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Residency status of individuals in populations may be an important determinant of the outcomes of interspecific competition between native and introduced species. We examined direct behavioral interactions between two similarly sized rodents, the alien Rattus rattus and native Rattus fuscipes when they were respective residents and intruders in a small enclosure. Resident individuals were dominant in their behaviors toward intruders irrespective of the species that was resident. In contrast, interactive behaviors between conspecifics were often neutral or amicable, supporting suggestions that R. rattus and R. fuscipes are social animals. We then tested whether rodent species use heterospecific odors to avoid aggressive competitive interactions and partition space in the field. Neither R. fuscipes nor R. rattus responded to traps scented with the odors of male or female heterospecifics. If R. fuscipes does not recognize the odor of introduced R. rattus, then odors will not be cues to the presence or territorial space of competing heterospecifics. Rather, findings from both enclosure and field trials suggest that direct aggressive interactions between individual R. rattus and R. fuscipes probably facilitate segregation of space between these two species in wild populations, where resident animals may typically be the winners and exclude heterospecific intruders. These findings have implications for the invasion success of introduced rodents such as R. rattus into intact forests, where native populations may have competitive advantage because of their residency status.  相似文献   
According to the Evolutionary Theory of the Family, the replacement of one pair-member by an intruder may have profound consequences for the existing offspring. Step-parents are expected to provide less care towards unrelated immatures than to genetic offspring, unless caring also serves as a mating strategy. Furthermore, because an intruder will be a potential mate for opposite-sexed offspring, relationships between offspring and same-sex parents are predicted to deteriorate. To test these predictions, we studied an Azara’s owl monkey (Aotus azarai) population in Argentina exhibiting serial monogamy and bi-parental care. Since 1997, we have collected demographic data from ca. 25 groups and inter-individual distance data from ca. 150 marked individuals. First, we compared survival and dispersal age of immatures in groups with and without replacements to investigate whether parental care serves as a mating strategy. Second, we compared sex-specific age at dispersal for groups with replacement of opposite-sex parents, same-sex parents, or in stable groups in order to test whether relationships between offspring and same-sex parents deteriorated after the replacement of the other parent. Survival and dispersal ages were not negatively associated with replacements, suggesting that male care might serve, at least partly, as a mating strategy. The time lag between a replacement and the subsequent dispersal of female offspring was greater if the intruder was a male, while the offspring and same-sex parents were less often nearest neighbors after replacements than before. Our results suggest that family disruption through the replacement of a parent is not associated with decreased offspring survival or early dispersion of juveniles, but deteriorates parent–offspring relationships.  相似文献   
The study of correlations between different behaviours in a population—referred to as behavioural syndromes—has begun to flourish during recent years. However, the evolutionary mechanisms that cause behavioural traits to vary non-independently from each other are still poorly understood. Here, we bring behavioural syndromes into a new perspective, in which the phenomenon is regarded at the individual level and on a continuous scale instead of as a population-level presence/absence trait. As the correlation between behaviours is never perfect (i.e. r < 1), individuals are likely to vary in how consistently they behave. Therefore, we can predict that if behavioural syndromes at the population level are results of natural selection, the consistency in a suite of behaviours—and not the behavioural configuration per se—should be heritable and involve fitness advantages at the individual level. We define a variable that describes the individual deviation from the hypothetical perfect correlation predicted by the syndrome. The use of such a variable depicting the consistency of behaviours of individuals allows us to make solid evolutionary inferences about correlated behaviours from patterns of individual instead of population variation. We suggest that, by adopting the concept of syndrome deviation, understanding the evolution of behavioural syndromes and, in particular, testing competing evolutionary hypotheses about the origin of behavioural syndromes becomes possible in a more rigorous manner than before.  相似文献   
Vigilance often decreases with increasing group size, due to lower predation risk or greater scramble competition for food. A group size effect on vigilance is seldom seen in primates, perhaps because scanning and feeding often occur simultaneously or because the distinction between routine and induced vigilance has not been investigated. We analyzed feeding and resting observations separately while distinguishing between routine and induced scans in four groups of wild ursine colobus monkeys (Colobus vellerosus) experiencing scramble competition for food and infanticide risk. We used linear mixed-effect models to test the effect of group size, age–sex class, number of neighbors, number of adult male neighbors, and height in the canopy on scanning rates (vigilance) with and without evident conspecific threat. Food type was also examined in the feeding models. Perceived predation risk affected vigilance more than scramble competition for food and infanticide risk. Routine and induced vigilance were greatest at lower canopy heights during feeding and resting and increased when individuals had fewer neighbors while resting. A group size effect was found on induced vigilance while resting, but scanning increased with group size, which probably indicates visual monitoring of conspecifics. Scanning rates decreased while feeding on foods that required extensive manipulation. This supports the idea that vigilance is relatively cost free for upright feeders when eating food that requires little manipulation, a common feature of folivore diets. In the presence of threatening conspecific males, close proximity to resident males decreased individual vigilance, demonstrating the defensive role of these males in the group.  相似文献   
There is a large literature dealing with daily foraging routines of wild birds during the non-breeding season. While different laboratory studies have showed that some bird activity patterns are a persistent property of the circadian system, most of field studies preclude the potential role of an endogenous circadian rhythm in controlling bird’s foraging routines. In this study we compared the patterns of diurnal foraging activity and intake rates of migrating black-tailed godwits, Limosa limosa (radio-tagged and non-tagged individuals) at two stopover sites (habitats) with different environmental characteristics, aiming at identifying proximate factors of bird activity routines. To gain insights into the role of food availability in control of such foraging routines, we also estimated foraging activity patterns in captive godwits subjected to constant food availability. Captive and wild black-tailed godwits showed a persistent bimodal activity pattern through daylight period. Food availability had a significant effect on the intake rates, but had a subtler effect on foraging and intake rate rhythms. Temperature and wind speed (combined in a weather index) showed non-significant effects on both rhythms. Although we could not discard a role for natural diurnal changes in light intensity, an important timing cue, our findings support the idea that an endogenous circadian rhythm could be an important proximate factor regulating foraging activity and food items taken per unit time of wild black-tailed godwits during migration.  相似文献   
Social parasitism is widespread in many groups of social living hymenopteran species and has also evolved in the genus Bombus. Cuckoo bumblebees (subgenus Psithyrus) are obligate brood parasites in nests of other bumblebee species. After nest usurpation and the killing of the host queen, the parasite female has to control worker reproduction in order to accomplish and maintain reproductive dominance and to ensure her reproductive success. The aim of our study was to examine whether the generalist parasitic bumblebee Bombus bohemicus monopolizes and prevents worker reproduction by physical or chemical means and to identify possible odor compounds involved therein. We performed bioassays with callow workers of the host Bombus terrestris and have shown that B. bohemicus females are able to suppress host worker ovarian development, when these host workers are under the direct influence of the parasite female. Furthermore, by chemical analyses, we have demonstrated that the parasite females adjust to the odor profiles of their host queens in order to maintain the level of fertility signaling inside the host colony although the host queen is absent. We also found that host workers change their odor profile after nest usurpation by the parasite female and consequently, we suggest that the host and parasite are caught up in a chemical arms race.  相似文献   
A prominent interaction in the lives of social mammals is allogrooming. Individuals allogroom strategically and preferentially, grooming high-quality individuals that control access to resources. This results in distinct patterns of allogrooming within social groups, such that some individuals are groomed more than the others, some dyads express symmetry in allogrooming, and others exchange allogrooming for other benefits. Allopreening, the avian equivalent of allogrooming, occurs commonly in group-living birds, providing the opportunity to test whether social birds also use allopreening strategically in their social relationships. I examined this hypothesis in family-living buff-breasted wrens (Cantorchilus leucotis) by examining allopreening initiation, reciprocation and rate during interactions involving breeding adults and offspring. Buff-breasted wrens exhibit a nuclear family structure in which pairs display long-term partnerships, and juveniles delay dispersing from natal territories for about 10 months. Allopreening was symmetrical between breeding partners: males and females who initiated and reciprocated allopreening of partners with similar frequency, and within reciprocated bouts, allopreening was time-matched. Pairs in which allopreening was not observed were more likely to divorce, but allopreening patterns did not change in successive years of partnerships. Parent–offspring allopreening, by contrast, was asymmetrical in pattern; parents initiated allopreening more than their offspring, and reciprocation never occurred. The different patterns of allopreening observed within buff-breasted wren families suggest the strategic use of allopreening, possibly for the maintenance of long-term partnerships and in exchange for social benefits from offspring.  相似文献   
Portugal is strongly vulnerable to sea hazards due to intense vessel traffic and sea conditions. The southwest region off the Iberian Peninsula lies in the main route from the Mediterranean and Southern Hemisphere to the Northern Europe, causing a ship concentration in a narrow band off Cape S?o Vicente. Tankers represent a significant part of the vessel traffic and the occurrence of oil spills cannot be disregarded. Cape S?o Vicente region is part of a Natural Park with 110 Km of coastline, integrated in the European Natura 2000 network and its socio-economic context is closely related with sea resources exploitation, particularly fishing and tourism. Recognizing the importance of accurate information systems for the decision making process in an oil spill situation, this work presents the development of an integrated tool to support the process in the Algarve coast. The system relies in a regional operational mathematical model based on the MOHID modelling system. The system core is composed by three models (3D hydrodynamics, wave and Lagrangian transport) all linked in the same system and exchanging information in real time. Oil advection and weathering processes are coupled to the Lagragian transport model. The overall operational system includes external operational data products as inputs, to ensure a successful validation of the results. The system is linked to stakeholders and response authorities using a geographic referenced database based on Mapserver technology that will include relevant information for oil spill management.  相似文献   
This study provides a comprehensive examination of the life cycle dynamics of the brown shrimp (Crangon crangon L.) in the Mondego estuary, Portugal, a habitat located near the southern edge of the range of this species in European waters. The phenology of all life stages was documented (from the occurrence of ovigerous females, developing embryos, planktonic larvae and benthic post-larvae), and migration patterns of larvae into and out of the estuary were examined. Temperature-dependent functions of egg and larval development were combined with data on field abundance to predict the timing and magnitude of occurrence of larvae and recruits. Compared to brown shrimp at higher latitudes, southern conspecifics grow slower, mature earlier and have smaller brood sizes, and larvae have a more protracted settlement period. The Mondego estuary, besides acting as nursery area, is a dynamic platform for C. crangon to use in different stages, sizes and seasons.  相似文献   
Direct and indirect methods have been used to describe patterns of movement of fishes, but few studies have compared these methods simultaneously. We used 20 years of trawl survey data and 1 year of acoustic telemetry data to evaluate the vertical and horizontal movement patterns of spotted ratfish Hydrolagus colliei in Puget Sound, WA, USA. Densities of large ratfish (≥30 cm) were higher at the deepest depths trawled (70 m) during daylight hours, whereas densities were similar across depth zones (to 10 m) at night. Acoustic tracking of ratfish showed distinct diel patterns of movement and activity level; ratfish moved into shallow, nearshore habitats at night from deeper, offshore habitats during the day and made ~3 times more moves at night than day in shallow habitats. Broader spatial patterns depended on where ratfish were tagged: one tag group remained in one general location with few excursions, whereas a second tag group moved within a 20-km band with some individuals moving >90 km. These data will help inform food web models’ abilities to quantify interspecific interactions between ratfish and other components of their community.  相似文献   
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