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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - One of the main challenges of electrochemical Fenton-based processes is the treatment of organic pollutants at near-neutral pH. As a potential...  相似文献   
Surface waters located in intensive agricultural areas are more vulnerable to the pesticides contamination, which is a major concern if the water is intended to be used for human consumption. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence and the distribution of pesticides in the Alqueva reservoir, an important source of water supply (South of Portugal), considering their representativeness in the agricultural practice of the area. For the analysis of pesticides risk impact we used the environmental quality standards in the field of water policy proposed recently by the European Commission. The pesticides belonging to the classes of phenylureas, triazines, chloroacetanilides, organophosphorous and thiocarbamates were analysed by on-line solid phase extraction-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The pesticides more frequently detected were atrazine, simazine, diuron and terbuthylazine. The highest levels of these pesticides were registered in spring, after pesticides treatment, namely in olive-tree and vine crops. The priority pesticides atrazine and diuron reached values above the annual average proposed in the European Union Legislation. The herbicide atrazine reached values that surpassed the proposed maximum allowable concentration (2 000 ng L? 1). The sampling stations most affected by these pesticides were Sra. Ajuda, Lucefecit and Alcarrache, located in the northern part of the reservoir, closer to Spain where the agricultural activity is more intensive.  相似文献   
Petroleum resource development is creating a global legacy of active and inactive onshore energy wells. Unfortunately, a portion of these wells will exhibit gas migration (GM), releasing fugitive gas (FG) into adjacent geologic formations and overlying soils. Once mobilized, FG may traverse the critical zone, impact groundwater, and emit to the atmosphere, contributing to greenhouse‐gas emissions. Understanding of GM and FG has increased in recent years but significant gaps persist in knowledge of (1) the incidence and causes of GM, (2) subsurface baseline conditions in regions of development required to delineate GM and FG, and (3) the migration, impacts, and fate of FG. Here we provide an overview of these knowledge gaps as well as the occurrence of GM and FG as currently understood in British Columbia (BC), Canada, a petroleum‐producing region hosting significant reserves. To address the identified knowledge gaps within BC, the Energy and Environment Research Initiative (EERI) at the University of British Columbia is implementing several field‐focused research projects including: (1) statistical analyses of regulatory data to elucidate the incidence and causes of GM, (2) characterization of regional hydrogeology and shallow subsurface conditions in the Peace Region of the Montney resource play, and (3) investigation of the migration, impacts, and fate of FG in the shallow subsurface through controlled natural‐gas release. Together, the EERI investigations will advance understanding of GM and FG, provide scientific data that can inform regulations, and aid development of effective monitoring and detection methodologies for BC and beyond. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study aims to identify the effect of board diversity on environmental policy in Latin American companies. This research focuses on 11 industrial sectors in Brazil, Mexico, and Chile that took into consideration a broader extension of environmental policy, involving practices regarding resource use, emissions reduction, and innovation. Drawing on corporate governance (CG) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) relationships, a regression analysis was conducted with 1214 firm-year observations from 181 companies. Our results indicate that the predominantly weak CG in Latin America might favour the use of manipulative environmental policy decisions. Board diversity does not have a relevant influence on CSR activities, as environmental issues are only taken into account so far as the cost of natural resources, while issues such as environmental innovation and reducing emission are not part of the agenda. In Brazil and Chile, independent directors have no significant effect on environmental policy decisions, while in Mexico, a less independent board grants managers greater discretion to establish an environmental policy, whereas in all three countries, board gender diversity has no significant effect. The theoretical insights drawn from this study reinforce that board composition, as an internal CG mechanism, is insufficient to overcome the institutional voids and give protagonist to sustainability issues in Latin America, reiterating the need for more robust CG mechanisms to coerce CSR.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated, in a pioneering way, the influence of wavelengths from the decomposition of white light on the production and physicochemical properties of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). Bearing in mind a process of green synthesis, an extract of the bracts of Bougainvillea glabra Choisy (BgC) was used, a species native to tropical and subtropical regions and frequently used in ornamentation, possessing in its photochemical composition, biomolecules capable of acting as reducing agents for convert Ag+ to Ag0. We used light-emitting diodes (LED) to obtain the desired wavelengths (violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red) in the test called rainbow, and we evaluated the obtaining of AgNPs compared to white LED light, nature, and absence of light. In the rainbow assay, we obtained a gradual increase in the intensity of the plasmonic band resonance from the red wavelength (0.124 ± 0.067 a.u.) to violet (0.680 ± 0.199 a.u.), indicating a higher reaction yield in obtaining AgNPs. Smaller hydrodynamic sizes (approximately 150 nm) at more energetic wavelengths (violet, blue, and green) about less energetic wavelengths (yellow, orange, and red) (approximately 400 nm) were obtained. Analysis by SEM microscopy, FTIR spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction indicates the presence of silver nanoparticles in all LED colors used together with white LED light and Laboratory light (natural light). Due to the high environmental demand to remove pollutants from water sources, including textile dyes, we applied AgNPs/BgC to remove methylene blue (MB) dye from an aqueous solution. A minimum removal percentage greater than 65%, with emphasis on formulations synthesized by the colors of violet LED (84.27 ± 2.65%) and orange LED (85.91 ± 1.95%), was obtained.


An understanding of the spatial distribution and contribution of a power plant to local soil contamination is important for the planning of soil use and prioritizing remedial actions for public safety. Consequently, the aim of this study was to map the spatial distribution of potentially hazardous elements (PHEs; Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Cr, Fe, Mn, Cd, As, and Se) in soils around a large (796 MW) coal-fired power plant in Brazil. For the purpose, 33 soil samples were collected in the area within a radius of approximately 17.5 km from the plant and subsequently analyzed for PHEs. The frequency and direction of winds were also obtained from a meteorological station in the region. The sampling area was divided into four quadrants (northwest: N-NW; northeast: N-NE; southeast: S-SE; southwest: S-SW), and there were significant negative correlations between the distance and the concentrations of Se in the S-SE quadrant and As in the S-SW and S-SE quadrants. There were positive correlations between distance from the plant and the concentration of Mn in the N-NE quadrant and the concentration of Cd in the S-SW quadrant. The dominant direction of the winds was N-NE. The indexes used in this study showed low-to-moderate enrichment factor, but detailed analysis of the dominant quadrant of the winds showed a correlation with higher concentrations in the soils closer to the power plant for at least seven of the PHEs analyzed, especially with regard to As. Therefore, we conclude that the distribution of the metalloid As can be used as a marker of the spatial distribution of contamination from the thermoelectric plant, but the dynamics of the other elements suggests that the presence of other sources of contamination may also compromise the quality of local soils.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - A new one-pot synthesis method optimized by a 23 experimental design was developed to prepare a biosorbent, sugarcane bagasse cellulose succinate...  相似文献   
In Brazil, sugar-cane crops are burned to facilitate harvesting, and this causes environmental pollution from the large amounts of smoke and soot that are released into the atmosphere. The smoke and soot contain numerous organic compounds such as PAHs. In this study, PM10 and PAH concentrations in the air of Araraquara (SE Brazil, with around 200,000 inhabitants and surrounded by sugar-cane plantations) were determined during the harvest and non-harvest seasons. The sampling strategy included two campaigns in each season, with 20 samples per season. PM10 was collected using a Hi-vol sampler with Teflon? – coated glass fiber filters. PM10 ranged from 41 to 181 μg m?3 during the harvest season, and from 12 to 47 μg m?3 during the non-harvest season. The mean total concentration of PAHs was 2.5 ng m?3 (non-harvest season) and 11.6 ng m?3 (harvest season). In all sampling periods, the most abundant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were phenanthrene and fluoranthrene, and the least abundant was anthracene. The cluster analysis of the total PAH concentrations for each day of sampling and the corresponding meteorological data suggested that the atmospheric concentration of PAHs was independent of the differences in the weather between the seasons. For both sampling seasons, the statistical treatment (PCA, Varimax rotation and HCA) indicated the presence of vehicle sources (diesel, gasoline, and natural-gas engines); but for the harvest season, the main source was attributed to sugar-cane burning. The data generated by this study indicated the burning of sugar-cane as the main contributor to the high levels of PAHs detected in samples during the sugar-cane harvest season.  相似文献   
Global warming has become a source of awareness regarding the potential deleterious effects of extreme abiotic factors (e.g., temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO) levels) and also their influence on chemicals toxicity. In this work, we studied the combined effects of nickel and temperature (low and high levels) and nickel and low levels of DO to Daphnia magna, and concentration addition and independent action concepts as well as their deviations for synergism/antagonism, dose ratio and dose level dependency, were applied to survival and feeding rate data. Nickel single exposure showed an LC50 value for 48 h of 7.36 mg l−1 and an EC50 value for feeding impairment at 2.41 mg l−1. In the acute exposures to high and low temperatures, 50% of mortality was observed, respectively, at 30.7°C and 4.2°C whereas 50% reduction on the feeding activity was recorded at 22.6°C and 16.0°C. Relatively to low DO levels, a LC50 value for 48 h of 0.5 mg l−1 was obtained; feeding activity EC50 value was 2 mg l−1. On acute combined experiments, antagonism was observed for the combination of nickel and extreme temperatures, whereas a synergistic behaviour was observed in the combined exposure of nickel and low DO levels. At sublethal levels, nickel showed to be the main inducer of toxicity at high and low temperatures but not at low levels of dissolved oxygen. Toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics modelling studies should be made in the future to understand the toxicological pathways involved on complex combinations of stressors and to validate any conclusions.  相似文献   
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