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Summary The social cohesiveness of eusocial insect colonies is maintained primarily through the utilization of pheromones. In this study we quantitatively elucidated the production, secretion, and transmission of 9-keto2(E)-decenoic acid (9-ODA), one of the components of the mandibular gland pheromone of the honey bee queen Apis mellifera; this is the only identified primer pheromone complex in the eusocial insects. Mated queens produce 12–400 g of 9-ODA/day, or between 10% and 170% the average amount found in the glands at any one time. Approximately 0.5 g of 9-ODA is maintained on the body surface of queens by an equilibrium between exudation, internalization, tracking on the comb, and removal by workers. Retinue bees, attending the queen, remove the greatest amount, although the role of the wax as both a sink and a medium for pheromone transfer has been previously underestimated. Only about 1 in 10 retinue workers pick up substantial quantities of pheromone while attending the queen and, within seconds, most of the acquired 9-ODA is found externally on the abdomen, or in the gut. These attendants, also called messenger bees, transfer 9-ODA to other workers, mostly through direct contacts, but also via the wax. A model evaluating the pathways and relative quantities of 9-ODA transferred throughout the nest is presented. As well as being important for a basic understanding of the system, the results have implications for the proper design and use of pheromones in bee management.Offprint requests to: K. Naumann  相似文献   
Fouling communities were transferred between Wollongong Harbour (Australia), a relatively unpolluted area, and nearby Port Kembla Harbour which is affected by pollution from nearby heavy industries. Those that had been transferred from Wollongong Harbour were similar in structure after two months to those that had developed entirely in Port Kembla Harbour. Conversely, the communities transferred from Port Kembla Harbour had a similar structure to those that had developed only in Wollongong Harbour. Many of the species transferred from Wollongong Harbour were thought to have been killed by periodic high concentrations of pollutants or overgrown by more competitive species. Those few that survived the polluted conditions were mainly bryozoans and serpulids. Surprisingly, many supposedly pollution-tolerant species transferred from Port Kembla Harbour did not survive in Wollongong Harbour. It is suggested that this was because these animals could not tolerate the lower nutrient conditions in the latter area. Space once occupied by these species was quickly colonised by species found only in Wollongong Harbour. These results have important implications for the functioning of these communities.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Based on field surveys and analysis of road networks using a geographic information system (GIS), we assessed the hydrologic integration of an extensive logging-road network with the stream network in two adjacent 62 and 119 km2 basins in the western Cascades of Oregon. Detailed surveys of road drainage for 20 percent of the 350 km road network revealed two hydrologic flow paths that link roads to stream channels: roadside ditches draining to streams (35 percent of the 436 culverts examined), and roadside ditches draining to culverts with gullies incised below their outlets (23 percent of culverts). Gully incision is significantly more likely below culverts on steep (< 40 percent) slopes with longer than average contributing ditch length. Fifty-seven percent of the surveyed road length is connected to the stream network by these surface flowpaths, increasing drainage density by 21 to 50 percent, depending on which road segments are assumed to be connected to streams. We propose a conceptual model to describe the hydrologic function of roads based on two effects: (1) a volumetric effect, increasing the volume of water available for quickflow and (2) a timing effect, altering flow-routing efficiency through extensions to the drainage network. This study examines the second of these two effects. Future work must quantify discharge along road segments connected to the stream network in order to more fully explain road impacts on basin hydrology.  相似文献   
The 184-m cargo ship "Bunga Teratai Satu" ran aground on Sudbury Reef, within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, on 2 November 2000. Although no cargo or fuel was lost, the ship remained aground for 12 days and a large quantity of antifoulant paint containing tributyltin (TBT), zinc, and copper was scraped from the hull during the grounding and subsequent refloating operation. This resulted in extensive contamination of the reef sediments for up to 250 m surrounding the grounding site. Two laboratory-based experiments assessed the impact of contaminated sediments on the survival of both newly settled corals of Acropora microphthalma and branchlets of A. formosa. Newly settled corals exposed to sediments containing 8.0 mg kg–1 TBT, 72 mg kg–1 Cu, and 92 mg kg–1 Zn or greater suffered significantly higher mortality after 72 h, compared to control or low-concentration treatments. Coral recruits exposed to 40 mg kg–1 TBT (Sn), 306 mg kg–1 Cu, and 403 mg kg–1 Zn were all killed within 38 h. Branchlets from adult corals exposed to sediments with a high concentration of contaminants (TBT 160 mg kg–1, Cu 1,180 mg kg–1, and Zn 1,570 mg kg–1) suffered significant mortality (38%), whereas branchlets placed in treatments with lower levels of contaminants suffered no mortality. Visual bleaching of the branchlets was observed at high contaminant levels, but an overall reduction in the symbiotic zooxanthellae populations was not observed in surviving corals. The photosynthetic yields of light-adapted zooxanthellae remained constant in live branchlets, indicating that the TBT-contaminated sediment may be more toxic to the host than the symbiont. Our results show that antifoulant contamination at ship-grounding sites has the potential to cause major mortality of resident coral communities and can have a negative impact on the recovery of adult populations.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   
Biofiltration of periodically fluctuating concentrations of an alpha-pinene-laden waste gas was investigated to treat both high-frequency and low-frequency fluctuations. The effects of periodic concentration fluctuations on biofilter performance were measured. Controlled variables of periodic operation included cycle period and amplitude. The cycle period ranged from 10 min to 6 days, with the inlet alpha-pinene concentration fluctuating between 0 and 100 parts per million volume. At high-frequency concentration cycling (i.e., on the order of minutes), both cyclic and constant concentration biofilters maintained similar long-term performance with an average removal efficiency of 77% at an averaged loading rate of 29 g alpha-pinene/m3 bed/hr. A first approximation suggests kinetics that are time-independent, indicating that steady-state data can be used to predict transient behavior at this time scale. Cyclic biofilter operation with a cycle period of 24 hr (with equal on/off time) was achievable for biofilters without a significant loss in performance. At longer time scales, cyclic biofilter performance decreased at the restart of the ON cycle. The recovery time to previous levels of performance increased with increasing cycle period; the recovery time was less than 1 hr for a cycle period of 24 hr and between 6 and 8 hr for a cycle period of 6 days.  相似文献   
Macdonald and Pitcher's method of decomposing a sizefrequency histogram into cohorts (mathematical optimization of the fit of the distribution function to the histogram) has been used to estimate the composition of random samples drawn from populations with known cohort structure. The large-sample behaviour of the method is in accordance with the results of asymptotic theory. With sample sizes typical of those used in many ecological studies, good estimates often could not be obtained without imposing constraints upon the estimation procedure, even when the number of age classes in the population was known. If the number of age classes was not known, it was frequently difficult to determine from small samples. When unconstrained solutions were obtainable, confidence limits about estimates were often very wide. Our results and information in the theoretical literature indicate that if the Petersen method (whereby several modes on a size-frequency histogram are taken to represent single age classes and all age classes to be present) does not work, accurate estimates of demographic parameters are unlikely to be obtainable using more rigorous methods. In view of these difficulties, we recommend that an iptimization method, such as that described by Macdonald and Pitcher, be used to estimate demographic parameters. Standard errors of estimates should be reported. Optimization methods give an indication when the data is inadequate to obtain accurate parameter estimates, either by failing to converge or by placing large standard errors about the estimates. Graphical methods do not give a clear warning of this, and should be avoided except where the modes on the size-frequency histogram are very well separated and sample sizes are large. Often, assumptions must be made about population parameters to enable their estimation. This may involve constraining some parameters to particular values, assuming a fixed relationship between cohort mean sizes and their standard deviations, or by assuming that individuals grow according to a von Bertalanffy curve. Any such assumptions need detailed justification in each case.  相似文献   
The species and distribution of nematodes on the kelp Macrocystic integrifolia Bory, in the Bamfield region of Barkley Sound, British Columbia, Canada were examined. Nine species (belonging to six families) of nematodes were found on the kelp blades. Three species (Monhystera disjuncta, M. refringens and Prochromadorella neapolitana) comprised 91–99% of the nematode fauna and occurred in all monthly samples from July 1978 to November 1979. The three dominant species exhibited seasonal density differences. P. neapolitana occurred mostly in the summer, M. refringens abundance peaked from July to October and M. disjuncta was relatively abundant throughout the year. The other species contributed little to the overall abundance and distribution patterns. All three species occurred in greatest abundance on the lower and middle blades of M. integrifolia in the deep end of the kelp bed. Very few individuals occurred on the upper blades. Nematode distribution on M. integrifolia appeared to be related to blade age and the associated food sources on the blade.  相似文献   
High intertidal community organization on a rocky headland in Maine,USA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A mosaic patchwork of the barnacle Balanus balanoides L., the mussel Mytilus edulis L., and the alga Fucus vesiculosus L. was found in the transitional region between the mid and high intertidal zones on a rocky headland on Mount Desert Island, Maine, USA. The development of the mosaic was observed by following recruitment and survival of B. balanoides in denuded patches located at the same tidal level along a 60 m stretch of shore. Barnacle recruitment was least under canopies of F. vesiculosus and greatest in open areas kept moist at low tide by surf. Barnacle survival after settlement was least under the F. vesiculosus canopy due to the whiplash effect of the algal fronds in the surf and greatest in open areas free from competition from mussels. In open areas, early mortality was correlated with settlement density. In areas of dense settlement (60 spat cm-2) up to 90% mortality resulted within 5 months from crowding associated with growth. In older individuals crowding produced hummocks of elongated, weakly attached barnacles which were more prone to removal by surf than uncrowded barnacles. Mussels exerted competitive dominance over barnacles for space and the presence of mussel beds prevented further barnacle recruitment. Mussels suffered extensive mortality during winter storms when surf removed dense mats of weakly attached mussels. The patchy distribution of mussels and barnacles results from irregular rock substrata producing numerous environmental patches with respect to wave exposure and drainage at low tide, and from densitydependent mortality of both mussels and barnacles which creates patches of new colonizable space within each environmental patch.  相似文献   
In the last three decades the western stock of the Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) has declined by more than 85%. Nutritional stress resulting in increased juvenile mortality is one of the leading hypotheses to account for this decline. Competition between Steller sea lions and the commercial groundfishery for walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) has been proposed as a mechanism underlying the nutritional stress. In order to examine the competition component of the nutritional stress hypothesis, we developed a bioenergetics-based model to project the population trends of Steller sea lions under various scenarios of continued groundfish harvest. Annual energy budgets were calculated for the Gulf of Alaska population of Steller sea lions, and compared with projected available energy from walleye pollock under a variety of harvest scenarios. Model simulations produced 50-year Steller sea lion population projections consistent with current trends, as well as with published projections for stable and increasing populations from stable age distribution life table models. Model simulations were unable to produce energy deficits sufficient to account for the decline in Steller sea lions, but do suggest areas where existing data need supplementing.  相似文献   
Smoldering combustion, commercially available as the Self‐sustaining Treatment for Active Remediation (STAR) technology, is an innovative technique that has shown promise for the remediation of contaminant source zones. Smoldering combustion is an exothermic reaction (net energy producing) converting carbon compounds and an oxidant (e.g., oxygen in air) to carbon dioxide, water, and energy. Thus, following ignition, the smoldering combustion reaction can continue in a self‐sustaining manner (i.e., no external energy or added fuel input following ignition) as the heat generated by the reacting contaminants is used to preheat and initiate combustion of contaminants in adjacent areas, propagating a combustion front through the contaminated zone provided a sufficient flux of air is supplied. The STAR technology has applicability across a wide‐range of hydrocarbons in a variety of hydrogeologic settings; however, there are limitations to its use. Impacted soils must be permeable enough to allow a sufficient flux of air to the combustion front and there exists a minimum required concentration of contaminants such that the soils contain sufficient fuel for the reaction to proceed in a self‐sustaining manner. Further limitations, as well as lessons learned and methods to mitigate these limitations, are presented through a series of case studies. In summary, the successful implementation of STAR will result in >99 percent reduction in contaminant concentrations in treated areas, limited residual contaminant mass, reduced groundwater contaminant mass flux which can be addressed through monitored natural attenuation; and an enhanced site exit strategy, reduced lifecycle costs, and reduced risk. ©2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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