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Density functional theory (DFT) has been used to investigate the reaction pathways with steam reforming of glycerol under cold plasma conditions. Total energies, energy barriers, and reaction enthalpies at 298.15 K have been calculated at the GGA/PW91/DNP level. The calculation shows that, with the presence of steam, the energy barrier of glycerol conversion is reduced and the conversion from glycerol to H2 and CO is promoted under cold plasma conditions. The formation of syngas was through a multi-step pathway via the conversion of OHCH2CHOH, CH2OH, CH2O, HCO,·and CH3, while the recombination of H generated extra H2. The synthesis of hydrocarbons are from the recombination of·CH3,·CH2, and·CH, which could be primarily generated through glycerol dissociation. The structure of glycerol anion was also studied in this work, and it was less stable than the neutral molecule. The route for the formation of OHCH2CHOH·and CH2OH·from glycerol anion is thermodynamically favorable.  相似文献   
The degradation of polyacrylamide (PAM) in simulate wastewater was studied in UV/Fenton/C4H4O62? system. The factors such as molecular ratio of H2O2/Fe2+/C4H4O62?, pH, and the dosage of Fenton reagent that could affect the PAM degradation in the UV/Fenton/C4H4O62? system were investigated. The experimental results showed that adding C4H4O62? to UV/Fenton system could form photosensitive ferrous complexes, which led to higher degradation efficiency of PAM. The degradation rate of PAM could be up to 95.2% under the following conditions: the concentration of H2O2, Fe2+, and C4H4O62? were 22.5, 2.25, and 2.25 mmol/L, respectively (i.e., molecular ratio of H2O2/Fe2+/C4H4O62? was 10:1:1), the pH value was 3.0.  相似文献   
SBR不同进水中反硝化除磷颗粒污泥的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
分别以人工配水、加Ca~(2+)人工配水和实际生活污水为进水水源,在A/O/A运行模式的3套SBR反应器(R1、R2和R3)中培养反硝化除磷颗粒污泥,研究了其生化特性和启动过程的除污性能,分析了反硝化除磷能力,最后对颗粒化机理进行了探讨,重点考察了反硝化除磷颗粒污泥启动过程中对COD、NH_4~+-N、TN和TP的去除情况.结果表明,R1~R3均在30 d内成功得到反硝化除磷颗粒污泥,颗粒污泥平均粒径大于600μm,比重和比耗氧速率较大,含水率较低;培养过程中出水COD平均值低于40 mg·L~(-1),出水TN、NH+4-N及TP平均浓度低于1 mg·L~(-1);系统稳定后一个典型周期内试验表明,COD、NH_4~+-N、TN和TP的去除效果良好,对COD、NH+4-N、TN及TP的去除率可达90%以上;R1~R3中最大比释磷速率分别达14.34、8.32和2.32 mg·g·h~(-1)(以每g MLVSS每小时释放的P量(mg)计),R1~R2中最大比吸磷速率分别达14.13和2.34mg·g·h~(-1)(以每g MLVSS每小时吸收的P量(mg)计);试验结果表明,Ca~(2+)对颗粒化有促进作用.  相似文献   
Hexabromocyclododecane(HBCD) and tetrabromobisphenol A(TBBPA) are two kinds of brominated flame retardants and widely present in the environment and biota. The levels,spatial distributions and mass inventories of HBCD and TBBPA were investigated in sediments and paddy soils from the Liaohe River Basin in northeast China. The concentrations of ΣHBCD and TBBPA were in the range of not detected(nd) to 4.02 ng/g dry weight(dw) and 0.03 to 4.06 ng/g dw, respectively. γ-HBCD was dominated in sediments,while the abundance of α-HBCD was relatively high in paddy soils. The spatial distributions of HBCD and TBBPA in surface sediments and paddy soils indicated that the local point-input was their major source. The significant correlation between total organic carbon(TOC) contents and the HBCD levels suggested that TOC content also exerted an influence on the distribution of HBCD in sediments. Meanwhile, it was found that the irrigation with river water was not the major transportation pathway of HBCD and TBBPA in paddy soils. Based on the study, it was estimated that there were about 1.67 tons HBCD and 2.20 tons TBBPA deposited into sediments of the Liaohe River system every year. The total mass inventories of HBCD and TBBPA in sediments were far higher than that in paddy soils.  相似文献   
The regeneration of commercial SCR(Selective Catalyst Reduction) catalysts deactivated by Pb and other elements was studied.The deactivated catalyst samples were prepared by chemical impregnation with mixed solution containing K_2SO_4,Na_2SO_4,CaSO_4,Pb(NO_3)_2and NH_4H_2PO_4.A novel method combining Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt(EDTA-2Na) and H_2SO_4solution(viz.catalysts treated by dilute EDTA-2Na and H_2SO_4 solution in sequence) was used to recover the activity of deactivated samples,and the effect was compared with single H_2SO_4,oxalic acid,acetic acid,EDTA or HNO_3 solutions.The surface structure,acidity and reducibility of samples were characterized by N_2adsorption–desorption,inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer(ICP-OES),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),X-ray diffraction(XRD),X-ray fluorescence(XRF),H-2-temperature programmed section(H_2-TPR),NH3-temperature programmed desorption(NH3-TPD) and in situ DRIFTS.Impurities caused a decrease of specific surface area and surface reducibility,as well as Br?nsted acid sites,and therefore led to severe deactivation of the SCR catalyst.The use of an acid solution alone possibly eliminated the impurities on the deactivated catalyst to some extent,and also increased the specific surface area and Br?nsted acid sites and promoted the surface reducibility,thus recovered the activity partially.The combination of EDTA-2Na and H_2SO_4 could remove most of the impurities and improve the activity significantly.The removal of Pb should be an important factor for regeneration.Due to a high removal rate for Pb and other impurities,the combination of EDTA-2Na and H_2SO_4 solutions provided the best efficiency.  相似文献   
为研究城市PM10对大气辐射环境的影响,利用2013年6月1日—2014年5月31日成都市ρ(PM10)和空气吸收剂量率的逐日监测数据,采用DCCA(去趋势互相关分析)法对二者的相关性进行分析. 结果表明:在1 a的时间尺度上,成都市ρ(PM10)与空气吸收剂量率之间存在显著的正相关性(标度指数为0.928),并且这种正相关性具有长期、持续的特征,但相关性的强度却随时间以幂函数形式缓慢衰减. 冬夏两季ρ(PM10)与空气吸收剂量率的相关性存在显著差异. 在冬季重度灰霾期间,二者DCCA标度指数为0.968,说明高ρ(PM10)已对城市大气辐射环境产生了影响;而夏季二者的DCCA曲线分为两段,标度指数分别为0.579、1.519,折点位置对应的特征时间尺度约为2个月,推测这与当地夏季降雨的时间分布模式有关. 研究表明,在当前灰霾日益频发的背景下,需要重视城市重度灰霾对城市大气辐射环境造成的影响.   相似文献   
张瑞  刘操  孙德智  齐飞 《环境科学研究》2016,29(12):1872-1881
由于北京地区水资源严重紧缺,再生水作为补给城市河湖景观水体的重要水源,用量逐年加大,随之带来的水环境问题也引起关注,往往需要采用适宜的技术和工程改善水质.通过对北京城市部分再生水补给型河湖现有水质改善工程的调研,分析与评估北京市再生水补给城市河湖景观水体生态修复技术工程建设与运行效果,并与国内外河流、湖泊生态修复经典案例进行了对比分析.结果表明,修复工程受运行时间、季节及后续维护的影响,其运行效果不稳定且逐渐下降.受汛期降水充沛及水量人为调控影响,城市河湖6—9月水质较好;水质恶化时ρ(CODCr)为40~50 mg/L,ρ(NH3-N)为2~5 mg/L,ρ(TN)为10~15 mg/L,ρ(TP)为0.4~1.0 mg/L.水力流动循环、循环过滤、化学除藻和生物调控等单项及相应组合技术是当前北京市再生水补给型河湖水质改善的主要手段.对于水质要求较高的再生水补给型河湖,可以考虑辅膜生物反应器或生物滤池等旁路生化组合工艺.与国外的整流域近自然水生态系统修复相比,我国河湖水生态修复更注重区域水质的改善,以控制水体富营养化为主;对流域生态系统修复的整体性与长效性关注不够,缺乏与园林景观的融合.为更好地发挥河湖水体生态修复工程效果,未来应在政策法规、协调管理及投融资机制等方面加大投入力度.   相似文献   
As an insufficiently utilized energy resource,oil shale is conducive to the formation of characteristic microbial communities due to its special geological origins.However,little is known about fungal diversity in oil shale.Polymerase chain reaction cloning was used to construct the fungal ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid internal transcribed spacer(r DNA ITS)clone libraries of Huadian Mine in Jilin Province,Maoming Mine in Guangdong Province,and Fushun Mine in Liaoning Province.Pure culture and molecular identification were applied for the isolation of cultivable fungi in fresh oil shale of each mine.Results of clone libraries indicated that each mine had over 50% Ascomycota(58.4%–98.9%)and 1.1%–13.5%unidentified fungi.Fushun Mine and Huadian Mine had 5.9% and 28.1% Basidiomycota,respectively.Huadian Mine showed the highest fungal diversity,followed by Fushun Mine and Maoming Mine.Jaccard indexes showed that the similarities between any two of three fungal communities at the genus level were very low,indicating that fungi in each mine developed independently during the long geological adaptation and formed a community composition fitting the environment.In the fresh oil-shale samples of the three mines,cultivable fungal phyla were consistent with the results of clone libraries.Fifteen genera and several unidentified fungi were identified as Ascomycota and Basidiomycota using pure culture.Penicillium was the only genus found in all three mines.These findings contributed to gaining a clear understanding of current fungal resources in major oil-shale mines in China and provided useful information for relevant studies on isolation of indigenous fungi carrying functional genes from oil shale.  相似文献   
安溪铁观音茶园土壤重金属赋存形态及生态风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用改进的BCR连续提取法提取安溪铁观音茶园土壤中重金属元素(Li、Fe、Zn、Ba、Sr、Ti、Co、Cr、Cd、Mn、Ni、Pb、V、Mg、Cu)的赋存形态,分析其生物有效性并作出生态风险评价。重金属赋存形态研究结果表明,Cd的形态总体分布为弱酸溶态残渣态可还原态可氧化态,Pb的形态总体分布为可还原态可氧化态弱酸溶态残渣态,Cu的形态总体分布为可还原态可氧化态残渣态弱酸溶态,其余重金属皆以残渣态为主。生物有效性分析结果表明,Pb、Cd、Cu、Mn、Ni、Sr等重金属的潜在生物可利用性较高,其所占百分比分别为90.4%、73.0%、36.6%、32.8%、23.8%、22.9%。对茶园土壤中的重金属作生态风险评价,地累积指数法和潜在生态危害指数法结果均表明,大部分土壤样品是清洁安全的,部分土壤受到Cd元素污染,污染程度达到中度污染级别。  相似文献   
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