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Immunoreactive metallothionein has been demonstrated in formalin fixed sections of rat and human tissue using a DNP hapten sandwich staining procedure and antibody to zinc-induced rat liver metallothionein II.MT was found in rat liver, duodenum, jejunum and ileum and in human liver and ileum both intracellularly in hepatocytes and enterocytes and extracellularly in portal vessels, sinusoids and canaliculi in the liver and in the lamina propria of the intestine.Changes in intensity of staining were related in the rat to the feeding/fasting status of the animal and whether exogenous zinc had been administered. In man least MT was found in the ileum of patients with Crohn's disease and most in patients with non-inflammatory bowel disease.These results confirm that MT is an important physiological metal-binding protein in man and animals and is concerned in zinc transport and binding in rats.  相似文献   
Not only does lagoon ecology represent a transitional zone between the sea and the continent but it also expresses the equilibrium belt between erosion and sedimentation processes. Within the framework of a coastal management scheme, a precise and timely mapping of morphological changes in this environment is important. This paper illustrates the possible contribution of multi-temporal satellite observations in the monitoring of the erosion/sedimentation processes of coastal zones, where landscape features are subjected to highly morphodynamical modifications. In particular, an improved mapping accuracy was obtained by the successive application of the Maximum Likelihood (MLH) classifier and the Linear Mixture Model (LMM) techniques to the satellite image classification procedure. In fact, by estimating the amount of shallow water and wetland within each satellite pixel, the LMM technique allows for an accurate mapping of the transitional zones in the lagoon environment, thus permitting an optimal separation between land and water. The study concerns the Venice lagoon (Italy) which has been sinking slowly since the beginning of this century. This has led to widespread loss of wetlands. In order to monitor the development of the land cover, four Landsat Thematic Mapper scenes were examined, during the period 1984 to 1993. The results obtained proved that the digital analysis method of multitemporal satellite imagery, applied over a selected test area, enables the evolution of an estuarine environment landscape, with its different sequences of erosion and periods of accretion, to be monitored. The significant influence of tidal stages is discussed in the data analysis.  相似文献   
Growth of sporelings of Hypnea cervicornis J. Agardh and H. chordacea Kuetzing in response to gradients of selected environmental factors has been investigated. The sporelings of H. cervicornis tolerated higher levels of the tested parameters (e.g. salinity and temperature) than those of H. chordacea. In all the treatments, the sporelings of H. cervicornis grew significantly faster than those of H. chordacea. The ecological and agronomic implications of these findings are discussed.Extracted from a Ph. D. dissertation submitted to the Graduate Division of the University of Hawaii in Fall, 1974.  相似文献   
Diallel crosses of oysters from three geographically isolated natural populations were produced to evaluate the relative importance of genetic, maternal, and environmental effects on larval and juvenile growth and viability. Significant additive genetic effects were observed only in larval viability at Day 12 and larval shell length at Day 2. The presence of significant male and female mean square for larval viability (suggesting non-additive genetic variance) is consistent with fitness related characters. Important maternal effects were observed for the larval and juvenile shell length and viability characters. These female mean squares are probably affected by both real and spurious maternal effects and potential contributing influences are discussed. The performance of the crosses can be largely explained by two factors: parental performance and the heterotic gene effects. This is based on an apparent positive correlation of mean values between the parental populations and their crosses. The crosses' mean viability at the end of the larval phase was 14.0% lower than the pure matings and support a previous observation of lower heterozygote viability in the larval phase (Mallet and Haley, 1983b).  相似文献   
Zimmerer KS  Galt RE  Buck MV 《Ambio》2004,33(8):520-529
This study is focused on the global expansion of protected-area coverage that occurred during the 1980--2000 period. We examine the multi-scale patterning of four of the basic facets of this expansion: i) estimated increases at the world-regional and country-level scales of total protected-area coverage; ii) transboundary protected areas; iii) conservation corridor projects; and iv) type of conservation management. Geospatial patterning of protected-area designations is a reflection of the priorities of global conservation organizations and the globalization of post-Cold War political and economic arrangements. Local and national-level factors (political leadership and infrastructure) as well as international relations such as multilateral and bilateral aid combine with these globalization processes to impact the extent, type, and location of protected-area designations. We conclude that the interaction of these factors led to the creation and reinforcement of marked spatial differences (rather than tendencies toward worldwide evenness or homogenization) in the course of protected-area expansion during the 1980--2000 period.  相似文献   
Chemical fingerprinting approach to environmental assessment is illustrated in the evaluation of marine oil pollution in the coasts using two limpet species as bioindicator organisms, and based on profiles and concentrations of n-alkanes and aromatic hydrocarbons in their tissues. Accidental and chronic releases of hydrocarbons can contaminate the marine environment of the Canary Islands not only because of their geographical situation but also because of the very dense tanker traffic around. This situation affects coastal areas, fishing activities, tourism resort, etc. Concentrations of n-alkanes and aromatic hydrocarbons (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and methyl-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) in the soft tissues of the marine intertidal and subtidal limpets, Patella crenata and Patella ullysiponensis aspera, were evaluated. Limpet samples were collected at monthly intervals, at three locations on the southeast coast of Tenerife over a 3-year period (1991-93). Levels of hydrocarbons found in limpets are similar to concentrations found in unpolluted areas around the world. From application of principal component analysis, the interpretation of variable loading plots gives information on variable correlation and can be used to distinguish among potential sources of pollution and the ability of studied molluscs to be used as bioindicator organisms.  相似文献   
This is the consolidated report of emissions of PCDD/F from facilities in the organic chemical manufacturing chain leading to polyvinyl chloride. Data have been gathered from facilities in the US and Canada from a number of manufacturers and at various steps in the manufacturing process. Estimates of US emissions or transfers of PCDD/F were generated on an "Upper Bound" and "Most Likely" basis. The Most Likely estimate of US emissions of PCDD/F to the open environment, that is, air, water and land surface by facilities in this chain, based on evaluation of non-detects at one-half the detection limit is about 12 g I-TEQ per year. On this same basis, an estimated 19 g is disposed of in secure landfills.  相似文献   
The biodegradability and treatability of NTA   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
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