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In this paper, we assess the status of the air quality in the Lake Baikal region which is strongly influenced by the presence of anthropogenic pollution sources. We combined the local data, with global databases, remote sensing imagery and modelling tools. This approach allows to inventorise the air-polluting sources and to quantify the air-quality concentration levels in the Lake Baikal region to a reasonable level, despite the fact that local data are scarcely available. In the simulations, we focus on the month of July 2003, as for this period, validation data are available for a number of ground-based measurement stations within the Lake Baikal region.  相似文献   
The International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC) has a research programme that should result in an integrated environmental coastal zone management system through three subprojects. The programme aims to develop methodologies and tools for assessing coastal zone changes, and for the evaluation of scenarios for coastal zone management, based on a spatio-temporal Geographical Information System (GIS) working platform which integrates remote sensing data, physical-morphodynamic and eco-hydrologic modelling, and a decision support system. The first subproject develops methodologies for the generation of optimum Remote Sensing (RS) data sets, leading to better interpretation and complementary use of conventional and new remote sensing imagery. It also integrates RS, GIS, and modelling through hypothesis generation, parameter estimation, evaluation and validation. The second subproject facilitates qualitative and quantitative analysis and prediction of the physical aspects of coastal landscape development under the influence of natural processes and human impacts. This subproject is based on the application of remote sensing and dynamic modelling. The third subproject leads to a spatio-temporal working platform which supports data integration of RS and in-situ measurements, and qualitative and quantitative analysis for the prediction of coastal landscape development. Both support decision making in Integrated Coastal Zone Management.  相似文献   
This paper presents an overview of space-time statistical procedures to analyse agricultural and environmental related phenomena. It starts with an application on root-rot development in cotton. Dependence modelling in space and time is done with the space-time variogram. Various kriging interpolators are presented for making predictions in space and time. Simulated annealing is used to design an optimal monitoring network for estimation of space-time variograms. In the application no clear indication was found for anisotropy, although strong evidence exists that the disease not only proceeds within rows but also jumps between rows. The optimal sampling scheme showed a spatial clustering of observations at the first and the last monitoring day and less observations at intermediate times.  相似文献   
The symbiotic pearlfish Carapus bermudensis (Jones) demonstrates the ability, as an adult, to relocate the host sea cucumber Actinopyga agassizi in the laboratory. Host location behavior is effected unimodally with chemically mediated information of host orgin. Positive orientation of pearlfish to host “odor” does not involve chemically-elicited rheotaxis.  相似文献   
An intertidal population of Gammarus palustris Bousfield was sampled over a 23-month period and analyzed by a modified form of the egg-ratio method. Total numbers and size-frequency distributions revealed small numbers in the early spring which later increased to a peak in the summer months. This was followed by a marked reduction near the end of sumer and a subsequent rise in numbers during the early fall. Finally there was a second decrease to very low numbers in the late fall and early winter. Average brood size was calculated and used as an indication of food limitation. Attempts to correlate this with per capita rate of change (r), birth rate ( \((\hat b)\) and death rate ( \((\hat d)\) ) suggested that the population increase in the early summer was food-rather than predator-limited. The late summer decline appears to be the result of predation pressure as well as food limitation. The fall peak is attributed to juvenile release from ovigerous femals escaping previous predation and to an increase in adult males resulting from a release in predation pressure. The winter decline may be due to adverse environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Summary The multi-media approach to aluminum exposure will allow a more informed decision on the inclusion or exclusion of various exposure media in future epidemiological studies.Knowledge of the types of Al (speciation) and their respective bioavailability will enable interpretation of the importance of specific media.  相似文献   

Chloramphenicol is a broad-spectrum bacterial antibiotic used against conjunctivitis, meningitis, plague, cholera, and typhoid fever. As a consequence, chloramphenicol ends up polluting the aquatic environment, wastewater treatment plants, and hospital wastewaters, thus disrupting ecosystems and inducing microbial resistance. Here, we review the occurrence, toxicity, and removal of chloramphenicol with emphasis on adsorption techniques. We present the adsorption performance of adsorbents such as biochar, activated carbon, porous carbon, metal–organic framework, composites, zeolites, minerals, molecularly imprinted polymers, and multi-walled carbon nanotubes. The effect of dose, pH, temperature, initial concentration, and contact time is discussed. Adsorption is controlled by π–π interactions, donor–acceptor interactions, hydrogen bonding, and electrostatic interactions. We also discuss isotherms, kinetics, thermodynamic data, selection of eluents, desorption efficiency, and regeneration of adsorbents. Porous carbon-based adsorbents exhibit excellent adsorption capacities of 500–1240 mg g?1. Most adsorbents can be reused over at least four cycles.

Environmental Chemistry Letters - Pollution and diseases such as the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) are major issues that may be solved partly by nanotechnology. Here we review the synthesis of...  相似文献   
Summary Strike-induced chemosensory searching (SICS) was not detected experimentally in the cordylid lizard,Cordylus cordylus. Both components of SICS, a post-strike elevation in tongue-flick rate (PETF) and searching movements for attacked and released prey, were absent. The findings are consistent with previous data showing that PETF and/or SICS are lacking in all lizard families yet studied that forage primarily by ambush, but are present in actively foraging scleroglossan families and the herbivorous iguanian family Iguanidae. It is suggested that foraging behavior is a primary determinant of the presence or absence of SICS in lizards. Nevertheless, in most families in the two major clades, Iguania and Scleroglossa, the plesiomorphic foraging mode is retained. The findings agree with the prediction that SICS is absent in families lacking lingually mediated prey chemical discrimination (PCD), presumably due to selection against movement by ambush foragers that avoid being detected by either prey or predators because they remain motionless. Although PETF and SICS were absent, labial-licking and lingual movements similar to those observed after swallowing increased after biting prey, suggesting that the functions of these lingual movements may have been related to grooming. Locomotory movements did not increase following biting and appeared to represent avoidance of the experimenter.  相似文献   
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