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Zusammenfassung  Lipidbezogene Verteilungskoeffizienten (KLM/L) zwischen Muskelkonzentrationen-(CML) und Leberkonzentrationen (CLL) zweier Friedfischarten Brassen (Abramis brama) und Aalmutter (Zoarces viviparus) ergeben theoriekonform (KLM/L=CML/CLL=1) nominale Werte um 1 für persistente (hochchlorierte PCB) und Werte über 1 für metabolisierbare lipophile Umweltchemikalien wie chlorierte Cyclohexane oder DDT.   相似文献   

This investigation studied the effects of injecting dry hydrated lime into flue gas to reduce sulfur trioxide, (SO3) concentrations and consequently stack opacity at the University of Missouri-Columbia power plant. The opacity was due to sulf uric acid mist forming at the stack from high SO3 concentrations. As a result of light scattering by the mist, a visible plume leaves the stack. Therefore, reducing high concentrations of SO3 reduces the sulfuric acid mist and consequently the opacity. To reduce SO3 concentrations, dry hydrated lime is periodically injected into the flue gas upstream of a baghouse and downstream of an induced draft fan. The hydrated lime is transported downstream by the flue gas and deposited on the filter bags in the baghouse forming a filter cake. The reaction between the SO3 and the hydrated lime takes place on the filter bags. The hydrated lime injection system has resulted in at least 95% reduction in the SO3 concentration and has reduced the opacity to acceptable limits. Low capital equipment requirements, low operating cost, and increased bag life make the system very attractive to industries with similar problems.  相似文献   
Arsenic predominantly occurs in natural ground and surface waters as arsenate and arsenite. Other arsenic species can also be present in anthropogenically influenced waters. By means of a newly-developed speciation technique an arsenic compound was identified as hexafluoroarsenate at high concentration (about 0.8mgl(-1) as As) in a lake polluted by waste water from a former crystal glass factory. This compound shows a completely different behavior than common arsenite and arsenate in waters. However, respective literature data were little found regarding its environmental behavior as well as the applicable remediation technologies. Conventional arsenic treatment mechanisms, such as the well-known sorption to iron hydroxides, can not be used to remediate water with this compound. Hence, an effective method to remove hexafluoroarsenate from water was developed using its strong affinity to anion exchangers (strong basic exchangers with quaternary ammonium groups). The sorption can be described by a Langmuir isotherm and first-order kinetics with a half-life of about 10min. Interferences by sulphate and fluoride, present at much higher concentrations in the polluted lake water, might be expected due to the anion exchange mechanism, but were shown to be of minor importance.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the current status of using remote sensing and process-based modeling approaches to assess the contemporary and future circumpolar carbon balance of Arctic tundra, including the exchange of both carbon dioxide and methane with the atmosphere. Analyses based on remote sensing approaches that use a 20-year data record of satellite data indicate that tundra is greening in the Arctic, suggesting an increase in photosynthetic activity and net primary production. Modeling studies generally simulate a small net carbon sink for the distribution of Arctic tundra, a result that is within the uncertainty range of field-based estimates of net carbon exchange. Applications of process-based approaches for scenarios of future climate change generally indicate net carbon sequestration in Arctic tundra as enhanced vegetation production exceeds simulated increases in decomposition. However, methane emissions are likely to increase dramatically, in response to rising soil temperatures, over the next century. Key uncertainties in the response of Arctic ecosystems to climate change include uncertainties in future fire regimes and uncertainties relating to changes in the soil environment. These include the response of soil decomposition and respiration to warming and deepening of the soil active layer, uncertainties in precipitation and potential soil drying, and distribution of wetlands. While there are numerous uncertainties in the projections of process-based models, they generally indicate that Arctic tundra will be a small sink for carbon over the next century and that methane emissions will increase considerably, which implies that exchange of greenhouse gases between the atmosphere and Arctic tundra ecosystems is likely to contribute to climate warming.  相似文献   
The Bode catchment (Germany) shows strong land use gradients from forested parts of the National Park (23 % of total land cover) to agricultural (70 %) and urbanised areas (7 %). It is part of the Terrestrial Environmental Observatories of the German Helmholtz association. We performed a biogeochemical analysis of the entire river network. Surface water was sampled at 21 headwaters and at ten downstream sites, before (in early spring) and during the growing season (in late summer). Many parameters showed lower concentrations in headwaters than in downstream reaches, among them nutrients (ammonium, nitrate and phosphorus), dissolved copper and seston dry mass. Nitrate and phosphorus concentrations were positively related to the proportion of agricultural area within the catchment. Punctual anthropogenic loads affected some parameters such as chloride and arsenic. Chlorophyll a concentration and total phosphorus in surface waters were positively related. The concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was higher in summer than in spring, whereas the molecular size of DOC was lower in summer. The specific UV absorption at 254 nm, indicating the content of humic substances, was higher in headwaters than in downstream reaches and was positively related to the proportion of forest within the catchment. CO2 oversaturation of the water was higher downstream compared with headwaters and was higher in summer than in spring. It was correlated negatively with oxygen saturation and positively with DOC concentration but negatively with DOC quality (molecular size and humic content). A principle component analysis clearly separated the effects of site (44 %) and season (15 %), demonstrating the strong effect of land use on biogeochemical parameters.  相似文献   
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