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Regional Representativeness of Swedish Reference Lakes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
/ Recent focus has been placed on ecoregion delineations for providing an appropriate framework for monitoring and assessment of region-specific attainable water/habitat quality. Using an ecoregion approach to stratify variance, this study was conducted to determine whether earlier (subjectively) selected Swedish reference lakes may be considered as regionally representative reference sites when compared with a randomly selected lake population. Predictive modeling by discriminant function analysis with lakes classified by ecoregion and lake surface area and six physicochemical variables showed that the greater majority of reference lakes may be considered as regionally representative. The highest proportion of lake "misclassifications" occurred in the boreonemoral ecoregion, a relatively diverse ecoregion of southern Sweden. This apparent bias may be in part be due to the criteria used in selecting regional reference lakes. In the earlier selection of reference lakes emphasis was placed on lakes not being adversely affected by land usage or pollutant discharges, consequently forest lakes were often overrepresented and sites in agricultural areas underrepresented in the selected reference sites. As a complement to predictive modeling, PCA ordination showed the placement of reference lakes within the random lake population and indicated where reference sites might be missing along potentially important ecological gradients. KEY WORDS: Regionalization; Ecoregion; Representativeness; Reference; Ordination; Modeling; Temperate lakes  相似文献   
Local population impacts on the forests of Garhwal Himalaya, India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This investigation was carried out in eight villages situated in the Tehri district of Uttar Pradesh, Himalaya, India. The villages are at an elevation of between 500 and 1700 m. Interviews of 61 households and 347 people, which were deliberately biased towards older people, were undertaken. These revealed that there was no evidence to suggest any significant change in land-use patterns in agriculture and forestry over the last 80–100 years in spite of the ever-increasing population. The period between 1920 and 1970 is considered to be when a rapid decline occurred in the forested area. This period coincided with extensive changes in government administration. Qualitative and quantitative data about the usage of forest products are presented. Biomass forms the major fuel, using variable proportions of wood and agricultural waste.  相似文献   
The extent to which the American lobster, Homarus americanus (H. Milne-Edwards), utilizes estuarine habitats is poorly understood. From 1989 to 1991 we examined lobster movements in and around the Great Bay estuary, New Hampshire using tag/recapture and ultrasonic telemetry. A total of 1212 lobsters were tagged and recaptured at sites ranging from the middle of Great Bay, 23.0 km from the coast, to Isles of Shoals, 11.2 km offshore. Twenty-six lobsters equipped with ultrasonic transmitters were tracked for periods ranging from 2 weeks to >1 year. Most lobsters moved <5 km toward the coast, with those furthest inland moving the greatest distance. Lobsters with transmitters moved in a sporadic fashion, with residency in one area for 2 to 4 weeks alternating with rapid movement to a new location (mean velocity = 0.3 km d−1, 1.8 km d−1 max.). Site of release influenced distance moved, but there was no significant relationship between lobster size and distance traveled, days at large, or rate of movement. Most movement into the estuary occurred in the spring, while during the remainder of the year there was a strong tendency to move downriver, toward the coast. These seasonal migrations of estuarine lobsters may enhance their growth and survival by enabling them to avoid low salinity events in the spring and fall, and to accelerate their growth in warmer estuarine waters during the summer. Received: 26 January 1996 / Accepted: 22 January 1999  相似文献   
Effective escape behavior contributes to the success of copepods in planktonic communities. The kinematics of escape were studied in tethered Undinulavulgaris (Calanoida) by analyzing the timing and magnitude of their power strokes to a precisely controlled, sudden mechanical perturbation in the surrounding water. Copepods responded with rapid swims to water velocities of 36 to 86 μm s−1. Reaction times were under 2.5 ms following stimulus onset. The time course of force exerted was complex, but reproducible from stimulus to stimulus. Multiple power strokes (“kicks”) were frequently observed in response to single stimuli. Time intervals of 5 ms were observed between the end of one escape kick and the beginning of the next. U. vulgaris developed maximum forces of 40 to over 100 dynes (dyn) during a rapid swim. The behavioral reaction times and intervals between multiple responses observed in this calanoid are among the shortest reported in aquatic invertebrates. Received: 25 November 1997 / Accepted: 8 October 1998  相似文献   
The influence of salinity on the time elapsed between two successive molts and the size reached after each molt were studied at 30, 21, 12 and 3‰S in juveniles of two co-occurring grapsid species, Cyrtograpsus angulatus and C. altimanus, cultured under identical conditions of temperature, photoperiod and food. Juvenile growth patterns were compared between these species (which differ in size-at-maturity and maximum size). C. angulatus grew faster than C. altimanus, reflecting a higher increment per molt and a shorter intermolt period. A significant difference existed between the number of instars preceding the size of maturity in both species: >11 in C. angulatus, 6 in C. altimanus. There was evidence of a differential effect of low salinity on growth. By the end of the experiment, individuals of both species were smaller at the lowest salinity (3‰) tested; the largest crabs developed at 21‰ (C. angulatus) and 30‰ (C. altimanus). The size difference between the “optimal” and the less suitable salinities in the sixth crab instar was 12.4% in C. angulatus and 35% in C. altimanus. During early juvenile development (Crab Instars 1 to 4), there were slight differences in intermolt period among salinities in C. angulatus, but large differences in C. altimanus. The longest intermolt period of C. altimanus was at 3‰S and the shortest at 30‰S. In the following instars (5 to 10 in C. angulatus and 5 to 6 in C. altimanus), the longest intermolt period occurred at 21‰S, the shortest at 3‰S, in both species. Interspecific differences in response to low salinities may explain why C. angulatus occurs throughout a whole temperate coastal lagoon, whereas C. altimanus is restricted to its mouth. Received: 12 July 1998 / Accepted: 24 February 1999  相似文献   
The quantitative significance of the nitrogenous compound glycine betaine (GBT) and its sulfur analog dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) to intracellular pools in marine phytoplankton is not well known. In a series of experiments conducted in August 1993, we measured these compounds, as well as total organic sulfur, carbon, and nitrogen, over the growth cycle in six isolates of marine phytoplankton, Amphidinium carterae Hulburt, Chrysochromulina sp. Lackey, Emiliania huxleyi Hay et Mohler, Prorocentrum minimum (Pavillard) Schiller, Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve, and Tetraselmis sp. At the same time, we measured cellular concentrations of protein, amino acids, chlorophyll, and inorganic nutrients. All six species produced DMSP, while three produced GBT at lesser levels. In the Chrysochromulina sp. isolate, levels of GBT were greater than DMSP during the exponential phase of growth, but declined sharply as the culture approached stationary phase. This change appeared to coincide with the onset of nitrogen limitation. Other nitrogenous osmolytes were produced in five of the six species but in much smaller quantities. DMSP contributed significantly to cellular sulfur throughout the growth cycle although, in some algae, the proportion of dissolved DMSP increased substantially during stationary growth. When present, GBT formed a sizeable fraction of the cellular nitrogen only during exponential growth. A significant percentage (ca. 50%) of the organic nitrogen could not be accounted for even when cellular pools of protein, amino acids, inorganic nitrogen, and nitrogenous osmolytes were combined. Based on these experiments, there does not appear to be a reciprocal relationship between DMSP and GBT production, although GBT production does appear to be correlated with nitrogen availability. Received: 5 January 1998 / Accepted: 29 June 1999  相似文献   
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