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Zink, Jason M., Gregory D. Jennings, and G. Alexander Price, 2012. Morphology Characteristics of Southern Appalachian Wilderness Streams. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(4): 762‐773. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2012.00647.x Abstract: Watersheds without urbanization or impacts from logging are rare in the southern Appalachian Mountains. The Joyce Kilmer/Slickrock Wilderness of North Carolina and Tennessee contains 24 km2 of old‐growth forest, with the balance of the wilderness in a mature second‐growth forest. The watersheds of Little Santeetlah and Slickrock Creek are located within the wilderness. Morphological information, including channel dimensions and longitudinal profiles, was gathered from 14 alluvial stream reaches in these watersheds. The study sites had drainage areas from 0.25 to 41.6 km2 and stream slopes from 0.014 to 0.104 m/m. Bankfull cross‐section dimensions of the study stream reaches were strongly correlated to drainage area across the observed range of slopes and bed morphology. Cross‐section area and width relationships for the streams in this study did not differ significantly from regional curves for the mountain physiographic region of North Carolina. Observations of these reaches did not suggest a definitive rule regarding the proportion of steps and riffles in streams. Pools occupied greater than 50% of the length in all stream reaches with slopes less than 0.07 m/m. Significant correlation existed between step height ratio and slope, suggesting that step height can be approximated as the product of channel width and slope. Riffle length and riffle slope ratios were also significantly correlated with slope, though pool spacing was not.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the evolution of energy use in Denmark since the early 1970s, in order to shed light on the future path of energy use in Denmark, with particular emphasis on the role of energy efficiency. Improvements in end-use energy efficiency reduced primary energy requirements in Denmark by 22% between 1972 and 1988. This change accounts for two-thirds of the decline in the ratio of energy use to gross domestic product that occurred during this time: the rest of the decline was caused by changes in the mix of goods and services produced and consumed by the Danes. Total energy savings achieved between 1972 and 1988 in Denmark ranked among the highest measured in any major OECD country. Overall, most of the energy savings in Denmark were brought about through improvements in technology. Short-term changes in consumer behaviour were significant in reducing energy needs for space heating and transport. An important stimulus for improved efficiency was higher energy prices, led in no small part by significant taxes imposed on small consumers of heating oil, electricity and motor fuels.  相似文献   
The variation with depth in water, lipid, protein, carbon and nitrogen contents (% wet weight) of 42 species of midwater fishes, collected in November 1976 off the west coast of Oahu in the Hawaiian Archipelago, was measured. The Hawaiian fishes show significant relationships between these components and depth of occurrence. The slopes of these relationships are not significantly different from those reported for midwater fishes from off California, USA. However, the fishes from Hawaii have significantly lower lipid levels and higher protein levels than do the species from off California. The deep-living Hawaiian species (500 m and deeper) have significantly lower lipid (% wet weight), but there is no significant difference in protein (% wet weight). The difference in lipid contents at all depths appears to be an evolved characteristic, with the greater lipid levels off California being selected for by greater spatial and temporal variation in the food supply for these fishes off the California coast than off Hawaii. The higher protein contents in the shallow-living Hawaiian fishes appear to reflect greater muscle power selected for in these fishes by the greater water clarity, and therefore greater reactive distances, in the surface layers off Hawaii. These conclusions support the general hypothesis that the lower protein contents of bathypelagic fishes are not directly selected by food limitation at depth, but rather result from the relaxation of selection for rapid-swimming abilities at greater depths due to the great reduction at greater depths in the distance over which visual predator-prey interactions can take place. The lower lipid levels in the deeper-living species are apparently made possible by the reduced metabolic rates of these species which reduces their need for energy stores.  相似文献   
Six treatments of eastern Kansas tallgrass prairie – native prairie, hayed, mowed, grazed, burned and untreated – were studied to examine the biophysical effects of land management practices on grasslands. On each treatment, measurements of plant biomass, leaf area index, plant cover, leaf moisture and soil moisture were collected. In addition, measurements were taken of the Normalized Difference VegetationIndex (NDVI), which is derived from spectral reflectance measurements. Measurements were taken in mid-June, mid-July and late summer of 1990 and 1991. Multivariate analysis of variance was used to determine whether there were differences in the set of variables among treatments and years. Follow-up tests included univariate t-tests to determine whichvariables were contributing to any significant difference. Results showed a significant difference (p < 0.0005) among treatments in the composite of parameters during each of the months sampled. In most treatment types, there was asignificant difference between years within each month. The univariate tests showed, however, that only some variables, primarily soil moisture, were contributing to this difference. We conclude that biomass and % plant cover show the best potential to serve as long-term indicators of grassland condition as they generally were sensitive to effects ofdifferent land management practices but not to yearlychange in weather conditions. NDVI was insensitive to precipitation differences between years in July for most treatments, but was not in the native prairie. Choice of sampling time is important for these parameters to serve effectively as indicators.  相似文献   
The binding of arsenic in sediments of the heavily industrialised Port Kembla Harbour, NSW, Australia, has been investigated. Both dredge and core samples have been used to develop a sieving/sequential extraction (SE) procedure. Dredge samples included oxic surficial and deeper anoxic sediment. The main core sample analysed was 18 cm deep, sliced at 2 cm intervals. Sediment was sieved to three size ranges (<63 microm, 63-250 microm, >250 microm) and each of these was then subjected to a four step SE, sequentially solubilizing arsenic as ion exchangeable, 1 M HCl soluble, NH(2)OH.HCl soluble, and strong oxidising acid soluble. Concentrations of 50-500 mg As kg(-1) were found, elevated well above local background values. The core sample showed elevated concentrations of arsenic within the top 6-8 cm (300-500 mg As kg(-1)), relative to the deeper sediment (100-200 mg As kg(-1)). Substantial portions of the total arsenic present in the 0-8 cm sediments of core and dredge samples, were found to be soluble in 1 M pH 5 phosphate buffer or 1 M HCl. Arsenic in the lower 8-18 cm of the core displayed different solubility, the fourth stage SE strong acid digestion being required to solubilize >90% of the deep sediment arsenic. It appears that diagenesis had resulted in remobilisation of weakly bound arsenic with subsequent diffusion and deposition in surficial layers. Strong acid soluble arsenic present in deeper sediments has two possible origins: sedimented as strongly bound remaining untouched by diagenetic events, or subjected to diagenetic reactions such as pyritization, which lead to more stable crystalline forms of minerals.  相似文献   
Price MV  Campbell DR  Waser NM  Brody AK 《Ecology》2008,89(6):1596-1604
Despite extensive study of pollination and plant reproduction on the one hand, and of plant demography on the other, we know remarkably little about links between seed production in successive generations, and hence about long-term population consequences of variation in pollination success. We bridged this "generation gap" in Ipomopsis aggregata, a long-lived semelparous wildflower that is pollinator limited, by adding varying densities of seeds to natural populations and following resulting plants through their entire life histories. To determine whether pollen limitation of seed production constrains rate of population growth in this species, we sowed seeds into replicated plots at a density that mimics typical pollination success and spacing of flowering plants in nature, and at twice that density to mimic full pollination. Per capita offspring survival, flower production, and contribution to population increase (lambda) did not decline with sowing density in this experiment, suggesting that typical I. aggregata populations freed from pollen limitation will grow over the short term. In a second experiment we addressed whether density dependence would eventually erase the growth benefits of full pollination, by sowing a 10-fold range of seed densities that falls within extremes estimated for the natural "seed rain" that reaches the soil surface. Per capita survival to flowering and age at flowering were again unaffected by sowing density, but offspring size, per capita flower production, and lambda declined with density. Such density dependence complicates efforts to predict population dynamics over the longer term, because it changes components of the life history (in this case fecundity) as a population grows. A complete understanding of how constraints on seed production affect long-term population growth will hinge on following offspring fates at least through flowering of the first offspring generation, and doing so for a realistic range of population densities.  相似文献   
Using an Integrated TerrestrialEcosystem C-budget model (InTEC), we simulated thecarbon (C) offset potentials of four alternativeforest management strategies in Canada: afforestation,reforestation, nitrogen (N) fertilization, andsubstitution of fossil fuel with wood, under differentclimatic and disturbance scenarios. C offset potentialis defined as additional C uptake by forest ecosystemsor reduced fossil C emissions when a strategy isimplemented to the theoretical maximum possibleextent. The simulations provided the followingestimated gains from management: (1) Afforesting allthe estimated 7.2 Mha of marginal agricultural landand urban areas in 1999 would create an average Coffset potential of 8 Tg C y-1 during 1999–2100,at a cost of 3.4 Tg fossil C emission in 1999. (2)Prompt reforestation of all forest lands disturbed inthe previous year during 1999–2100 would produce anaverage C offset potential of 57 Tg C y-1 forthis period, at a cost of 1.33 Tg C y-1. (3)Application of N fertilization (at the low rate of 5kg N ha-1 y-1) to the 125 Mha ofsemi-mature forest during 1999–2100 would create anaverage C offset of 58 Tg C y-1 for this period,at a cost of 0.24 Tg C y-1. (4) Increasingforest harvesting by 20% above current average ratesduring 1999–2100, and using the extra wood products tosubstitute for fossil energy would reduce averageemissions by 11 Tg C y-1, at a cost of 0.54 TgC y-1. If implemented to the maximum extent, thecombined C offset potential of all four strategieswould be 2–7 times the GHG emission reductionsprojected for the National Action Plan for ClimateChange (NAPCC) initiatives during 2000–2020, and anorder of magnitude larger than the projected increasein C uptake by Canada's agricultural soils due toimproved agricultural practices during 2000–2010.  相似文献   
The C-Lock system was developed to address the need for an improved method of quantifying and certifying project-level carbon emission reduction credits (CERC). It was designed to enable individual landowners to efficiently quantify, certify, pool, market and trade CERCs generated by agricultural management practices. We provide a general overview of the C-Lock system as it has been implemented for the USA State of South Dakota. C-Lock is comprised of four linked components: a web interface, a client database, a Geographic Information System (GIS) database of soil, climate and generalized land use history parameters, and the CENTURY soil carbon model. The user-friendly interface elicits generalized land-use and crop history information from the client from 1900 through 1989, then explicit annual information from 1990 onward. A climate-zone level landuse and crop management database is used to fill in gaps in the client-provided data. These data are used to drive the CENTURY model, which estimates annual changes in soil carbon stocks. Monte Carlo simulation is used to estimate uncertainty bounds, and these are applied to the CENTURY outputs in order to provide probabilistic estimates of accrued CERCs in a manner that is transparent and verifiable. In a demonstration application, CERCs are estimated for three different land-use scenarios on a representative field in eastern South Dakota: reduced tillage or conservation (no-till) management of a corn (maize)/wheat/soybean rotation, and enrollment in the Conservation Reserve Program, which entails establishing permanent grass cover. The credits are based on a business-asusual scenario of conventional tillage.  相似文献   
Remedial dredging of contaminated bed sediments in rivers and lakes results in the suspension of sediment solids in the water column, which can potentially be a source for evaporation of hydrophobic organic compounds (HOCs) associated with the sediment solids. Laboratory experiments were conducted in an oscillating grid chamber to simulate the suspension of contaminated sediments and flux to air from the surface of the water column. A contaminated field sediment from Indiana Harbor Canal (IHC) and a laboratory-inoculated University Lake (UL) sediment, Baton Rouge, LA, were used in the experiments, where water and solids concentration and particle size distribution were measured in addition to contaminant fluxes to air. A transient model that takes into account contaminant desorption from sediment to water and evaporation from the water column was used to simulate water and sediment concentrations and air fluxes from the solids suspension. In experiments with both sediments, the total suspended solids (TSS) concentration and the average particle diameter of the suspended solids decreased with time. As expected, the evaporative losses were higher for compounds with higher vapor pressure and lower hydrophobicity. For the laboratory-inoculated sediment (UL), the water concentrations and air fluxes were high initially and decreased steadily implying that contaminant release to the water column from the suspended solids was rapid, followed by evaporative decay. For the field sediments (IHC), the fluxes and water concentrations increased initially and subsequently decreased steadily. This implied that the initial desorption to water was slow and that perhaps the presence of oil and grease and aging influenced the contaminant release. Comparison of the model and experimental data suggested that a realistic determination of the TSS concentration that can be input into the model was the most critical parameter for predicting air emission rates.  相似文献   
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