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采用A2O2污水处理工艺处理小城镇生活污水,监测结果表明COD去除率达到86%,BOD5去除率达到88%,SS去除率达到93%,NH3-N去除率达到85%,TP去除率达到81%,所有指标均达到了国家规定的排放标准,且工程投资78万元,直接运行费0.21元/m3,占地面积600m2.  相似文献   
利用含铁材料为阳极,铜为阴极,NaOH溶液为电解液,于隔膜电解槽中电解制备高铁酸钠.探索了该工艺所必需的各种参数和反应条件,确定了隔膜材料,并对Na2FeO4浓度和电流效率的非一致性变化作出了解释.研究结果表明:在阳极距离为1.3 cm(极距2.3 cm)、阳极电解液浓度为14 mol/L,阴极电解液浓度为4 mol/L、温度为35℃、电压为8~9 V时,电解2 h后得到的Na2FeO4浓度为18.7g/L,电流效率为20%.  相似文献   
采用活性污泥法富集培养去除甲硫醇、甲硫醚、二甲基二硫等甲基硫化物的优势菌种。结果表明,经过驯化后的活性污泥,对废水中的甲硫醇钠及COD去除率达90%,SV为18%。分析了在活性污泥驯化过程中原生动物的数量和种群的演替过程。将经驯化的活性污泥固定化后处理甲硫醚和二甲基二硫恶臭废气,在进气质量浓度分别为2~50,1~40mg/m。的范围内,甲硫醚和二甲基二硫去除率都能稳定在90%左右。  相似文献   
OutlinesofearthquakesinChinain 2 0 0 0 ThegenerallevelofseismicactivityinChinain 2 0 0 0waslowerthanin 1 999,withato talof 50earthquakes (Ms≥ 5.0 ) (seeTable 1 ) ;butthatinChinesemainlandwasslightlyhigher ,with 30earthquakes(Ms≥ 5.0 ) ,including 1 3quakesoccurringinQinghaiProvinc…  相似文献   
切花保鲜原理与保鲜技术   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文综述了切花保鲜的主要原理及保鲜技术,内容包括:水分与切花衰老的关系及其保鲜技术,激素在切花衰老和保鲜作用中的最新研究进展,冷藏技术在切花贮藏保鲜中的应用,切花保鲜剂的种类及其组分和作用.  相似文献   
Increased water-dependent development and utilization have led to significant environmental and hydrological degradation of the Tarim River in western China and its dependent ecosystems. Between the 1950s and 1970s, 350 km of the lower reaches were drained and between 1960 and 1980 the water-table fell from between −2 and −3 m to between −8 and −10 m. Subsequently, riparian ecosystems were seriously degraded. In 2000, the Chinese government launched a program to restore the lower reaches of the river. Four environmental flows of 1034×106 m3 were released from 2000 to 2002. This paper interprets and discusses the ecological significance of changes following the releases and identifies the relationship between water-table dynamics and vegetation responses. Short-term objectives for river restoration are proposed with possible monitoring parameters suggested.  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Pastoral areas are the key difficulty in China’s pursuit of common prosperity and a key region for China to build the northern ecological safety...  相似文献   
Environmental Modeling & Assessment - This study aimed to evaluate the suitability of literature parameter values for the Green–Ampt infiltration model to be used in hydrodynamic...  相似文献   
Forest succession is the base of establishing restoration reference which plays an important role in forest restoration and restoration estimation. The study presented the establishment of a Markov successional model (MSM) and its application to restoration reference in lower subtropical forest in China. The compositions of successional system in MSM were divided into three species types: pioneering pine trees, heliophytic trees and mesophytic trees. The successional system was divided into three subsystems: early successional stage, mid-successional stage and late-successional stage. Based on the site survey on the changes in the species and their individuals in 25 years, the transition matrices in various subsystems were determined. The predicted results were used to establish the restoration reference of the vegetation restoration in lower subtropical China. According to the ecological restoration reference established in this study, it would take 150 years for the forest to change from pioneer to mature communities in the region. Successional change of tree composition was forecast by the model, and the scenario forecast by the model reflects the actual conditions observed through 52 years of long-term permanent site research. The restoration experience in the region matches the forecast results. The application of a restoration reference model indicates that forest restoration can be accelerated by taking measures which change forest structure. The above results imply that a restoration reference established on the rule of regional forest succession could be very useful not only in directing, but also in assessing and managing regional forest restoration. Previously, one “ideal reference ecosystem” was used as a restoration reference in all correlative studies. In this study, the restoration “process” was used as the restoration reference.  相似文献   
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