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Kristina?D.?RothleyEmail author Charlene?Rae 《Environmental Modeling and Assessment》2005,10(2):107-113
In this paper we apply graph theory in a reserve selection exercise to explore the tradeoffs between maintaining connectivity and minimizing the total area of a protected area network. Rather than focus on a single organism, we used a multi-species approach and looked at the tradeoff curves for organisms with varying dispersal abilities. We first generated the tradeoff curves using a graph-based metric to determine the importance of individual patches for maintaining connectivity. We then performed an analogous set of analyses using patch size as a surrogate measure of importance. 相似文献
Human Health Effects of Environmental Pollutants: New Insights 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
D.O. Carpenter 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》1998,53(1):245-258
While a variety of effects of toxic chemicals are known in animals exposed both in the laboratory and in situ, it has proven more difficult to obtain definitive information relating harm to humans resulting from environmental contamination. Until quite recently it has been generally assumed that cancer was the human disease of greatest importance. In fact, the majority of regulations of exposure to toxic chemicals by most governments are designed on the basis of presumed cancer risk. The evidence that hazardous chemicals can cause cancer is strong, and concern of cancer risks is appropriate. However, recent evidence has triggered a reevaluation of the assumption that cancer is the sole disease of concern. New evidence has emerged suggesting that exposure to hazardous chemicals may lead to a variety of non-cancer endpoints, and that these effects may occur at low concentrations. Of particular concern is evidence for irreversible effects on the embryo and very young children which influence intelligence, attention span, sexual development and immune function. Some of these actions appear to be direct effects on the brain and other organ systems while others are mediated via disruption of endocrine systems. While these effects are subtle and difficult to quantify, the aggregated evidence is sufficiently compelling as to necessitate reevaluation of those health outcomes upon which regulations are based. 相似文献
A benthic index for northern Gulf of Mexico estuaries has been developed and successfully validated by the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program for Estuaries (EMAP-E) in the Louisianian Province. The benthic index is a useful and valid indicator of estuarine condition that is intended to provide environmental managers with a simple tool for assessing the ecological condition of benthic macroinvertebrate communities. Associations between the benthic index and indicators of hypoxia, sediment contamination, and sediment toxicity were investigated to determine the most probable cause(s) of degraded benthic condition. The results showed that, on a local scale, the associations between the benthic index and potential environmental causes differed among estuaries. In Pensacola Bay, FL, for example, there was a significant association between the levels of toxic chemicals (e.g. DDT, silver, and TBT) in the sediment and the benthic index, especially in the bayous which have known sediment contamination problems. In Mobile Bay, however, degraded benthic communities were more closely associated with eutrophication and hypoxia. Nevertheless, a benthic index is a valuable tool for identifying areas that could be already degraded and tracking the status of environmental condition in large geographical regions. 相似文献
Indraprastha Power Station (IPP Stn) and Rajghat Power House (RPH), owned by Delhi Electric Supply Undertaking, are both coal-fired power stations located on Ring Road in New Delhi. Ash content of the coal used ranges between 38–47%. The ash is collected in electrostatic precipitators which have an efficiency of 99.3% (IPP station), and 99.7% (RPH). There are instances of major dust pollution around the power stations from fly ash dispersal. The main method of disposal of fly ash from the power stations is by mixing with water, the resultant slurry is pumped through pipes to ash disposal ponds. The supernatant from these ponds is discharged into River Yamuna. Field studies have revealed large quantities of fly ash being deposited into the river. Local populations of Eichhornia crassipes have reduced dramatically between 1987–1995, with a marked reduction in the year 1994–1995. Field studies, conducted in January, 1995 have investigated the impact of fly ash dispersal in the Delhi region with particular reference to metal contamination. Elemental concentrations for a range of elements are determined by ICP-AES in fly ash and top soils along four transects from the power stations up to a distance of 8 km. The effects of fly ash leachates from the ash settling ponds on the river are determined by analyzing river overbank soils and vegetation for their elemental contents. It is concluded that fly ash dispersal from the stacks are a source of alkali, alkaline-earth and to some extent heavy metals in soils in the vicinity of the power stations, and enrichment of elements in river overbank soils are a result of discharge of fly ash leachates from ash disposal ponds. However, the impact from both these sources of metal contamination is not large enough to give cause for concern. Marked reduction in populations of Eichhornia crassipes downstream of the river where it receives leachates from the ash disposal ponds are attributed to turbidity of the ash pond leachates and metal toxicity. Elemental enrichment in the floodplain soils, as a result of fly ash particle deposition during monsoons, may enhance the horticultural value of these soils as is shown by a healthy cultivated crop of Brassica juncea. 相似文献
The temporal trends (1974-1995) of 11 organochlorine contaminants in herring gull eggs from 13 colonies throughout the Great Lakes were statistically analyzed using two regression methods on logarithmically transformed data. Change point analysis was used to determine if there had been significant year to year fluctuations in contaminant levels and/or changes in long-term trends. Short-term regressions were conducted on 6 major compounds for two time periods (early 1990s and early 1980s) to compare the rates of decline. Overall, change point analyses indicated that for most of the comparisons (75%) there had been significant year to year fluctuations in contaminant levels. They also indicated that for most of the comparisons (67%) the rate of decline after the change point was as fast as or faster than before the change point, this pattern was most common for dieldrin and heptachlor epoxide at certain locations. In 19% of the comparisons the rates of decline had slowed or stabilized, this was most common for PCB and pentachlorobenzene. In 14% of the comparisons there were no significant temporal trends, this was most common for photomirex and mirex. Results for short-term regression showed that out of 78 comparisons for each time period, 5 (6%) were declining significantly in the early 1990s and 11 (14%) were declining significantly in the early 1980s. Both types of regression indicated that, for most of the herring gull egg contaminant database, recent logarithmic rates of decline were similar to those seen previously in the sampling period. For PCB 1254:1260, a group of compounds of particular toxicological importance, change point analyses indicated that the logarithmic rates of decline in herring gull eggs from western Lake Ontario were slower from 1987-1995 than they were from 1974-1986. At both Lake Superior colonies and the Niagara River colony PCB 1254:1260 concentrations ceased to decline in the mid-1980s. At the colony in Green Bay, Lake Michigan, PCB 1254:1260 levels have shown no significant temporal trend since 1976. At the remaining 8 colonies, PCB 1254:1260 levels continue a logarithmic decline in recent years at the same rate as or faster than previously. 相似文献
This is the first comprehensive study of sources of variation in metal concentrations within the whole tissues of a shallow burrowing, filter-feeding intertidal clam, Austrovenus stutchburyi. Samples were collected from 12 sites in April, August, November and February in 1993–1994 in the vicinity of Otago Harbour and Peninsula, New Zealand. Total tissue trace metal concentrations (μg g−1 dry weight) were measured in individual animals for the essential metals : Mn, Cu, Zn, Ni and the non-essential Cr using trace-metal clean acid-digestion and ICP-OAES techniques. Average metal concentrations were 3–60 μg g−1 for Cu, 40–118 μg g−1 for Zn, 2–12 μg g−1 for Mn, 5–35 μg g−1 for Ni and 1–44 μg g−1 for Cr. These levels decreased with body weight and differed amongst sites except for Cr in February (mid-summer). Highest concentrations occurred at sites close to a city (Dunedin) and within the central harbour region although the Cu, Zn, Ni and Cr concentrations did not correlate with the environmental gradient or season. At one coastal site, samples of both the blue mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and cockles gave similar trends in trace metal levels. These results suggest that the cockle could be a useful trace metal biomonitor within NZ estuaries. 相似文献
Seventy-two squares of 100 ha were selected by stratified random sampling with probabilities proportional to size (pps) to survey landscape changes in the period 1996–2003. The area of the plots times the urbanization pressure was used as a size measure. The central question of this study is whether the sampling with probabilities proportional to size leads to gain in precision compared to equal probability sampling. On average 1.03 isolated buildings per 100 ha have been built, while 0.90 buildings per 100 ha have been removed, leading to a net change of 0.13 building per 100 ha. The area with unspoiled natural relief has been reduced by 2.3 ha per 100 ha, and the length of linear relicts by 137 m per 100 ha. On average 74 m of linear green elements have been planted per 100 ha, while 106 m have been removed, leading to a net change of −31 m per 100 ha. For the state variables ‘unspoiled natural relief', ‘ linear relicts', ‘removed linear green elements', and ‘new – removed linear green elements' there is a gain in precision due to the pps-sampling. For the remaining state variables there is no gain or even a loss of precision (`new buildings', ‘removed buildings', ‘new – removed buildings', ‘new linear green elements'). Therefore, if many state variables must be monitored or when interest is not only in the change but also in the current totals, we recommend to keep things simple, and to select plots with equal probability. 相似文献
Point Sampling Digital Imagery with ‘Samplepoint’ 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Measuring percent occurrence of objects from digital images can save time and expense relative to conventional field measurements. However, the accuracy of image analysis had, until now, not reached the level of the best conventional field measurements. Additionally, most image-analysis software programs require advanced user training to successfully analyze images. Here we present a new software program, ‘SamplePoint,’ that provides the user a single-pixel sample point and the ability to view and identify the pixel context. We found SamplePoint to allow accuracy comparable with the most accurate field-methods for ground-cover measurements. Expert use of the program requires minimal training and its ease of use allows rapid measurements from image data. We recommend SamplePoint for calibrating the threshold-detection level of image-analysis software or for making direct measurements of percent occurrence from digital images. 相似文献