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近年来,紫外线消毒技术在水处理中得到了越来越广泛的应用,它主要是利用短波紫外对微生物的伤害作用,通过在DNA中形成环丁烷嘧啶二聚体,阻碍基因的正常复制,从而导致细菌失活。但是细菌体内的光裂解酶在远紫外光和可见光作用下能够使失活的细菌重新获得活性,这就是光复活作用。低压消毒设备处理后大肠杆菌表现出了一定的光复活能力,但中压消毒设备能够有效的抑制其光复活作用;而噬肺军团菌在低压和中压设备处理后都表现出了很强的光复活能力。在应用紫外线消毒技术时光复活作用的影响不容忽视。  相似文献   
校园安全的现状和应对办法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
校园安全问题是一个为社会各界关注的热点问题。保护好每个学生,使发生在他们身边的意外事故减少到最低限度,关系到千家万户的切实利益是各级学校教育和管理工作的重要内容。本文介绍了我国校园安全的现状,我国大多数学校对待校园安全的态度,分析了校园安全问题的原因,并着重介绍处理校园安全问题的应对办法。  相似文献   
城镇污泥蚯蚓堆肥硝化进程及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
硝化是城镇污泥蚯蚓堆肥稳定化的最后一个阶段,研究硝化进程及其影响因素对减少蚯蚓堆肥过程中的NH_4~+积累、氮素损失和加快蚯蚓堆肥稳定化过程具有重要意义.文章考察了蚯蚓生物量、环境温度以及好氧条件对蚯蚓堆肥NH_4~+、NO_3~-变化的影响.结果发现,蚯蚓生物量对NH_4~+、NO_3~-含量变化影响较大,并存在显著的跃变特点,即当蚯蚓生物量超过一定数量时,会显著加快氨化和硝化速率.环境温度显著影响堆肥氨化作用,影响大小顺序为25℃20℃15℃;环境温度仅对蚯蚓堆肥硝化速率产生影响,但不改变堆肥的硝化进程.蚯蚓堆肥好氧条件对硝化影响大于对氨化的影响,好氧条件优劣不但影响硝化进程还影响硝化速率,氧环境条件好的蚯蚓堆肥硝化进程启动早,硝化速率高.  相似文献   
目前气象观测业务和空气污染分析中存在对霾日统计的分歧,甚至出现空气污染日无霾的现象,对霾观测标准的科学划分,显得非常重要和紧迫。利用2013—2015年廊坊市气象观测站能见度、相对湿度、霾人工观测资料和廊坊市环保局AQI、PM25浓度等气象环保资料,对目前观测业务和空气污染分析中常用的三种霾观测、统计方法进行了对比分析。分析发现:目前廊坊气象观测站所依据的记录霾天气现象的标准,与实际大气污染相趋甚远,不能反映实际的空气污染状况,建议国家及省级相关部门及早根据实际情况,更新霾观测标准,更好地为当前大气污染的防治工作提供客观依据。  相似文献   
文章采用计算流体力学软件Fluent数值模拟了1 025 t/h四角切圆煤粉炉内的湍流扩散燃烧,分析了空气过量系数对炉内烟气速度、烟气温度和氮氧化物组分的影响。结果表明:空气过量系数会对炉内流场的空气动力学特性和温度场分布均匀性产生显著影响。煤粉炉膛最佳空气过量系数为1.07,此时炉内温度场、速度场和浓度场的分布可使燃烧中间产物HCN和NH_3较好的将燃料型NO还原为N_2,来充分发挥空气分级燃烧降低NO排放的功效。  相似文献   
以济南东部老工业区一家大型钢铁企业为例,通过前期调研和排放系数核算出颗粒物(TSP)排放总量,再运用公式计算出厂区周边不同距离颗粒物(TSP)的落地浓度。将该落地浓度与厂区周边颗粒物(TSP)的监测值进行对比分析,充分印证了连续点源扩散的高斯模式的准确性和可行性。随着气流经过该厂区,对比上下风向监测点位颗粒物(TSP)浓度迅速升高(增大1.04倍),下风向颗粒物(TSP)浓度超出二级标准1.32倍;颗粒物(TSP)的落地浓度在厂区不同距离上的浓度变化明显,从0.1到10 km其落地浓度稀释了约3 500倍,距离>4 km时,无组织排放的颗粒物(TSP)对周围空气质量直接影响有限。  相似文献   
Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) levels, carbon dioxide (CO2) levels and particle-number concentrations (PNC) were monitored in train carriages on seven routes of the mass transit railway in Hong Kong between March and May 2014, using real-time monitoring instruments. The 8-h average PM2.5 levels in carriages on the seven routes ranged from 24.1 to 49.8 µg/m3, higher than levels in Finland and similar to those in New York, and in most cases exceeding the standard set by the World Health Organisation (25 µg/m3). The CO2 concentration ranged from 714 to 1801 ppm on four of the routes, generally exceeding indoor air quality guidelines (1000 ppm over 8 h) and reaching levels as high as those in Beijing. PNC ranged from 1506 to 11,570 particles/cm3, lower than readings in Sydney and higher than readings in Taipei. Correlation analysis indicated that the number of passengers in a given carriage did not affect the PM2.5 concentration or PNC in the carriage. However, a significant positive correlation (p < 0.001, R 2 = 0.834) was observed between passenger numbers and CO2 levels, with each passenger contributing approximately 7.7–9.8 ppm of CO2. The real-time measurements of PM2.5 and PNC varied considerably, rising when carriage doors opened on arrival at a station and when passengers inside the carriage were more active. This suggests that air pollutants outside the train and passenger movements may contribute to PM2.5 levels and PNC. Assessment of the risk associated with PM2.5 exposure revealed that children are most severely affected by PM2.5 pollution, followed in order by juveniles, adults and the elderly. In addition, females were found to be more vulnerable to PM2.5 pollution than males (p < 0.001), and different subway lines were associated with different levels of risk.  相似文献   
Characterization of the molecular properties of soluble microbial products (SMP) is critical for understanding the membrane filtration and fouling mechanisms in anaerobic and aerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBR & MBR). In this study, the distributions of the absolute molecular weight and intrinsic viscosity of SMP polysaccharides from an AnMBR were effectively determined by a high performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) that was coupled with the refractive index (RI), diode array UV (DAUV), right and low angle light scattering (LS), and viscometer (Vis) detectors. Based on the tetra-detector HPSEC determined absolute molecular weights and intrinsic viscosity, a universal calibration relationship for the SMP polysaccharides was developed and the molecular conformations, average molecular weights, and hydrodynamic sizes of the SMP polysaccharides were also explored. Two factors which can be derived from the tetra-detector HPSEC analysis were proposed for the characterization of the viscous and osmotic pressure properties of the SMP polysaccharides. In addition, it was also extrapolated how to analyze the resistance characteristics of the concentration polarization layers formed in membrane filtration based on the molecular properties determined by the tetra-detector HPSEC analysis.
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