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Thermophilic-anaerobic digestion in a single-stage, mixed, continuous-flow reactor is not approved in the United States as a process capable of producing Class A biosolids for land application. This study was designed to evaluate the inactivation of pathogens and indicator organisms in such a reactor followed by batch treatment in a smaller reactor. The combined process was evaluated at 53 degrees C with sludges from three different sources and at 51 and 55 degrees C with sludge from one of the sources. Feed sludge to the continuous-flow reactor was spiked with the pathogen surrogates Ascaris suum and vaccine-strain poliovirus. Feed and effluent were analyzed for these organisms and for indigenous Salmonella spp., fecal coliforms, Clostridium perfringens spores, and somatic and male-specific coliphages. No viable Ascaris eggs were observed in the effluent from the continuous reactor at 53 or 55 degrees C, with greater than 2-log removals across the digester in all cases. Approximately 2-log removal was observed at 51 degrees C, but all samples of effluent biosolids contained at least one viable Ascaris egg at 51 degrees C. No viable poliovirus was found in the digester effluent at any of the operating conditions, and viable Salmonella spp. were measured in the digester effluent in only one sample throughout the study. The ability of the continuous reactor to remove fecal coliforms to below the Class A monitoring limit depended on the concentration in the feed sludge. There was no significant removal of Clostridium perfringens across the continuous reactor under any condition, and there also was limited removal of somatic coliphages. The removal of male-specific coliphages across the continuous reactor appeared to be related to temperature. Overall, at least one of the Class A pathogen criteria or the fecal coliform limit was exceeded in at least one sample in the continuous-reactor effluent at each temperature. Over the range of temperatures evaluated, the maximum time required to meet the Class A criteria by batch treatment of the continuous-reactor effluent was 1 hour for Ascaris suum and Salmonella spp. and 2 hours for fecal coliforms.  相似文献   
Roden EE  Scheibe TD 《Chemosphere》2005,59(5):617-628
A conceptual model and numerical simulations of bacterial U(VI) reduction in fractured subsurface sediments were developed to assess the potential feasibility of biomineralization at the fracture/matrix interface as a mechanism for immobilization of uranium in structured subsurface media. The model envisions flow of anaerobic groundwater, with or without acetate as an electron donor for stimulation of U(VI) reduction by dissimilatory metal-reducing bacteria (DMRB), within mobile macropores along a one-dimensional flow path. As the groundwater moves along the flow path, U(VI) trapped in the immobile mesopore and micropore domains (the sediment matrix) becomes desorbed and transferred to the mobile macropores (fractures) via a first-order exchange mechanism. By allowing bacterial U(VI) reduction to occur in the mesopore domain (assumed to account for 12% of total sediment pore volume) according to experimentally-determined kinetic parameters and an assumed DMRB abundance of 10(7) cells per cm3 bulk sediment (equivalent to 4 mg of cells per dm3 bulk sediment), the concentration of U(VI) in the macropore domain was reduced ca. 10-fold compared to that predicted in the absence of mesopore DMRB activity after a 6-month simulation period. The results suggest that input of soluble electron donors over a period of years could lead to a major redistribution of uranium in fractured subsurface sediments, converting potentially mobile sorbed U(VI) to an insoluble reduced phase (i.e. uraninite) in the mesopore domain that is expected to be permanently immobile under sustained anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   
Monitoring benzenesulfonates (BS) and naphthalenesulfonates (NS) took place in five municipal sewage treatment plants (STP). A previously optimized method based on solid phase extraction with polymeric cartridges followed by ion-pair liquid chromatography-electrospray-mass spectrometry (SPE-IPC-ESI-MS) was used. This work confirmed the little or no effect of primary settlement on total organic carbon (TOC) and monosulfonated compounds removal, whereas the main reduction is obtained at the biological stage. However, the most polar compounds, such as naphthalenedisulfonates (NDS), were not effectively removed using the biological treatment. An aromatic sulfonated compound is suggested to be used as a tracer of the origin of industrial pollutants discharged into STPs. A bioluminescence inhibition test, Microtox assay, allowed toxicity determination of the most relevant aromatic sulfonated compounds detected and toxicity comparison between primary and secondary effluents.  相似文献   
The objective of the study was to determine the frequency of spontaneous acquisition of resistance to select antibiotics by Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) when grown in glucose amended continuous flow culture at slow (D = 0.025 h(-1)) or fast (D = 0.27 h(-1)) dilution rates. The bacterium was grown in LB minimal medium (pH 6.25) containing no antibiotics. Upon achieving steady state, samples were plated to tryptic soy agar (TSA) alone or supplemented (per ml) with 2 and 16 microg oxytetracycline, 4 and 16 microg tetracycline, 2 and 64 microg kanamycin, and 0.25 and 2 microg enrofloxacin. Regardless of growth rate, CFU of resistant ST from the TSA containing antibiotics was less than 2 x 10(1) except for 2 microg kanamycin and 0.25 microg enrofloxacin treatments (higher than 1 x 10(9) and 4 x 10(7) CFU of resistant ST for trials 1 and 2, respectively). Frequency of recovering resistant ST from the TSA containing the higher antibiotic concentrations was less than 1 in 10(9) for all antibiotics, but was higher on the media containing 2 microg kanamycin and 0.25 microg enrofloxacin at both slow and fast growth rates. In general, minimal susceptibility differences were detected for isolates from slow and fast dilution rates.  相似文献   
Sharma D  Awasthi MD 《Chemosphere》2005,60(2):164-169
Paclobutrazol is a plant growth regulator that is used to counter alternate bearing habit of mango (Mangifera indica L.). The uptake and persistence of paclobutrazol residues in mango fruits and soil respectively, was studied following its application at tree basin soil @5 and 10 g a.i. per tree for three consecutive years. Residues of paclobutrazol were found in unripe mango fruits at levels below permissible level while the same was generally not detected in fully mature mango fruits ready for harvest. There was no effect of consecutive yearly applications on the amount of paclobutrazol residues in mango fruit. However, the residues of paclobutrazol were found in tree basin soil (0-15 cm) at the end of each season and there was a small increase in the amount of residues corresponding to the number of yearly applications that had been made. GC-MS analysis confirmed that the sample peaks obtained corresponded to paclobutrazol residues present in mango and soil.  相似文献   
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in 22 UK upland waters have increased by an average of 91% during the last 15 years. Increases have also occurred elsewhere in the UK, northern Europe and North America. A range of potential drivers of these trends are considered, including temperature, rainfall, acid deposition, land-use, nitrogen and CO2 enrichment. From examination of recent environmental changes, spatial patterns in observed trends, and analysis of time series, it is suggested that DOC may be increasing in response to a combination of declining acid deposition and rising temperatures; however it is difficult to isolate mechanisms based on monitoring data alone. Long-term DOC increases may have wide-ranging impacts on freshwater biota, drinking water quality, coastal marine ecosystems and upland carbon balances. Full understanding of the significance of these increases requires further knowledge of the extent of natural long-term variability, and of the natural "reference" state of these systems.  相似文献   
Spheroidal carbonaceous particles (SCPs) provide an unambiguous indication of atmospherically deposited contamination from industrial sources. SCP data from a 12 year annual sediment trapping and coring programme at 14 lakes based on the UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network, were used to consider temporal trends in deposition and to compare these with measured non-marine sulphate fluxes. Results show good temporal coherence across a broad area of northern UK and that SCP deposition levels and are now at their lowest since the 1940s, in agreement with modelled sulphate data. SCP fluxes show reasonable linearity with measured non-marine sulphate depositional fluxes from the nearest UK Acid Deposition Monitoring Network sites, especially over the post-flue-gas desulphurisation period, but comparisons prior to 1972 are not possible due to lack of data. We speculate on whether palaeolimnological SCP data might be used to reconstruct the history of non-marine sulphate fluxes from industrial sources.  相似文献   
Cho J  Annable MD 《Chemosphere》2005,61(7):899-908
In this study, we investigate pore scale morphology of nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) trapped in different pore sizes using tracer techniques. Specific interfacial area and saturation of NAPL trapped in homogeneous sands were measured using the interfacial and partitioning tracer techniques. The observed NAPL-water interfacial areas increased in a log-linear fashion with decreasing sand grain size, but showed no clear trend with residual NAPL saturation formed in the various grain sizes. The measured values were used to calculate the NAPL morphology index, which characterizes the spatial NAPL distribution within the pore space. The NAPL morphology indices, increased exponentially with decreasing grain size, indicating that the NAPL becomes smaller, but more blobs. For a fixed grain size, the specific interfacial area and saturation of the NAPL were measured following changes caused by dissolution using alcohol. The observed interfacial areas showed a decrease linearly as a function of the NAPL saturation.  相似文献   
Juvenile yellow perch (Perca flavescens) were caught in a reference lake and transplanted to cages held within a lake impacted by mining activities, with elevated levels of aqueous bioavailable copper (Cu(2+)), zinc (Zn(2+)) and cadmium (Cd(2+)). Fish were sampled from the cages over 70 d and changes in metal concentrations were followed over time in the gills, gut, liver and kidney. In addition, the hepatic sub-cellular partitioning of the three metals was determined by differential centrifugation of liver samples, yielding the following fractions: cellular debris; organelles; heat-denaturable proteins (HDP); and heat-stable proteins (HSP) (including metallothionein). In transplanted fish, Cd concentrations increased in all the organs sampled, whereas Cu mainly increased in the gills, gut and liver but not the kidney; some slight accumulation of Zn occurred in the kidneys and gills of the transplanted fish. The sub-cellular partitioning results demonstrated that metal-handling strategies in juvenile yellow perch differed among metals. Cellular sequestration in the HSP fraction was an important strategy used by these fish in response to increased ambient Cd. Accumulation of Zn was not seen in the organs examined, indicating that transplanted perch were able to either reduce influx, or increase efflux rates of this metal. The response of yellow perch to elevated ambient Cu appeared to combine the strategies used for Cd and Zn, as both cellular sequestration and reduced accumulation were observed in transplanted fish.  相似文献   
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