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The purpose of this investigation was to quantify the potential of natural gas to reduce emissions from stationary combustion sources by analyzing the case study of the metropolitan region of Santiago, Chile. For such purposes, referential base scenarios have been defined that represent with and without natural gas settings. The method to be applied is an emission estimate based on emission factors. The results for this case study reveal that stationary combustion sources that replaced their fuel reduced particulate matter (PM) emissions by 61%, sulfur oxides (SOx) by 91%, nitrogen oxides (NOx) by 40%, and volatile organic compounds (VOC) by 10%. Carbon monoxide (CO) emissions were reduced by 1%. As a result of this emission reduction, in addition to reductions caused by other factors, such as a shift to cleaner fuels other than natural gas, technological improvements, and sources which are not operative, emission reduction goals set forth by the environmental authorities were broadly exceeded.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung  Die fluorierten Verbindungen Schwefelhexafluorid (SF6), perfluorierte Fluorkohlenwasserstoffe (CF4, C2F6) und wasserstoffhaltige Fluorkohlenwasserstoffe (H-FKW) z?hlen zu den atmosph?rischen Spurengasen mit extrem hohen Treibhauspotentialen. Untersucht werden für Deutschland ihre realen Emissionen für 1990–1995, und Prognosen für die Jahre bis 2020 werden aufgestellt. Diesen Prognosen zufolge vermindern sich die j?hrlichen Freisetzungen von CF4/C2F6 von 1990 bis 2000 von 335 t/34 t auf 100 t/10 t infolge Automatisierungsma?nahmen an der Hauptquelle (Aluminiumhütten). Die Emissionen von SF6 bleiben dagegen bis 2020 im Schwankungsbereich zwischen 200 und 300 t j?hrlich. Hauptemittenten sind nicht elektrische Schaltanlagen, da diese relativ dicht sind und über ein Entsorgungs-und Wiederaufarbeitungskonzept für gebrauchtes Gas verfügen, sondern mit gro?em Abstand Autoreifen und Schallschutzscheiben. Bei den erst seit 1990 gezielt als FCKW-Nachfolger eingesetzten H-FKW ist mit fortschreitender FCKW-Substitution in der station?ren und mobilen K?lte-und Klimatechnik, bei PU-Montageschaum und Asthmasprays mit einer sprunghaften Zunahme der Emissionen bis auf über 9700 t/a ab dem Jahr 2007 zu rechnen, sofern sich nicht halogenfreie Alternativen st?rker durchsetzen. Im Jahr 2020 werden bei Annahme dieser Trends die kumulierten Emissionen der genannten fluorierten Verbindungen der Treibhauswirkung von 25 Mio. t CO2 entsprechen (GWP-Betrachtungszeitraum: 100 Jahre).   相似文献   
Photo-Fenton/ozone (PhFO) and TiO2-photocatalysis/ozone (PhCO) coupled systems are used as advanced oxidation processes for the degradation of the following biorecalcitrant pesticides: alachlor, atrazine, chlorfenvinfos, diuron, isoproturon and pentachlorophenol. These organic compounds are considered Priority Hazardous Substances by the Water Framework Directive of the European Commission. The degradation process of the different pesticides, that occurs through oxidation of the organic molecules by means of their reaction with generated OH radical, follows a first and zero-order kinetics, when PhFO and PhCO are applied, respectively. These two Advanced Oxidation Processes, together with the traditional ozone+UV, have been used to investigate TOC reduction of the different pesticide aqueous solutions. The best results of pesticide mineralization are obtained when PhFO is applied; with the use of this advanced oxidation process the aqueous pesticide solutions become detoxyfied except in the case of atrazine and alachlor aqueous solutions for which no detoxification is achieved at the experimental conditions used in the work, at least after 2 and 3 h of treatment, respectively.  相似文献   
A simple enzyme immunoassay measuring human chorionic gonadotropin in undiluted maternal serum has been developed in order to be used as a prenatal screening test for Down' s syndrome. A retrospective study of maternal serum sampled during pregnancies associated with trisomy 21 shows that with a 5% amniocentesis rate determined on a single test, the detection rate of trisomy 21 would be around two-thirds of the affected pregnancies. A prospective study of 9040 pregnant women under 38 years has confirmed the usefulness of the assay.  相似文献   
Various aspects of pluviometric andhydrological events have been studiedworldwide, one of which is the geomorphichazards as the intensity of the eventsexceeds various geomorphic thresholds.During the last few years, rainstorms ofdifferent intensities have occurred in theCentral Spanish Pyrenees, including one ofexceptional character. Large, historicaldebris flows have been studied, as well asthe actual sediment transport in smallexperimental catchments. This study showsthat during the most frequent eventssuspended sediment transport is the commongeomorphic process. Bedload is mobilizedseveral times per year while small rockavalanches and channelized debris flowshave a return period of at least 5 years.Hillslope debris flows are triggered byrainfall events with a 25–30 year returnperiod. Reactivation of large, deep massmovements is linked to rainfalls of around100 year return period (between 130 and160 mm in 24 hours). Catastrophicgeomorphic processes occur whenprecipitation exceeds a 100 year returnperiod, as was the case of the Biescascampsite disaster. Geomorphic processestriggered by intense rainfall events havecaused major damage and human disastersbut the hazards have been reduced by theintroduction of several control measures,including reforestation, the constructionof check-dams, canalization of riversegments and improved flood forecasting.  相似文献   
A short-time period microbial toxicity test-battery was used for the investigation of acute toxicity and genotoxicity of five hydrocarbon containing sludges. Four sludges were obtained from a petrochemical industry and the fifth from a petroleum refinery. Some of the sludges had been stored for long periods. Bioremediation potential assays for soils polluted with each of the sludges were also considered. The sludges did not show acute toxicity in any of the microbial tests performed. However, when the diethylether soluble fractions of these sludges were analyzed some of them showed acute toxicity, for which the clearest results were obtained with the resazurin reduction method. The greatest toxicity detected with the Resazurin based method was found in the diethylether extracts of the freshly collected (not stored) sludges. On the other hand, the diethylether soluble fraction of those sludges that had been stored showed genotoxicity when analyzed with the Salmonella/microsome assay. After the incorporation of the sludges into the soil, increased bacterial counts were noted and substantial hydrocarbon elimination was achieved in 30 days, showing that bioremediation may be a possible technology for cleaning soils polluted with these sludges.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper was to assess the endogenous release of lead from bone to blood, in 204 exposed subjects. resuming their duties after a 10-month strike in a primary lead smelter in 1991. In vivo 109Cd K X-ray Fluorescence (109Cd K XRF) was used to measure the bone lead concentration in tibia and calcaneus in the smelter, in 1994 and five years later. The 1994 data were used to derive the post-strike bone lead concentrations retrospectively from the significant association between bone lead and the cumulative blood lead index (CBLI). When a linear model was used to predict the current blood lead upon the level of lead in bone, structural analysis of the data produced slopes for tibia (2.0, 95% CI 1.66-2.54) and calcaneus (0.19, 95% CI 0.16-0.23) that were significantly higher than those predicted by the commonly used simple linear regression method, for tibia (0.73, 95%, CI 0.58-0.88) and calcaneus (0.08, 95% CI 0.06-0.09). This suggests that more lead than previously predicted by regression is released from bone to blood. Furthermore, the structural analysis of the data produced an estimation of the contribution of the bone lead stores to the bloodstream that was more consistent with the 1999 epidemiological data than did the regression estimation. Moreover, a non-linear relationship between tibia lead and blood lead was suggested from the assumption checking procedures for regression. When a non-linear regression model was fit to the data, the method produced estimates of important parameters in human lead kinetics, namely the blood lead saturation constant, showing a good agreement with current knowledge of lead metabolism. Finally, the likelihood of a non-linear bone lead release seems to be supported by the recently described dependence of the half-life of lead in bone on age and intensity of occupational exposure.  相似文献   
A method is presented for the design of multi-pollutant air quality monitoring networks (AQMN). This technique leads to an optimal network, i.e. a network providing a maximum of information with a minimum of measurement devices. The spatial correlation analysis technique is used to compare the information given by the potential sites that may form the network. The concept of potential of violation is defined to take into account the number of times that the maximum emission values tolerated by law are exceeded. Both objectives are weighted automatically through an adjustable parameter, b, for which an estimation procedure has been developed in this study, depending on the purpose of the network. Several methods are described, allowing simultaneous consideration of different pollutants. As an illustration of these methods, a number of air quality monitoring networks is designed to perform an analysis of the environmental impact due to a hypothetical potash processing plant and two thermal power stations.  相似文献   
This risk assessment on 1,2-dichlorobenzene was carried out for the marine environment, following methodology given in the EU risk assessment Regulation (1488/94) and Guidance Document of the EU New and Existing Substances Regulation (TGD, 1996). Data from analytical monitoring programmes in large rivers and estuaries in the North Sea area were collected and evaluated on effects and environmental concentrations. Risk is indicated by the ratio of predicted environmental concentration (PEC) to predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC) for the marine aquatic environment. In total, 26 data for fish, 24 data for invertebrates and 17 data for algae were evaluated. Acute and chronic toxicity studies were taken into account and appropriate assessment factors used to define a final PNEC value of 37 microg/l. All available monitoring data indicate that 1,2-dichlorobenzene levels in estuaries are below 0.1 microg/l. Worst case concentrations in rivers are below 0.45 microg/l. With this value, calculated PEC/PNEC ratios give safety margins of 100 to 300, taking no account of dilution in the sea. 1,2-dichlorobenzene is not a 'toxic, persistent and liable to bioaccumulate' substance sensu the Oslo and Paris Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution (OSPAR-DYNAMEC) criteria. Environmental fate and effects data indicate that current use of 1,2-dichlorobenzene poses no risk to the aquatic environment.  相似文献   
The geography and climate of the Santiago basin are, in general, unfavorable for the diffusion of air pollutants. Consequently, extreme events occur frequently during the high pollution season extending from April to August. The meteorological conditions concurrent with those extreme events are mainly associated with the leading edges of coastal lows that bring down the base of the semipermanent temperature inversion reducing the dirunal growth of the surface mixed layer. In order to produce an objective 12 to 24-hour episode forecast, a two-way multivariate discriminant analysis has been used in the definition of a meteorological air-pollution potential index (MAPPI), separating high and low meteorological air-pollution potential days. The same procedure has been applied in the selection of the most efficient predictors for the MAPPI objective forecast, based on 12 and 24 UTC radiosonde data at Quintero, about 100 km to the NW of Santiago. Results indicate about 70% correctly forecasted days, with satisfactory skill-scores relative to persistency. The strong persistency characterizing the most efficient predictors in the 12-hour objective forecast scheme, makes the prediction of the first and last days of any particular air-pollution potential episode particularly difficult. To overcome this problem, a new set of predictors based on continuous measurements near the level of the top of the temperature inversion layer (900 hPa during air-pollution episodes) is being tested. Preliminary results indicate that the time-integrated zonal wind component at that level is a reliable precursor for both the onset and the end of air-pollution potential episodes.  相似文献   
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