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The analysis of hereditary neuro-muscular diseases in the mouse and in other vertebrates may contribute to our understanding of the developmental interactions between spinal cord and sceletal muscle. Meaningful biochemical analysis must be preceded by “biological mixing experiments” to demonstrate whether a given mutation is cell-autonomous, and, if so, which cell type caries the primary defect. Techniques are available to carry out the critical experiment in vivo (artificial chimaeras) or in culture.  相似文献   
Schwebstoffgebundene Schadstoffe werden durch Sedimentation der Wasserphase und damit der Verfügbarkeit für viele aquatischen Organismen entzogen. W?hrend bei durchschnittlichen hydrologischen. Verh?ltnissen die Freisetzung von Schadstoffen aus stabil gelagerten Sedimenten meist weitgehend unterbunden wird, besteht bei Hochwassereignissen die Gefahr einer Remobilisierung von kontaminierten Ablagerungen. In diesem Beitrag wird ein kombiniertes ?kotoxikologisches und hydraulisches Untersuchungssystem zur Untersuchung der ?kotoxikologischen Belastung und des Erosionsrisikos von Sedimenten vorgestellt. Der integrierte Ansatz wurde am staugeregelten Neckar angewendet, um das Sch?digungspotenzial und die Gefahr einer Remobilisierung an Sedimentbohrkernen der Stauhaltung Lauffen sowie an Schwebstoffen zweier extremer Hochwasser zu überprüfen. Für die Bohrkernsegmente unterhalb einer Erosionsdiskordanz konnte eine sprunghafte Zunahme der ?kotoxikologischen Belastung ermittelt werden. Bei Hochwasserereignissen mit einer 5-j?hrlichen Wiederkehrwahrscheinlichkeit (=HQ5) k?nnen prinzipiell alle Sedimente, auch die st?rker kontaminierten und erosionsresistenteren Altsedimente, remobilisiert werden. W?hrend der Hochwasserereignisse (HQ15 bis HQ20) kam es zu einer deutlichen Erh?hung des cytotoxischen und mutagenen Sch?digungspotenzials der Schwebstoffe im Vergleich zu einem mittleren Hochwasser im Jahre 1995/96 (HQ1) Dies schien zumindest teilweise auf die Remobilisierung hochkontaminierter Altsedimente zurückzuführen zu sein.  相似文献   
A systems analysis approach was used to assess farmscale nutrient and trace element sustainability by combining full-scale field experiments with specific studies of nutrient release from mineral weathering and trace-element cycling. At the Ojebyn dairy farm in northern Sweden, a farm-scale case study including phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and zinc (Zn) was run to compare organic and conventional agricultural management practices. By combining different element-balance approaches (at farmgate, barn, and field scales) and further adapting these to the FARMFLOW model, we were able to combine mass flows and pools within the subsystems and establish links between subsystems in order to make farm-scale predictions. It was found that internal element flows on the farm are large and that there are farm internal sources (Zn) and loss terms (K). The approaches developed and tested at the Ojebyn farm are promising and considered generally adaptable to any farm.  相似文献   
Since the substantial loss of subtidal eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in the 1930s, seagrass beds in the Wadden Sea are limited to the intertidal zone and dominated by Z. noltii Hornem. This study deals with the effect of vegetated tidal flats on quantities of mobile epifauna and proves empirically the function of seagrass canopies as a refuge for marine animals remaining in the intertidal zone at ebb tide. Drop-trap samples were taken in the Sylt-Rømø Bight, a shallow tidal basin in the northern Wadden Sea, on vegetated and unvegetated tidal flats during July and August 2002, and during the entire growth period of Z. noltii from May to September in 2003. The species composition in Z. noltii and bare sand flats showed minor differences since only two isopod species (Idotea baltica and I. chelipes) occurred on Z. noltii flats exclusively. Juvenile shore crabs (Carcinus maenas L.), brown shrimps (Crangon crangon L.) and common gobies (Pomatoschistus microps Krøyer) were also found abundantly on bare sand flats. However, the results showed significantly higher abundances and production of these dominant species on vegetated tidal flats. Additionally, the analyses of faunal size classes indicated higher percentages of small individuals in the seagrass bed during the entire sampling period. Despite drastic diurnal fluctuations of dissolved oxygen at low tide, faunal density in the residual water layer remaining in seagrass canopies at ebb tide was found to be consistently higher than that found in artificially created tide-pool units. Although species composition of mobile epifauna did not basically differ between vegetated and unvegetated tidal flats, Z. noltii beds are considered to contribute quantitatively to the function of tidal flats, as an extended juvenile habitat for some of the most important species of the Wadden Sea food web.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   
In the habitat of desert ants, Cataglyphis fortis, a constant wind is usually blowing during the daytime. When visiting a familiar food source, the ants steer some distance downwind of the feeder, rather than attempting a direct approach that might miss small food sources, in particular. In the downwind area, the ants pick up the odor plume emanating from the food and follow it upwind to the prey. This strategy saves considerable walking distance and time. The additional path necessitated by the downwind strategy is only about 0.75 to 2 m, depending on nest–feeder distance, while missing the food on the upwind side results in much longer search trajectories. During the initial three to five visits to a feeding site, downwind distance and length of the approach path are shortened notably, and the approach trajectory is straightened. Desert ants further exhibit considerable short-term flexibility in their approach. Experienced individuals are evidently able to decide upon leaving the nest which direction to choose toward the feeder, depending on current wind direction (that fluctuates slightly during the day). Notable changes in wind direction occur primarily overnight. For larger nest–feeder distances, the animals adjust their approach en route to the altered wind direction during their first foraging trip in the morning.  相似文献   
Waste and process gases from thermal power and metallurgical plants or such products from alkali-chloride industries contain metallic, inorganic and organic mercury. Widespread processes applied to remove the greatest amount of mercury are absorption and adsorption. Caused by the lowering of the emission limit from 200 to 50 µg/m3 [STP] by national and European legislators, considerable efforts have been made to enhance the efficiency of the main separation units of flue gas cleaning plants by applying the appropriate technological measures. This article is focused on the removal of mercury from waste gases. The state of engineering is described, especially with regard to enhancing the efficiency of separation in the raw gas, in wet, dry and quasi-dry processes as well as in tail-end process units. Specially impregnated ceramic carriers can be used for the selective separation of metallic, inorganic and organic mercury. Amalgamation has been investigated as a possible separation mechanism both experimentally and in theory. Using the ceramic reactor, removal rates for gaseous mercury and its compounds can be achieved which are even lower than 50 µg/m3 [STP]. The technology, the separation mechanisms and the ecological advantages through the use of ceramic reactors are presented in the article as well.  相似文献   
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