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北京春季城区与远郊区不同大气粒径颗粒物中水溶性离子的分布特征 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为比较北京城区与远郊区大气颗粒物中水溶性无机离子的组成特征,2012年4月,利用Andersen分级撞击式采样器同时在2个采样点进行大气颗粒物分级采样,样品采用离子色谱分析.结果表明,城区和上甸子大气颗粒物中水溶性无机离子总浓度分别为(83.7±48.9)μg·m-3和(75.5±52.9)μg·m-3,NO-3、SO2-4和NH+4是最主要的水溶性无机离子,分别占总离子浓度的81.2%和84.2%.粒径分布显示,Mg2+和Ca2+在5.8~9.0μm的粒径范围出现峰值,Na+、NH+4、Cl-在0.43~1.1μm和4.7~9.0μm的粒径范围出现双峰,K+、NO-3和SO2-4在0.65~2.1μm的粒径范围出现峰值.后向轨迹簇分析表明,气团来自南方时,城区和上甸子二次离子浓度分别为(92.4±40.0)μg·m-3和(95.0±35.4)μg·m-3,来自其他方向时,分别为(24.0±10.8)μg·m-3和(13.3±10.6)μg·m-3. 相似文献
施肥对稻田甲烷与氧化亚氮排放的影响 总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19
大气温室气体浓度的升高引起太阳辐射加强,导致全球变暖已成为不争的事实。农田是温室气体排放的重要来源之一,采用静态箱-气相色谱法探讨不同氮肥类型与施氮水平对华南稻田甲烷(CH4)与氧化亚氮(N2O)排放的影响。试验共设置5个处理,每处理3次重复,分别(以N计)为U6(90 kg·hm-2),U10(150 kg·hm-2),U12(180 kg·hm-2),SR10(150 kg·hm-2,缓释肥),CR10(150 kg·hm-2,控释肥)。各处理磷钾肥用量一致,分别为45 kg·hm-2(以P2O5计)和127.5 kg·hm-2(以K2O计)。研究结果表明:稻田CH4与N2O排放量随氮肥用量的增加呈增加趋势。晚稻CH4排放呈单峰型,其峰值出现在水稻移栽后16~23 d,N2O排放并未出现明显的排放峰。CH4累积排放主要发生在返青-分蘖初期和分蘖盛期-幼穗分化期两个时段,而N2O的累积排放主要集中在灌浆-成熟期(U6处理除外)。不同氮肥类型处理CH4季节排放总量与平均排放量表现为:处理SR10〉处理U10〉处理CR10,其中,控释肥处理甲烷排放总量较常规尿素处理减少了11.3%;而N2O季节排放总量与平均排放量表现为:处理CR10〉处理U10〉处理SR10。综上,初步认为氮肥的施用能够促进CH4与N2O的释放,缓释肥处理能有效减少稻田N2O的排放,而控释尿素处理能明显降低稻田CH4气体的排放,且稻田CH4与N2O的排放存在一定的互为消长关系,因此如何平衡稻田甲烷与氧化亚氮释放,使稻田增温潜势最小化是下一步研究的重点和方向。 相似文献
土壤活性碳组分是土壤健康变化的指示器。选取湘东丘陵区3种不同母质发育的林地土壤(紫色土、板岩红壤和花岗岩红壤),研究土壤颗粒有机碳(POC)和溶解性有机碳(DOC)的剖面分布规律,并分析POC、DOC与土壤有机碳(SOC)、土壤质地的关系。结果表明:土壤剖面POC、DOC质量分数分别介于0.29~3.87g·kg。和15.01~311.34mg·kg^-1,随剖面加深而大幅降低。土壤剖面POC储量介于8.61一16.54t·hm^-2,以花岗岩红壤最高,板岩红壤最低;而DOC储量介于380.76~1184.83kg·hm^-2,以板岩红壤最高,紫色土最低。POC占SOC的比例(POC/SOC)介于6.42%~46.25%,其中紫色土和板岩红壤POC/SOC随土层加深而降低,而花岗岩红壤则完全相反。DOC占SOC的比例(DOC/SOC)介于O.35%~3.02%,其中紫色土DOC/SOC随土层加深而降低,板岩红壤与花岗岩红壤DOC/SOC则以B层最高。由此可见,不同母质发育的土壤类型,碳库质量和脆弱程度不一。从维持地力和环境健康的角度,应对不同母质发育的土壤制定不同的开发利用方案。 相似文献
Abstract Distributions of 210Pb and 7Be in the aerosol particles of different size fractions were measured around Taiwan offshore areas from October, 1994 to October, 1995. the size distribution and abundance of the aerosol particles showed both spatial and temporal variations. the particle concentrations off northwestern Taiwan were more than twice as those off northeastern Taiwan both in November and March, and the values were much higher in November than in March for both areas. the measured particle concentrations, except for one sample with an unusually high value, ranged from 10 to 83 μOgm ?3 in the study areas. the 210Pb concentrations in the aerosol particles filtered from the air mass varied between 20 × 10?3 and 72 × 10?3 dpm m?3 (1dpm = 0.45 pCi). the 210Pb concentrations in the area off southwestern Taiwan appeared somewhat higher than in other areas and were probably contributed by the land air from Taiwan which contains higher 210Pb in winter. the 210Pb concentrations off northern Taiwan were low in November when the aerosol concentrations were high, but they were high in March when the aerosol concentrations were low. Based on the 7Be monitoring records of 20 years on the aerosol particles of the island by the Taiwan Radiation Monitoring Center, the mean settling rate averaged 0.91, 0.79 and 0.68 cm s?1, respectively, in northern, central and southern Taiwan. with these values and the 210Pb concentrations in the aerosols, the 210Pb flux was determined to be between 0.58 and 2.30 dpm cm?2y?1, with an average of 1.19 dpm cm?2y?1. Excluding the highest value due to its extremely high 210Pb and aerosol concentrations, the average is reduced to 1.05 dpm cm?2y?1. the activity median diameters (AMD) for 210Pb in the study areas were between 0.69 and < 0.49 μM with a mean of 0.5 öm based on 210Pb distributions in different particle size fractions. Thus, 210Pb was preferentially adsorbed on to the submicron particles. 7Be in the study areas showed a good correlation with 210Pb in total activity although the two nucides had different sources. 相似文献
Pesticides are chemicals used in agriculture but are known to produce adverse effects on humans. In this study, blood activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), gamma-glutamyl transaminase, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and levels of malondialdhyde (MDA) were determined in 44 greenhouse workers (24 tomato workers, 20 clove workers) and in tomato (24 samples) and clove (20 samples) products. At the end of this study, blood MDA levels and activities of ALT, AST, and LDH levels in greenhouse workers were significantly increased while SOD and CAT activity levels fell significantly. Pesticide residues were not found in agricultural worker blood. Malathion residues (average 0.8?ppm) were detected in tomatoes (8 samples) in these greenhouses. Data suggest that the health of the greenhouse workers may be adversely affected by pesticides. 相似文献
This study was a preliminary step to evaluate the acute toxicity of 1-methyl-3-octylimidazolium chloride ([C8mim]Cl) on loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) by determining the effects on hepatic antioxidant enzyme activities and by the comet assay. The results showed that [C8mim]Cl had acute toxicity at concentrations above 20 mg L?1, inducing oxidative stress and genotoxicity on fish liver cells. In respect to enzyme activities, [C8mim]Cl induced changes in the activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione content the livers of fish exposed at 20–80 mg L?1. [C8mim]Cl at the same exposure level caused a remarkable increase in malondialdehyde level. The comet assay indicated that [C8mim]Cl at 20–80 mg L?1 induced genotoxicity in liver cells. With increased exposure concentration and time, the two comet parameters trailing rate and tail moment were significantly increased, with significant differences (P < 0.05) observed between control group and each treatment group. The present study shows that ionic liquids can be a threat to the health of aquatic organism when accidentally released to aquatic ecosystems. 相似文献
In this study, the variations of serum glycoproteins after exposure to ricin toxin (RT) in Wistar albino rats are reported. For glycopeptide enrichment, Microcon YM-3 centrifugal filter device capture and micro-liquid chromatography (LC)–electrospray ionization (ESI)–tandem mass spectrometric (MS/MS) analysis were used; 74 trypsin-digested proteins were identified in the control group, and 58 in the RT-intoxication group. Additionally, 33 N-glycosides and 14 glycoproteins were identified in the control, and 50 and 21 in the RT-intoxication group. 相似文献
Green vegetation cover fraction (VCF) is an important indicator of vegetation status in ecology and agronomy. Digital image analysis (DIA) has been widely accepted as a new VCF measurement technique. In this study, we present a novel fully automatic threshold segmentation algorithm for VCF measurements, which is named as upper inflection point plus mean gradient magnitude of edge pixels (UIP-MGMEP). The algorithm performs VCF estimation upon the vegetation index Excess Green (EXG). UIP-MGMEP optimizes the EXG threshold by searching the upper inflection point (UIP) of the M-Et curve (mean gradient magnitude of edge pixels (MGMEP) vs. EXG threshold), based on the assumption that EXG variance of the boundary pixels between vegetation and background is larger than the variance of the background. Five typical sample images are used to illustrate how ground complexity reduces the distinctness of the UIP. Three controlled experiments are illustrated to test the robustness of UIP-MGMEP to resolution, exposure, and ground complexity. The results show that UIP-MGMEP is a promising algorithm for automatic VCF estimation upon digital images. Compared to broad-leaved grass, narrow-leaved grass is more sensitive to resolution and exposure. To reduce ground complexity, smaller footprint size while more images to cover the same area may be better than one image with large footprint size. UIP-MGMEP is fully automatic, making it promising for batch processing of VCF measurements that is very difficult in any wide-range field survey in the past. UIP-MGMEP algorithm can only extract green vegetation and is not suitable for non-green (even grayish-green) vegetation, due to the limits of vegetation index EXG. In addition, UIP-MGMEP is not recommended for images with VCF less than 0.5% or greater than 99.5%. 相似文献
重大危险源计算机监控与预警系统 总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4
彭晓红 《中国安全科学学报》1997,(Z1)
探讨了重大危险源计算机监控与预警系统的组成结构和各部分实现的功能,介绍了 两例监控与预警系统,并就监控与预警系统的网络设计进行了论述。 相似文献
通过对高效粗磨机粉碎秸秆(RS-HECGM)和传统的切割机粉碎秸秆(RS-CTM)在酸解处理、厌氧消化、能耗、粒径分布等方面的比较,探究高效粗磨机粉碎的优劣.与RS-CTM相比,RS-HECGM酸解后半纤维素降解率提高了13.23%.厌氧发酵后,RS-HECGM中纤维素和半纤维素的降解率分别达到58.85%、48.47%,比RS-CTM分别提高了23.58%、29.15%;累积产气量达到10 375 mL,产气率为0.3127 L/gVS,较RS-CTM分别提高了17.43%和16.21%.RS-CTM发酵体系的总固体质量分数由发酵前的6.03%下降至3.94%,而RS-HECGM发酵体系的总固体质量分数则降至3.27%.高效粗磨机的能耗为68.75 kW·h/t,虽较切割机高8.56%,但处理量却是切割机的2.67倍,为0.8 t/h.RS-HECGM粒径分布较为均匀,10 mm以下的稻草占总量的74.08%;而RS-CTM粒径较大,10 mm以下的稻草仅占总量的39.74%.使用10 L发酵罐验证,与添加RS-CTM的发酵体系相比,添加RS-HECGM的发酵体系在产气率提升19.01%的前提下,厌氧消化搅拌能耗降低了56%. 相似文献