础建设和民生项目进入保护区缓冲区和核心区、完善涉及自然保护区建设项目的环境准入制度以及加强涉及河道水体自然保护区建设项目的环境管理的相关对策建议.  相似文献   
对传统的墙面绿化形式进行了总结和分析,同时通过实例研究了新的墙面绿化系统的组成,对比了不同的墙面绿化系统的优势、缺点以及墙面绿化存在的问题.图6,参3.  相似文献   
目的:探讨白杨素(Chrysin,5,7-二羟基黄酮,ChR)衍生物7-二氟亚甲基-5-烯丙基黄酮(7-difluorinmethylene-5-allyl flavone,DFMeAlChR)在体外抑制人乳腺癌细胞系MCF-7细胞生长和诱导细胞凋亡的作用及机制,以期获得高效、低毒的乳腺癌治疗新型候选药物.方法:应用软琼脂克隆形成法检测不同浓度的DFMeAlChR体外对人乳腺癌细胞系(MCF-7)细胞的锚定非依赖性增殖及生长作用的影响;采用WesternBlot分析不同浓度的DFMeAlChR对人乳腺癌细胞系(MCF-7)细胞蛋白激酶CK2,β-Catenin,NF-KB蛋白表达及活性的影响.结果:DFMeAlChR对体外培养MCF-7细胞具有抑制增殖及生长作用,呈剂量依赖性.Western Blot分析结果表明DFMeAlChR以时间-剂量依赖方式引起蛋白激酶CK2、β-Catenin、NF-KB下调,与先导化合物ChR比较,DFMeAlChR更为有效(P0.05).图3,参11.  相似文献   
李巧云  李萼  关欣  廖柏寒 《生态环境》2010,26(6):1318-1321
根据模拟降尘的盆栽试验,通过显微技术,研究了受自然降尘影响和未受影响的棉花(Gossypium hirsutumL.)叶片解剖结构的特点。结果表明:受降尘影响的棉花叶片栅栏组织排列不规则,部分栅栏组织细胞收缩、变短,甚至弯曲。栅栏组织细胞之间空隙增大,海绵组织细胞中内含物减少;但在出现伤害症状的叶片中,维管束仍保持原状。用石英砂替代降尘处理的和未受降尘影响的棉花叶片的组织结构保持正常。  相似文献   
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