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广东省海水养殖对海区环境影响的夏季调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在2000年夏季对广东省汕头、惠阳、珠海、阳江和湛江等沿海地区一些养殖区域与非养殖区域水体中氮、磷和浮游动植物等指标进行测定,分析夏季海水养殖给海区水环境造成的压力.结果表明,养殖区总氮、颗粒态总氮、总磷、颗粒态总磷含量分别为0.506~1.244μmol/L、0.367~1.066μmol/L、0.¨2~0.232μmol/L、0.054~0.157μmol/L,这些指标在养殖区高于非养殖区;养殖区与非养殖区的溶解态总氮、溶解态总磷、总氮总磷比值、溶解态总氮溶解态总磷比值无显著性差异.5个地点养殖区与非养殖区的浮游植物主要是角毛藻属Chaetoceros中的种类占优势;而浮游动物中占优势的主要是桡足类,包括成体与无节幼体.水产养殖对养殖海区浮游动植物的种类数目总个体数均无显著影响,但影响了生物多样性,并对某些浮游生物种类有促进作用或抑制作用.  相似文献   
Hu HQ  He JZ  Li XY  Liu F 《Environment international》2001,26(5-6):353-358
The effect of several organic acids on phosphate adsorption by acidic soils in subtropical zone of central China was studied. Results showed: (1) citrate and oxalate remarkably reduced the amount of phosphate adsorption, but tartrate, benzoate and acetate had only a very slight influence on phosphate adsorption; (2) the ability of citrate in reducing phosphate adsorption was greater than that of oxalate, moreover, the reduction percentage was dependent on the concentration of organic ligands in the solution; (3) the effect of organic acids on phosphate adsorption was related to the pH value of organic acid solution. The minimum reduction in adsorption of phosphate was present at a specific pH value of organic acid solution which ranged from 2 to 10; (4) a minimum reduction of phosphate adsorption occurred when phosphate was added to the soils before organic acid, whereas a maximum occurred when organic acid was introduced before the addition of phosphate. Meanwhile, the treatment for the mixture of two organic acids resulted in more reduction in phosphate adsorption than each of the organic acids and less than the total of them. Based on these observations, we suggested that the competition between phosphate and organic acids relied on their relatively affinity to soil mineral surface at different conditions.  相似文献   
Substantive addition of antibiotic-contaminated manure to agricultural soil may lead to “persistent” residues of antibiotics and may affect soil health. Therefore, this study examines the effects of repeated manure treatments containing sulfadiazine (SDZ) and chlortetracycline (CTC) residues, both individually and combined, on the functional diversity and structure of soil microbial communities in the soils under laboratory conditions. The average well color development (AWCD), Simpson diversity index (1/D, dominant populations), Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H′, richness), and McIntosh diversity index (U, evenness) in the antibiotics-treated soils decreased in the first 60-day treatment and then gradually recovered or even exceeded the initial level in the unamended soils with increasing treatment frequency. A total of 11 specific bands in temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) profiles were observed and sequence analyzed for five repeated treatments, and most of them belonged to the phyla Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, and Proteobacteria. These results indicate that repeated treatments of manure containing SDZ and CTC residues can alter soil microbial community structure, although they have a temporary suppression effect on soil microbial functional diversity.  相似文献   
In an era of rapid environmental change, China is facing increasing problems in the management of its large rivers and water resources. The disastrous 1998 Yangtze floods and the emerging water shortages in north China raised further concerns about the potential impact of environmental change on extreme hydrological events such as floods and droughts. Over the past few decades, increasing water consumption by the domestic, industrial and agricultural sectors, as well as a number of human activities such as deforestation, agricultural land expansion, wetland reclamation, construction of reservoirs and roads, water diversion, and sand/stone excavation significantly affect hydro-geomorphic processes such as water discharge and sediment flux throughout China. This paper aims to provide an overview of recent research on the water discharge changes occurring in major Chinese rivers and their vulnerability to environmental change. Most of the rivers, notably in north China, have experienced significant changes in water discharge over the last few decades, indicating that they are vulnerable to climatic variations and human activities. In contrast to north China, the rivers in south China have experienced less change, but some of the detected changes displayed similar trends to those in north China, though at a slower pace. These profound changes, in addition to the on-going projects such as the Three Gorges Dam Project and the South-North Water Transfer Project, will completely alter Chinas waterscape.  相似文献   
Water resources and soil erosion are the most important environmental concerns on the Chinese Loess Plateau, where soil erosion and sediment yield are closely related to rainfall erosivity. Daily rainfall data from 60 meteorological stations were used to investigate the spatiotemporal variations in annual rainfall, annual erosive rainfall and annual rainfall erosivity on the Chinese Loess Plateau during the period 1956–2008. The annual rainfall, erosive rainfall and rainfall erosivity decreased over the past five decades, as determined by the Mann–Kendall test. A comparison of the annual averaged rainfall, erosive rainfall and rainfall erosivity from 1980 to 2008 with that from 1956 to 1979 revealed a remarkable spatial difference in the rainfall trends on the Loess Plateau. Regions of the plateau with major decreases in rainfall were primarily in the Hekouzhen-Longmen section of the middle Yellow River, especially in the Wuding River basin, the Fenhe basin and the northern-central Shanxi province, where the annual rainfall and erosive rainfall decreased by more than 10% and the annual rainfall erosivity decreased by more than 15%. The rainfall erosivity also decreased more than the annual rainfall. Because the annual rainfall has decreased significantly on the Chinese Loess Plateau over the past 50 years, it is important to better understand the ecological and hydrological processes affected by this climate change.  相似文献   
基于GIS的江西省洪涝灾害风险评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年夏季江西省发生多轮洪涝灾害,灾情十分严重。根据自然灾害系统理论,以江西省鄱阳湖流域地区为研究对象,从洪涝灾害的危险性、暴露性、脆弱性与防洪能力4个角度出发,选取降水、地形、水系、人口、经济、生态及圩堤等10个评价要素指标,采用90 m分辨率DEM、1960~2005年84个气象站点逐日降水量、2003~2008年江西洪涝灾情数据、2009年社会经济统计数据以及2005年江西省土地利用数据,以1 km单元格为基本评价单位,利用GIS空间分析与建模功能构建洪涝灾害风险评估指数模型,对江西省重大洪涝灾害进行综合风险评估。结果表明:该评估模型能成功应用于区域尺度,研究区洪灾风险分布呈现以江西北部的鄱阳湖湖区及蓄滞洪区为中心向两边递减的特点,从中心至外风险等级逐渐降低;从行政区划上,湖口、鄱阳、抚州、上饶等因地势平坦、降水量大、河网密集处于高风险区,而低风险区集中在降水少、地势高且山区分布较多、不易集水的江西南部,如:遂川、崇义等。经2010年6月17~25日发生的暴雨洪灾情况验证,该评价结果与实际情况相符,可为洪灾风险管理与决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   
三种重金属对长江口纹缟虾虎鱼早期发育的毒性作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
纹缟虾虎鱼广泛分布于长江口水域,它摄食底栖生物,同时又被大型鱼类所食,在长江口水域食物链中处于重要地位。研究了Cu2+、Pb2+、Zn2+3种重金属离子对长江口纹缟虾虎鱼从受精卵到出膜期、器官形成初期到出膜期、眼点形成期到出膜期等3个早期发育阶段孵化率和初孵仔鱼畸形率的影响,同时对早期仔鱼进行急性毒性试验。结果表明:3种重金属对胚胎及初孵仔鱼毒性大小依次为Cu2+>Zn2+>Pb2+。纹缟虾虎鱼胚胎在3种重金属影响下出现身体弯曲、萎缩和残缺,未能形成体节,心包囊肿等症状,还会出现较少见的胚体分叉、增生现象。纹缟虾虎鱼初孵仔鱼出现胸腔膨大、身体畸形等现象。仔鱼受重金属影响后,短期内表现出运动加剧,而后逐渐活力下降,个别仔鱼出现头部或者身体中部弯曲症状。Cu2+、Zn2+、Pb2+对早期仔鱼的安全浓度分别为0010、0136和0167 mg/L。研究结果可评估环境中重金属对纹缟虾虎鱼早期发育各个阶段的影响,亦为长江口水质监测与净化、纹缟虾虎鱼的资源增值以及中华鲟幼鱼栖息地饵料资源的保障提供参考.  相似文献   
The greenhouse effect has become increasingly serious globally. Nitrous oxide (N2O) is both the major ozone depleting substance and a potent greenhouse gas having a global warming potential 298 times that of CO2, and the N2O concentration is still increasing at an annual rate of about 0.8 × 10-9. Nitrous oxide reductase (N2OR) can reduce N2O to N2, and until recently, the nosZ gene was the only gene known to be able to encode N2OR. Besides the well-known nosZI, a new lineage of the N2O-reductase (nosZ clade II), which is abundant and widespread in soils, has been identified. In this paper, the main characters of nosZII-containing microbial communities and the related working mechanisms are summarized. In addition to the main differences between nosZI and nosZII, the important environmental factors that regulate the composition, abundance, and expression of nosZII-containing communities are also discussed in this paper. Studies have shown that nosZII communities are distributed among a diverse range of bacterial and archaeal phyla, such as Epsilon-proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Aquificae. Interestingly, most of the nosZII microbes lack a nitrite reductase encoding gene (nirS or nirK) and are therefore unable to denitrify, indicating the importance of these communities as N2O sinks. Soil properties such as texture, pH, C/ N ratio, temperature, and lake physical gradient could regulate nosZII microbe abundance and diversity, and the pH and C/ N ratio may be the most important influencing factors. Studies on the ecological function of nosZII microbes have advanced considerably with the development of molecular biology technology. However, further studies on the community structure of nosZII microbes, the influencing factors of nosZII microbe abundance and diversity, and characteristics of nosZII strains with strong N2O reducing ability are needed. We hope to provide a theoretical basis that can be used to facilitate N2O reduction and relieve the greenhouse gas problem. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
The study focused on the analysis of the chemical constituents of ethyl acetate extracts of Penicillium herquei, an endophyte of Cordyceps sinensis. The compounds were isolated and purified by chromatographic procedures and identified on the basis of spectral methods. Eleven compounds were identified: 2′,4′-dihydroxy-3′,5′-dimethylacetophenone (1), vanillin (2), 3-oxo-α-ionone (3), 3,3,5-trimethyl-4-(3-oxo-1-butenyl)cyclohexan-1-one (4), p-hydroxybenzaldehyde (5), p-hydroxyacetophenone (6), methyl p-hydroxyphenylacetate (7), cyclo-(Pro-Ile) (8), cyclo-(Pro-Val) (9), 4-methoxyphenylacetic acid (10), and cyclo-(4-methyl-Pro-Val) (11). Benzaldehydes, ionones, and cyclodipeptides are the major metabolites of the P. herquei from C. sinensis. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
为了调查常熟城区空气细菌的分布及区系组成,在常熟城区近地面空间(1.5m-2.0m),采用自然沉降法检测空气细菌数量并对细菌菌落进行初步鉴定。结果表明,不同功能区空气细菌数量有较大差异;细菌区系组成差异不大,分属于9个属,其中优势菌为葡萄球菌属、微球菌属和芽孢杆菌属。指出,应增加城市绿化面积,适当降低人口密度,以减少空气细菌的数量。  相似文献   
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