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准确、可靠的环境监测数据是环境管理的重要现实依据,因此正确鉴别和处理异常数据是环境监测工作中的关键环节。简述了环境监测异常数据的类型和产生的原因,对异常监测数据的处理措施进行了分析。提出,应建立健全环境监测质量管理体系、重视现场采样的信息化管理、正确填写监测原始记录和加强监测数据的审核。  相似文献   
筛选识别成都市多环芳烃(PAHs)污染重点源和区域,采集57个土壤样品,利用人体暴露风险模型对16种PAHs的健康风险进行评价。结果表明:青白江工业集中发展区与新都工业集中发展区连片区局部有PAHs潜在渗漏风险,污染源主要为工业企业和交通源,农业面源、生活污染源等不直接产生PAHs;土壤PAHs主要来源途径为企业VOCs排放与沉降、汽车尾气与大气中PAHs沉降、废矿物油泄漏入渗;PAHs主要离去途径为入渗地下水、冲淋径流进入地表水、植物吸收;智能设备制造、化工用地存在PAHs人体健康及环境生态风险。  相似文献   
首先根据安全经济开采的内涵,建立以人员安全、设施设备安全、开采环境安全、安全投资和安全管理为主要制约因素的安全经济开采评价模型,并运用改进的层次分析法确定人员可靠度对安全经济开采水平影响最大,开采环境可靠度影响最小。其次,采用函数拟合法、专家打分法、标准化打分法量化安全经济开采水平指标,并将安全经济开采水平划分为3个等级。最后,运用可拓物元模型方法,得出某铁矿安全经济开采水平为二级,无重大经济损失,与实际吻合。  相似文献   
污泥含炭吸附剂对挥发性有机废气吸附实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了污泥含炭吸附剂对挥发性有机污染物的吸附特性。结果表明,污泥含炭吸附剂对苯系物的吸附为典型的物理吸附,其吸附甲苯等温线的类型系优惠型吸附等温线,表明具有良好的吸附能力;在吸附反应温度为20℃,气体流量为500 mL/m in(停留时间为0.424 s),甲苯浓度为2 700 mg/m3时,甲苯的饱和吸附容量为150.0 mg/g;同时,研究表明污泥含炭吸附剂对苯系物的饱和吸附容量和吸附强弱次序为二甲苯甲苯苯。结果表明污泥含炭吸附剂适合对中低浓度有机废气的吸附净化。  相似文献   
采用液相催化氧化NO_x的方法,通过磷矿浆中过渡金属离子的催化作用,达到净化电厂烟气中NO的目的。考察了烟气含氧量、吸收温度、磷矿浆固液比及气体流量对磷矿浆湿法脱硝的影响。结果表明,试验最佳条件为NO进口质量浓度670 mg/m~3、磷矿浆吸收温度25℃、固液比500 g/L、流量0.3 L/min、含氧量20%;优化条件下的磷矿浆脱除效率最高可达88.9%。随着磷矿浆湿法催化氧化脱硝反应的进行,p H值不断下降,导致磷矿浆逐渐失效,需补入新鲜矿浆,维持吸收液的p H值以保证良好脱硝率。  相似文献   
浙江拔茅银矿地质特征及成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
拔茅银矿是浙东中生代火山岩带中近几年新发出的金银矿田,矿床发育于破火山口机构内,矿体主要受NW及近SN向张性硅化破碎带控制。矿床的各种特征表明,其成因属浅成低温热液型。  相似文献   
The microwave enhanced advanced oxidation process (MW/H2O2-AOP) was used to treat separated solid dairy manure for nutrient release and solids reduction. The MW/H2O2-AOP was conducted at a microwave temperature of 120°C for 10 minutes, and at three pH conditions of 3.5, 7.3 and 12. The hydrogen peroxide dosage at approximately 2 mL per 1% TS for a 30 mL sample was used in this study, reflecting a range of 0.53–0.75 g H2O2/g dry sludge. The results indicated that substantial quantities of nutrients could be released into the solution at pH of 3.5. However, at neutral and basic conditions only volatile fatty acids and soluble chemical oxygen demand could be released. The analyses on orthophosphate, soluble chemical oxygen demands and volatile fatty acids were re-examined for dairy manure. It was found that the orthophosphate concentration for untreated samples at a higher % total solids (TS) was suppressed and lesser than actual. To overcome this difficulty, the initial orthophosphate concentration had to be measured at 0.5% TS.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to compare two different analytical methods for the determination and confirmation of ochratoxin A (OTA) in blood serum, kidney and liver of pigs. Sample clean-up was based on liquid-liquid phase extraction. The detection of OTA was accomplished with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) combined either with fluorescence detection (FL) or electro spray ionization (ESI+) tandem mass spectrometry (MS–MS). Comparative method evaluation was based on the investigation of 90 samples of blood serum, kidney and liver per animal originating from different regions of Serbia. The analytical results are discussed in view of the respective method validation data and the corresponding experimental protocols. In general, analytical data obtained with (LC–MS–MS) liquid chromatography electro spray tandem mass spectro metry detection offered comparable good results at the sub-ppb concentration level. The results indicate that the liquid chromatography electro spray tandem mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS) method was more specific and sensitive for the analysis and confirmation of ochratoxin A in pig tissues then high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) method after methylation of OTA.  相似文献   
This study investigated the treatment of dairy manure using the microwave enhanced advanced oxidation process (MW-AOP) at pH 2. An experimental design was developed based on a statistical program using response surface methodology to explore the effects of temperature, hydrogen peroxide dosage and heating time on sugar production, nutrient release and solids destruction. Temperature, hydrogen peroxide dosage and acid concentration were key factors affecting reducing sugar production. The highest reducing sugar yield of 7.4% was obtained at 160°C, 0 mL, 15 min heating time, and no H2O2 addition. Temperature was a dominant factor for an increase of soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) in the treated dairy manure. The important factors for volatile fatty acids (VFA) production were microwave temperature and hydrogen peroxide dosage. Temperature was the most important parameter, and heating time, to a lesser extent affecting orthophosphate release. Heating time, hydrogen peroxide dosage and temperature were significant factors for ammonia release. There was a maximum of 96% and 196% increase in orthophosphate and ammonia concentration, respectively at 160°C, 0.5 mL H2O2 and 15 min heating time. The MW-AOP is an effective method in dairy manure treatment for sugar production, nutrient solubilisation, and solids disintegration.  相似文献   
This study investigated the degradation of rizazole in water-sediment systems (West Lake system, WL; Beijing–Hangzhou Grand Canal system, BG) with two different types of sediments under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The half-lives of rizazole in the WL water phase (14.59–15.13 d) were similar to those in the BG water phase (15.90–16.46 d). Within 3–7 d, the rizazole concentration in the sediments reached the maximum values, i.e., equilibrium. Rizazole dissipation was faster in the WL sediment phase with higher organic matter content (T1/2 = 18.99–19.09 d) compared with the BG sediment phase (T1/2 = 31.08–33.32 d). Rizazole degradation was slightly faster in the West Lake water-sediment system (WL system) (T1/2 = 17.11–18.05 d) than in the Beijing–Hangzhou Grand Canal water—sediment system (BG system) (T1/2 = 20.51–25.02 d). The aerobic degradation of rizazole was similar to its anaerobic degradation in the water-sediment system. The findings are useful to understand the behavior of pesticide in environment.  相似文献   
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