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四环素类抗生素和铜复合污染对猪粪厌氧消化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兽用抗生素和矿物元素添加剂可起到预防动物疾病、促进动物生长、提高饲料转化率等作用,因此被广泛应用于畜禽养殖业。本研究以猪粪中温厌氧消化为研究目标,采用全自动甲烷潜势测试系统,考察了一定浓度的四环素(TC:30 mg·kg~(-1)dry weight,DW)、土霉素(OTC:50 mg·kg~(-1)DW)和金霉素(CTC:15 mg·kg~(-1)DW)对厌氧累积产甲烷量和日产甲烷速率的影响。结果表明,TC、OTC和CTC对猪粪中温厌氧消化累积产甲烷量和日产甲烷速率均有促进作用(累积产甲烷总量提高比例分别为7.9%、0.4%和5.4%)。另外,采用超高效液相色谱-四极杆串联质谱对猪粪厌氧消化前后样品中四环素类抗生素及其代谢产物进行了分析。结果表明,液相中的四环素类抗生素在猪粪厌氧消化过程中得到了明显的去除,去除率达到90%~100%;而固相中只有金霉素和差向异构金霉素有明显的去除效果,去除率分别为41.69%和41.58%。采用Tessier连续提取法对猪粪厌氧消化前后样品中5种形态的铜包括可交换态、碳酸盐结合态、铁锰氧化结合态、有机物结合态、残渣态进行了分析,结果表明,猪粪厌氧消化后,可交换态、碳酸盐结合态和铁锰结合态的铜浓度比厌氧消化前分别降低了1%~9%、0.1%~3%、12%~19%,而有机态和残渣态的铜浓度却在厌氧消化后分别增加了15%~35%、1%~2%。厌氧消化后,70%~80%的铜都是以有机铜的形态存在。铜逐渐从不稳定态转化为相对稳定的有机态和残渣态铜,因此,厌氧消化过程使铜从可生物利用态转变为不可生物利用态,趋于稳定化。  相似文献   
目前广泛使用的水质基准推导方法—物种敏感度分布法存在曲线拟合模型不确定、曲线拟合效果不佳、种内差异欠考虑、基准值不准确等诸多问题,概率物种敏感度分布法可有效解决上述问题。应用概率物种敏感度分布法构建了太湖水体中5种重金属Ag、Pb、Cd、Hg和Zn的概率物种敏感度分布曲线,在此基础上得到了保护水生生物的急性水质基准分别为1.079μg·L~(-1)、637.973μg·L~(-1)、19.465μg·L~(-1)、8.729μg·L~(-1)和105.506μg·L~(-1),慢性水质基准分别为0.108μg·L~(-1)、63.797μg·L~(-1)、1.947μg·L~(-1)、2.340μg·L~(-1)和52.753μg·L~(-1);不同类群间生物对重金属的敏感度存在差异,不同重金属对同一类群生物的毒性也存在差异;通过与国内外已有的重金属水质基准值比较,发现水质基准具有明显的区域性,目前基于国外水质基准或我国整体水域特点来制定的太湖水质标准,往往造成对太湖水生生物欠保护或过保护的状况。  相似文献   
The influence of three effluent organic matter (EfOM) model compounds, humic acid (HA), bovine serum albumin (BSA), and sodium alginate (AGS), on the ozonation of bezafibrate (BF), a typical pharmaceutical and personal care product (PPCP), was investigated. The results show that ozonation efficiently removed BF from aqueous solution with removal efficiencies>95% within 8 min for all conditions. The reaction rate of BF decreased with increasing model compounds concentrations and the influence was more pronounced for HA and BSA, while less pronounced for AGS. Although BF concentration was significantly reduced, the degree of mineralization achieved was only approximately 11%. The addition of HA and BSA improved the mineralization of the solution, while the influence of AGS was minor. The acute toxicity of BF solution during ozonation was determined using the Luminescent bacteria test, and the toxicity exhibited an initial increase and a successive reduction. An overall decreased acute toxicity was observed with an increase of HA. The presence of BSA increased the formation rate of toxicity intermediates and resulted in inhibition peak forward.  相似文献   
The composition and distribution of n-alkanes carbon numbers reflect the source of kerogenic organic matter, sedimentary environment, and maturity of the rocks. The comparison results of the n-alkanes GC (gas chromatography) chromatograms in the Tazhong Low Uplift show that the n-alkanes of the source rocks in Upper Ordovician display an odd carbon number predominance. At the same time, Cambrian–Lower Ordovician exhibit an even carbon number predominance. The correlation between oil and source rock illustrates that crude oils in the fields of well TZ10-12 and well TZ24 stem from the Upper Ordovician source rocks. The origins of the crude oils in the fields of well TZ161-162 and well TZ45 are Cambrian–Lower Ordovician. The strata corresponding to the crude oils with odd/even carbon number predominance match the oil–source rock correlation. Thus, the characteristics of odd/even carbon number predominance in n-alkane compounds are effective for oil–source rock correlation in the Tazhong Low Uplift, Tarim Basin.  相似文献   
The molecular basis of male reproduction for cross-regulation between androgen and thyroid hormone axes is still rudimentary. This study aims to define a possible mechanism of hypothyroidism-induced reproductive influence with respect to sex hormone, mineral, sperm motility, oxidative stress, c-Fos expression, cell cycle, and apoptosis in rat testes. The Wistar rats were randomly divided into control group (NS) and hypothyroidism group [1 ml/100g BW/day, 0.1% propylthiouracil (PTU)] by intragastric gavage for 60 days. Blood samples were collected to measure the serum levels. The epididymis was excised to measure sperm motility and testes were excised to measure mineral, oxidative stress, c-Fos expression, cell cycle, and apoptosis. After 60 days, body weight, relative testes weight, triiodothyronine, and total thyroxine were all significantly decreased, whereas thyroid stimulating hormone was increased in the hypothyroidism group. A significant increase in sex hormone level of estradiol (E2) and significant decreases in testosterone (T) and T/E2 ratio were observed following PTU treatment. And sperm quality was also significantly changed. There were significant decreases in the contents of calcium (Ca2+) and zinc (Zn2+). On the other hand, malondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxide contents significantly increased, whereas the activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase and nitric oxide synthase and nitric oxide content significantly decreased in hypothyroid rats. The mRNA and protein expressions of c-Fos decreased significantly. The cell percentage in G0/G1 phase increased significantly, whereas decreased significantly in S and G2/M phases. Also, a significant increase in testicular cell apoptosis was observed in hypothyroid-treated rats. These results suggested that hypothyroidism could affect reproductive function in the form of changed sex hormone levels, sperm motility and testicular Ca2+ and Zn2+, and enhanced oxidative stress leading to c-Fos abnormal expression and increased apoptosis.  相似文献   
Mass concentrations of PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 were measured near major roads in Beijing during six periods: summer and winter of 2001, winter of 2007, and periods before, during and after the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Since the control efforts for motor vehicles helped offset the increase of emissions from the rapid growth of vehicles, the averaged PM2.5 concentrations at roadsides during the sampling period between 2001 and 2008 fluctuated over a relatively small range. With the implementation of temporary traffic control measures during the Olympics, a clear “V” shaped curve showing the concentrations of particulate matter and other gaseous air pollutants at roadsides over time was identified. The average concentrations of PM10, PM2.5, CO and NO decreased by 31.2%, 46.3%, 32.3% and 35.4%, respectively, from June to August; this was followed by a rebound of all air pollutants in December 2008. Daily PM10 concentrations near major roads exceeded the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (Grade II) for 61.2% of the days in the non-Olympic periods, while only for 12.5% during the Olympics. The mean ratio of PM2.5/PM10 near major roads remained relatively stable at 0.55 (±0.108) on non-Olympic days. The ratio decreased to 0.48 (±0.099) during the Olympics due to a greater decline in fine particles than in coarse-mode PM. The ratios PM1/PM2.5 fluctuated over a wide range and were statistically different from each other during the sampling periods. The average ratios of PM1/PM2.5 on non-Olympic days were 0.71.  相似文献   
根据污染源头控制和废水回用的要求,对典型棉针织染整厂的不同生产过程废水排水水质特征进行了统计分析,提出了较实用的废水源头清浊分流方案。在此基础上重点研究了混凝-臭氧组合工艺对清废水处理效果,确定了最优的工艺条件。结果表明,清废水主要为洗水,占废水总量的25%~30%;混凝-臭氧组合工艺的最优工艺条件为:pH为6~9,PAC投加量为48 mg/L,PAM投加量为1.0 mg/L,臭氧接触时间为12 min(臭氧浓度为14.5 mg/L),这时,清废水COD、色度去除率分别为71%和98%,实践证明,出水水质完全能够满足染整生产。  相似文献   
Batch sorption experiments were conducted to evaluate the sorption behavior of tetracycline (TC, H3L) on sediments and soils in the presence and absence of cadmium (Cd), as affected by pH and properties of sediments and soils. The results indicated stronger nonlinearity and higher capacity of TC sorption on sediments than on soils. Sorption of TC also strongly depended on environmental factors and sediment/soil properties. Lower pH facilitated TC sorption through a cation exchange mechanism, which also took place at pH values above 5.5, where TC existed as a zwitterion (H2L0) or anions (HL- and L2-). When pH was above 7, however, ligand-promoted dissolution of TC might occur due to TC weakening the Al-O bond of aluminum oxide and the Fe-O bond of iron oxide. Natural organic matter (NOM) plays a more important role in TC sorption than cation exchange capacity (CEC) and clay contents. The presence of Cd (II) increased TC sorption on both sediments and soils, which resulted from the decrease of equilibrium solution pH caused by Cd2+ exchange with H+ ions of sediment/soil surfaces. The increase of TC sorption was also related to the formation of TC-Cd complexes, where Cd2+ acted as a bridge between the sediment/soil and TC.  相似文献   
The reduction of hexavalent chromium by scrap iron was investigated in continuous long-term fixed bed system. The effects of pH, empty bed contact time (EBCT), and initial Cr(VI) concentration on Cr(VI) reduction were studied. The results showed that the pH, EBCT, and initial Cr(VI) concentration significantly affected the reduction capacity of scrap iron. The reduction capacity of scrap iron were 4.56, 1.51, and 0.57 mg Cr(VI)·g-1 Fe0 at pH 3, 5, and 7 (initial Cr(VI) concentration 4 mg·L-1, EBCT 2 min, and temperature 25°C), 0.51, 1.51, and 2.85 mg Cr(VI)·g-1 Fe0 at EBCTs of 0.5, 2.0, and 6.0 min (initial Cr(VI) concentration 4 mg·L-1, pH 5, and temperature 25°C), and 2.99, 1.51, and 1.01 mg Cr(VI)·g-1 Fe0 at influent concentrations of 1, 4, and 8 mg·L-1 (EBCT 2 min, pH 5, and temperature 25°C), respectively. Fe(total) concentration in the column effluent continuously decreased in time, due to a decrease in time of the iron corrosion rate. The fixed bed reactor can be readily used for the treatment of drinking water containing low amounts of Cr(VI) ions, although the hardness and humic acid in water may shorten the lifetime of the reactor, the reduction capacity of scrap iron still achieved 1.98 mg Cr6+·g-1 Fe. Scanning electron microscope equipped with energy dispersion spectrometer and X-ray diffraction were conducted to examine the surface species of the scrap iron before and after its use. In addition to iron oxides and hydroxide species, iron-chromium complex was also observed on the reacted scrap iron.  相似文献   
不同来源废水COD、TOC与Cl-的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对含盐化工废水(A)、受潮汐影响的河流水(B)、城市生活污水处理厂排水(C)、采油废水(D)4种不同来源废水进行为期15 d的采样监测,测定了其COD、TOC和Cl-浓度,分析比较了3种废水指标之间的关系,其中COD分别使用重铬酸钾法、氯气校正法和碘化钾碱性高锰酸钾法3种方法进行测定.实验结果表明,4种废水Cl-浓...  相似文献   
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