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鲢鱼放养控制北京城市河湖水华试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了利用鲢鱼控制北京城市河湖水华的试验研究,通过不同放养密度(0、17、51和103 g/m3)的现场围隔试验,对鲢鱼放养对水体水质和浮游生物的影响进行了分析.研究结果表明,鲢鱼放养使有鱼围隔中浮游生物量极低,从而使浮游植物基本不受浮游动物影响,而直接受鱼类影响;同时,中等密度(51 g/m3)的鲢鱼放养使水华蓝藻和微小藻的生长均得到了有效抑制,使藻类生物量最低.  相似文献   
采用固定化技术处理土壤中菲、芘污染物   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:16  
采用动胶杆菌(Zoogloea sp.)固定化技术包埋来降解土壤中菲、芘污染物,在不同接种量、不同系列浓度下,对降解效果进行了测定.结果表明:5%的接种量最为合理,在168h时,固定化细菌对菲、芘的降解率达84.89%和76.94%;而在相同条件下土著菌降解仅达到27.85%和19.65%,因此动胶杆菌(Zoogloea sp.)具有更好的降解能力.另外,还用电镜观察研究了动胶杆菌在载体中的分布形态,表明了固定化细菌降解土壤中菲、芘具有较高的优势.  相似文献   
采用向含氟废水中加入适量石灰和聚合氯化铝,然后投加适量钙盐、磷酸和聚丙烯酰胺的二级处理工艺除氟,通过控制合适的pH、钙盐和磷酸的投加量、反应时间、反应温度、搅拌强度和絮凝剂的投加量,可使黄磷废水中氟的质量浓度降至5mg/L,氟的去除率达到99%以上,出水中氟的质量浓度达到GB8978-1996一级排放标准。  相似文献   
硝化反应及其控制因素   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对硝化菌和亚硝化菌的特性进行了分析,并就碳源不足的废水实行短程硝化—反硝化脱氮的途径进行探讨。  相似文献   
In January 2013, a long-lasting severe haze episode occurred in Northern and Central China; at its maximum, it covered a land area of approximately 1.4 million km2. In Wuhan, the largest city in Central China, this event was the most severe haze episode in the 21st century. Aerosol samples of submicron particles (PM1.0) were collected during the long-lasting haze episode at an urban site and a suburban site in Wuhan to investigate the ion characteristics of PM1.0 in this area. The mass concentrations of PM1.0 and its water-soluble inorganic ions (WSIIs) were almost at the same levels at two sites, which indicates that PM1.0 pollution occurs on a regional scale in Wuhan. WSIIs (Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl-, NO3- and SO42-) were the dominant chemical species and constituted up to 48.4% and 47.4% of PM1.0 at WD and TH, respectively. The concentrations of PM1.0 and WSIIs on haze days were approximately two times higher than on normal days. The ion balance calculations indicate that the particles were more acidic on haze days than on normal days. The results of the back trajectory analysis imply that the high concentrations of PM1.0 and its water-soluble inorganic ions may be caused by stagnant weather conditions in Wuhan.  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The Yellow River Basin is an energy-rich area. The low-carbon development of the Yellow River Basin is one of the ways to achieve ecological...  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - With the acceleration of China’s urbanization process, construction activities have led to a substantial increase in construction waste....  相似文献   
研究了毒死蜱对隆线溞(Daphnia carinata)和中华薄壳介(Dolerocypris sinensis)混合种群的种群密度、N-乙酰-β-D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶(NAGase)比活力和隆线溞游离态几丁质酶免疫可反应蛋白(chitinase-IR)的影响。结果表明,在毒死蜱质量浓度高于0.05μg/L的条件下,毒死蜱对两种生物会有抑制作用,并且基本随暴露浓度的升高而增强。不过,随着水中残留的毒死蜱浓度降低,抑制作用会减弱。计算毒死蜱对隆线溞和中华薄壳介的最高无作用浓度(NOEC)和最低有效浓度(LOEC)发现,中华薄壳介对毒死蜱的敏感性高于隆线溞。在生态风险评估工作中,NOEC或LOEC使用时间加权平均浓度会使评价结果更加准确。  相似文献   
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