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Direct observation of the mixing state of aerosol particles in a coastal urban city is critical to understand atmospheric processing and hygroscopic growth in humid air. Morphology, composition, and mixing state of individual aerosol particles from Macao, located south of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) and 100 km west of Hong Kong, were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (TEM/EDX). SEM images show that soot and roughly spherical particles are prevalent in the samples. Based on the compositions of individual aerosol particles, aerosol particles with roughly spherical shape are classified into coarse Na-rich and fine S-rich particles. TEM/EDX indicates that each Na-rich particle consists of a Na-S core and NaNO3 shell. Even in the absence of heavy pollution, the marine sea salt particles were completely depleted in chloride, and Na-related sulfates and nitrates were enriched in Macao air. The reason could be that SO2 from the polluted PRD and ships in the South China Sea and NO2 from vehicles in the city sped up the chlorine depletion in sea salt through heterogeneous reactions. Fresh soot particles from vehicular emissions mainly occur near curbside. However, there are many aged soot particles in the sampling site surrounded by main roads 200 to 400 m away, suggesting that the fresh soot likely underwent a quick aging. Overall, secondary nitrates and sulfates internally mixed with soot and sea salt particles can totally change their surface hygroscopicity in coastal cities.  相似文献   
To obtain annual odor emission profiles from intensive swine operations, odor concentrations and emission rates were measured monthly from swine nursery, farrowing, and gestation rooms for a year. Large annual variations in odor concentrations and emissions were found in all the rooms and the impact of the seasonal factor (month) was significant (P < 0.05). Odor concentration was low in summer when ventilation rate was high but high in winter when ventilation rate was low, ranging from 362 (farrowing room in July) to 8934 (nursery room in December) olfactory unit (OU) m(-3). This indicates that the air quality regarding odor was significantly better in summer than that in winter. Odor emission rate did not show obvious seasonal pattern as odor concentration did, ranging from 2 (gestation room in November) to 90 (nursery room in April) OU m(-2) sec(-1); this explains why the odor complaints for swine barns have occurred all year round. The annual geometric mean odor concentration and emission rate of the nursery room was significantly higher than the other rooms (P < 0.05). In order to obtain the representative annual emission rate, measurements have to be taken at least monthly, and then the geometric mean of the monthly values will represent the annual emission rate. Incorporating odor control technologies in the nursery area will be the most efficient in reducing odor emission from the farm considering its emission rate was 2 to 3 times of the other areas. The swine grower-finisher area was the major odor source contributing 53% of odor emission of the farm and should also be targeted for odor control. Relatively positive correlations between odor concentration and both H2S and CO2 concentrations (R(2) = 0.58) means that high level of these two gases might likely indicate high odor concentration in swine barns.  相似文献   
Parks with various types of vegetations played an important role in ameliorating air quality in urban areas. However, the attenuation effect of urban vegetation on levels of air pollution was rarely been experimentally estimated. This study, using seasonal monitoring data of total suspended particles (TSP), sulfur dioxide (SO(2)) and nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)) from six parks in Pudong District, Shanghai, China, demonstrated vegetations in parks can remove large amount of airborne pollutants. In addition, crown volume coverage (CVC) was introduced to characterize vegetation conditions in parks and a mixed-effects model indicated that CVC and the pollution diffusion distance were key predictors influencing pollutants removal rate. Therefore, it could be estimated by regression analysis that in summer, urban vegetations in Pudong District could contribute to 9.1% of TSP removal, 5.3% of SO(2) and 2.6% of NO(2). The results could be considered for a better park planning and improving air quality.  相似文献   
Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) alone could negatively impact the environment and human health. However, their role in the presence of other toxic substances is not well understood. The toxicity of nano-Al(2)O(3), inorganic As(V), and a combination of both was examined with C. dubia as the model organisms. Bare nano-Al(2)O(3) particles exhibited partial mortality at concentrations of greater than 200mg/L. When As(V) was also present, a significant amount of As(V) was accumulated on the nano-Al(2)O(3) surface, and the calculated LC(50) of As(V) in the presence of nano-Al(2)O(3) was lower than that it was without the nano-Al(2)O(3). The adsorption of As(V) on the nano-Al(2)O(3) surface and the uptake of nano-Al(2)O(3) by C. dubia were both verified. Therefore, the uptake of As(V)-loaded nano-Al(2)O(3) was a major reason for the enhanced toxic effect.  相似文献   
Chu L  Wang J  Dong J  Liu H  Sun X 《Chemosphere》2012,86(4):409-414
In this study the treatment of coking wastewater was investigated by an advanced Fenton oxidation process using iron powder and hydrogen peroxide. Particular attention was paid to the effect of initial pH, dosage of H2O2 and to improvement in biodegradation. The results showed that higher COD and total phenol removal rates were achieved with a decrease in initial pH and an increase in H2O2 dosage. At an initial pH of less than 6.5 and H2O2 concentration of 0.3 M, COD removal reached 44-50% and approximately 95% of total phenol removal was achieved at a reaction time of 1 h. The oxygen uptake rate of the effluent measured at a reaction time of 1 h increased by approximately 65% compared to that of the raw coking wastewater. This indicated that biodegradation of the coking wastewater was significantly improved. Several organic compounds, including bifuran, quinoline, resorcinol and benzofuranol were removed completely as determined by GC-MS analysis. The advanced Fenton oxidation process is an effective pretreatment method for the removal of organic pollutants from coking wastewater. This process increases biodegradation, and may be combined with a classical biological process to achieve effluent of high quality.  相似文献   
Liu X  Xu L  Chen Q  Sun L  Wang Y  Yan H  Liu Y  Luo Y  Huang J 《Chemosphere》2012,87(5):549-556
We collected three ornithogenic coral sand sedimentary profiles from Jinyin Island, Jinqing Island and Guangjin Island of Yongle archipelago, South China Sea and reconstructed the deposition flux of anthropogenic Hg over the past 700 years in the study area. On the whole, the anthropogenic Hg flux is relatively low; it remained at a low level before the Industrial Revolution with a small peak at about 1450-1550 AD, which may record the enhanced metallurgy activity in Ming Dynasty of China. During the 20th century, the deposition flux of anthropogenic Hg increased rapidly, but two troughs occurred during the periods around 1940s and 1970s, corresponding to the economic depression caused by World War II, Civil War in China (1945-1949), and the Culture Revolution (1966-1976) in China. Since the 1970s the deposition flux of anthropogenic Hg has been persistently increasing, apparently the result of fast economic development in East and Southeast Asia countries around South China Sea.  相似文献   
Wu Q  Qu Y  Li X  Wang D 《Chemosphere》2012,87(11):1281-1287
Here we investigated whether the assay system (10-d) in Caenorhabditis elegans can be used to evaluate chronic toxicity of chromium (Cr(VI)) at environmental relevant concentrations ranging from 5.2 μg L−1 to 260 μg L−1. The results indicated that lethality, locomotion behavior as revealed by head thrash, body bend, and forward turn, metabolism as revealed by pumping rate and mean defecation cycle length, intestinal autofluorescence, and ROS production were severely altered in Cr chronically exposed nematodes at environmental relevant concentrations. The most surprising observations were that head thrash, body bend, intestinal autofluorescence, and ROS production in 13 μg L−1 Cr exposed nematodes were significantly influenced. The observed adverse effects of Cr on survival, locomotion behavior, and metabolism were largely due to forming severe intestinal autofluorescence and ROS production. Therefore, our findings demonstrate the usefulness of chronic toxicity assay system in C. elegans in evaluating the chronic toxicity of toxicants at environmental relevant concentrations.  相似文献   
Zheng M  Bao J  Liao P  Wang K  Yuan S  Tong M  Long H 《Chemosphere》2012,87(10):1097-1104
A novel electrolytic groundwater remediation process, which used the H2 continuously generated at cathode to achieve in situ catalytic hydrodechlorination, was developed for the treatment of 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) in groundwater. Catalytic hydrodechlorination using Pd supported on bamboo charcoal and external H2 showed that 2,4-DCP was completely dechlorinated to phenol within 30 min at pH ? 5.5. In a divided electrolytic system, the catalytic hydrodechlorination of 2,4-DCP in cathodic compartment by H2 generated at the cathode under 20 and 50 mA reached 100% at 120 and 60 min, respectively. Two column experiments with influent pHs of 5.5 (unconditioned) and 2 were conducted to evaluate the feasibility of this process. The 2,4-DCP removal efficiencies were about 63% and nearly 100% at influent pHs of 5.5 and 2, respectively. Phenol was solely produced by 2,4-DCP hydrodechlorination, and was subsequently degraded at the anode. A low pH could enhance the hydrodechlorination, but was not necessarily required. This study provides the preliminary results of a novel effective electrolytic process for the remediation of groundwater contaminated by chlorinated aromatics.  相似文献   
Xia K  Zhao H  Wu M  Wang H 《Chemosphere》2012,87(11):1395-1402
This study examined the effects of copper exposure on embryonic development of Chinese toad, Bufo gargarizans. Firstly, the LC50 values from 24 to 96 h of exposure were 3.61 × 10−6 M, by means of a 4 d toxicity test with B. gargarizans embryos. Secondly, Chinese toad embryos were exposed to 10−9-10−6 M copper from mid gastrula stage to operculum completion stage. Measurements included mortality, tadpole weight, tadpole total length, growth retardation, duration of different embryo stages and malformation. Embryonic survival was not affected by copper. Relative to control tadpoles, significantly decreased weight and total length were found at 10-9-10-6 M reduced percentage of the embryos in right operculum stage after 10 d exposure to copper and reduced percentage of embryos in operculum completion stage after 12 d exposure to copper were also observed. Moreover, the duration of embryonic development increased at neural, circulation and operculum development stage in copper-treated groups. For the scanning microscope and histological observation, the abnormalities were malformation of wavy dorsal fin, flexural tail, curvature body axis, yolk sac oedema and reduced pigmentation in the yolk sac. Histopathological changes in olfactory, retinal epithelium and skin were also observed. DNA strand breaks exposed to the copper were analyzed by DNA ladder. In conclusion, copper induced toxic effects on B. gargarizans embryos. The present study indicated chronic toxicity tests may provide more accurate way in formulating the “safe levels” of heavy metals to amphibian.  相似文献   
Wang F  Xu YJ  Dean TJ 《Ambio》2011,40(5):506-520
This study projected responses of forest net primary productivity (NPP) to three climate change scenarios at a resolution of 5 km × 5 km across the state of Louisiana, USA. In addition, we assessed uncertainties associated with the NPP projection at the grid and state levels. Climate data of the scenarios were derived from Community Climate System Model outputs. Changes in annual NPP between 2000 and 2050 were projected with the forest ecosystem model PnET-II. Results showed that forest productivity would increase under climate change scenarios A1B and A2, but with scenario B1, it would peak during 2011–2020 and then decline. The projected average NPP under B1 over the years from 2000 to 2050 was significantly different from those under A1B and A2. Forest NPP appeared to be primarily a function of temperature, not precipitation. Uncertainties of the NPP projection were due to large spatial resolution of the climate variables. Overall, this study suggested that in order to project effects of climate change on forest ecosystem at regional level, modeling uncertainties could be reduced by increasing the spatial resolution of the climate projections.  相似文献   
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