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In recent years, growing interest has focused on determining the performance of materials and evaluating the service life of structures exposed to various environmental forces. In this context, the determination of the aggressive potential of marine salts on mortars used as external renders is critical. The present study aimed to evaluate the spatial distribution of marine salts relative to distance from the sea. This was done by monitoring the deposition rate of chlorides and sulfates in wet candle sensors, located at nine stations scattered around the Metropolitan Region of Salvador, state of Bahia, Brazil. The study also determined the effectiveness of water-soluble salts at penetrating three different types of mortars of varying cement content via deposition and diffusion. The methodology employed enabled an evaluation of the efficiency of the monitoring sensors' measurement of the aggressiveness potential of local marine aerosol, and determination of the comparative performance of the three mortars tested, from the standpoint of resistance to salt penetration. The type and amount of salts captured both in solution and in powder samples extracted from the mortars were determined by ion chromatography. The analysis of the various types of mortars tested indicated which types are more resistant to the aggressive potential of the region's marine aerosol and the distance from the shore where local buildings are liable to be most strongly affected.  相似文献   
EGR is one of the most significant strategies for reducing especially nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions from internal combustion engines. The thermal efficiency of spark ignition engines is lower than compression ignition engines because of its lower compression ratio. If the compression ratio is increased to obtain higher thermal efficiency, there may be a knocking tendency in spark ignition engines. EGR can be used in order to reduce NOx emissions and avoid knocking phenomena at higher compression ratios. In-cylinder temperature at the end of combustion is decreased and heat capacity of fresh charge is increased when EGR applied. Besides EGR, spark timing is another significant parameter for reducing exhaust emissions such as nitrogen oxides, and unburned hydrocarbon (UHC). In this study the effects of EGR and spark timing on spark ignition engine were investigated numerically. KIVA codes were used in order to model combustion process. The combustion process has been modeled for a single cylinder, four stroke and gasoline direct injection (GDI) spark ignition engine. The results showed that in-cylinder pressure and heat release rate decrease as EGR ratio increase. In-cylinder pressure increases with the advancing of spark timing. Advancing spark timing increases the heat release rate and in-cylinder temperature. The simulation results also showed that EGR reduced exhaust gas temperature and NOx emissions.  相似文献   
An analysis of the impacts on Mexican energy demand and associated carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the year 2005 due to efficient lighting in the commercial and residential sectors and cogeneration in the industrial sector is presented. Estimation of CO2 abatement costs and an incremental cost curve for CO2 mitigation options are considered. These technologies are cost effective opportunities, and together are projected to reduce CO2 emissions in 2005 by nearly 13 percent. Implementation of efficient lighting is already part of the demand side management (DSM) programs of the Mexican state-owned utility. However, there are important barriers that may hinder the implementation of large scale cogeneration plants.  相似文献   
Sulfur-containing metabolites of 2,5,2′,5′-tetrachlorobiphenyl (TCB), 4-methylthio-TCB (MT-TCB), 4-methylsulfoxyl TCB (MSX-TCB) and 4-methylsulfonyl TCB (MS-TCB) were examined for their acute toxicities, hepatic enzyme inducing activities, accumulation in the liver and lung, and excretion to the feces in rats. TCB and MT-TCB suppressed body weight and recovery of body weight gain was delayed in the MT-TCB-treated rats. MT-TCB and MS-TCB caused an increase in total liver lipid and only MT-TCB brought about an atrophy of the thymus. Treatment with MT-TCB increased cytochrome P-450 content and benzphetamine N-demethylase activity. The same enzymes were also induced by treatment with MSX-TCB. Although TCB administered was excreted mostly as hydroxylated TCB, a part was excreted as unchanged and a very small portion as the sulfur-containing metabolites. MT-TCB, MSX-TCB and MS-TCB were excreted from the MT-TCB- and MSX-TCB-treated rats. The MS-TCB-treated rats excreted only MS-TCB. The same compounds as found in the feces were identified in the liver and lung of the rats treated with those compounds except in the liver of TCB-treated rats. These results indicate that sulfur-containing metabolites, especially MT-TCB, were more important than their parent compound, TCB, from a toxicological point of view.  相似文献   
Different strategies of multivariate analysis of metals concentrations (Mn, Fe, Ni, V, Co, Cu, Cd, Hg, Pb, Na, K) in mussel samples from different spanish markets are used to interpret a data base and identify differences between species and origin of the samples. Principal Component Analysis and Potential curves are applied to properly classify unknown samples from representative mussels samples (Mytilus edulis and Perna canaliculus). Also, Principal Components Analysis is used as display method to visualize the relation between the variables and objects of interest.  相似文献   
Jan J  Vrecl M  Pogacnik A  Bavdek SV 《Chemosphere》1999,38(11):2607-2612
The bioconcentration and distribution pattern of individual PCB congeners (IUPAC Nos: -54, -80, -155 and -169) and organochlorine pesticides (HCB and 4,4'-DDE) in blood, adipose tissue, liver and brain were examined in sheep two months after administration and in their offspring continuously exposed during the two months lactation period. Analyses were performed by high resolution gas chromatography. The levels of individual organochlorines varied significantly between tissues; the tissue/blood ratio (on a fat basis) varied by two orders of magnitude for individual congeners. The bioconcentration of the toxic planar PCB-169 congener was the highest in the liver and the lowest in the brain of the sheep.  相似文献   
The potential of a chlorophenol (CP)-adapted consortium to dechlorinate polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in sewage sludge was investigated. Results show that dechlorination rates differed significantly depending on sludge source and PCB congener. Higher total solid concentrations in sewage sludge and higher concentrations of chlorine in PCB resulted in slower dechlorination rates. No significant difference was found for 2,3,4,5-CB dechlorination from pH 6.0 to pH 8.0; however, dechlorination did not occur at pH 9.0 during a 41-day incubation period. Results show that at concentrations of 1 to 10 mg/L, the higher the PCB concentration, the faster the dechlorination rate. In addition, dechlorination rates were in the following order: methanogenic conditions > sulfate-reducing conditions > denitrifying conditions. The addition of acetate, lactate, pyruvate, and ferric chloride decreased lag times and enhanced dechlorination; however, the addition of manganese dioxide had an inhibitory effect. Dechlorination rates were also enhanced by the addition of PCB congeners, including 2,3,4-CB, 2,3,4,5-CB and 2,3,4,5,6-CB in mixture. Overall results show that the CP-adapted consortium has the potential to enhance PCB dechlorination. The optimal dechlorination conditions presented in this paper may be used as a reference for feasibility studies of PCB removal from sludge.  相似文献   
The structure was investigated of the mercapturic acid excreted in urine of rats after the i.p. administration of 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene. Of the two regioisomeric mercapturic acids, i.e. N-acetyl-S-(2,3-dimethylbenzyl)-L-cysteine and N-acetyl-S-(2,6-dimethyl-benzyl)-L-cysteine, only the former was isolated by preparative HPLC and identified, by comparison with an authentic specimen. The excretion rate of the mercapturate was estimated to be approximately 5% of dose, not a substantial metabolic route.  相似文献   
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