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Velmurugan B Selvanayagam M Cengiz EI Unlu E 《Journal of environmental science and health. Part. B》2007,42(2):157-163
The histopathological changes of fenvalerate on the gill, kidney, liver and intestine tissues of the Cirrhinus mrigala were determined by light microscopy. The fish were exposed to two sub-lethal concentrations of fenvalerate (1.5-3.0 ppb). The most common gill changes at all concentrations of fenvalerate were epithelial hyperplasia, epithelial necrosis, desquamation and lamellar fusion. Besides, epithelial lifting, oedema, swelling at the tips of secondary lamellae and curling of secondary lamellae were other histopathological changes. Necrosis of tubular epithelium, pycnotic nuclei in the hematopoietic tissue, hypertrophied epithelial cells of renal tubules, narrowing of the tubular lumen, expansion of space inside the Bowman's capsule and contraction of the glomerulus were observed in kidney tissues of fish. Hepatic lesions in the liver tissues of fish exposed to fenvalerate were characterized by congestion, cloudy swelling of hepatocytes and focal necrosis. Atrophy of epithelial cells, necrosis of epithelial cells, desquamation of mucosal epithelium and infiltration of lymphocytes into the lamina propria were detected in intestine tissues of fish after exposure to fenvalerate. 相似文献
The histopathological effects of malathion, an organophosphate pesticide, on the gill tissues in mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, were determined by light microscope. The fish were exposed to sublethal concentrations (0.01 and 0.02 mg/L) of malathion for 10, 20 and 30 days. Histological examination of the gills treated with malathion showed a variety of histopathological effects. The gill lesions included necrosis and desquamation of secondary lamellar epithelium, lifting up of epithelium, intraepithelial oedema, fusion of adjacent secondary lamellae, haemorrhage at primary lamellae, disorganization and rupture in seconder lamellae, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of epithelial cells. These alterations were time- and dose-dependent. 相似文献
Apaydın Aylin Kabaoğlu Hatice Apaydın Gökhan Şirin Murat Cengiz Erhan Köksal Oğuz Kağan Baltaş Hasan Tıraşoğlu Engin 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2022,29(5):7053-7066
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In the present study, the concentration levels of heavy metals such as Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cr, and Pb in sediment samples collected from 16 sampling... 相似文献
There are 37 national parks in Turkey, encompassing the most important mountain ecosystems, with high biological, natural, cultural and historical diversity. These parks also have aesthetic and recreational potential, and are valuable components within the country's nature protection programmes. Globally, a landscape can be regarded as the face of an ecosystem and constitutes a relationship between natural structure and visual features. There have been several studies on whether visual quality can provide indicators for landscape planning. Visual quality can also be assessed as a manifesto for community participation. This paper attempts to extend the understanding of visual quality assessment for national parks, using the Kackar Mountains National Park (KMNP) in north-eastern Turkey as an example. A detailed survey of visual quality preferences, landscape factors (10 main and 40 sub-factors) and semantic factors (naturalness, variety, fascination, vividness, unity, interesting and exciting) affecting these preferences was made using 30 represenative slides selected from the park. The highest preference was found to be 6.54, while the lowest was 2.30. Regression analysis enabled us to determine the relationship between visual quality and visual landscape attributes. The R2 value for naturalness was 0.482, while naturalness together with lake and fog percentage was 0.641. The assessment of preferences for the studied views in various landscape units can be evaluated and used for land-use decisions and future planning in KMNP. 相似文献
Environment, Development and Sustainability - Environmental degradation, which became evident after the Industrial Revolution, is one of the most important problems to be solved in the twenty-first... 相似文献
Abdullah Fi?ne Cengiz Kuzu T��rker H��daverdi 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2011,174(1-4):461-470
Blast-induced ground vibration is one of the most important environmental impacts of blasting operations because it may cause severe damage to structures and plants in nearby environment. Estimation of ground vibration levels induced by blasting has vital importance for restricting the environmental effects of blasting operations. Several predictor equations have been proposed by various researchers to predict ground vibration prior to blasting, but these are site specific and not generally applicable beyond the specific conditions. In this study, an attempt has been made to predict the peak particle velocity (PPV) with the help of fuzzy logic approach using parameters of distance from blast face to vibration monitoring point and charge weight per delay. The PPV and charge weight per delay were recorded for 33 blast events at various distances and used for the validation of the proposed fuzzy model. The results of the fuzzy model were also compared with the values obtained from classical regression analysis. The root mean square error estimated for fuzzy-based model was 5.31, whereas it was 11.32 for classical regression-based model. Finally, the relationship between the measured and predicted values of PPV showed that the correlation coefficient for fuzzy model (0.96) is higher than that for regression model (0.82). 相似文献
Cengiz Deniz Alper Kilic Gökhan Cıvkaroglu 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2010,171(1-4):219-228
Ships are significant air pollution sources as their high powered main engines often use heavy fuels. The major atmospheric components emitted are nitrogen oxides, particulate matter (PM), sulfur oxide gases, carbon oxides, and toxic air pollutants. Shipping emissions cause severe impacts on health and environment. These effects of emissions are emerged especially in territorial waters, inland seas, canals, straits, bays, and port regions. Candarli Gulf is one of the major industrial regions on the Aegean side of Turkey. The marine environment of the region is affected by emissions from ships calling to ten different ports. In this study, NO x , SO2, CO2, hydrocarbons (HC), and PM emissions from 7,520 ships are estimated during the year of 2007. These emissions are classified regarding operation modes and types of ships. Annual shipping emissions are estimated as 631.2 t year???1 for NO x , 573.6 t year???1 for SO2, 33,848.9 t year???1 for CO2, 32.3 t year???1 for HC, and 57.4 t year???1 for PM. 相似文献
Cengiz Yetis Gilbert Kelling Sungu L. G?k?en Francois Baroz 《Geologische Rundschau》1995,84(4):794-812
This study describes the lithostratigraphic character of mid-Cenozoic (Oligocene–Pliocene) sequences in different parts of the northeastern Mediterranean area and offers a detailed stratigraphic correlation for this region. The sequences concerned are drawn from the Camardi area (south–central Anatolia), the Adana Basin, the Misis Mountains and the Kyrenia Range (northern Cyprus) and the submerged Florence Rise (west of Cyprus). The stratigraphic relationships identified here indicate the following: (a) Following the middle Eocene (Lutetian) regression there was uplift throughout the entire region; (b) Episodes of fluvial and lacustrine deposition in intramontane settings ensued in most of this region during the late Eocene/early Miocene interval; (c) Following a regionally extensive phase of tectonic compression, major marine transgression commenced in the late Oligocene in northern Cyprus and in the early Miocene in adjacent southern Turkey, with the exception of the Ecemis Fault Zone where continental deposition continued; (d) These Oligo-Miocene transgressive sequences comprise a broadly diachronous complex of both shallow and deeper marine facies, including reefal carbonates, littoral clastics, basinal shales and fan-turbidites; (e) Deeper marine Miocene facies persisted longer in the Misis area and in northern Cyprus; (f) A regional regression occurred throughout most of the area during the late Serravallian to Tortonian interval and is marked by the abrupt, locally discordant appearance of extensive shallow marine, deltaic and fluvial deposits; (g) Continued regression in the Messinian led to the formation of significant evaporite deposits in the western and southern parts of the region, but localized uplift of the Misis area is attested by the initial deformation of the Neogene rocks there and the absence of Messinian sediments from this area; (h) In the Pliocene there was extensive emergence of the northern parts of the region interrupted by brief marine incursions. The present-day drainage pattern was established at this time; (i) Marine conditions persisted longer in northern Cyprus, where emergence occurred only in the latest Pliocene. 相似文献
Murat Cengiz Merih Otker Uslu Isil Balcioglu 《Journal of environmental management》2010,91(12):2590-2593
The destruction of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms at the source of contamination is necessary due to their adverse effects and to their increasingly widespread occurrence in the environment. To address this problem, Fenton and ozone oxidation processes were applied to synthetically contaminated cow manure to remove the tetM gene and its host, Escherichia coli HB101. The efficiency of the processes was evaluated by enumeration of E. coli HB101 and by PCR amplification of the tetM gene. The results of this study show that 56.60% bacterial inactivation (corresponding to a 0.36 log reduction) was achieved by a Fenton reagent dose of 50 mM H2O2 and 5 mM Fe2+ without acidifying the manure. Despite the high organic content of cow manure, 98.50% bacterial inactivation (corresponding to a 1.83 log reduction) was obtained by the ozonation process with an applied dose of 3.125 mg ozone/g manure slurry. The PCR study revealed that the band intensity of the tetM gene gradually decreased by increasing the Fenton reagent and the applied ozone dose. However, significantly high doses of oxidants would be required to completely eliminate bacterial pollution in manure. 相似文献
Composition of wet deposition in Kaynarca,Turkey 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
In this work, composition of wet deposition in Kaynarca, Turkey is studied by collecting precipitation samples during more than a 2-year period. August 1993-November 1995. Concentrations of the main cations Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, K+, NH4+ and the main anions Cl-, NO3- and SO4(2-) together with pH were studied. The average pH value at Kaynarca was near neutral, 5.59. Results indicated that SO4(2-) concentration in precipitation was very high, as was Ca2+, neutralizing the acidity. Acidic wet deposition samples were generally obtained in winter. Enrichment factors for sea and soil indicate the strong effects of sea and soil, specifically limestone on the composition of precipitation. Non-sea salt fractions of SO4(2-) were found to range from 0.955 to 0.980, showing the effect of non-sea sources, especially emissions from fossil-fuel combustion, on the pH of samples. Trajectory analysis showed that cyclones originating from northwestern, central and eastern parts of Europe have generally high sulfate and nitrate concentrations and low pH. 相似文献