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To improve U.S. air quality, there are many regulations on-the-way (OTW) and on-the-books (OTB), including mobile source California Low Emission Vehicle third generation (LEV III) and federal Tier 3 standards. This study explores the effects of those regulations by using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model for 8-hr ozone concentrations in the western and eastern United States in the years 2018 and 2030 during a month with typical high ozone concentrations, July. Alterations in pollutant emissions can be due to technological improvements, regulatory amendments, and changes in growth. In order to project emission rates for future years, the impacts of all of these factors were estimated. This study emphasizes the potential light-duty vehicle emission changes by year to predict ozone levels. The results of this study show that most areas have decreases in 8-hr ozone concentrations in the year 2030, although there are some areas with increased concentrations. Additionally, there are areas with 8-hr ozone concentrations greater than the current U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standard level, which is 75 ppb.


To improve U.S. air quality, many regulations are on the way and on the books, including mobile source California LEV III and federal Tier 3 standards. This study explores the effects of those regulations for 8-hr ozone concentrations in the western and eastern United States in the years 2018 and 2030. The results of this study show that most areas have decreases in 8-hr ozone concentrations in 2030, although there are some areas with increased concentrations. Additionally, there are areas with 8-hr ozone concentrations greater than the current U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standard level.  相似文献   

1IntroductionLandscapestructurewithintheMuUsDesert,asemiaridregionofnortheasternChina,isthebasicfocusofthisstudyconcerningla...  相似文献   
Elevated levels of P in urban streams can pose significant water quality problems. Sources of P in urban streams, however, are difficult to identify. It is important to recognize both natural and anthropogenic sources of P. We investigated near-stream chemistry and land use factors on stream water P in the urbanizing Johnson Creek watershed in Portland, OR, USA. We sampled stream water and shallow groundwater soluble reactive P (SRP) and total P (TP) and estimated P flux at 13 sites along the main stem of Johnson Creek, with eight sites in urban land use areas and five sites in nonurban land use areas. At each site, we sampled the A and B horizons, measuring soil pH, water-soluble P, acid-soluble P, base-soluble P, total P, Fe, and Al. We found continuous input of P to the stream water via shallow groundwater throughout the Johnson Creek watershed. The shallow groundwater P concentrations were correlated with stream water P within the nonurban area; however, this correlation was not found in the urban area, suggesting that other factors in the urban area masked the relationship between groundwater P and stream water P. Aluminum and Fe concentrations were inversely correlated with shallow groundwater P, suggesting that greater P adsorption to Al and Fe oxides in the nonurban area reduced availability of shallow groundwater P. Using stepwise multiple regression analysis, however, we concluded that while riparian soil chemistry was related to stream water P, land use patterns had a more significant relationship with stream water P concentrations in this urbanizing system.  相似文献   

Home medical care (HMC) is advancing not only in Japan but also throughout the world. In Japan, HMC waste is legally classified as municipal waste. Nevertheless, some municipalities do not collect some or all the HMC waste because of fear of infection. Therefore, this study was conducted to clarify the following two issues: First, have the municipalities made progress in collecting and appropriate disposal of HMC waste in the past 13 years? Second, is there a difference between a large city and a small city in terms of appropriate disposal progress? A total of 687 municipalities published the treatment of HMC waste. Currently, 42 municipalities collected all HMC waste. 236 municipalities were collecting HMC waste except for self-injection needle. 117 municipalities were collecting HMC waste except for self-injection needle and Syringe. The collection status of HMC waste was better in cities with high population than in cities with low population. HMC waste collection status was progressed over 13 years. However, more than 60% of the municipality staff stated that they could not avoid being anxious about infection caused by HMC waste. We suggest that providing HMC waste education to the municipalities wherein these efforts have not yet progressed is important.

餐厨垃圾含丰富有机质,是潜在的廉价优质生物质资源;丁醇是继乙醇后的一种极具潜力的新型生物燃料。探索了以餐厨垃圾糖化液为原料,通过微生物发酵制取生物燃料丁醇。首先从实验室现有5株产丁醇梭菌中,优选出Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052作为丁醇生产菌,并考察在未添加任何营养物质,且不调节pH的条件下(简称非调控状态),以糖化液作为底物进行丁醇发酵的可行性。结果表明:非调控状态发酵的丁醇产量仅为5.96 g/L,并产生"酸崩"抑制;添加0.3%(w/V)Ca CO_3提高了糖化液pH缓冲能力,可解决"酸崩"问题,并将丁醇产量、总溶剂产量及丁醇生产速率分别提高了57.8%、53.1%和90.6%。这证明餐厨垃圾做为原料用于燃料丁醇生产是完全可行的。  相似文献   
1IntroductionComprehensivemethodsforevaluationoftheurbanparkvegetationarenecessaryinordertosolvemanyoftheproblemsfacingmanage...  相似文献   
垃圾焚烧炉烟气中二噁英的测定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用标准采样分析方法,对垃圾焚烧炉烟气样品中的二喃英进行取样、提纯和HRGC/HRMS分析,对样品中4~8个氯取代的二噁英取得定量结果。   相似文献   
土壤种子库植物种类组成与土壤采集地植被的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
土壤种子库作为区域自然植被恢复的途径之一,在实际应用之前有许多课题需要研究,土壤种子库出芽植物组成与土壤采集地自然植被的关系就是一个需要弄清的问题。文章从土壤种子库的生态学意义出发,首次对森林表土作为城市自然植被恢复绿化手段的可能性进行了探讨。试验材料取自日本大阪府箕面市大阪国际文化公园都市建设地,选取面积为20m×20m的栓皮栎Quercusvariabilis群落,采集林下5cm厚森林表土;试验场地设在大阪府枚方市山田池公园的一隅荒地,共设置4个试验区,每个试验区7个试验处理,计28个试验小区。研究结果表明:土壤种子库植物种类组成与表土采集地的植被关联性较低,但与种子散布型关系密切;表土的不同铺撒厚度在木本植物出现的种类、出芽个体数、生存个体数等方面都表现出明显的差异性。  相似文献   
Three modeling approaches, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) zero-out, the Comprehensive Air quality Model with extensions (CAMx) zero-out, and the CAMx probing tools ozone source apportionment tool (OSAT), were used to project the contributions of various source categories to future year design values for summer 8-hr average ozone concentrations at selected U.S. monitors. The CMAQ and CAMx zero-out or brute-force approaches predicted generally similar contributions for most of the source categories, with some small differences. One of the important findings from this study was that both the CMAQ and CAMx zero-out approaches tended to apportion a larger contribution to the “other” category than the OSAT approach. For the OSAT approach, this category is the difference between the total emissions and the sum of the tracked emissions and consists of non-U.S. emissions. For the zero-out approach, it also includes the effects of nonlinearities in the system because the sum of the sensitivities of all sources is not necessarily equal to the sum of their contributions in a nonperturbed environment. The study illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of source apportionment approaches, such as OSAT, and source sensitivity approaches, such as zero-out. The OSAT approach is suitable for studying source contributions, whereas the zero-out approach is suitable for studying response to emission changes. Future year design values of summer 8-hr average ozone concentrations were projected to decrease at all the selected monitors for all the simulations in each city, except at the downtown Los Angeles monitor. Both the CMAQ and CAMx results showed all modeled locations project attainment in 2018 and 2030 to the current National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) level of 75 ppb, except the selected Los Angeles monitor in 2018 and the selected San Bernardino monitor in 2018 and 2030.
Implications:This study illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of three modeling approaches, CMAQ zero-out, CAMx zero-out, and OSAT to project contributions of various source categories to future year design values for summer 8-hr average ozone concentrations at selected U.S. monitors. The OSAT approach is suitable for studying source contributions, whereas the zero-out approach is suitable for studying response to emission changes. Future year design values of summer 8-hr average ozone concentrations were projected to decrease, except at the downtown Los Angeles monitor. Comparing projections with the current NAAQS (75 ppb) show attainment everywhere, except two locations in 2018 and one location in 2030.  相似文献   
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