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该文选取铜绿微囊藻为研究对象,设置3个pH值梯度(5.0,7.0,9.0),通过添加芘(0.001 5 mg/L)探讨低浓度多环芳烃胁迫下铜绿微囊藻的生长与微囊藻毒素产生情况。结果显示:在实验设定pH值条件下,低浓度芘胁迫下的铜绿微囊藻的生长受到明显促进,毒素产生情况则在不同pH值下作用效果不同:低浓度芘胁迫下的处理组细胞密度均高于对照组,且pH=9.0时,铜绿微囊藻的比生长率最高,其世代时间也最短。低浓度芘胁迫下的处理组叶绿素a含量低于对照组,且pH=9.0和pH=7.0时,叶绿素a的增加明显大于pH=5.0时。低浓度芘在p H=7.0条件下对细胞内、外藻毒素产量表现为抑制作用,在pH=9.0条件下对细胞内、外藻毒素产量表现为促进作用。结果表明:当水中存在低浓度多环芳烃时,铜绿微囊藻的生长及藻毒素产量均会受到pH值的不同影响。因此,在评估富营养化水体中促进藻毒素产生的化学物质的风险时,pH介质条件是不应忽略的因素。  相似文献   
蚯蚓群落结构与分布的影响因素研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two processes of utilizing polyvinyl chloride (PVC) waste, an incineration process and a vacuum pyrolysis process, for energy conversion were compared to determine their efficiency and environmental perfor- mance. We carried out a life cycle assessment with each of the two processes to evaluate their environmental impact and defined the goals and limits of our remit. As well, we established an inventory of PVC waste from incineration and vacuum pyrolysis based on process analysis, data collection and calculations. The results show that electrical power output per unit mass of PVC waste in the incineration process was twice as high as that of the vacuum pyrolysis process. Incineration had a larger total environmental impact potential than vacuum pyrolysis. The total environmental impact potential of PVC waste from incineration was three times higher than that from vacuum pyrolysis. Incineration of PVC disposed 300 ng. 100 kgI of dioxins and vacuum pyrolysis 98.19 ng- 100 kgI of dioxins. As well, we analyzed the data for their uncertainty with results quantified in terms of three uncertainties: basic uncertainty, additional uncertainty, and computational uncertainty. The coefficients of variation of the data were less than 25% and the quality of the inventory data was acceptable with low uncertainty. Both PVC waste disposal processes were of similar quality and their results comparable. The results of our life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) showed considerable reliability of our methodology. Overall, the vacuum pyrolysis process has a number advantages and greater potential for development of PVC disposal than the incineration process.  相似文献   
The N2O production in two nitrogen removal processes treating domestic wastewater was investigated in laboratory-scale aerobic-anoxic sequencing batch reactors (SBRs). Results showed that N2O emission happened in the aerobic phase rather than in the anoxic phase. During the aerobic phase, the nitrogen conversion to N2O gas was 27.7% and 36.8% of NH+-N loss for conventional biologic N-removal process and short-cut biologic N-removal process. The dissolved N2O was reduced to N2 in the anoxic denitrification phase. The N2O production rate increased with the increasing of nitrite concentration and ceased when NH+-N oxidation was terminated. Higher nitrite accumulation resulted in higher NEO emission in the short-cut nitrogen removal process. Pulse-wise addition of 20 mg NO2 -N. L- 1 gave rise to 3-fold of N2O emission in the conventional N-removal process, while little change happened with 20 mg NOS-N L-1 was added to SBR1.  相似文献   
介绍了智慧林业的概念、基本特征及形成背景、新观念,分析了数字林业、智慧林业与泛在林业的关系,阐述了中国及智慧林业发展战略,建议深入研究智慧林业定义、内涵、外延、特征、观点、问题及对策,以便形成一门崭新的科学——智慧林业科学.  相似文献   
高鹏 《四川环境》2014,(3):54-60
通过对220kV及110kV户内布置、户外布置方式的变电站,架空输电线路以及地下电缆线的工频电场强度、工频磁场强度的监测,分析比较了变电站及输电线路对环境的贡献水平以及衰减规律。结果表明输变电设施对环境的贡献值非常有限,且随与之距离的增加而明显衰减。  相似文献   
根据长沙市2013年PM2.5的逐日质量平均浓度、气象地面和高空观测数据,采用SPSS方法,分析了长沙市灰霾天气发生与气象因子的关系。结果表明:长沙市区的灰霾日以西北风向为主,PM2.5浓度与风速、降水呈显著负相关,与相对湿度、大气压、平均气温相关不明显。风速越小越不利于大气污染物的扩散,在没有降水的情况下,风速达到3.5m/s以上,空气质量才有好转;弱降水对污染物的浓度不会有明显的影响,降水量在5mm以下时,污染物的浓度不会有明显的下降,但强降水对空气有净化作用明显,在不同季节,不同时段,不同天气形势下降水的稀释作用不同;长沙秋冬季边界层稳定性几率高达80%以上,这种稳定层结构是长沙市区各种大气污染源不易扩散的重要因素之一。  相似文献   
iththeintroductionofagriculturalandindustrialdevelopmentandimprovementofhumanlife ,environmentalpollutionbecomesmoreandmoreofconcernforpeople.MeHgisoneoforganiclipidsoluble ,heavymetallicpollutants.Althoughitsbiologicaleffectswerestudiedinmanyfieldsbyre…  相似文献   
赵然  顾平  刘允 《中国环境监测》2018,34(6):164-169
阿什河作为松花江的一级支流,全境包含了从Ⅰ类到劣Ⅴ类的各种类型水质。通过对阿什河沿线底栖动物群落构成进行调查,结合典范对应性分析(CCA)对底栖动物群落与环境因子进行相关性分析得出结论,溶解氧和高锰酸盐指数为研究区域内底栖动物群落构成的主要限制因子。为分析不同水质条件下底栖动物种群变化成因和从生物学角度提出阿什河治理方法提供技术依据。  相似文献   
根据2010、2012两年云南省的820个地质灾害监测记录,基于模糊信息概率区间数的大小来开展降水量因子的评价研究。结果表明:突发地质灾害发生前10 d的单日降水量与灾害的关系很小,基本不能用于预警模型的建立和风险评价分析;累积降水量与突发地质灾害关系明显,特别是5~10 d的累积降水量预测概括率已达60%以上,可以用于突发地质灾害预警模型的建立和实际的监测预警;加衰减系数的有效累积降水量因子对突发地质灾害预测效果并无提升,与普通累积降水量因子相比并无优势。  相似文献   
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