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ABSTRACT: The underwater light field of eight central New York lakes, which represent a wide range of trophic state, was characterized through paired measurements of Sechi disc transparency (SD, m) and diffuse light attenuation (Kd, m?1). A total of 90 paired measurements are included in the data base. Substantial variability in the Kd SD product with time within individual systems, and amongst systems, was observed, which indicates differences in the relative contributions of absorption and scattering to attenuation. More than 50 percent of the temporal variability in Kd was attributable to attendant variations in chlorophyll a (C, mg m?3) in only two of the lakes. Estimates of the adsorption (a, m?1) and scattering (b, m?1) coefficients based on paired Kd and SD measurements compared well with more precise determinations available for one of the lakes. Determinations of a and b for the eight lakes, from SD and Kd measurements, indicated great system-specificity and temporal variability in these characteristics. The temporal variability in relative contributions of a and b to Kd is consistent with covariation of different attenuating components and the lack of correlation between C and Kd in most of the study lakes.  相似文献   
Environment, Development and Sustainability - This study is motivated by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDG-7,8,11,12 and 13) on the need for clean and responsible energy...  相似文献   
We reviewed the scientific literature on non‐floodplain wetlands (NFWs), freshwater wetlands typically located distal to riparian and floodplain systems, to determine hydrological, physical, and chemical functioning and stream and river network connectivity. We assayed the literature for source, sink, lag, and transformation functions, as well as factors affecting connectivity. We determined NFWs are important landscape components, hydrologically, physically, and chemically affecting downstream aquatic systems. NFWs are hydrologic and chemical sources for other waters, hydrologically connecting across long distances and contributing compounds such as methylated mercury and dissolved organic matter. NFWs reduced flood peaks and maintained baseflows in stream and river networks through hydrologic lag and sink functions, and sequestered or assimilated substantial nutrient inputs through chemical sink and transformative functions. Landscape‐scale connectivity of NFWs affects water and material fluxes to downstream river networks, substantially modifying the characteristics and function of downstream waters. Many factors determine the effects of NFW hydrological, physical, and chemical functions on downstream systems, and additional research quantifying these factors and impacts is warranted. We conclude NFWs are hydrologically, chemically, and physically interconnected with stream and river networks though this connectivity varies in frequency, duration, magnitude, and timing.  相似文献   
Defining stream reference conditions is integral to providing benchmarks to ecological perturbation. We quantified channel geometry, hydrologic and environmental variables, and macroinvertebrates in 62 low‐gradient, SE United States (U.S.) Sand Hills (Level IV ecoregion) sand‐bed streams. To identify hydrogeomorphic reference condition (HGM), we clustered channel geometry deviation from expectations given watershed area (Aws), resulting in two HGM groups discriminated by area at the top of bank (Atob) residuals <0.6 m2 and >0.6 m2 predicted to be HGM reference/nonreference streams, respectively. Two independent partial least squares discriminate analyses used (1) hydrologic/environmental variables and (2) macroinvertebrate mean trait values (mT) on 10 reference/nonreference stream pairs of similar Aws for classification validation. Nonreference streams had flashier hydrographs and altered flow magnitudes, lower organic matter, coarser substrate, higher pH/specific conductivity compared with reference streams. Macroinvertebrate assemblages corresponded to HGM groupings, with mT indicative of multivoltinism, collector‐gatherer functional feeding groups, fast current‐preference taxa, and lower Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera richness and biotic integrity in nonreference streams. HGM classifications in Sand Hills, sand‐bed streams were determined from channel geometry. This easily implemented classification is indicative of contemporary hydrologic disturbance resulting in contrasting macroinvertebrate assemblages.  相似文献   
Summary Cardenolide sequestration by a hemimetabolous aphid and a holometabolous butterfly from the neotropical milkweed,Asclepias curassavica L., is compared. The oleander aphid,Aphis nerii B. de F., sequestered a similarly narrow range of cardenolide concentrations to the monarch butterfly,Danaus plexippus (L.), from the wide range of concentrations available in leaves of A.curassavica. However, A.nerii sequestered significantly less cardenolide (269 µg/0.1 g) thanD. plexippus (528 µg/0.1 g). The honeydew excreted by A.nerii was comprised of 46% cardenolide. The complete polarity range of 25 cardenolides detected by thin layer chromatography in A.curassavica was represented in the 17 whole aphid cardenolides and the 20 aphid honeydew cardenolides detected. D.plexippus sequestered a narrower polarity range of 11 cardenolides, having eliminated low polarity cardenolide genins and glycosides. It is suggested that these chemical differences may be related to interactions among the broad feeding tactics of sucking or chewing milkweed leaves, life history constraints of holometabolyversus hemimetaboly, the distribution of milkweed food resources in space and time, and the dynamics of natural enemies.  相似文献   
Low-amplitude “soft song” is used by a variety of songbirds; in some species during aggressive encounters, in others during courtship, and yet others in both these contexts. In song sparrows (Melospiza melodia), soft song has thus far been observed only in aggressive encounters, where its production is a more reliable predictor of attack than any other signaling behavior. We used song playback to test the response of both male and female song sparrows to soft song. The design of the playback experiments took into account the existence of two classes of soft song: crystallized soft song, which consists of song types also found in the broadcast repertoire, and warbled soft song, which consists of less-structured song types not found in the broadcast repertoire. Female song sparrows responded with significantly less courtship display to the playback of crystallized soft song than to that of normal broadcast song, and response to warbled soft song was if anything lower than to that of crystallized soft song. Male song sparrows responded equally aggressively to normal broadcast song as to crystallized soft song, and equally aggressively to warbled soft song as to crystallized soft song. The female results support the conclusion that neither form of soft song functions in courtship. The male results suggest that the reliability of soft song as a signal of aggressive intent is not maintained by a receiver retaliation rule.  相似文献   
Summary Some species of North American passerines nearly always reject nonmimetic eggs placed in their nests and have apparently evolved this behavior in response to brood parasitism. Experiments presented here examined the specific egg parameters to which rejecter species respond, the relative tolerances rejecters show towards nonmimetic eggs and the degree to which rejection is limited to eggs of the brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater), the only parasitic bird widespread in North America.Relative to cowbird eggs, American robin (Turdus migratorius) eggs are larger, blue rather than white and immaculate rather than spotted. Experiments using 10 egg models at 137 nests showed that robins respond to each of these differences (Figs. 2 and 3) but do not usually reject an egg that deviates from their own by only one difference. Eggs that differ in ant two of the three parameters are usually rejected. This built-in tolerance reduces the likelihood that robins will reject their own eggs if these are atypical in size or coloration.Small egg size was the most important parameter eliciting rapid rejections (i.e. within 1 day), probably because differnces in size can be detected by both visual and tactile perception. By contrast, small egg size was the least important parameter determining whether eggs were eventually rejected (i.e. within 5 days, Tables 2 and 3). In terms of their eventual response, robins may be more sensitive to egg coloration than to size because the latter parameter is less reliable in distinguishing between robin and cowbird eggs.Experiments were also carried out at 37 nests of the gray catbird (Dumetella carolinensis), whose immaculate blue-green egg is only slightly larger than a cowbird egg. Catbirds are much more responsive to white ground color than to maculation (Table 4), perhaps because color is more reliable in distinguishing between catbird and cowbird eggs.Rejecter species exhibit degrees of tolerance towards foreign eggs that are proportional to the divergence between their eggs and those of the cowbird. Birds with eggs strongly divergent from cowbird eggs benefit from being relatively tolerant because they avoid rejecting their own eggs but still act against cowbird eggs. Species with cowbird-like eggs must be relatively intolerant to maximize the chances that cowbird eggs are rejected.Experiments show that rejection is not specific to cowbird eggs. Thus, birds have apparently responded evolutionarily to brood parasitism by developing recognition of their own eggs, rather than by developing recognition and rejection specific to parasitic eggs.  相似文献   
A primary determinant of colony organization in temporally polyethic insect societies is inter-individual variation in behavior that is independent of worker age. We examined behavioral repertoires, behavioral correlates of adult development, and spatial distributions within the hive to explore the mechanisms that produce behavioral variation among middle-age honey bees (Apis mellifera). Individually labeled undertakers, guards, food storers, and wax workers exhibited a broad range of task-related behavior, but bees tagged as undertakers were more likely to subsequently remove a corpse from the hive and handle a corpse compared to other middle-aged bees. The activity level of undertakers was similar to other task groups, suggesting that undertaking specialists were neither hyper-active “elites” nor quiescent “reserves” that become active only when a dead bee stimulus is present. Undertakers also were more likely to remove debris and to remain in the lower region of the hive or near the entrance, even when not engaged in corpse removal; both preferences may promote colony efficiency by reducing inter-task travel times. Guards and undertakers were less likely to perform behavior normally associated with young bees compared to food storers and wax workers. Undertakers and guards also initiated foraging at earlier ages than the other task groups. These results suggest that undertakers and guards may be slightly developmentally advanced compared to food storers and wax workers. There also was evidence for lifetime differences in behavioral preferences which could not be explained by differences in adult development. Bees tagged as undertakers were more likely to subsequently remove a dead bee during their entire pre-foraging career compared to other task groups or members of their general age cohort. Differences in both the rate of adult development and individual behavioral preferences, both of which may be subject to genetic and environmental influences, are important determinants of inter-individual variation among honey bees of middle age. Received: 5 February 1997 / Accepted after revision: 27 May 1997  相似文献   
In polygynous species, the adults are faced with a dilemma during chick rearing. Males must decide how to distribute food between their females and food allocation patterns are often highly unequal. In turn, the females that receive less food from males have to decide how much time to invest in additional hunting. If they spend more time hunting, then they leave their young exposed to weather and predators. However, if they stay at the nest, they increase the risk of their chicks starving. One way that birds may compensate for reduced provisioning is by increasing the size of prey caught. We tested this hypothesis by comparing prey deliveries to nests of hen harriers, Circus cyaneus, with females of different breeding status. As expected, male harriers delivered less food items to the nests of polygynous females, and especially their secondary, or β females. However, both sexes were able to compensate by delivering larger items and there was no difference in the overall mass of food delivered to nests. Moreover, females spent a similar amount of time at the nest, irrespective of status, and there were no overall differences in breeding success. Our results show that polygynous female harriers can compensate for the costs of polygyny, but we suggest that their ability to do so will vary according to the abundance of both large prey and predators.  相似文献   
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