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This study has been focused on the efficient removal of Pb (II) from contaminated waters by biosorption using plant derived material. Accordingly an indigenous shrub, Tinospora cordifolia has been identified as the most suitable biosorbent. The plant biomass was subjected to optimization of various parameters such as the pH, equilibrium time, dosage, concentration, temperature and the applicable adsorption models. The optimum pH identified was 4.0 with a contact time of 60 min at room temperature (27 ± 2 °C). The experimental data fitted well to adsorption isotherms and the uptake capacity of Pb (II) was found to be 20.83 and 63.77 mg/g in batch mode and column mode, respectively. The high correlation factors obtained for Langmuir and Freundlich models indicated that both models were obeyed by the system. Kinetic study for adsorption of Pb (II) follow only pseudo second order rate of reaction. The accumulation of lead in biomass was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. The FTIR analysis indicated the involvement of hydroxyl (−OH), alkenes (=CH) and carbonyl group (C = O) chelates in metal binding. The SEM and EDX analysis showed the structural changes and the filling of voids in the biomass thus, it indicated the metal-binding mechanism. In elution studies, the 0.1 M Na2CO3 was found to be the best with about 71% elution of the adsorbed metal. The biomass was then used for the removal of Pb (II) in synthetic and real wastewater samples from a lead-acid battery industry. It is also noteworthy that even at a very high concentration of 450 mg/L, the biomass was showing about 92% removal. The result is to establish the efficacy of T. cordifolia as a very good bioadsorbent for the Pb (II) removal from contaminated water.

During screening for poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) producing bacteria from distillery effluent sample, six out of 30 isolates comprising of three strains of Alcaligenes sp., two strains of Bacillus sp., and one strain of Pseudomonas sp. were found to accumulate varying levels of intracellular PHB. Amongst the various isolates, Alcaligenes sp. RZS4 was found as the potent PHB-producing organism, accumulating higher amounts of PHB. PHB productivity was further enhanced in the presence of oxygen, nitrogen-limiting conditions, and cloning of PHB synthesizing genes of Alcaligenes sp. RZS 4 into Escherichia coli. A twofold increase in PHB yield was obtained from recombinant E. coli vis-à-vis Alcaligenes sp.; the recombinant E. coli accumulated more PHB in NDMM, produced good amount of PHB in a single-stage cultivation process under both nutrient-rich and nutrient-deficient conditions. Extraction of PHB with acetone–alcohol (1:1) was found as suitable method for optimum extraction of PHB as this mixture selectively extracted PHB without affecting the non-PHB cell mass. PHB extract from recombinant E. coli showed the presence of C–H, =O stretching, =C–H deformation, =C–H, =CH, and =C–O functional groups characteristic of PHB.  相似文献   
Analysis of 84 farm gate samples of seasonal vegetables carried out on GC-ECD and GC-NPD systems equipped with capillary columns by using a multi residue analytical technique revealed that 26% samples contained residues above MRL values. The contamination was mainly with organophosphates followed by synthetic pyrethroids and organochlorines. Among organophosphates, residues of monocrotophos, quinalphos and chlorpyriphos exceeded the MRL value in 23% samples. Residues of monocrotophos were higher than MRL value in 3 samples of brinjal and one sample each of okra, cauliflower and smooth gourd, of chlorpyriphos in 3 samples of cauliflower and 8 of cabbage and of quinalphos in one sample each of okra and cauliflower. Among synthetic pyrethroids, cypermethrin was the major contaminant and its residue exceeded the MRL value in one sample each of brinjal, okra and cucumber. Only aldicarb among the carbamates was detected in potato. The residues of some organochlorines, i.e. HCH, DDT and endosulfan were found in all the samples but did not exceed the tolerence limit.  相似文献   
This study deals with the future scope of REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) and REDD+ regimes for measuring and monitoring the current state and dynamics of carbon stocks over time with integrated geospatial and field-based biomass inventory approach. Multi-temporal and multi-resolution geospatial synergic approach incorporating satellite sensors from moderate to high resolution with stratified random sampling design is used. The inventory process involves a continuous forest inventory to facilitate the quantification of possible CO2 reductions over time using statistical up-scaling procedures on various levels. The combined approach was applied on a regional scale taking Himachal Pradesh (India), as a case study, with a hierarchy of forest strata representing the forest structure found in India. Biophysical modeling implemented revealed power regression model as the best fit (R 2?=?0.82) to model the relationship between Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and biomass which was further implemented to calculate multi-temporal above ground biomass and carbon sequestration. The calculated value of net carbon sequestered by the forests totaled to 11.52 million tons (Mt) over the period of 20 years at the rate of 0.58 Mt per year since 1990 while CO2 equivalent reduced from the environment by the forests under study during 20 years comes to 42.26 Mt in the study area.  相似文献   
Butter (45) and ghee (55) samples were collected from rural and urban areas of cotton growing belt of Haryana and analysed for detecting the residues of organochlorine, synthetic pyrethroid and organophosphate insecticides. The estimation was carried out by using multi residue analytical technique employing GC-ECD and GC-NPD systems equipped with capillary columns. Butter samples were comparatively more contaminated (97%) than ghee (94%), showing more contamination with organochlorine insecticides from urban samples. About 11% samples of butter showed endosulfan residues above MRL value and 2% samples had residues of synthetic pyrethroids and organophosphates each above their respective MRL values. In ghee, residues of HCH & DDT both and of endosulfan exceeded the MRL values in 5 and 20% samples, respectively. Among organophosphates, only chlorpyriphos was detected with 9% samples showing its residue above MRL value. Irrespective of contamination levels, residues above the MRL values were more in ghee. More extensive study covering other agricultural regions/zones of Haryana has been suggested to know the overall scenario of contamination of milk products.  相似文献   
Sorption of metsulfuron-methyl and sulfosulfuron were studied in five Indian soils using batch sorption method. Freundlich adsorption equation described the sorption of herbicides with K(f) (adsorption coefficient) values ranging between 0.21 and 1.88 (metsulfuron-methyl) and 0.37 and 1.17 (sulfosulfuron). Adsorption isotherms were L-type suggesting that the herbicides sorption decreased with increase in the initial concentration of the herbicide in the solution. The K(f) for metsulfuron-methyl showed good positive correlation with silt content (significant at p = 0.01) and strong negative correlation with the soil pH (significant at p = 0.05) while sorption of sulfosulfuron did not correlate with any of the soil parameter. Desorption of herbicides was concentration dependent and, in general, sulfosulfuron showed higher desorption than the metsulfuron-methyl. The study indicates that these herbicides are poorly sorbed in the Indian soil types and there may be a possibility of their leaching to lower soil profiles.  相似文献   
Eggplant samples were analyzed for endosulfan residues using ELISA, a technique recognized as a promising tool for screening environmental contaminants. Calibration curve for endosulfan was standardized using kits developed by CFTRI Mysore. Farm gate samples of eggplant from 12 different locations were analyzed. The matrix effect was removed by charcoal clean-up. The results were compared with gas chromatographic (GC) analysis. The residues in different samples were in the range of 5-226 ppb. Correlation coefficient between the two methods was found to be 0.98.  相似文献   
Phototransformation of the herbicide metsulfuron methyl was investigated on glass surface under sunlight and ultraviolet (UV) light and compared with dark condition. The half-lives of metsulfuron methyl under UV light and sunlight were found to be 0.5 and 7.8 days respectively. Rate of phototransformation followed first order kinetics with significant correlation coefficient. The major photoproducts were identified as methyl-2-sulfonyl-amino-benzoate, 2-amino-6-methoxy-4-methyltriazine and saccharin (O-sulfobenzoimide). Various metabolites from this study were identified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Authentic samples required for HPLC comparison were prepared in laboratory and characterized on the basis of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and infra red (IR) spectral data. These metabolites were also identified from metsulfuron methyl treated wheat field soil.  相似文献   
Environmental Chemistry Letters -  相似文献   
Metribuzin, a triazine herbicide, is poorly sorbed in the soils, therefore leaches to lower soil profile. Fly ash amendment, which enhanced metribuzin sorption in soils, may play a significant role in reducing the downward mobility of herbicide. Therefore, the present study reports the effect of Inderprastha fly ash amendment on metribuzin leaching in three soil types. Fly ash was amended at 1, 2 and 5% levels in the upper 15 cm of 30 cm long packed soil columns. Results suggested a significant reduction in the leaching losses of metribuzin in fly ash-amended columns of all the three soil types and effect increased with increase in the level of fly ash. Even after percolating water equivalent to 362 mm rainfall no metribuzin was recovered in the leachate of 5% fly ash-amended columns. Fly ash application affected both metribuzin breakthrough time and its maximum concentration in the leachate. Further, it resulted in greater retention of metribuzin in the application zone and better effect was observed in the organic carbon poor soils.  相似文献   
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