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The concentrations and geographical distribution of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) were investigated in 37 composite surface sediments from seven major river drainage basins in China, including Yangtze River, Yellow River, Pearl River, Liaohe River, Haihe River, Tarim River and Ertix River. The detection frequency of HBCD was 54%, with the concentrations ranged from below limit of detection (LOD) to 206 ng/g dry weight. In general, the geographical distribution showed increasing trends from the upper reaches to the lower reaches of the rivers and from North China to Southeast China. Compared to other regions in the world, the average concentration of HBCD in sediments from Yangtze River drainage basin was at relatively high level, whereas those from other six river drainage basins were at lower or similar level. The highest HBCD concentration in sediment from Yangtze River Delta and the highest detection frequency of HBCD in Pearl River drainage basins suggested that the industrial and urban activities could evidently affect the HBCD distribution. HBCD diastereoisomer profiles showed that γ-HBCD dominated in most of the sediment samples, followed by α- and β-HBCD, which was consistent with those in the commercial HBCD mixtures. Further risk assessment reflected that the average inventories of HBCD were 18.3, 5.87, 3.92, 2.50, 1.77 ng/cm 2 in sediments from Pearl River, Haihe River, Tarim River, Yellow River and Yangtze River, respectively.  相似文献   
采用臭氧氧化法处理页岩气钻井废水经混凝沉淀后的出水(COD=759.63 mg/L),重点研究了废水中有机污染物的去除机理与反应动力学。实验结果表明:在废水pH为11.2、臭氧通入量为8 mg/min、反应时间为50 min的最佳工艺条件下,废水的COD去除率为42.51%;羟基自由基抑制剂CO_3~(2-)、HCO_3~-和叔丁醇的引入抑制了废水COD的臭氧氧化去除,尤其是叔丁醇的加入使COD去除率显著下降,说明废水中有机物的臭氧氧化去除过程遵循羟基自由基机理;臭氧氧化法对钻井废水中有机物的氧化去除过程符合表观二级反应动力学规律。  相似文献   
The chemical release rates from a field-contaminated sediment (Lake Charles, LA) using Tenax desorption were studied. Two dichlorobenzenes (m-, p-), hexachlorobutadiene, and hexachlorobenzene were investigated. Contrary to reports that sorption rates are inversely related to K(OW), the slow desorption rates were found to be similar for the four compounds. The data were modeled by a two-compartment irreversible adsorption and radial diffusion model. Desorption kinetics from the first irreversible compartment can be modeled by radial diffusion and assume an irreversible adsorption constant and soil tortuosity of 4.3. The desorption half-life is approximately 2-7 days. Desorption from the second irreversible compartment is very slow (half-life of approximately 0.32-8.62 years) presumably caused by entrapment in soil organic matter that increases the constrictivity of the solid phase to chemical diffusion. From the kinetic data, it is deduced that the diffusion pore diameter of the second irreversible compartment is approximately equal to the critical molecular diameter. The mass of chemicals in this highly constrictive irreversible compartment is approximately one-fourth of the maximum irreversible, or resistant, compartment. The slow kinetics observed in this study add additional support to the notion that the irreversibly sorbed chemicals are 'benign' to the environment.  相似文献   
以AZM(阿奇霉素)、STZ(磺胺噻唑)、IBU(布洛芬)、DCF(双氯芬酸)、PRC(扑热息痛)、ATL(阿替洛尔)、CLF(氯贝酸)、CBM(卡马西平)和CAF(咖啡因)共9种WWMPs(wastewater-marking pharmaceuticals,污水印记药物)为目标物,采用HPLC-MS/MS检测方法,通过室内河流模拟系统,研究3种挺水植物组合(旱伞草+灯芯草、菖蒲+灯芯草、旱伞草+菖蒲)的人工生态系统在不同介质(水相、泥相、水生植物)中WWMPs的变化特性及对常规污染物(如CODCr、NH3-N、TP、TN)的去除效果,并运用物料衡算等手段计算目标物的实际去除率.结果表明:3种挺水植物组合的人工生态系统对4种常规污染物的去除效果较为明显,CODCr、NH3-N、TP、TN去除率范围分别为39.7%~47.8%、88.2%~99.4%、39.1%~58.1%和49.1%~58.5%;与无植物系统相比,挺水植物组合的人工生态系统对水相中药物有明显的去除效果,尤其是对CBM、IBU和DCF,最大去除率均在54.0%以上;旱伞草+菖蒲组合的人工生态系统对水相中CAF、CBM、CLF、DCF、IBU和STZ的去除效果较好,去除率为51.6%~87.7%;3种挺水植物组合的人工生态系统对泥相中WWMPs的去除效果大小依次为菖蒲+灯芯草>旱伞草+菖蒲>旱伞草+灯芯草;不同挺水植物组合的人工生态系统对WWMPs的富集特性不同,9种WWMPs吸收效果大小依次为CBM > CLF > CAF > IBU > DCF > ATL > PRC > AZM > STZ;3种挺水植物组合的人工生态系统对WWMPs的实际总去除率大小依次为菖蒲+灯芯草>旱伞草+菖蒲>旱伞草+灯芯草.研究显示,挺水植物组合的人工生态系统可以有效地去除城市河流中WWMPs及常规污染物,能作为净化水质、改善城市河流水环境的一种有效手段.   相似文献   
通过对海洋辐射环境监测现状及存在问题的分析,提出了加强顶层设计,推进陆海统筹,逐步构建和完善海洋辐射环境监测管理体系、业务体系、人才体系、应急体系、保障体系、标准体系和合作体系的建议。  相似文献   

Background, Aims and Scope

Vallisneria spiralis Linn., a common, submerged macrophyte, is widely available in quiet waters of lakes, ponds, marshes and streams in Southeast Asia. V. spiralis plays a significant role not only in decreasing eutrophication of water body for its productivity, but also in inhibiting the growth of blue-green algae? The aim of the paper involves the isolation and identification of allelochemicals from extracts of V. spiralis by activity-guided fractionation and column chromatography.


Leaves of V. spiralis was washed free of debris, air-dried and refluxed in 95% EtOH. The extract was isolated using column chromatography and fractionation with antialgal activity. Potential allelochemicals were analyzed by high-resolution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HRGC-MS).


Two fractions with strong antialgal activity were isolated using column chromatography and activity-guided fractionation from the extract of V. spiralis. 2-Ethyl-3-methylmaleimide, dihydroactinidiolide and 4-oxo-β-Ionone were identified in the first fraction, and 3-hydroxy-5,6-epoxy-β-ionone, loliolide, 6-hydroxy-3-oxo-α-ionone and an unknown compound in the second fraction. They had strong inhibitory effects on Microcystis aeruginosa Kütz.


2-Ethyl-3-methylmaleimide is a byproduct of photooxidation of chlorophyll, and five other compounds identified were derivatives of β-carotene. HRGC-MS and derivatization technology were used to identify and confirm their molecular structures. The formula of the unknown compound was C16H19NO4. Metabolites of plant pigments had strong inhibitory activities on growth of algae.


Six compounds had been identified in V. spiralis, among them, 2-ethyl-3-methylmaleimide was the main allelochemical, and derivatives of ionone were also potential allelochemicals.

Recommendations and Perspective

. The results of our research could help us to study further mechanisms of inhibitory effect on algae and develop new potential antialgal substances.  相似文献   
火灾危险源与火灾隐患之辨析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
马锐  阚强  吴丹  王伟  倪照鹏 《安全》2005,26(6):18-20
通过归纳总结危险源定义和分类,引申出火灾危险源的定义和分类.就火灾隐患定义在不同领域的运用提出了广义和狭义火灾隐患之分,并就火灾危险源与火灾隐患之间的关系阐述了一些观点.  相似文献   
粤北南岭山区是我国珠三角地区主要的水源涵养区和华南地区重要的生态屏障。基于“山水林田湖草是一个生命共同体”理念,针对矿山与土壤环境、水源涵养和生物多样性保护、流域水环境保护及治理、环境安全保障与生态发展等生态环境问题,提出以实现山清水秀、林带环绕、碧湖青田、城美人和为生态保护修复目标,以空间管控为前提,以整体保护、系统修复、综合治理、突出问题导向为总体思路,设计了相应的四大类17项工程方案;方案实施以来,在恢复矿山环境、提高耕地安全利用率、稳定饮用水水源地水质达标率、增强区域生态系统稳定性和改善生态环境等方面效果显著。建议下一步在分析山水林田湖草各生态要素差异性特征、完善自然资源要素空间配置和生态补偿机制、总结试点经验并探索新型管理和运行模式方面重点开展研究。  相似文献   
周侃  陈妤凡  徐勇  伍健雄 《环境科学学报》2021,41(10):3871-3881
重点生态功能区以保持并提高生态产品供给能力为主体功能定位,区内自然环境敏感性和脆弱性突出,研究其人类活动过程中的环境污染源排放特征与空间管控模式,对科学协调保护与利用、切实加强重点生态功能区环境保护和治理水平具有重要意义.以青藏高原重要生态安全屏障区藏东南为例,基于环境污染源的固体废弃物、水体污染物和大气污染物排放强度的分类估算与空间特征解析,探讨面向污染源排放强度和多尺度管控精度的分级空间管控方案.研究结果表明:藏东南环境污染源的排放强度整体较低,雅鲁藏布江和雅尼河谷地因人类生产生活活动密度较大,其污染物排放量显著高于其他区域;在重点生态功能区应建立由7个二级类和21个三级类构成的环境污染源空间管控体系,重点管控以城镇居住区和工矿业生产空间为主的"点状"胁迫、以交通运输场所和人文游憩空间为主的"线状"胁迫、以农业种植区和畜禽养殖区为主的"面状"胁迫;针对藏东南各类环境污染源的空间耦合及交互特征,提出城乡生活集聚型、农牧业生产集聚型和休闲旅游集聚型3种典型区,依次制定"分级处理+资源利用"、"源头减排+就地消纳"、"实时动态监控+绿色设施营造+游憩利用规范"的差异化空间管控模式.  相似文献   
通过温室水培试验,研究1.0×10-4mol/LZn2 胁迫及解除胁迫对番茄(Lycopersicom esculentum Mill.)幼苗根系中抗氧化系统的动态变化.结果表明,胁迫条件下,番茄根系丙二醛(MDA)和蛋白质含量增加;超氧化物歧化酶(SOD,EC1.15.1.1),过氧化氢酶(CAT,EC1.11.1.6)和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPX,EC1.11.1.9)活性上升,而过氧化物酶(POD,EC1.11.1.7)活性下降;AsA-GSH循环代谢受影响;抗坏血酸过氧化酶(APX,EC1.11.1.11)活性在胁迫d1、d3上升,随后下降,而谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR,EC1.6.4.2)活性在胁迫1~5d时下降,随后上升;抗坏血酸(AsA)和谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量上升.解除胁迫后,根系中MDA和蛋白质含量随时间延长逐渐减少,接近对照;POD和APX活性增加,而SOD、CAT和GR活性及GSH含量先升高,随后减少;GPX活性和AsA含量却降低;恢复后根系中抗氧化物水平仍然高于对照.依据实验结果,文中讨论了胁迫及恢复过程中植物AsA-GSH循环代谢的作用.图3参16  相似文献   
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