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Amphibian metamorphosis provides a wonderful model to study the thyroid hormone (TH) signaling disrupting activity of environmental chemicals, with Xenopus laevis as the most commonly used species. This study aimed to establish a rapid and sensitive screening assay based on TH-response gene expression analysis using Pelophylax nigromaculatus, a native frog species distributed widely in East Asia, especially in China. To achieve this, five candidate TH-response genes that were sensitive to T3 induction were chosen as molecular markers, and T3 induction was determined as 0.2 nmol/L T3 exposure for 48 hr. The developed assay can detect the agonistic activity of T3 with a lowest observed effective concentration of 0.001 nmol/L and EC50 at around 0.118–1.229 nmol/L, exhibiting comparable or higher sensitivity than previously reported assays. We further validated the efficiency of the developed assay by detecting the TH signaling disrupting activity of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), a known TH signaling disruptor. In accordance with previous reports, we found a weak TH agonistic activity for TBBPA in the absence of T3, whereas a TH antagonistic activity was found for TBBPA at higher concentrations in the presence of T3, showing that the P. nigromaculatus assay is effective for detecting TH signaling disrupting activity. Importantly, we observed non-monotonic dose-dependent disrupting activity of TBBPA in the presence of T3, which is difficult to detect with in vitro reporter gene assays. Overall, the developed P. nigromaculatus assay can be used to screen TH signaling disrupting activity of environmental chemicals with high sensitivity.  相似文献   
为了促进西北干旱区中小城市的快速、稳定的发展,解决该地区中小城市的水资源短缺问题,以水价作为出发点,充分利用水价格的经济杠杆作用,制定出该地区中小城市的水价。以西北干旱区中具有代表性的城市石河子为例,通过实地调研,得到石河子居民、居民生活用水情况、现行水价、居民家庭节水情况、居民的心理承受水价以及平时生活的节水意识等情况,通过分析,得出居民的心理承受偏低,现行水价仍有一定的上调空间,调价范围为1.58~2.31元/m3,最高可调至4.11元/m3。结合石河子的水价,为西北干旱区的中小城镇的水价改革、提高水资源的利用率等提出一些切实可行的建议。  相似文献   
王兵  宫航  任宏洋 《环境工程》2013,(Z1):247-250
目前常见的活性污泥减量技术主要包括解偶联技术、微生物的捕食作用以及隐性生长三种方法。基于臭氧氧化溶胞作用从而强化细菌隐性生长的污泥减量技术具有较好的处理效果及良好的应用前景。着重探讨了臭氧溶胞作用的机理及溶胞过程的影响因素。考虑到污泥减量技术在实际污水处理系统中的应用,探讨了臭氧溶胞对污水生物处理系统的影响。  相似文献   
以大兴安岭地区呼玛金矿含银氧化矿为原材料,探讨了碘化提金的工艺条件,并对碘的再生方式进行了研究。研究表明,常温条件下当浸出时间为3 h,液固比为5:1,碘含量达到0.8%,pH值在6~8的范围内时,可以得到较理想的浸金率,此时金的浸出率可达到90%以上。为了降低碘化提金的应用成本,采用锌置换金的方法使碘回收,结果显示,当锌粉的加入量为1 g,置换时间为1 h时,置换率最高,碘可以高效回收利用。  相似文献   
Emission trading is one of the most effective alternatives to controlling water pollution. Water environmental functional zone (WEFZ) is used to determine the water quality standard and identify the zone boundary for each river or reach. In this study, a new emission trading scheme was addressed based on WEFZ, accounting for both the temporal dimension and water quality control. A temporal factor of emission trading was proposed based on variations in the environmental capacity within a year by dividing the year into three periods, including high, normal, and low periods of environmental capacity. During each period, emission trading was implemented exclusively. A water quality-control scheme was suggested based on the water quality requirement in the water functional zone, in which the water quality at the downstream boundary of the zone was required to meet the water standard following auto-purification in the stream. Two methods of calculating water quality control are addressed for point-source pollution and non-point-source pollution. The calculated temporal dimension and water quality control were located in Dongxi River of the Daning Watershed in the Three Gorges Watershed. The high period was during June, July, and August, the normal period was during April, May, September, and October, and the low period was during January, February, March, November, and December. The results from the water quality calculation demonstrated that the discharge of point-source and non-point-source pollutions led to an excess of common contaminants at the downstream boundary of WEFZ. The temporal and spatial factors above should be incorporated into the emission trading scheme based on WEFZ.  相似文献   
萃取分光光度法测定工业废气中的游离溴   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用萃取分光光度法测定工业废气中的游离溴,并对样品的采集与保存,萃取条件的选择进行了研究。结果表明,当溴的含量在18.0-450.0μg/mL范围同时,吸光度与浓度具有良好的线性关系,方法的采样效率大于99%,精密度和准确度较好当采集气体为100L时,最低检出肖度为0.14mg/m^3。  相似文献   
Polyvinyl alcohol is a refractory compound widely used in industry. Here we report supercritical water oxidation of polyvinyl alcohol solution and desizing wastewater with and without sodium hydroxide addition. However, it is difficult to implement complete degradation of organics even though polyvinyl alcohol can readily crack under supercritical water treatment. Sodium hydroxide had a significant catalytic effect during the supercritical water oxidation of polyvinyl alcohol. It appears that the OH ion participated in the C-C bond cleavage of polyvinyl alcohol molecules, the CO2-capture reaction and the neutralization of intermediate organic acids, promoting the overall reactions moving in the forward direction. Acetaldehyde was a typical intermediate product during reaction. For supercritical water oxidation of desizing wastewater, a high destruction rate (98.25%) based on total organic carbon was achieved. In addition, cases where initial wastewater was alkaline were favorable for supercritical water oxidation treatment, but salt precipitation and blockage issues arising during the process need to be taken into account seriously.  相似文献   
李刚  李伟光  王广智  李鑫  公绪金 《环境工程》2012,(Z2):489-493,568
以城市生活污水厂脱水车间污泥为原料,采用化学活化法(ZnCl2为活化剂)在活化剂浓度为45%、活化温度为600℃、浸渍温度为45℃、活化时间为50min条件下制备污泥基活性炭。对污泥基活性炭进行了孔结构、扫描电镜(SEM)、红外光谱(FTIR)、XRD等表征分析。结果表明:该条件下制备出的污泥基活性炭碘吸附值为427.51mg/g,比表面积为329.48m2/g,大孔、中孔、微孔容积分别为0.19,0.12,0.15cm3/g。平均孔径为3.953nm。将其应用于生活污水处理,考察了污泥基活性炭投加量、pH、吸附时间对其吸附性能的影响。  相似文献   
在挤压模具的零件中,冲头的工作条件最恶劣.传统认为,冷挤压冲头损坏的主要原因是因为工作时金属变形抗力大,作用在冲头上的载荷大而集中所致.此文分析了冷挤压冲头的主要损坏形式,并对其产生原因及损坏形式进行了分析和讨论,提出冲头在交变应力的反复作用下引起的疲劳损伤,是冷挤压冲头容易损坏的主要原因,并就冲头的常见损坏形式提出了相应的解决措施.  相似文献   
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