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Environmental Accumulation of Airborne Fluorides in Romania   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The nature and extent of pollution from an aluminium smelter and a fertiliser factory in Romania were studied. These are large industrial complexes, and both types of industry are known to release fluorides into the atmosphere. In grass samples collected from around the aluminium smelter, the maximum fluoride levels were found to be 4023mgkg–1 and 162mgkg–1 in unwashed and washed grass samples respectively, and 89mgkg–1 in soils. For the fertiliser factory, the maximum levels in washed grasses were found to be 207mgkg–1, and 11mgkg–1 in the soils. In both locations, these maximum values were obtained in samples collected from within 200m of the factory limits, and compare with regional background levels of less than 10mgkg–1 for grasses and 2mgkg–1 for soils. The high fluoride levels of fluoride in the grasses are sufficient to give cause for concern for the effects that these could have on the local population and on grazing animals.  相似文献   
Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae (L.) Nevski) is an exotic annual grass invading rangelands in the western United States. Medusahead is a serious management concern because it decreases biodiversity, reduces livestock forage production, and degrades the ecological function of rangelands. Despite the obvious importance of ranchers as partners in preventing and managing medusahead in rangelands, little is known about their perceptions and behaviors concerning medusahead management. We present the results of a survey of ranchers operating on sagebrush steppe rangeland in a three-county area in southeast Oregon encompassing over 7.2 million ha. The primary objective of this research was to determine if the presence of medusahead on a ranch influenced its operator’s perceptions and behaviors concerning invasive plant control and prevention. Ranchers operating on medusahead-infested rangeland were more likely to indicate increased awareness and concern about medusahead and the potential for its continued expansion. Ranchers operating on rangeland invaded by medusahead were also more likely to indicate use of measures to prevent the spread of medusahead and other invasive plants on rangeland, interest in educational opportunities concerning invasive annual grass management, and plans for controlling invasive annual grasses in the future. This study revealed an alarming trend in which individuals are less likely to implement important prevention measures and participate in education opportunities to improve their knowledge of invasive plants until they directly experience the negative consequences of invasion. Information campaigns on invasive plants and their impacts may rectify this problem; however, appropriate delivery methods are critical for success. Web- or computer-based invasive plant information and tools were largely unpopular among ranchers, whereas traditional forms of information delivery including brochures/pamphlets and face-to-face interaction were preferred. However, in the future web- or computer-based information may become more popular as ranchers become more familiar with them.  相似文献   
Juveniles of Paragnathia formica Hesse (Isopoda; Gnathiidae) are haematophagous ectoparasites, feeding on fish blood which supplies the nutrients for their development through growth and moulting, and the subsequent survival and reproduction of the free-living adults. Little is known of the mechanisms of digestion in juvenile gnathiids, and biochemical studies on the digestive tract of these interesting estuarine isopods have not been undertaken previously. Here, functionally active cathepsin-like cysteine proteinases are identified in the digestive system of juvenile praniza (fed) and zuphea (unfed) forms. The physiological pH of the digestive tract and the optimum proteolytic activities detected in praniza 3 homogenates using the cathepsin B/L, cathepsin B, and cathepsin H fluorogenic substrates, N-Carbobenzoxy-Phe-Arg-4-methoxy-2-naphthylamine (Z-phe-arg-MNA), N-Carbobenzoxy-Arg-Arg-4-methoxy-2-naphthylamine (Z-arg-arg-MNA) and Arg-4-methoxy-2-naphthylamine (H-arg-MNA), respectively, are in the acidic range (pH 5.8–6.7). Inhibition profiles against Z-phe-arg-MNA and Z-arg-arg-MNA using the cathepsin B inactivator urea, and cysteine proteinase inhibitors, support the presence of cathepsin L- and B-like enzymes. These proteolytic activities are 10–50 times higher in homogenates of praniza 3 compared with zuphea 3 forms. Histochemistry of praniza 3 sections reveals that the predominant enzyme activity towards Z-phe-arg-MNA is limited to the digestive glands during early and mid stages of digestion; later, this activity appears in the lining of the anterior hindgut. Moreover, activity towards Z-arg-arg-MNA is generally restricted to the digestive glands, and only occasionally present in the anterior hindgut. In conclusion, the digestive glands are the main site of cathepsin-like cysteine proteinase activities in P. formica juveniles; these enzymes appear to be important to the digestion of host fish blood enabling development through to the free-living adult.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Suspended sediment causes a range of environmental damage, including benthic smothering, irritation of fish gills, and transport of sorbed contaminants. Much of the impact, while sediment remains suspended, is related to its light attenuation, which reduces visual range in water and light availability for photosynthesis. Thus measurement of the optical attributes of suspended matter in many instances is more relevant than measurement of its mass concentration. Nephelometric turbidity, an index of light scattering by suspended particles, has been widely used as a simple, cheap, instrumental surrogate for suspended sediment, that also relates more directly than mass concentration to optical effects of suspended matter. However, turbidity is only a relative measure of scattering (versus arbitrary standards) that has no intrinsic environmental relevance until calibrated to a ‘proper’ scientific quantity. Visual clarity (measured as Secchi or black disc visibility) is a preferred optical quantity with immediate environmental relevance to aesthetics, contact recreation, and fish habitat. Contrary to common perception, visual clarity measurement is not particularly subjective and is more precise than turbidity measurement. Black disc visibility is inter‐convertible with beam attenuation, a fundamental optical quantity that can be monitored continuously by beam transmissometry. Visual clarity or beam attenuation should supplant nephelometric turbidity in many water quality applications, including environmental standards.  相似文献   
The phosphatic mineral, hydroxyapatite, and two ion exchange resins have been used as artificial sediment particles. The surface properties of these materials have been studied using the Langmuir adsorption isotherm to calculate the binding capacity (B(max)) and the adsorption constant (K(L)) for zinc and cadmium ions. Mussels (Mytilus edulis) were fed on the particles and their digestive glands were subsequently removed and subjected to cell fractionation. The supernatant fraction was used to determine cytosol metal levels as a measure of the materials absorbed from the ingested particles. The level of cytosol zinc and cadmium was correlated with the K(L) values of the artificial sediments. It is suggested that phagocytosis of sediment particles plays an important part in transferring pollutants into benthic organisms and that the efficiency of this process is related to the adsorption coefficient of the particle surfaces.  相似文献   
Episodic acidification is practically a ubiquitous process in streams and drainage lakes in Canada, Europe and the United States. Depressions of pH are often smaller in systems with low pre-episode pH levels. Studies on European surface waters have reported episodes most frequently with minimum pH levels below 4.5. In Canada and the United States, studies have also reported a number of systems that have had minimum pH levels below 4.5. In all areas, change in water flowpath during hydrological events is a major determinant of episode characteristics. Episodic acidification is also controlled by a combination of other natural and anthropogenic factors. Base cation decreases are an important contributor to episodes in circumneutral streams and lakes. Sulphate pulses are generally important contributors to episodic acidification in Europe and Canada. Nitrate pulses are generally more important to episodic acidification in the Northeast United States. Increases in organic acids contribute to episodes in some streams in all areas. The sea-salt effect is important in near-coastal streams and lakes. In Canada, Europe and the United States, acidic deposition has increased the severity (minimum pH reached) of episodes in some streams and lakes.  相似文献   
This work has examined cobalt(II) binding by a variety of solid humic acids (HAs) isolated from peat, plant and soil sources at temperatures down to 60K. The results confirm that X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES) measurements cannot distinguish between aquo and carboxylato ligands in the inner coordination sphere of Co(II). However, between 1 and 2 inner-sphere carboxylato ligands can be detected in all the peat, plant and soil-derived HA samples by extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) measurements, indicating inner-sphere coordination of HA-bound Co(II). The precision of C(carboxylate) detection is limited by the extent and quality of the data and the contribution from inner-sphere O to the Fourier transformed peaks used to detect carbon. Putative chelate ring formation is consistent with a relatively negative entropy change in step A, the stronger Co(II) binding step by HA functional groups, and could relate to 'non-exchangeable' metal binding by HSs.  相似文献   
Metal binding is an important function of humic acids (HAs) in soils, sediments and waters. At pH 2.0, Mn(II) and Co(NH3)6aq3+ bind tightly in one step labeled A to a solid humic acid NHA isolated from a New Hampshire soil. Two consecutive steps are observed for Hg(II) binding. All the binding isotherms fit the Langmuir model in the temperature range 10.0-50.0 degrees C. Stoichiometric site capacities indicate predominant binding by charge-neutralizing HA carboxylate groups for Mn(II) and the second step A of Hg(II) binding. The binding affinity order in step A is Co(NH3)(6)3+>Hg(II)>Mn(II). Metal binding enthalpy and entropy changes fit the linear correlation found previously for binding of other metal cations by solid HAs. Free energy buffering from cooperative enthalpy and entropy changes and lower enthalpies for metal-HA interactions in solution suggest that desolvation of the cations and HA binding sites as well as HA conformational changes to allow for inner-sphere complexation predominate metal binding by hydrated solid HAs.  相似文献   
Internationally agreed standard protocols for assessing chemical toxicity of contaminants in soil to worms assume that the test soil does not need to equilibrate with the chemical to be tested prior to the addition of the test organisms and that the chemical will exert any toxic effect upon the test organism within 28 days. Three experiments were carried out to investigate these assumptions. The first experiment was a standard toxicity test where lead nitrate was added to a soil in solution to give a range of concentrations. The mortality of the worms and the concentration of lead in the survivors were determined. The LC50s for 14 and 28 days were 5311 and 5395 microgPb g(-1)soil respectively. The second experiment was a timed lead accumulation study with worms cultivated in soil containing either 3000 or 5000 microgPb g(-1)soil. The concentration of lead in the worms was determined at various sampling times. Uptake at both concentrations was linear with time. Worms in the 5000 microg g(-1) soil accumulated lead at a faster rate (3.16 microg Pb g(-1)tissue day(-1)) than those in the 3000 microg g(-1) soil (2.21 microg Pb g(-1)tissue day(-1)). The third experiment was a timed experiment with worms cultivated in soil containing 7000 microgPb g(-1)soil. Soil and lead nitrate solution were mixed and stored at 20 degrees C. Worms were added at various times over a 35-day period. The time to death increased from 23 h, when worms were added directly after the lead was added to the soil, to 67 h when worms were added after the soil had equilibrated with the lead for 35 days. In artificially Pb-amended soils the worms accumulate Pb over the duration of their exposure to the Pb. Thus time limited toxicity tests may be terminated before worm body load has reached a toxic level. This could result in under-estimates of the toxicity of Pb to worms. As the equilibration time of artificially amended Pb-bearing soils increases the bioavailability of Pb decreases. Thus addition of worms shortly after addition of Pb to soils may result in the over-estimate of Pb toxicity to worms. The current OECD acute worm toxicity test fails to take these two phenomena into account thereby reducing the environmental relevance of the contaminant toxicities it is used to calculate.  相似文献   
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