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小球藻对多种重金属吸附性能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微藻是一种广泛存在、生长速度快、适宜大规模养殖的结构简单的植物.近年来,基于微藻的水污染控制技术被广泛研究并得到认可,其中,利用藻类吸附污染水体中的重金属类物质更被看作是一种极具前景的水处理手段.然而,当前的研究始终对藻类吸附重金属性能的决定性影响因素缺乏相对全面的探究,同时对藻类表面官能团在吸附过程中所起的作用也不明确.对此,本研究采取静态实验的方法,选取常见的淡水藻类小球藻Chlorella sp.和典型重金属Ni (Ⅱ)、Cr (VI)、Cd (Ⅱ),以藻细胞密度、重金属离子浓度、温度、pH作为影响因素,探究其对小球藻细胞吸附性能的影响.结果表明,小球藻对Ni (Ⅱ)、Cr (VI)、Cd (Ⅱ)均显示出了很好的吸附能力.在所选的几种藻细胞密度下,小球藻吸附性能差异不大.当溶液处于中性偏酸性、重金属浓度低于5 mg·L-1的情况下,小球藻吸附效果最好.在20~30℃范围内升高温度对吸附会产生有利影响.对小球藻进行红外光谱检测发现,官能团C—O、C=O、—COOH、—NH—在对重金属离子的吸附过程中起主要作用.  相似文献   
为保障地面控制井下安全阀系统的安全运行,防止系统发生故障,建立了井下安全阀可修复系统的马尔可夫模型;针对系统设备构成复杂及共因故障等问题,基于β因子模型描述共因失效,同时将模型划分为3个独立模块,通过克罗内克积方法合并,评估系统可靠性;参照OREDA可靠性数据,定量求解井下安全阀系统可用度、可靠度以及稳态指标,研究模型中状态转移概率对系统稳态可用度的影响。研究结果表明:井下安全阀系统的可用度随时间增长而迅速到达稳态值;系统检修周期应小于2.5 a;根据可靠性分析结果,运营方应考虑系统经济与可靠性间的博弈关系,合理优化系统冗余结构与维修周期管理,防止井下安全阀系统失效。  相似文献   
两湖盆地位于华中地区,横跨湖北、湖南两省,海拔高度低于200 m.襄阳为华中地区两湖盆地的“风口”,PM2.5污染严重.为认识襄阳地区大气环境变化特征,对其2016年1月的大气污染过程进行研究分析,研究气象条件对PM2.5浓度的影响.结果表明:冷空气南下入侵对两湖盆地襄阳地区产生PM2.5重污染有重要驱动作用.强风是驱动大气污染物区域传输的主要因素,受东亚冬季风影响,上风方的PM2.5跨区域传输到下风方两湖盆地,导致襄阳地区的PM2.5污染水平上升.基于FLEXPART-WRF模式,定量估算了2016年1月襄阳地区4次PM2.5重污染过程的区域传输贡献,估算发现4次大气重污染过程的外源贡献率均高于50.0%,最高达80.3%,体现了大气污染物区域传输对两湖盆地大气重污染事件的主导作用.两湖盆地襄阳地区PM2.5污染主要潜在源来自东北路径,以华北平原为主.  相似文献   
地震中沿街建筑的破坏通常会造成邻近道路大面积瓦砾堆积导致道路不畅,对应急救援产生不利影响。传统区域瓦砾堆积分析通常由单体结构分析并推演至区域层面,其过程需要大量数据支持且计算过程繁重。为突破这一瓶颈,使用弹塑性时程分析工具对研究区域内建筑地震损伤情况进行计算,并将精确到每一时刻的建筑动力响应和损伤指标结果进一步用于区域瓦砾堆积仿真计算,其计算速度和精确性可进一步匹配应急救援的时间和精度需求。所采用的震害仿真工具能考虑建筑结构类型差异,并且可充分考虑结构动力特性与地震动破坏力特征。 最后,以龙头山镇建筑群为例,基于区域瓦砾堆积仿真结果,采用 Frank-Wolfe 算法为各受灾点进行疏散路径规划,研究方法可为震后应急疏散提供参考。  相似文献   
针对加油站的埋地汽油储罐爆炸进行了定量分析。简要叙述了加油站埋地储罐的埋地方式以及埋地深度等基本情况,运用岩土中的爆炸理论描述分析了埋地储罐爆炸的过程。在计算爆炸冲击波超压时,提出一个计算埋地汽油储罐爆炸冲击波超压的准则:对于埋地汽油储罐爆炸,应当结合汽油储罐的埋地深度以及储罐周围覆土的性质等因素来确定冲击波超压的计算方法。  相似文献   
Different N and P fractions in microcosm incubation experiment was measured using high-resolution in-situ Peeper and DGT techniques combining with sequential extraction procedure. The results showed the synchronous desorption and release of PO43-, S2- and Fe2+ from the solid soil-originated sediment. This trend indicated that the significant reduction of Fe-P and SO42- occurred in the pore water during the inundation. The concentrations of PO43- in the overlying water and pore water increased to more than 0.1 and 0.2 mg/L at the beginning of the incubation experiment. Decreased NO3-concentrations from more than 1.5 mg/L to less than 0.5 mg/L combining with increasing NH4+ concentrations from less than 1 mg/L to more than 5 mg/L suggested the remarkable NO3- reduction via dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonia (DNRA) pathway over time. High NH4+ concentrations in the pore water aggravated the release of Fe2+ through reduction of Fe(III)-P as electric acceptors under anaerobic conditions. This process further stimulated the remarkable releasing of labile PO43- from the solid phase to the solution and potential diffusion into overlying water. Additionally, high S2- concentration at deeper layer indicated the reduction and releasing of S2- from oxidation states, which can stimulated the NO3- reduction and the accumulation of NH4+ in the pore water. This process can also provoke the reduction of Fe-P as electric acceptors following the release of labile PO43- into pore water. Generally, inundation potentially facilitate the desorption of labile P and attention should be paid during the reclaiming lake from polder.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas sp. Y-5, a strain with simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) capacity, was isolated from the Wuhan Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant. This strain could rapidly remove high concentrations of inorganic nitrogen. Specifically, Pseudomonas sp. Y-5 removed 103 mg/L of NH4+-N in 24 h without nitrate or nitrite accumulation when NH4+-N was its sole nitrogen source. The NH4+-N removal efficiency (RE) was 97.26%, and the average removal rate (RR) was 4.30 mg/L/h. Strain Y-5 also removed NO3?-N and NO2?-N even in aerobic conditions, with average RRs of 4.39 and 4.23 mg/L/h, respectively, and REs of up to 99.34% and 95.81% within 24 h. When cultured in SND medium (SNDM-1), strain Y-5 achieved an NH4+-N RE of up to 97.80% and a total nitrogen (TN) RE of 93.01%, whereas NO3?-N was fully depleted in 48 h. Interestingly, high nitrite concentrations did not inhibit the nitrification capacity of Y-5 when grown in SNDM-2, the RE of NH4+-N and TN reached 96.29% and 94.26%, respectively, and nitrite was consumed completely. Strain Y-5 also adapted well to high concentrations of ammonia (~401.68 mg NH4+-N/L) or organic nitrogen (~315.12 mg TN/L). Our results suggested that Pseudomonas sp. Y-5 achieved efficient simultaneous nitrification and denitrification, thus demonstrating its potential applicability in the treatment of nitrogen-polluted wastewater.

为评价水污染对鱼类毒性影响和制订图们江渔业水质标准,于1977年8—11月和1979年6—7月在室内进行废水对鱼类急性和亚急性毒性试验,在野外进行鱼类胚胎和幼鱼的现场监测。同时,对鱼类区系分布、渔业资源和鱼体残毒分别作了调查和测定。 结果表明:上游铁矿废水破坏鱼类产卵场,减少鱼类食料生物种群;中游纸浆废水影响鱼类存活和回游;下游化工废水使鱼有异味,影响食用。 纸浆废水是主要污染源之一,对马苏大麻哈幼鱼96hr半致死浓度为5.6—11%。亚急性毒性以血液指标最为敏感,阈反应值为0.32%。引起鱼回避反应和对鳃组织产生危害的阈值为1%。 据此,提出保护图们江主要经济鱼类存活,生长和产卵回游的水质标准为:pH6.5—8.5:COD20mg/l;BOD55mg/l,冰封期3mg/l;DO>6mg/l(24hr内和16hr以上),≮4mg/l(任何时候);悬浮固体10mg/l;木质素2mg/l;酚0.005mg/l;氰化物0.02mg/l;砷0.1mg/l;铬1.0mg/l。  相似文献   
A thin-film continuous flow-through reactor was used to investigate reactions between aqueous Cr(VI) and two iron oxides, geothite and magnetite. Delayed effluent breakthrough of Cr(VI) indicated significant uptake by both oxides. Accumulation and remobilization of Cr(VI) depends on pH and the redox properties of the surface. For geothite the surface was quickly saturated and no further adsorption observed. Chromate anion (CrO42−) exhibited Langmuir-type adsorption. For magnetite, a significant slow steady-state rate of Cr(VI) uptake was observed. We propose two different mechanisms of chromium uptake: surface complexation of Cr(VI) species on geothite, and reductive precipitation of Cr(VI) at Fe(II) sites on magnetite.  相似文献   
Three laboratory-scale moving bed biofilm reactors (MBBR) with different carrier filling ratios ranging from 40% to 60% were used to study the effects of carrier-attached biofilm on oxygen transfer efficiency. In this study, we evaluated the performance of three MBBRs in degrading chemical oxygen demand and ammonia. The three reactors removed more than 95% of NH 4 + -N at an air flow-rate of 60 L·h–1. The standard oxygen transfer efficiency (αSOTE) of the three reactors was also investigated at air flow-rates ranging from 60 to 100 L·h–1. These results were compared to αSOTE of wastewater with a clean carrier (no biofilm attached). Results showed that under these process conditions, αSOTE decreased by approximately 70% as compared to αSOTE of wastewater at a different carrier-filling ratio. This indicated that the biofilm attached to the carrier had a negative effect on αSOTE. Mechanism analysis showed that the main inhibiting effects were related to biofilm flocculants and soluble microbial product (SMP). Biofilm flocs could decrease αSOTE by about 20%, and SMP could decrease αSOTE by 30%–50%.  相似文献   
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