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This study provides a case example of an energy company that prioritized occupational safety and health and accident reduction as long-term, strategic development targets. Furthermore, this study describes the monetary benefits of this strategic decision. Company-specific accident indicators and monetary costs and benefits are evaluated. During the observation period (2010–2016), strategic investments in occupational safety and health cost the company EUR 0.8 million. However, EUR 1.8 million were saved in the same period, resulting in a 2.20 cost–benefit ratio. The trend in cost savings is strongly positive. Annual accident costs were EUR 0.4 million lower in 2016 compared to costs in 2010. This study demonstrates that long-term, strategic commitment to occupational safety and health provides monetary value.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to compare the personal exposure to particles and bioaerosols with that measured by stationary samplers in the main microenvironments, i.e., the home and the workplace. A random sample of 81 elementary school teachers was selected from the 823 teachers working for two councils in eastern Finland for the winter time measurement period. Bioaerosol and other particles were collected on filters by button samplers using personal sampling and microenvironmental measurements in homes and workplaces. The 24-hour sampling period was repeated twice for each teacher. Particle mass, absorption coefficient of the filter and the concentration of viable and total microorganisms were analyzed from each filter. In this paper, the study design, quality assurance principles and results of particle and bioaerosol exposure are described. The results show that particle mass concentrations, absorption coefficient and fungi were higher in personal exposure samples than in home and workplace samples. Furthermore, these concentrations were usually lower in the home than in the workplace. Bacterial concentrations were highest in heavily populated workplaces, while the viable fungi concentrations were lowest in workplaces. The fungi and bacteria results showed high variation, which emphasises the importance of quality assurance (duplicates and field blanks) in the microbial field measurements. Our results indicate that personal exposure measurements of bioaerosols in indoor environments are feasible and supplement the information obtained by stationary samplers.  相似文献   
1999年,在毛里塔尼亚和塞内加尔的塞内加尔三角洲下部,槐叶苹(Salvinia moesta)的侵入对当地居民的社会经济状况以及湿地生物多样性构成严重的威胁.分别于2000年5月在塞内加尔和毛里塔尼亚及2001年4月在塞内加尔的河面引进槐叶苹象甲(Cyteobagous salviniae),最终实现了对槐叶苹的有效生物控制.2001年10月,象甲起到的作用已非常明显.植物的颜色由绿色变为深褐色或黑色,槐叶苹最终沉入水底.2001年11~12月对槐叶苹象甲扩散的监控证实了生物控制结果的真实性.至2002年4月已有结论,塞内加尔河畔槐叶苹不再成为问题.  相似文献   
本文运用了以遥感为基础的土地利用和森林分类,研究了大流域氮输出-存留空间模型N_EXRET.根据经验研究,估算了用以描述农业、林业和泥炭产量(收获)所起作用的输出系数.通过一小块集水试验区内详细记录的数据,求得林业活动典型系数.讨论了将该模型应用于奥鲁(Oulujoki)河流域(22840km2)的模拟效果.将氮通量预估模型与该流域不同地点测得的氮能量值进行了比较.根据资源配比,农业占总输出的17%,变动范围为8%(最高的亚流域)约38%(最低的近海亚流域).林业约占16%,不同亚流域间变化较小(11%~24%).在各亚流域中,所得到的氮输出总额中有7%~37%存留下来.根据质量平衡和敏感度分析,估计湖泊存留为5~10kg/hm2·a,泥炭地为0~1kg/hm2·a.从三条邻近的河流流域中取得的试验数据证实了模型结论.但是,对那些土地利用和沉积格局与北部流域明显不同的流域,还需进一步研究.  相似文献   
We surveyed the regional distribution of conifer defoliation in Finland with an extensive monitoring network during 1995–2006 (EU Forest Focus Level I). The average defoliation in the whole Finland was 10.3% in pine and 19.9% in spruce. The sharp changes were often related to abiotic and biotic factors. The mean age of the stand explained more than one half of the between-plot variance in defoliation. In a variance component analysis, the main effect of years was negligible, while most of the random variation was due to plot main effect and plot × year interaction. About one fifth of the defoliation could be attributed to abiotic or biotic damage, and there were strong local correlations, e.g., between the changes in defoliation and degree of pine sawfly (Diprionidae) damage. There were clear temporal and spatial patterns in the incidence of the most important causes [Scots pine: Scleroderris canker (Gremmeniella abietina), pine shoot beetles (Tomicus sp.), and pine sawflies (Diprion pini, Neodiprion sertifer); Norway spruce: rust fungi (primarily Chrysomyxa ledi)]. Our results suggest that extensive monitoring networks can reveal useful information about the widespread outbreaks of pest organisms (insects and fungi) already in their increase phases, giving some time for management decisions. In a changing climate, large-scale, regular monitoring of tree health, including abiotic and biotic causes, is more important than ever before.  相似文献   
The invasion of Salvinia molesta in the Lower Senegal River Delta in Mauritania and Senegal in 1999 posed a serious threat to the socioeconomic conditions of the local people as well as to wetland biodiversity. Eventually, an effective biological control of S. molesta was obtained by means of the weevil Cyrtobagous salviniae, which was introduced in the river in Senegal and Mauritania in May 2000 and in Senegal in April 2001. In October 2001, it became apparent that the weevils were doing a magnificent job. The color of the plants was turning from green to dark-brown or black, and subsequently the plants started to sink to the bottom. Detailed monitoring of the dispersal of C. salviniae in November-December 2001 confirmed the visual observations of the outcome of biological control. In April 2002, it could be concluded that S. molesta was no longer a problem in the Senegal River.  相似文献   
Ambio - The Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Programme (CBMP) provides an opportunity to improve our knowledge of Arctic arthropod diversity, but initial baseline studies are required to...  相似文献   
Objective. We investigated the usefulness of a team-based risk assessment method in patient transfer situations in municipal care homes for the elderly. Methods. Evaluation of risk assessment and action plans carried out in 2009. Focus group interviews with care givers and one-to-one interviews with managers and occupational therapists. Results. The evaluation showed that action plans and interventions were developed for each resident with identified risk connected with movement/transfer in daily life. Twenty-six patients (28%) of a total number of 94 were assigned to the “no risk” category regarding movement/transfer situations in daily life. The other 68 patients (72%) required further interventions, which were documented in action plans. The interviews indicated that the approach of team-based risk assessment and action plans was perceived as a functional participatory method aiming to improve daily life and work. Conclusion. Systematic team-based risk assessment and action plans benefit staff as well as residents at care homes for the elderly.  相似文献   
A simulation procedure for the calculation of temperature, cloudiness, radiation, precipitation, air humidity, windiness and atmospheric carbon is presented. The procedure generates the hourly or daily values of the weather factors based on long-term weather statistics. The basic factor behind the weather pattern indicated by different weather factors is air temperature, which modifies the cloudiness produced by a stochastic process in other respects. Consequently, the radiation and precipitation coming onto a site and the air humidity are also modified by temperature. This facilitates the future weather patterns to be calculated on the basis of the temperature increase allowing to introduce the effect of the suggested climatic change also into the other weather factors, assuming that the basic variability of the weather factors remains unchanged. The future windiness is calculated as random process without correlation to other weather factors.  相似文献   
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