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以同时模拟未来大气CO2浓度和温度升高的田间开放式气候变化平台为依托,研究CO2浓度升高(CE)、升温(WA)以及两者同时升高(CW)对麦田土壤基础呼吸和微生物丰度、群落结构的影响.结果表明:CE对土壤基础呼吸没有影响,但是WA显著提高了土壤基础呼吸,在抽穗和成熟期分别增加了51.6%和38.5%.在分蘖期,土壤细菌和真菌丰度没有显著变化;而在抽穗和成熟期,CW和WA处理显著降低了真菌丰度,降低幅度分别达到32.1%~50.2%和32.0%~37.4%.通过对T-RFLP数据分析发现,CE、CW和WA处理对麦田土壤真菌和细菌群落结构没有显著影响,但是在一定程度上改变了古菌群落结构.与对照相比,CE处理真菌多样性提高了7.1%~8.2%,CW和WA处理真菌多样性分别降低了5.3%~13.5%和22.1%~33.6%;在分蘖和抽穗期,CE、CW和WA处理土壤细菌多样性比对照显著提高.  相似文献   
水资源供需矛盾与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、水资源的有限性 根据自然资源的不同特点,人们通常将自然资源划分为三大类,即生物资源(可更新资源)、矿物资源(不可更新资源)和生态资源(恒定资源)。太阳辐射、热量、水分、风能、海潮等属于生态资源,这类资源具有显著的区域性特点,合理开发它们,发挥各地所长,可以永恒使用,即人们常说的是“取之不尽、用之不竭”的资源。 水资源作为恒定资源之一,是由于水资源被开发利用后,并不导致它们在地球上的总储量减少。应该指出,对水资源来说,总储量的不变,只能是从全球的宏观角度出发,这里所说的水资源是广义的概念。广义地来说,海洋、地下水、冰川、湖泊、土壤水、河川径流、沼  相似文献   
河段水质压力目标管理模式的概念与方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国主流的流域水质目标管理模式中,在河段污染责任认定方面普遍存在难以界定上下游之间各自责任的问题,为此提出了一种基于河段水质压力概念的河流水质管理新模式.以水质压力为基础,配套建立了包括水质压力目标、水质压力纯水当量、水质压力偿罚金等在内的一系列相关概念及其设定与计量方法,完成对各河段的责任认定,并实现以河段处罚金与补偿金为调控手段的流域水质管理运行机制.结果表明,该管理模式有助于增强水质污染处罚与水质生态补偿的区域公平性和针对性,其中的概念和方法可作为现行河流水污染控制方法体系的一种改进性补充,同时能为流域生态补偿标准的确定提供一定借鉴.  相似文献   
Plastics such as polyvinyl chlorides (PVC) are widely used in many indoor constructed environments; however, their unbound chemicals, such as di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalates (DEHP), can leach into the surrounding environment. This study focused on DEHP's effect on the central nervous system by determining the precise DEHP content in mice brain tissue after exposure to the chemical, to evaluate the specific exposure range. Primary neuronal-astrocyte co-culture systems were used as in vitro models for chemical hazard identification of DEHP. Oxidative stress was hypothesized as a probable mechanism involved, and therefore the total reactive oxygen species (ROS) concentration was determined as a biomarker of oxidative stress. In addition, NeuriteTracer, a neurite tracing plugin with ImageJ, was used to develop an assay for neurotoxicity to provide quantitative measurements of neurological parameters, such as neuronal number, neuron count and neurite length, all of which could indicate neurotoxic effects. The results showed that with 1 nmol/L DEHP exposure, there was a significant increase in ROS concentrations, indicating that the neuronal-astrocyte cultures were injured due to exposure to DEHP. In response, astrocyte proliferation (gliosis) was initiated, serving as a mechanism to maintain a homeostatic environment for neurons and protect neurons from toxic chemicals. There is a need to assess the cumulative effects of DEHP in animals to evaluate the possible uotake and effects on the human neuronal system from exoosure to DEHP in the indoor environment.  相似文献   
为了研究餐厨垃圾固态发酵过程中挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs)与产气的变化关系,采用中温(37.0±0.2)℃连续式发酵,在完全混合CSTR反应器中连续运行100 d,分析餐厨垃圾固态发酵过程的启动、运行、失衡、失衡后恢复及实现固态发酵全过程各参数的变化趋势,重点研究VFAs各成分与产气、pH等的关系.结果表明,餐厨垃圾固态发酵实验过程可划分为4个时期:适应期(0~13 d)、启动期(14~30 d)、抑制期(31~50d)、恢复及稳定期(51~100 d).不同时期的容积产气率、VFAs及各参数均表现出不同的阶段性变化.在餐厨垃圾固态发酵全过程中,pH保持在5~7之间,正丁酸比例一直处于较高水平;VFAs与pH和容积产气率在初期基本保持反比关系,最终在稳定期达到平衡,均稳定在一定范围内波动.在恢复及稳定阶段以NaOH稀碱液调节当日回流渗滤液的pH值,在第63 d时pH值上升至6.76,VFAs含量稳定在20~22 g·L~(-1)之间,产气量明显提高;在81 d时TS达到20%以上,系统容积产气量和生物降解率均保持相对稳定.  相似文献   
This work investigates the effects of lubricant sulfur contents on the morphology, nanostructure, size distribution and elemental composition of diesel exhaust particle on a light-duty diesel engine. Three kinds of lubricant (LS-oil, MS-oil and HS-oil, all of which have different sulfur contents: 0.182%, 0.583% and 1.06%, respectively) were used in this study. The morphologies and nanostructures of exhaust particles were analyzed using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Size distributions of primary particles were determined through advanced image-processing software. Elemental compositions of exhaust particles were obtained through X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Results show that as lubricant sulfur contents increase, the macroscopic structure of diesel exhaust particles turn from chain-like to a more complex agglomerate. The inner cores of the core-shell structure belonging to these primary particles change little; the shell thickness decreases, and the spacing of carbon layer gradually descends, and amorphous materials that attached onto outer carbon layer of primary particles increase. Size distributions of primary particles present a unimodal and normal distribution, and higher sulfur contents lead to larger size primary particles. The sulfur content in lubricants directly affects the chemical composition in the particles. The content of C (carbon) decreases as sulfur increases in the lubricants, while the contents of O (oxygen), S (sulfur) and trace elements (including S, Si (silicon), Fe (ferrum), P (phosphorus), Ca (calcium), Zn (zinc), Mg (magnesium), Cl (chlorine) and Ni (nickel)) all increase in particles.  相似文献   
基于老化对纳米零价铁(NZVI)去除水中Cr(VI)的不利影响,本研究考察了接种嗜水气单胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophila)强化老化NZVI对水中Cr(VI)的去除,并分析了溶解氧、温度、pH、Cr(VI)初始浓度对其去除Cr(VI)的影响,同时利用扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)等分析了反应前后材料的形貌特征及Cr的价态变化.结果表明,接种嗜水气单胞菌能显著提高无氧条件下老化NZVI对Cr(VI)的去除效果,且在酸性条件和30~40 ℃条件下去除效果较好,可能是因为该条件下更有利于老化NZVI的腐蚀和微生物的生长,此外,Cr(VI)去除效率随Cr(VI)初始浓度升高而降低.在pH=6,温度为30 ℃,老化nZVI投加量为0.1 g·L-1,Cr(VI)初始浓度为50 mg·L-1的条件下反应24 h后,Cr(VI)的去除率可达到100%.XPS分析表明,反应后NZVI表面沉积的Cr主要以Cr(III)的形式存在,可能为Cr(OH)3沉淀或FexCr1-x(OH)3共沉淀物.动力学研究发现,Cr(VI)去除过程符合准二级动力学,去除机制为Cr(VI)的吸附、还原与共沉淀,其中以还原作用为主.  相似文献   
陶瓷膜污染过程分析与膜清洗方法优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用膜孔径为50 nm的陶瓷膜错流过滤方式,对碱性高浓度有机洗涤废水进行9个周期的膜通量衰减及反向脉冲清洗再生实验研究.通过设计膜污染阻力构成实验,测算膜污染总阻力及其构成比例.实验结果表明,膜固有阻力比例较低,浓差极化污染较弱,Rt和Rc+Rirt污染阻力稳定性较高,膜堵塞形式兼有孔内堵塞和滤饼过滤;选择质量分数0.1%的稀盐酸和0.2%的草酸溶液膜清洗效果均较好,清洗时间为3 min,脉冲时间和频率为3 s/5 s.  相似文献   
Pretreatment of thickened waste activated sludge (TWAS) by combined microwave and alkaline pretreatment (MAP) was studied to improve thermophilic anaerobic digestion efficiency. Uniform design was applied to determine the combination of target temperature (110–210°C), microwave holding time (1–51 min), and NaOH dose (0–2.5 g NaOH/g suspended solids (SS)) in terms of their effect on volatile suspended solids (VSS) solubilization. Maximum solubilization ratio (85.1%) of VSS was observed at 210°C with 0.2 g-NaOH/g-SS and 35 min holding time. The effects of 12 different pretreatment methods were investigated in 28 thermophilic batch reactors by monitoring cumulative methane production (CMP). Improvements in methane production in the TWAS were directly related to the microwave and alkaline pretreatment of the sludge. The highest CMP was a 27% improvement over the control. In spite of the increase in soluble chemical oxygen demand concentration and the decrease in dewaterability of digested sludge, a semi-continuous thermophilic reactor fed with pretreated TWAS without neutralization (at 170°C with 1 min holding time and 0.05 g NaOH/g SS) was stable and functioned well, with volatile solid (VS) and total chemical oxygen demand (TCOD) reductions of 28% and 18%, respectively, which were higher than those of the control system. Additionally, methane yields (L@STP/g-CODadded, at standard temperature and pressure (STP) conditions of 0°C and 101.325 kPa) and (L@STP/g VSadded) increased by 17% and 13%, respectively, compared to the control reactor.  相似文献   
作为一种典型的芳基有机磷阻燃剂,2-乙基己基二苯基磷酸酯(2-ethylhexyl diphenyl phosphate, EHDPP)在各种水生环境和水生生物中有着较高检出率。体外实验表明EHDPP可能通过影响甲状腺激素(thyroid hormones, TH)与转运蛋白结合进而扰乱甲状腺内分泌系统。然而目前尚未有体内实验报道其甲状腺内分泌干扰效应及可能机制。本研究中,斑马鱼胚胎(2 hours post-fertilization, 2hpf)暴露在环境相关浓度(0、1和10 μg·L-1)EHDPP中120 d,并收集F1代胚胎于清水中培养至120 hpf。研究结果表明,在F0代,EHDPP暴露显著降低成鱼存活率、体质量、肝体质常数(hepatosomatic index, HSI)和性腺体质常数(gonadosomatic index, GSI)。进一步分析发现,EHDPP显著降低雌鱼(10 μg·L-1 EHDPP暴露组)和雄鱼(1 μg·L-1 EHDPP暴露组)血清中甲状腺素(thyroxin, T4)水平,这可能在一定程度上抑制成鱼的生长。雌鱼T4水平降低伴随着促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素基因(corticotropin-releasing hormone, crh)显著性下调和尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖醛酸转移酶基因(uridine diphosphate glucuronosyl transferase, ugt1ab)显著性上调。此外,甲状腺激素转运蛋白基因(transthyretin, ttr)在1 μg·L-1和10 μg·L-1暴露组显著下调,表明EHDPP可能通过干扰甲状腺激素与甲状腺激素转运蛋白(transthyretin, TTR)结合从而影响甲状腺激素平衡。雄鱼中,甲状腺激素受体基因(thyroid receptor α, trα和thyroid receptor β, trβ)显著下调表明较少的甲状腺激素发挥作用从而抑制雄鱼生长。在F1代仔鱼中,亲代暴露于1 μg·L-1和10 μg·L-1 EHDPP分别导致三碘甲状腺原氨酸(triiodothyronin, T3)和T4水平显著降低,表明母体传递的甲状腺内分泌干扰效应。F1代仔鱼TH合成相关基因(thyroglobulin, tg)和早期甲状腺发育相关基因(paired box 8, pax8)显著下调,可能是TH水平降低的部分原因。脱碘酶基因(deiodinase 1, dio1和deiodinase 2, dio2)表达显著上调,可能是T4水平降低的代偿反应。本研究首次在体内实验中证明环境相关浓度EHDPP具有潜在甲状腺内分泌干扰效应,并且这种效应可能传递给F1代仔鱼。  相似文献   
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