An automated air sampling system has been designed for use with the annular denuder system (ADS). The automated air sampling system allows for accurate measurements of air volume and day-night sampling while preventing the accumulation of moisture within the ADS caused by condensation or cloud events. The sampling system consists of air flow, monitoring and control subsystems. Calibration of the sampling system against a Hoffer turbine flow meter indicated accurate measurement of air flow volumes. Field testing and preliminary data have shown that the sampling system functions well in a remote mountain forest site, and was relatively unaffected by condensation, fog, or cloud events. 相似文献
The effects of three cultivars, two water regimes and two rates of applying nitrogen fertilisers were tested when studying the performance of rice (Oryza sativa L.) near to, and distant from, a fertiliser plant emitting atmospherically dispersed pollutants. The atmosphere near the fertiliser plant had average daily peak concentrations of 144 and 210 microg m(-3) of SO(2) and NO(2), respectively. Growth was less near to, than at a distance from, the fertiliser plant. On average it was decreased by water stress while the effects of different amounts of nitrogen fertiliser were variable. Whilst there were a number of interactions involving nitrogen and water treatments, the most consistent were associated with the responses of the three cultivars at the two locations. The three cultivars performed similarly at the unpolluted control site, but there were major differences at the polluted site. These were most clearly exemplified by changes in the proportion of dry matter allocated to yields of grain and straw. At the unpolluted site, grain accounted for about 30% of the combined yields of grain and straw. At the polluted site, grain accounted for 1, 23 and 31% of the combined grain and straw yields of cultivars CO 43 (the most sensitive), TKM 9 and GR 3 (the most tolerant). Grain yields were closely related to numbers of filled grains per plant. At the polluted site, 98% of grains failed to develop in CO 43, whereas in GR 3, the number of panicles, and therefore the potential number of grains, was significantly enhanced. 相似文献
A comparative study was conducted at three stations on a fourth order Nigerian stream to evaluate the effects of a road and bridge construction on the macrobenthic invertebrates of the bank-root biotope. Siltation and sedimentation appear to be the important factors affecting macroinvertebrates. At station 2, the construction site, there was a considerable reduction in the occurrence and abundance of invertebrate taxa; different groups of invertebrates showed varying responses to perturbational stress; the taxa richness, general diversity and evenness were also low. Irregular fluctuations in diversity and evenness suggested that the benthic community of station 2 was less stable than those of upstream and downstream stations. The concentrated dominance of Ephemeroptera and Coleoptera at station 2, despite low diversity, reflected the ability of a few tolerant taxa to occur there in high abundance. Faunal comparisons of the three stations confirmed the perturbational stress caused by construction activities. 相似文献
The toxicity of an organotin pesticide, triphenyltin hydroxide, was assessed with several freshwater cladoceran species. Daphnia pulex, Daphnia magna, and Ceriodaphnia dubia were exposed for 48 h to triphenyltin hydroxide in static acute toxicity tests. Values of the 48-h trimmed Spearman-Karber EC(50)s for the three species were found to be 14.5, 16.5, and 11.3 microg litre(-1), respectively. Analysis of variance performed on EC(50) values of replicates revealed no significant differences between the three species. Methods were employed which decrease animal handling stress and increase the accuracy and precision of the concentrations. 相似文献
Yearly, huge amounts of sock refuse are discarded into the environment. Socks contain many molecules, and worn ones, which are rich in smell-causing bacteria, have a strong influence on animals’ behaviors. But the impacts of sock odor on the oviposition behavior of dengue vectors are unknown. We assessed whether Aedes albopictus changes its oviposition activity in response to the presence of used socks extract (USEx) in potential breeding grounds, using choice and no-choice bioassays (NCB). When furnished even chances to oviposit in two sites holding USEx and two others containing water (control), Ae. albopictus deposited significantly less eggs in USEx than in water sites. A similar pattern of oviposition preference was also observed when there were more oviposition options in water. When there were greater oviposition opportunities in USEx sites, Ae. albopictus oviposited preferentially in water. Females laid significantly more eggs during the NCB involving water than USEx. Also, significantly more mature eggs were retained by females in the NCB with USEx than in that with water. These observations strongly suggest the presence of molecules with either repellent or deterrent activities against Ae. albopictus females and provide an impetus to advocate the integration of used socks in dengue control programs. Such applications could be a realistic end-of-life recourse to reroute this waste from landfills.
The sampling procedure of solid and gaseous pollutants, contained in flue gas emitted into the atmosphere by solid waste incinerating furnaces were investigated. Because of their extraordinary toxicological properties, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) are taken into particular consideration. The analytical work is based on the use of high-resolution gas chromatography in combination with low-resolution mass spectrometry. Details of the extensive sample clean-up will follow the GC-MS separation and identification of the isomers detected for each group of PCDDs and PCDFs. Quantitative data of these pollutants distribution levels deriving from different investigated incinerators are also reported. 相似文献
Size measurements of atmospheric aerosol, using impactors and Nuclepore filters have been carried out. Analysis were made by electron and optic microscopy. Thus we obtain a size distribution from Dp = 10?2μm to Dp = 70 μm over the Atlantic Ocean and at urban location. The statistical analysis of the curves allows to compare the results and to point out the effect of an urban pollution on a marine aerosol. 相似文献