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To participate in the potential market for carbon credits based on changes in the use and management of the land, one needs to identify opportunities and implement land-use based emissions reductions or sequestration projects. A key requirement of land-based carbon (C) projects is that any activity developed for generating C benefits must be additional to business-as-usual. A rule-based model was developed and used that estimates changes in land-use and subsequent carbon emissions over the next twenty years using the Eastern Panama Canal Watershed (EPCW) as a case study. These projections of changes in C stocks serve as a baseline to identify where opportunities exist for implementing projects to generate potential C credits and to position Panama to be able to participate in the emerging C market by developing a baseline under scenarios of business-as-usual and new-road development. The projections show that the highest percent change in land use for the new-road scenario compared to the business-as-usual scenario is for urban areas, and the greatest cause of C emission is from deforestation. Thus, the most effective way to reduce C emissions to the atmosphere in the EPCW is by reducing deforestation. In addition to affecting C emissions, reducing deforestation would also protect the soil and water resources of the EPCW. Yet, under the current framework of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), only credits arising from reforestation are allowed, which after 20 years of plantation establishment are not enough to offset the C emissions from the ongoing, albeit small, rate of deforestation in the EPCW. The study demonstrates the value of spatial regional projections of changes in land cover and C stocks: The approach helps a country identify its potential greenhouse gas (GHG) emission liabilities into the future and provides opportunity for the country to plan alternative development pathways. It could be used by potential project developers to identify which types of projects will generate the largest C benefits and provide the needed baseline against which a project is then evaluated. Spatial baselines, such as those presented here, can be used by governments to help identify development goals. The development of such a baseline, and its expansion to other vulnerable areas, well positions Panama to respond to the future market demand for C offsets. It is useful to compare the projected change in land cover under the business-as-usual scenario to the goals set by Law 21 for the year 2020. Suggested next steps for analysis includeusing the modeling approach to exploreland-use, C dynamics and management ofsecondary forests and plantations, soilC gains or losses, sources ofvariability in the land use and Cstock projections, and other ecologicalimplications and feedbacks resulting fromprojected changes in land cover.  相似文献   
Water quality characteristics, benthic macro-invertebrates and microbial communities of three first order streams in South West Nigeria were investigated to assess the effects of refined petroleum five months after spillage. All physical and chemical conditions except temperature and pH were significantly different (P<0.01) at the upstream control stations and impacted stations reflecting the perturbational stress. The benthic macro-invertebrate fauna were dominated by arthropods, but the faunal spectrum was dissimilar at all the stations studied. Sampling stations at the epicentre of the spill showed considerable reduction in faunal compositions and relative abundance. Generally, the microbial density and diversity were highest in both soil and water samples from impacted sites than in control sites. There was a significantly higher proportion (P < 0.05) of hydrocarbon utilizers in soil than in water samples in all stations except in samples from stations (P<0.05).  相似文献   
A large proportion of total P in the soils of the area is unavailable to plants and consequently P is the second most limiting nutrient. The labile and moderately labile phosphorus fractions and adsorption characteristics of surface and subsurface horizons of eleven soil profiles in the derived savanna (DS) and the northern Guinea savanna (NGS) of West Africa were assessed. The labile P fractions are the resin and HCO3-extractable inorganic (Pi) and organic (Po) P. The moderately labile fractions are the NaOH-extractable portion of soil P in the Hedley sequential procedure. In the DS soils, the resin P, considered the most readily available fraction, varied from 1 to 14 mg kg−1, HCO3-Pi ranged from 3.3 to 11, and HCO3-PO was between 4 and 12 mg kg−1 in the surface horizon. In the NGS, the topsoil contained 1.5–3 mg kg−1 of resin P, 5–8 mg kg−1 of HCO3-Pi, and 7.5–9.7 mg kg−1 of HCO3-Po. Sodium hydroxide-Po was the largest of the fractions in all the soils studied. It ranged from 23 to 55 mg kg−1 in the topsoil. In general, the labile P levels were higher in soils of the DS than of the NGS and were related to the oxalate-extractable Fe (Feox), and Al (Alox) as well as to soil texture. The subsoil of Kasuwan Magani (profile KS 9–21 cm) required 153 mg P kg−1 to maintain 0.2 mg P l−1 in solution (standard P requirement), and Danayamaka (profile DD 7–32 cm) required 145 mg P kg−1. These could translate to 214 and 200 kg P ha−1 if a plow layer of 10 cm is assumed. Because these are within the plow layer, more P fertilizer would be needed for crop production than in the other soils. The standard P requirement and the adsorption maxima were related to Feox and Alox, dithionite-Fe (Fed), and texture. The increase in labile P content with decreasing Feox and Alox could imply that management practices capable of reducing the activities of Fe and Al in solution might improve P availability.  相似文献   
Prenatal screening was carried out in Havana City, Cuba, as part of a National Medical Genetics Programme, in order to detect elevated alpha-fetoprotein concentration in maternal serum (MS-AFP). A total of 97 900 pregnant women between 15 and 19 weeks of pregnancy were tested from 1982 to 1985. A double-antibody-sandwich technique was used. 173 malformed fetuses were detected. Confirmation was by ultrasonography, elevated AFP values in a second serum sample and in amniotic fluid and acetylcholinesterase. No termination of a normal pregnancy occurred. The screening of all pregnancies is easy, economical and useful for detecting not only fetuses suffering from open Neural Tube Defects (NTDs) and other severe disorders but also pregnancies at risk of further complications.  相似文献   
The shore of Lake Aral in Kazakhstan is a perfect area for studying the human adaptation strategy to past climate changes. New archaeological material, gathered along the northern shores during the expedition of the INTAS project CLIMAN, is briefly presented. Changes in settlement activity during the Atlantic and Subboreal are related to lake level changes of the Aral Sea. A previ-ously proposed lake level maximum needs to be revised. In particular the lake level stand at 72/73 m, with an assumed age of 5000 BP is definitely refused. Based on the presented data the maximum lake level most probably never reached beyond 57/58 mean average sea level (masl). Furthermore the regression during the 15th–16th centuries has been underestimated. It may have been lower than the present day level. Thus the present desiccation of the Aral Sea is historically not unique, as a similar regression, probably induced by man as well, has occurred at least once during history. A readjustment of the water level is, therefore, possible at any time.  相似文献   
Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) by promiscuous cultivars of soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) in cereal-based cropping systems of Nigeria’s moist savanna zone offers a potential for minimizing the investment made by resource-poor farmers on nitrogen fertilizers. A 3-year trial was conducted on five farmers’ fields in the southern Guinea savanna zone of Nigeria to assess the residual effects of two successive crops of promiscuous soybean cultivars on the yield of a following maize (Zea mays L.) crop. The soybean cultivars, TGX1456-2E (medium maturity) and TGX1660-19F (late maturity), were grown in 1996 and 1997. Treatments, imposed only in the first year of the trial, were: (i) uninoculated, (ii) inoculated with a mixture of two Bradyrhizobium strains, and (iii) fertilized with 60 kg N ha−1. A fourth treatment was a plot left to fallow. In 1998, all the previous soybean and fallow plots were sown to maize without any fertilizer application. Results in 1996 and 1997 showed a soybean response to inoculation in the first year, but differences due to the residual effect of inoculation in the second year were not significant. Both cultivars showed a similar response to inoculation but responses at the five sites were varied. Soybean cultivar 1456-2E fixed 43–52% of its N amounting to 56–70 kg N ha−1 and cultivar 1660-19F derived 39–54% of its N from N2-fixation which amounted to 51–78 kg N ha−1. Both cultivars had a high N harvest index resulting in a net removal of 52–95 kg N ha−1 when both grain and stover were exported. Even when the stover was returned, there was a depletion of 23–65 kg N ha−1, with 1456-2E removing more N than 1660-19F. Arbuscular-mycorrhizal infection on maize roots was 11–27% and dependent on previous soybean treatments and farmers’ fields. Plant height, shoot biomass, grain yield, and N uptake of maize were significantly greater in plots previously sown to soybean than in the fallow plots. In general, plots sown to the late maturing cultivar 1660-19F exhibited better residual effect, producing larger yield parameters than the plots planted with medium maturing 1456-2E.  相似文献   
The Aravalli mountain range (AMR) in the northwestern part of the Indian Peninsula consists of two main Proterozoic metasedimentary and metaigneous sequences, the Aravalli and Delhi Supergroups, respectively, which rest over the Archaean gneissic basement. A synthesis and reinterpretation of the available geological, geochronological and geophysical data, including results of own field work and geophysical interpretations pertaining to the AMR, indicate its origin as an inverted basin: rifting into granitoid basement began ca. 2.5; Ga ago with Aravalli passive rifting (ca. 2.5–2.0 Ga) and Delhi active rifting (ca. 1.9–1.6 Ga). Associated mafic igneous rocks show both continental and oceanic tholeiitic geochemistry and are comparable with Phanerozoic, rift-related magmatic products. Available data showed no conclusive evidence for oceanic lithoshere and island-arc/active margin magmatic activity in the AMR. Subsequent inversion and orogeny (Delhi orogeny, ca. 1.5-1.4 Ga) lead to complex deformation and metamorphism. Only in the western and central zones has the basement been involved in this mid-Proterozoic (Delhi) deformation, whereas it is unaffected in the eastern part, except for local shear zones mainly along the basement/cover interface. The grade of metamorphism increases from the greenschist facies in the east to the amphibolite facies in the west with local HP assemblages. These latter are explained by rapid burial and exhumation of thin and cool continental lithosphere. Subsequently, during a final, mild phase of inversion, the Vindhyan basins consisting mainly of sandstones, limestones and shales, flanking the AMR formed which are comparable to foreland basins. The tectonic evolution of the AMR is therefore interpreted as an example of a major inverted continental rift and of a Proterozoic intra-continental orogen.  相似文献   
The present dispersion of nature reserves in South Africa is the historical result of a series of ad hoc decisions and may not be biologically optimal We have adopted a method to identify the optimal geography of nature reserves for the conservation of South Africa's snake fauna. The method of reserve selection operated on two tiers, and the spatial unit of analysis was a quarter-degree-square cell (∼625 km2). First, two scoring indices were used to rank cells with respect to species richness or to rarity. Second, two different iterative reserve-selection algorithms selected sets of cells (reserves), where each set represented all snake species at least once. Finally, the selected cells were examined for their present level of protection and their ranked scores. Depending on the algorithm chosen, only 23 or 29 cells were required to represent all species at least once; 72–78% of these cells already contained some level of protection; 59–70% of cells fell in areas of high species richness; and 72–91% of cells fell in areas with high rarity scores. Thus we conclude that most of the snake species in South Africa may be adequately protected with only modest acquisition of new reserves, and that the iterative algorithms appear to be efficient at siting cells in areas of high richness and rarity. We recommend that the reserve placement method outlined in this report be applied to as many other taxa as possible in the formulation of a national plan for an optimal reserve system for South Africa.  相似文献   
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