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采用作者自行设计制作的混凝-微纳米气浮装置对炼化企业污水处理厂二沉池出水进行深度处理,考察了混凝剂投加量、工作压力、回流比和水力停留时间对气浮效果的影响,结果表明,最佳工艺参数为:混凝剂FeCl3 30 mg/L,工作压力0.2 MPa,回流比为20%,水力停留时间6 min。在此实验条件下,COD去除率为39.13%,SS去除率为51.85%,气浮出水COD<60 mg/L,达到了《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8978-1996)一级B标准。  相似文献   
为了明确污水中肠道病毒的分布及去除规律,采用定量PCR方法对西安市3个污水厂进行了为期一年的监测。结果表明,肠道病毒和人类肠道病毒在进水和二级出水中呈较高浓度,约分布在102~105 copies/mL和102~104 copies/mL范围内。肠道病毒和人类肠道病毒浓度呈现季节性变化,秋季浓度最高,冬季次之,春夏最低。经统计学分析发现,肠道病毒和人类肠道病毒浓度在3个水厂间无显著差异性(p<0.05)且肠道病毒和人类肠道病毒很好地服从对数正态分布。通过病毒的检测数据及分布特性,明确了函数参数并确定人类肠道病毒占肠道病毒的39%。经过常规二级处理,肠道病毒可去除1.12 log左右,与人类肠道病毒去除率相近,且不同水厂对病毒的去除率也相近。  相似文献   
城市污泥用作无土草坪基质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据混料设计{3,2}单形格子理论设计,研究了蛭石、污泥堆肥与珍珠岩的不同配比混合基质对碱茅草生长的影响。分别从基质理化性状、碱茅草生长生理指标、草坪综合质量和草坪生产周期等方面分析了各基质的优劣。研究表明:蛭石与堆肥混合基质(T4),珍珠岩与堆肥混合基质(T6),蛭石、珍珠岩和堆肥混合基质(CK1)具有良好的理化性状,其养分充足,容重和pH值适宜,可促进株高增长,提高叶绿素含量。与大田(CK2)相比,T6、CK1游离脯氨酸含量明显较高(PP>0.05)。综合评价草坪草质量以CK1最高,T4次之。通过建立基质配比与碱茅草生产周期的关系模型模拟优化共得5 151套基质配比方案,其中生产周期最短为19 d,包含388套方案,体积分数范围分别为:49%≤x1(蛭石)≤87%,13%≤x2(污泥堆肥)≤31%,0≤x3(珍珠岩)≤29%;因此,将城市污泥堆肥用作无土草坪基质是一种非常经济有效的污泥资源化途径。  相似文献   
以经过高温驯化的污泥作为厌氧微生物,以餐厨垃圾作为发酵基质,向发酵体系中加入不同浓度Fe2+、Mg2+和Ni2+进行单因素实验。实验结果表明:当Fe2+、Mg2+和Ni2+加入量分别为800、250和0.50 mg/L时,挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)的产量最大,分别为23.58、22.38和23.08 g/L;加入不同浓度Fe2+、Mg2+和Ni2+的厌氧发酵液相产物中丁酸含量均最高,但在一定浓度范围内随着金属离子的添加,发酵产物中丁酸所占的比例逐渐减小,乙酸所占比例逐渐增加;加入适量金属离子在一定程度上能够抑制发酵液中氨氮的溶出。  相似文献   
研究了汾河边砂壤土(A土)和细砂土(B土)在不同影响因素下对Cu2+的吸附特性,对比2种原土和加入高铁酸钾后对水相中Cu2+的吸附动力学和热力学参数。结果表明,B土有机质含量比A土高,其对Cu2+的吸附量大于A土。高铁酸钾的加入对土壤吸附Cu2+有显著效果,最佳吸附条件为A土和B土加入K2FeO4的Fe/Cu质量比分别为20:1和5:1,pH=8~10,T=35 ℃,此时A土、B土、加入K2FeO4的A土、加入K2FeO4的B土的最大吸附量分别为0.36、0.41、0.41和0.46 mg/g。A土和B土对Cu2+的吸附过程满足Freundlich方程,吸附能力大小为:加入K2FeO4的B土 >加入K2FeO4的A土 >B土 >A土。吸附热力学表明,该吸附是自发吸热过程,吸附动力学满足准二级动力学模型,表明土壤A和B对Cu2+吸附是以多层吸附为主,同时存在物理和化学吸附过程。  相似文献   
为研究冻融-碳化耦合环境下自燃煤矸石混凝土耐久性能,通过冻融-碳化与碳化-冻融2种耦合环境实验,分析其质量、动弹性模量、抗压强度及碳化深度等损失特性,揭示冻融-碳化耦合环境作用机理。结果表明:冻融-碳化环境下质量、相对动弹性模量损失率均与循环次数、水灰比呈正相关;小于63次,碳化-冻融环境劣化其质量能力强于冻融-碳化环境;超过63次,冻融-碳化环境劣化能力强于碳化-冻融环境;冻融-碳化环境劣化动弹性模量能力高于碳化-冻融环境。初期碳化反应在一定程度上能促进强度增长,但冻融100次且碳化14 d后,冻融-碳化环境下强度损失率与水灰比呈正相关。冻融-碳化环境下碳化深度与时间、水灰比呈正相关,冻融环境是加速其碳化腐蚀的催化剂,碳化-冻融环境劣化碳化深度强于冻融-碳化环境,2种耦合环境碳化差值0.87~2.10 mm。为深入研究煤矸石混凝土在复杂环境中的耐久性提供参考。  相似文献   
Bio-drying can enhance the sortability and heating value of municipal solid waste (MSW), consequently improving energy recovery. Bio-drying followed by size sorting was adopted for MSW with high water content to improve its combustibility and reduce potential environmental pollution during the follow-up incineration. The effects of bio-drying and waste particle size on heating values, acid gas and heavy metal emission potential were investigated. The results show that, the water content of MSW decreased from 73.0% to 48.3% after bio-drying, whereas its lower heating value (LHV) increased by 157%. The heavy metal concentrations increased by around 60% due to the loss of dry materials mainly resulting from biodegradation of food residues. The bio-dried waste fractions with particle size higher than 45 mm were mainly composed of plastics and papers, and were preferable for the production of refuse derived fuel (RDF) in view of higher LHV as well as lower heavy metal concentration and emission. However, due to the higher chlorine content and HCl emission potential, attention should be paid to acid gas and dioxin pollution control. Although LHVs of the waste fractions with size <45 mm increased by around 2× after bio-drying, they were still below the quality standards for RDF and much higher heavy metal pollution potential was observed. Different incineration strategies could be adopted for different particle size fractions of MSW, regarding to their combustibility and pollution property.  相似文献   
To simulate the substrate degradation kinetics of the composting process, this paper develops a mathematical model with a first-order reaction assumption and heat/mass balance equations. A pilot-scale composting test with a mixture of sewage sludge and wheat straw was conducted in an insulated reactor. The BVS (biodegradable volatile solids) degradation process, matrix mass, MC (moisture content), DM (dry matter) and VS (volatile solid) were simulated numerically by the model and experimental data. The numerical simulation offered a method for simulating k (the first-order rate constant) and estimating k20 (the first-order rate constant at 20 °C). After comparison with experimental values, the relative error of the simulation value of the mass of the compost at maturity was 0.22%, MC 2.9%, DM 4.9% and VS 5.2%, which mean that the simulation is a good fit. The k of sewage sludge was simulated, and k20, k20s (first-order rate coefficient of slow fraction of BVS at 20 °C) of the sewage sludge were estimated as 0.082 and 0.015 d?1, respectively.  相似文献   
The influence of different variables on the removal of ammonia nitrogen and COD from landfill leachate was investigated in a three-dimensional electrochemical reactor. Box–Behnken statistical experiment design and the response surface methodology were used to investigate operating condition effects, such as current density, activated carbon to water ratio and the reaction time, on ammonia nitrogen removal efficiency and COD removal efficiency. The positive and negative effects of variables and the interaction between variables on ammonia nitrogen removal and COD removal were determined. The response surface methodology models were derived based on the results and the response surface plots were developed accordingly.  相似文献   
Recycled poly(ethylene terephthalate) (R-PET) was blended with 15–30 wt% of styrene–ethylene/butylenes–styrene (SEBS) block copolymer and maleic anhydride grafted SEBS (SEBS-g-MA). Effects of nucleation and toughening of the elastomers were evaluated systematically by study of morphology, crystallization, thermal and mechanical properties of the blend. The addition of 30 wt% SEBS promoted the formation of co-continuous structure of the blend and caused the fracture mechanism to change from strain softening to strain hardening. Addition of SEBS-g-MA resulted in significant modification of phase morphology and obviously improved the impact strength. The compatibilization reaction of PET with SEBS-g-MA accelerated the crystallization of PET and increased the crystallinity. The shifts in glass transition temperature of PET towards that of SEBS-g-MA and the higher modulus for R-PET/SEBS-g-MA (70/30) blend found by DMA are also indications of better interactions under the conditions of compatibilization and interpenetrating structure.  相似文献   
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