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利用数值模拟方法,探究袋式除尘器中圆筒滤袋改为褶皱滤袋后,滤袋长度变化对除尘器内部流场及粉尘在灰斗中沉降的影响。结果表明:圆筒滤袋改为褶皱滤袋可显著降低系统阻力,有利于系统节能;下进风式除尘器箱体中,滤袋越短除尘器内部的气流分布越不均匀,气流易在除尘器箱体空间及灰斗中产生涡旋,除尘器内部远离进风口一侧的滤袋会承担更多风量并受到高速气流冲击;在袋长(L)分别为3、4、5、6 m的除尘器内,粉尘在灰斗中沉降率(η) 为η(L=5 m)>η(L=4 m)>η(L=3 m)>η(L=6 m)。这表明袋底距入口太近不利于粉尘沉降,粉尘直接运动至滤袋,反而会增加滤袋的过滤负担,故滤袋长度L=5 m时粉尘在灰斗中的沉降率最佳。然而,进一步降低滤袋长度不能提高粉尘的沉降率,滤袋渗透率越大,除尘器内部流场速度分布越均匀,粉尘更易沉降至灰斗。本研究结果可为下进风袋式除尘器的袋长设计提供参考。  相似文献   
The hydroxyl radical (?OH) has a crucial function in the oxidation and removal of many atmospheric compounds that are harmful to health. Nevertheless, high reactivity, low atmospheric abundance, determination of hydroxyl, and hydroperoxyl radical's quantity is very difficult. In the atmosphere and troposphere, hydroperoxyl radicals (HO2) are closely demanded in the chemical oxidation of the troposphere. But advances in technology have allowed researchers to improve the determination methods on the research of free radicals through some spectroscopic techniques. So far, several methods such as laser-induced fluorescence (LIF), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and chemical ionization mass spectroscopy have been identified and mostly used in determining the quantity of hydroxyl and hydroperoxyl radicals. In this systematic review, we have advised the use of scavenger as an advance for further researchers to circumvent some of these problems caused by free radicals. The primary goal of this review is to deepen our understanding of the functions of the most critical free radical (?OH, HO2) and also understand the currently used methods to quantify them in the atmosphere and troposphere.  相似文献   
介绍了江苏省重污染天气监测预报预警系统以及大气重污染预警会商流程,将2015年13个地级市的模式预报、人工预报结果分别与实际观测值进行比较。结果表明:人工预报更准确,PM_(2.5)日均值、臭氧日最大8 h平均值、AQI 3个指标人工预报和实况的相关性分别比模式预报高出12.8%、0.3%、11.4%,平均标准误差(MNE)分别低20.7%、3.1%、23.1%。依据国家空气质量预报技术指南评分办法,对各市2015年全年空气质量级别为"良"时进行评分。通过开展07∶00预报更新,使2015年上半年空气质量预报级别得分平均提高了0.9分,全年级别得分平均提高了2.6分;通过改进模式预报参数,使PM_(2.5)日均预报值、臭氧日最大8 h平均预报值、AQI预报值和实际观测值的相关性比上年同期分别提高26.0%、5.0%、33.9%,MNE分别降低3.6%、31.3%、7.6%。  相似文献   
浅析温室效应及控制对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于近年来人口激增、人类活动频繁,矿物燃料用量猛增,再加上森林植被破坏,大气中的温室气体含量不断增加,造成了温室效应加剧,将会导致全球变暖,海平面升高,给生态环境及人类健康等多方面带来影响。只有设法减少燃料的使用量,开发新能源,广泛植树造林,禁止砍伐森林,有效地控制人口,才能减缓温室效应的加剧。  相似文献   
经过长期的工作实践,笔者总结出能够大大提高水中氟化物测定效率及准确度的操作方法。即在使用离子选择电极法测量水中氟化物时,首先要保证试验用的去离子水的纯净度,同时确保电极清洗到260mv以上,再开始试验,最后在绘制标准曲线时保证斜率的绝对值在(58±1)之间。  相似文献   
To better understand the diversity of metal resistance genetic determinant from microbes that survived at metal tailings in northwest of China, a highly elevated level of heavy metal containing region, genomic analyses was conducted using genome sequence of three native metal-resistant plant growth promoting bacteria(PGPB). It shows that: Mesorhizobium amorphae CCNWGS0123 contains metal transporters from P-type ATPase, CDF(Cation Diffusion Facilitator), Hup E/Ure J and CHR(chromate ion transporter) family involved in copper, zinc, nickel as well as chromate resistance and homeostasis. Meanwhile, the putative Cop A/Cue O system is expected to mediate copper resistance in Sinorhizobium meliloti CCNWSX0020 while Znt A transporter, assisted with putative Czc D, determines zinc tolerance in Agrobacterium tumefaciens CCNWGS0286. The greenhouse experiment provides the consistent evidence of the plant growth promoting effects of these microbes on their hosts by nitrogen fixation and/or indoleacetic acid(IAA) secretion,indicating a potential in-site phytoremediation usage in the mining tailing regions of China.  相似文献   
在对旋转式滗水器进行了水力学和运动学计算的基础上,对旋转式滗水器进行了动力学计算,给出了其动力学计算公式,与水力学和运动学计算公式一起,共同给出了旋转式滗水器完整的设计计算公式。  相似文献   
以地理信息系统(简称GIS)的技术特点为基础,结合应急指挥系统中的功能需求,探讨化学事故应急指挥系统GIS平台能够实现的功能,以及为实现这些功能而构建的数据库的建设。将GIS技术应用在化学事故应急指挥系统中,能够迅速、直观地了解事故装置和设备情况,获得有关信息,进行事故模拟。对提高事故处理速度,缩短反应时间,减少事故损失具有重要意义。  相似文献   
介绍了面向石油化工企业的应急管理地理信息系统的功能设计及实现,利用遥感影像配合矢量图实现地理信息支撑平台,满足企业日常安全管理和应急响应过程中地图浏览、查询定位、空间分析、事故影响范围模拟计算及可视化展示、专题图及属性浏览、动态信息集成等功能需要。  相似文献   
The current modified electro-Fenton system was designed to develop a more convenient and e cient undivided system for practical wastewater treatment. The system adopted a cathode portion that employed magnetic stirring instead of common oxygen gas di usion or gas sparging to supply oxygen gas for the electrolyte solution. Key factors influencing the cathode fabrication and activity were investigated. The degradation of acid fuchsine with a self-made graphite-polytetrafluorethylene cathode was studied using a spectrophotometer. It was found that the cathode generated hydrogen peroxide with high current e ciency and the hydrogen peroxide yield of the cathode did not decay after 10 times reuse. With the Pt anode at a ferrous ion concentration of 0.5 mmol/L, a pH of 3, and using magnetic stirring, dye decolorization could be rapidly accomplished but the destruction of benzene rings and intermediates was fairly di cult. With a Fe anode, dye degradation was more complete.  相似文献   
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