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The production of large quantities of wastes globally has created a commercial activity involving the transfrontier shipments of hazardous wastes, intended to be managed at economically attractive waste-handling facilities located elsewhere. In fact, huge quantities of hazardous wastes apparently travel the world in search of “acceptable” waste management facilities. For instance, within the industrialized countries alone, millions of tonnes of potentially hazardous waste cross national frontiers each year on their way for recycling or to treatment, storage, and disposal facilities (TSDFs) because there is no local disposal capacity for these wastes, or because legal disposal or reuse in a foreign country may be more environmentally sound, or managing the wastes in the foreign country may be less expensive than at home. The cross-boundary traffic in hazardous wastes has lately been under close public scrutiny, however, resulting in the accession of several international agreements and laws to regulate such activities. This paper discusses and analyzes the most significant control measures and major agreements in this new commercial activity involving hazardous wastes. In particular, the discussion recognizes the difficulties with trying to implement the relevant international agreements among countries of vastly different socioeconomic backgrounds. Nonetheless, it is also noted that global environmental agreements will generally be a necessary component of ensuring adequate environmental protection for the world community—and thus a need for the careful implementation of such agreements and regulations.  相似文献   
I review the status of scientific, political, and moral problems of global climate change (GCC) and, based on lessons from environmental and sustainability programs in universities, demonstrate that universities have had a lethargic response to urgent needs to mitigate the problems. I explore reasons for the response, and conclude that there is an urgent need for comprehensive and wide–ranging change in universities to help mitigate GCC. My discussion is focused on those within universities as well as those in environmental professions regardless of their areas of specialization.  相似文献   
In this article, we apply count-data travel-cost methods to a truncated sample of visitors to estimate the Peneda-Gerês National Park (PGNP) average consumer surplus (CS) for each day of visit. The measurement of recreation demand is highly specific because it is calculated by number of days of stay per visit. We therefore propose the application of altered truncated count-data models or truncated count-data models on grouped data to estimate a single, on-site individual recreation demand function, with the price (cost) of each recreation day per trip equal to out-of-pocket and time travel plus out-of-pocket and on-site time costs. We further check the sensitivity of coefficient estimations to alternative models and analyse the welfare measure precision by using the delta and simulation methods by Creel and Loomis. With simulated limits, CS is estimated to be €194 (range €116 to €448). This information is of use in the quest to improve government policy and PNPG management and conservation as well as promote nature-based tourism. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to measure the average recreation net benefits of each day of stay generated by a national park by using truncated altered and truncated grouped count-data travel-cost models based on observing the individual number of days of stay.  相似文献   
People receive information about visiting places from a variety of sources, and it is important to understand how information affects recreation experiences. This study examines how different information treatments describing a recreation place influence perceived crowding and encounter norms. The study location was the Jungmoeri area of Mudeungsan Provincial Park (MPP) in Korea. Data were collected from 50 college students utilizing a series of simulated moving pictures in a laboratory setting. Respondents were given information describing three different types of conditions and experiences (nature preserve, transition/buffer, and developed area), plus a no information control. Results showed that information influenced perceived crowding and encounter norms. For the range of encounter numbers depicted in the photos, the nature preserve treatment produced higher crowding ratings and lower tolerances for encounters, the developed area treatment produced lower crowding ratings and higher tolerances, and the transition/buffer and the control were in between. Information treatments also influence the perceived importance of encounter numbers, and importance was highest for the nature preserve. Management implications are discussed.  相似文献   
The anthropogenic radionuclides, (90)Sr, (137)Cs and (239+240)Pu, were measured in the water column of the Japan Sea/East Sea during 1997-2000. The vertical profiles of radionuclide concentrations showed: exponential decrease with depth for (90)Sr and (137)Cs, and surface minimum/subsurface maximum for (239+240)Pu. These results do not differ substantially from results reported previously. The area-averaged concentrations of radionuclides in the Japan Sea are higher than those found in the Northwest Pacific Ocean below surface layer showing the accumulation of the radionuclides in the deep waters in the Japan Sea. Concerning spatial distributions, the area of high (137)Cs inventory extends from the Japan Basin into the Yamato Basin. It is suggested that wintertime convection of water, occurring mainly in the Japan Basin, causes the radionuclides to sink. The nuclides then advect into the Yamato Basin after detouring around the Yamato Rise.  相似文献   
From a geographical survey of allozyme variation, a history of repeated trans-Arctic invasions since the Plio-Pleistocene is suggested for circumboreal bivalves of the Macoma balthica complex. A principal genetic subdivision, involving several nearly diagnostic loci and Nei's distance D=0.6, distinguishes the clams of the NE Pacific from those of the NE Atlantic. The Pacific taxon is however also present in Europe, in disjunct isolates in the Baltic Sea and White Sea basins. Nevertheless, these populations have marked Atlantic introgressive elements in their gene pools (ca. 30%). Two further population types are recognized, one in the St. Lawrence estuary, Quebec, the other in Varangerfjorden, NE Norway; the latter appears a mixture of Pacific and Atlantic components in almost equal proportions, in local genetic equilibrium (a hybrid swarm). Populations in temperate North America fall outside the circumboreal M. balthica complex discussed here (D=1.0), and are referred to M. petalum. In a scenario of the history and evolution of the M. balthica complex and the similarly subdivided Mytilus edulis complex, the divergence between Pacific and Atlantic taxa started after an initial introduction of Pacific ancestors to the Atlantic basin, enabled by the Pliocene opening of the Bering Strait. During the Pleistocene and Holocene, the ocean basins were, for the most part, effectively isolated, but occasional re-invasions have taken place, causing secondary contacts of the diverged bivalve types on the Atlantic coasts. The recently re-invaded Pacific taxa in northern Europe now seem to thrive only in the extreme marginal environments. Exact dating of the re-invasions is not possible from current data. Apart from the divergence through isolation, hybridization and introgression have significantly molded the present affinities within the M. balthica complex. A formal taxonomic treatment of reticulate and hybridizing lineages is problematic; yet to recognize the evolutionary and systematic diversity within the M. balthica complex, a subspecies distinction between the NE Atlantic clams and those from the Pacific, Baltic and White Sea basins is suggested.Communicated by L. Hagerman, Helsingør  相似文献   
We examined the relationship between water quality and fish communities within two agricultural areas using a computer simulation model. Our analyses focused on a coolwater stream, Wells Creek in southeastern Minnesota, and a warmwater stream, the Chippewa River in western Minnesota. We used the Agricultural Drainage and Pesticide Transport (ADAPT) model in relation to land use to calculate instream suspended sediment concentrations using estimates of sediment delivery, runoff, baseflow and streambank erosion, and quantified the effects of suspended sediment exposure on fish communities. We predicted the effects of agricultural practices on stream fish communities under several possible land use scenarios, with reference to current conditions. Land use changes led to reductions in sediment loading of up to 84% in Wells Creek and 49% in the Chippewa River. The reduction in sediment loading across scenarios may be directly related to a reduction in runoff by about 35% in both study areas. We found a 98% decrease in lethal concentrations of suspended sediment on fish in Wells Creek with an increase in conservation tillage, riparian buffers, and permanent vegetative cover. However, the effects of suspended sediment did not significantly decrease in the Chippewa River. This difference between study areas was likely due to differences in tolerance to suspended sediment between coolwater and warmwater fish communities and differences in topography, runoff and bank erosion between the two streams. The Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit is jointly sponsored by the US Geological Survey, the University of Minnesota, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and the Wildlife Management Institute.  相似文献   
Surface runoff losses of copper and zinc in sandy soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Increased anthropogenic inputs of Cu and Zn in soils have caused considerable concern relative to their effect on water contamination. Copper and Zn contents in surface soil directly influence the movement of Cu and Zn. However, minimal information is available on runoff losses of Cu and Zn in agricultural soils, and soil-extractable Cu and Zn in relation to runoff water quality. Field experiments were conducted in 2001 to study dissolved Cu and Zn losses in runoff in Florida sandy soils under commercial citrus and vegetable production and the relationship between soil-extractable Cu and Zn forms and dissolved Cu and Zn concentrations in runoff water. Five extraction methods were compared for extracting soil available Cu and Zn. Concentrations of dissolved Cu and Zn in runoff were measured and runoff discharge was monitored. Mean dissolved Cu in field runoff water was significantly correlated with the extractable Cu obtained only by 0.01 mol L(-1) CaCl2, Mehlich 1, or DTPA-TEA methods. Dissolved Zn in runoff water was only significantly correlated with extractable Zn by 0.01 mol L(-1) CaCl2. The highest correlations to dissolved Cu in runoff were obtained when soil-available Cu was extracted by 0.01 mol L(-1) CaCl2. The results indicate that 0.01 mol L(-1) CaCl2-extractable Cu and Zn are the best soil indexes for predicting readily released Cu and Zn in the sandy soils. Both runoff discharge and 0.01 mol L(-1) CaCl2-extractable Cu and Zn levels had significant influences on Cu and Zn loads in surface runoff.  相似文献   
The photodegradation kinetics of atrazine (2-chloro-6-(ethylamino)-4-isopropylamino-1,3,5-triazine) and ametryne (2-methylthio-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-s-triazine), in fresh and coastal salt water from Barbados, were measured under irradiation with artificial solar and UV254-radiation. The first-order rate constants were greater for ametryne than for atrazine, and the rates were reduced in seawater relative to fresh water, and in soil slurries relative to fresh water. However, rates were accelerated in the presence of iron(III) at pH 3 due to photo-Fenton type processes. This rate enhancement was reduced at ambient pH values (pH 7-7.5) representative of surface water in Barbados. These results have important implications for the relative persistence of these contaminants in aquatic environments in tropical areas.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Simulated water quality resulting from three alternative future land‐use scenarios for two agricultural watersheds in central Iowa was compared to water quality under current and historic land use/land cover to explore both the potential water quality impact of perpetuating current trends and potential benefits of major changes in agricultural practices in the U.S. Corn Belt. The Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was applied to evaluate the effect of management practices on surface water discharge and annual loads of sediment and nitrate in these watersheds. The agricultural practices comprising Scenario 1, which assumes perpetuation of current trends (conversion to conservation tillage, increase in farm size and land in production, use of currently‐employed Best Management Practices (BMPs)) result in simulated increased export of nitrate and decreased export of sediment relative to the present. However, simulations indicate that the substantial changes in agricultural practices envisioned in Scenarios 2 and 3 (conversion to conservation tillage, strip intercropping, rotational grazing, conservation set‐asides and greatly extended use of best management practices (BMPs) such as riparian buffers, engineered wetlands, grassed waterways, filter strips and field borders) could potentially reduce current loadings of sediment by 37 to 67 percent and nutrients by 54 to 75 percent. Results from the study indicate that major improvements in water quality in these agricultural watersheds could be achieved if such environmentally‐targeted agricultural practices were employed. Traditional approaches to water quality improvement through application of traditional BMPs will result in little or no change in nutrient export and minor decreases in sediment export from Corn Belt watersheds.  相似文献   
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