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随着新一轮科技革命和产业转型的发展,全球金属资源供需格局发生重大调整,美国、欧盟、日本等主要发达国家不断倒逼中国敞开优势金属供应。为保障国家金属资源安全,论文从可依赖性、可持续性、可承受性3个维度建立了一套金属资源供应风险评估体系,对中国优势金属供应全球需求的风险进行评估,结果表明:1)中国优势金属整体供应风险较高,铟、铋等两种金属风险值都在80以上,处于高风险水平;锑、锗、钡、镁、钨、稀土等6种金属风险值都是60~80之间,处于中高风险水平;镓、锶等两种金属处于中风险水平。2)在10种中国优势金属中,钡的可依赖性风险最高,达到81.88,稀土的风险最低,只有42.42。铟的可持续性风险最高,达到81.80;锑的最低,风险值为69.46。铟的可承受性风险也最高,高达100;铋的次之,风险值为89.23;钡的最低,只有33.96。3)随着未来新兴产业的快速发展,中国优势金属的供应风险将更加严峻。  相似文献   
多环芳烃(PAHs)是环境中广泛分布的持久性有毒有机污染物,备受研究者关注。基于密度泛函理论(DFT)先期计算PAHs前线分子轨道能隙可能与其光致毒性诱发所需吸收光照辐射能有一致性,本研究选取非取代PAHs对大型蚤(Daphnia magna)光致毒性实验数据,通过DFT计算典型电子性质,由偏最小二乘(PLS)分析方法优化发展了定量构效关系模型,经与前人结果比较和验证其拟合优度、稳定性和内外部预测性能均有显著提升,可在应用域(AD)范围内准确预测PAHs光致毒性而满足风险评估需求。构效关系分析结果表明,PAHs光致毒性与分子前线轨道能隙紧密相关,除苯并[k]荧蒽和屈可能具有不同的光致毒性作用机制之外,多数PAHs若具有较低的前线轨道能隙、较小分子稳定性和较大分子变形性,均将有利于促进其光致毒性作用的发生;结合PAHs光致毒性与分子前线轨道能隙间的相关关系,可推测DFT计算前线轨道能隙宽度在2.740~4.208 eV之间和对应光照辐射波段约为295 nm~450 nm时,PAHs污染暴露将可能诱发较高的光致毒性效应。这为太阳光照射下PAHs光致毒性作用机制阐释和风险评价提供了数据支持与理论依据。  相似文献   
针对火电厂燃用高水分褐煤时,堵煤故障频发的问题,以印尼某电厂为例,分析运煤系统出现堵煤故障的原因,提出设计优化方案。应用结果表明:采用齿辊破碎机替代一级筛碎设备,采用高幅筛+可逆锤破碎机替代二级筛碎设备,可逆锤破碎机的破碎板设电加热装置,同时修改落煤管的尺寸,可有效降低堵煤的故障率。  相似文献   
To increase reliability and electrical performance, shallow-trench isolation (STI) (or called field-oxide (FOX)) structures were inserted in the bulk-contact region of 60-V high-voltage p-channel lateral-diffused MOSFET (pLDMOS) devices in this study. As the FOX ratio increased with the addition of FOX segments, the value of the secondary breakdown current (It2) was enhanced. Therefore, the anti-electrostatic discharge ability of a pLDMOS device can be efficiently improved using this novel method. In addition, when the weighting ratio of FOX structures increased, variation values in the trigger voltage (Vt1) and holding voltage (Vh) of the corresponding samples remained within the range of approximately 1–4 V. The Ron value decreased because of more uniform conduction. The experimental data for the FOX structures added to the bulk revealed that the It2 value was improved by approximately 13.98%, Vh values were greater than 60 V (which is favorable for latch-up immunity), and the Ron value was decreased by approximately 12.62% compared with a reference device under test (without FOX segments in the bulk-contact region).  相似文献   
This study investigates whether gender diversity within a company has a positive effect on corporate soundness and social contribution. We collect the data of female employment status, corporate soundness, and social contribution, and then we perform empirical tests using 1524 Korean firm-year observations from 2012 to 2020. From the empirical results, we find that firms with high gender diversity have more corporate soundness than those with low gender diversity. We also find that there is a positive association between the level of gender diversity and social contribution. Our findings imply that by increasing the ratio of female employees, companies can create a more stable and rigorous corporate climate, and consequently improve the corporate soundness and social contribution. This study supports the importance of females in the workforce by presenting empirical evidence that female employment helps improve corporate soundness and social contribution.  相似文献   
In order to meet the strategic goals of carbon peak and carbon neutralization on schedule, it is crucial to examine the effects and limitations of green finance on the green transformation of industry. This research utilizes the entropy method, the Global Malmquist–Luenberger technique, and panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2005 to 2018 to estimate the extent of industrial green transformation and green finance development in each province. It builds static and dynamic panel models to experimentally examine the effect of green finance on industrial green transformation. After introducing environmental regulation (ER), this paper presents how ER influences the link between green finance and industrial green transformation. The research finds the following. (1) According to geographical differences in the growth of green finance and industrial green transformation, the economically developed east region is more advanced than the central and west regions, and the central region is more advanced than the west region. (2) Green finance has a significantly positive impact on industrial green transformation, and this positive influence has certain continuity and inertia. (3) Environmental regulation has a favorable impact on the link between green finance and industrial green transformation; specifically, a rise in the level of environmental regulation stimulates the process of green finance that boosts industrial green transformation. The policy recommendations herein offer reference for the construction of China's green financial system and the promotion of industrial green transformation for CSR.  相似文献   
以大豆连作(CS)、玉米连作(CM)、玉米—大豆轮作(MS)、玉米—玉米—大豆(MMS)和玉米—大豆—大豆(MSS)为研究对象,利用荧光定量PCR和高通量测序分析种植制度对土壤固氮菌丰度和群落结构的影响。结果表明:轮作中土壤有机质(SOM)、全磷(TP)、有效氮(AN)和有效磷(AP)的含量显著高于连作;轮作固氮菌丰度显著高于CM,显著低于CS;MMS与MSS固氮菌多样性显著高于CM;轮作和连作土壤固氮菌群落结构差异明显,全氮(TN)是固氮菌群落结构变化的主要驱动因子,种植制度通过土壤化学性质间接影响固氮菌丰度和多样性。这说明,在吉林省西部半干旱区,MSS与MMS更有利于土壤固氮菌繁殖,可以从微生物学的角度为合理种植和氮素调控提供科学依据。  相似文献   
三唑醇(triadimenol, TN)是一种广泛使用的手性三唑类杀菌剂,它含有2个手性中心,4个手性对映体,包括对映体A(A1(R,S)和A2(S,R))以及对映体B(B1(R,R)和B2(S,S))。为了研究三唑醇在爬行动物体内的对映选择性行为和潜在的肝毒性,将雄性丽斑麻蜥分别一次经口暴露和28 d长期暴露于三唑醇(100 mg·kg-1 body weight),一次经口暴露结果显示,三唑醇进入大脑和肾中的浓度低于肝、性腺、皮肤和尾,B2(S,S)和B1(R,R)对映体具有相似的代谢速率。代谢过程中A1(R,S)的浓度明显高于A2(S,R),并且在暴露后12 h出现二次上升,这可能是A2(S,R)在体内手性转换为A1(R,S)导致。丽斑麻蜥长期(28 d)暴露于三唑醇后,性腺和肾中无明显蓄积现象,皮和尾中浓度显著高于其他组织,各个组织中三唑醇趋向于保持外消旋状态。三唑醇暴露后肝中主要的代谢基因cyp1a1cyp3a4cyp2b1cyp2d3的表达量都出现明显上升,组织病理学分析进一步显示,三唑醇暴露后的肝组织出现组织空泡、血窦阻塞的症状,说明三唑醇对肝组织具有一定的毒性作用。上述结果为手性农药对爬行动物的生态毒理学评价提供了重要依据。  相似文献   
甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐(简称甲维盐)是一种广泛应用于农业和水产养殖业的高效抗生素杀虫剂,会进入近海海洋环境从而对海洋生物造成影响。为初步探讨甲维盐对海洋桡足类产生的生物效应,研究了甲维盐对日本虎斑猛水蚤(Tigriopus japonicus Mori)的死亡率、摄食率、滤水率、神经传导关键性酶和抗氧化防御系统中多种酶活性以及生殖、发育的影响。结果显示,甲维盐对于日本虎斑猛水蚤有显著的急性毒性影响,雌性成体和雄性成体的96 h-LC50分别为7 156 μg·L-1和3 637 μg·L-1;雌性成体的24 h-EC50为3.5 μg·L-1。暴露在不同甲维盐浓度(0.5、1、2、3.5和5 μg·L-1)条件下24 h后,日本虎斑猛水蚤的摄食率和滤水率随甲维盐浓度升高逐渐降低,乙酰胆碱酯酶(AchE)活性、抗氧化酶超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPx)活性均随甲维盐浓度的升高先升高后趋于平稳,而过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性无显著变化。日本虎斑猛水蚤连续暴露2个世代,随着甲维盐浓度的升高,发育率逐渐降低;当甲维盐浓度达到0.5 μg·L-1时,10 d产卵量受到显著抑制,这说明甲维盐对其种群繁衍能力产生了显著影响。将第3代无节幼虫置于海水中进行恢复培养后发现,高浓度甲维盐暴露(0.5 μg·L-1)对日本虎斑猛水蚤发育和生殖均造成了不可逆的影响,毒性可能具有不可恢复性。本文可为评估甲维盐对海洋桡足类的潜在影响提供基础数据和依据。  相似文献   
三唑醇(triadimenol,TN)是一种广泛使用的手性三唑类杀菌剂,它含有2个手性中心,4个手性对映体,其中,对映体A包括A1(R,S)和A2(S,R),对映体B包括B1(R,R)和B2(S,S)。三唑醇被认为是一种潜在的内分泌干扰物,能够影响生物体内雌雄激素的合成。为了研究三唑醇不同对映体和外消旋体对爬行动物性腺系统影响的差异,以雄性丽斑麻蜥为实验动物,将外消旋体和4种对映体(100 mg·kg-1 bw)分别经口暴露给雄性蜥蜴28 d。外消旋体和(R,S)对映体暴露后蜥蜴的性腺体细胞指数(GSI)明显低于对照组。(S,R)、(R,S)和(S,S)显著抑制了性腺中性激素合成相关基因(cyp119acyp11acyp17hsd-3βhsd-17βerαar)的表达量,同时降低了血液中睾酮(T)和雌二醇(E2)含量。(R,R)暴露对丽斑麻蜥体内的雌雄激素水平无明显影响。此外,相关性分析表明,外消旋体对性腺中性激素合成相关基因的影响与(R,S)具有较强的相关关系,说明(R,S)可能是外消旋体中生物活性和毒性最高的单体。研究表明,三唑醇对丽斑麻蜥性腺系统的毒性作用具有明显的对映选择性,这为手性农药对爬行动物的生态毒理学评价提供了重要依据。  相似文献   
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