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Accurate prediction of the biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationship requires adequate understanding of the interactions among species in a community. Effects of species diversity on ecosystem functioning are usually considered more pronounced with increasing functional dissimilarity, although species within functional groups may also perform non-identical functions and interact with each other. Here we present results of a laboratory experimental study aimed at elucidating whether interspecific interactions among species within a single nematode trophic group, bacterivores, (1) affect population development and community structure, and (2) depend on food availability. We studied the population growth of Rhabditis (Pellioditis) marina, a rhabditid nematode known to favour very high food densities when in monoculture, and of Diplolaimelloides meyli and D. oschei, congeneric Monhysteridae known to perform better in monocultures at intermediate food availability. Both Diplolaimelloides species showed significantly different patterns of food-density dependence in combination culture compared to monoculture. At very high food availability, the rhabditid nematode facilitated growth of both monhysterid species, probably as a result of down-regulation of bacterial density. At the lowest food availabilities, the presence of even low numbers of monhysterid nematodes lead to exclusion of the rhabditid, which at such low food availability has a very inefficient food uptake. At intermediate food availabilities, abundances of both Diplolaimelloides species were strongly depressed in the combination culture, as a result of food depletion by the rhabditid, indirect inhibitory interactions between the two congeneric species, or both. The complexity of the species interactions render predictions on the outcome and functional consequences of changes in within-trophic-group diversity highly problematic.  相似文献   
Size advantage in male–male competition over mates, combined with male preference over large females, is a common feature that can drive to size assortative mating and, eventually, sexual selection. In crabs, appendage autotomy can affect assortative mating and opportunity for sexual selection by affecting size advantage in mating contests. In this work, we evaluate the effect of size and appendage autotomy in generating assortative mating in the mud crab Cyrtograpsus angulatus. Field observations of guarding pairs in two different populations show a positive correlation between carapace width of males and females in both the populations. In one of the populations, incidence of appendage autotomy was low and the variability in the size of reproductive males was lower than the variability in the size of randomly collected males (i.e. only larger males were successful in getting a female), whereas there was no differences in the other population (i.e. most male sizes were successful) where the incidence of appendage autotomy was very high, indicating that the importance of size is higher when the incidence of autotomy is low. In this context, experiments (in both populations) show that, in contests for a female, larger males outcompete smaller ones only when they had intact appendages. When males had missing chelipeds, winning or loosing against smaller males was random. This may lead to a decrease in the importance of male size in populations with high incidence of cheliped autotomy, affecting assortative mating and opportunity for selection and, thus, affecting selective pressures.  相似文献   
Evolutionary conflicts of interest between the sexes are common, as mating tactics and strategies that increase fitness benefits for one sex may incur costs for the other. As a consequence, antagonistic coevolution between the sexes often results in a complex arms race between male persistence and female resistance. Coercive mating (e.g., forced copulation) likely benefits males by increasing the probability of mating; however, costs to females may be high, including injury or even death. Here, we report on a study of the use of fangs by males of the wolf spider Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz) during forcible mating with resistant females, which results in hemolymph loss and scar tissue formation in females. Microscopic inspection revealed that fang wounds (evidenced by scar tissue) were absent on unmated (virgin) females but were found on mated females and were significantly more frequent in coercively mated females. Experimental fang immobilization studies found no difference in copulation success between experimental (fangs immobilized) and control (sham manipulation) males. However, males that had use of their fangs had significantly longer copulation duration. These findings represent a previously unknown male mating tactic in spiders and an unrecognized potential cost of mating for female spiders.  相似文献   
Honey bee foragers specialize on collecting pollen and nectar. Pollen foraging behavior is modulated by at least two stimuli within the nest: the presence of brood pheromone and young larvae and the quantity of stored pollen. Genetic variation in pollen foraging behavior has been demonstrated repeatedly. We used selected high and low pollen-hoarding strains of bees that differ dramatically in the quantity of pollen collected to determine if the observed differences in foraging could be explained by differential responses to brood stimuli. Workers from the high and low pollen-hoarding strains and wild-type bees were co-fostered in colonies with either brood or no brood. As expected based on previous studies, returning high pollen-hoarding foragers collected heavier pollen loads and lighter nectar loads than low pollen-hoarding bees. Effects of brood treatment were also observed; bees exposed to brood collected heavier pollen loads and initiated foraging earlier than those from broodless colonies. More specifically, brood treatment resulted in increased pollen foraging in high pollen-hoarding bees but did not affect pollen foraging in low pollen-hoarding bees, suggesting that high pollen-hoarding bees are more sensitive to the presence of brood. However, response to brood stimuli does not sufficiently explain the differences in foraging behavior between the strains since these differences persisted even in the absence of brood.  相似文献   
Many benthic colonial invertebrates have the ability to fuse and form chimeras with compatible colonies. Botryllid ascidians are model organisms for the study of the evolution of and molecular basis for allorecognition, and fusion rates have been determined for different populations and species by random sampling and fusion testing between individuals. However, natural fusion rates over time have not been documented. Nine settlement panels were deployed in Salem Harbor, Massachusetts, USA and Botrylloides violaceus settlement, growth, and fusion monitored from July to mid-August 2007. Seventy-three percent of the recruits observed fused with at least one other colony, while 4% neither fused nor were overgrown. Multifused colonies were not observed to grow faster than single colonies when growth was calculated as increase in size beyond the summation of fused entities; however, they were significantly larger. These results suggest that larvae settle in clumps of compatible individuals, and that large subtidal colonies may be the result of high numbers of fusions between compatible colonies.  相似文献   
The fate, bioavailability and environmental impacts of metals discharged in municipal and mining wastewater discharge will depend to a large extent on chemical speciation and distribution. Previous studies on metal bioaccumulation have shown that total metal concentrations are not a good predictor of bioavailability in the dispersion plumes of municipal effluents. The objective of this study was to determine the solid phase speciation of metals in surface waters receiving urban and mining effluents in order to assess their fate and relative mobility in the receiving environment. Suspended particulate matter was sampled using sediment traps at several sites downstream of effluent outfall plumes as well as at reference upstream sites. Particulate metal in operationally defined fractions—exchangeable/carbonates, reducible, oxidisable and residual—were determined in suspended particulate matter with a series of selective chemical extractions. Metal enrichment in suspended particles was generally observed in both mining and urban effluent discharges. When compared to its receiving environment, the mining effluent appeared to release more particulate metals (Cu, Fe, Zn) in the most reactive fractions (i.e. exchangeable/carbonates + reducible forms, 23–43%), while other released metals, such as Cd and Mn, were predominantly in the least reactive forms (i.e., oxidisable + residual, 73–97%). In contrast, the reactivity of all particulate metals, with the exception of Mn, from the urban effluent was much higher, with up to 65, 42, 30 and 43% for Cd, Cu, Fe and Zn, respectively, in the two most reactive fractions. As expected in effluent dispersion plumes, parameters such as the organic carbon, Fe oxide and carbonate contents have specific effects on the partitioning of several trace metals, particularly Cd, Cu and Zn. Our results indicated that the relative distributions of metals among geochemical fractions varied in the effluent receiving waters where organic carbon and Fe oxides appeared as the most important parameters. This could therefore decrease the exposure for aquatic organisms that are exposed to those contaminated sediments as well as the risk to human health.  相似文献   
Results from controlled in situ experimentation conducted on the leeward reef tract of Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles, indicate that the coral Montastraea annularis exhibits a complex, yet consistent, cellular response to increasing sea surface temperature (SST) and decreasing irradiance. This was determined by simultaneously quantifying and tracking the tissue density of zooxanthellae and mucocytes using a novel technique that integrates the lectin histochemical stain wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) with high-resolution (200 nm) optical epifluorescence microscopy. Coral colonies growing at 6-m water depth (WD) and an irradiance of 100.2 ± 6.5 μmol m?2 s?1 were treated with a shading experiment for 11 days that reduced irradiance to 34.9 ± 6.6, 72.0 ± 7.0 and 90.1 ± 4.2 μmol m?2 s?1, respectively. While a significant decrease in the density of both zooxanthellae and mucocytes were observed at all shade levels, the largest reduction occurred between the natural non-shaded control (44,298 ± 3,242 zooxanthellae cm?2; 4,853 ± 346 mucocytes cm?2) and the highest shading level (13,982 ± 1,961 zooxanthallae cm?2; 2,544 ± 372.9 mucocytes cm?2). Colonies were also sampled during a seasonal increase in SST of 1.5°C, where the density of zooxanthellae was significantly lower (from 54,710 ± 1,755 to 34,322 ± 2,894 cells cm?2) and the density of mucocytes was significantly higher (from 6,100 ± 304 to 29,658 ± 3,937 cells cm?2). These observations of coral cellular response to environmental change provide evidence to support new hypotheses for coral survival and the complex role played by mucus in feeding, microbial associations and resilience to increasing SST.  相似文献   
Herbivory has a strong impact on algal distribution, abundance and community structure and may influence the establishment and spread of introduced seaweed species. In this study, we assess the potential regulating role of herbivory on one of the most invasive brown seaweeds: Sargassum muticum. Multiple choice feeding experiments were conducted with 13 native seaweeds, S. muticum and 5 herbivore species from the Northwest, Southwest and South of Portugal. S. muticum was always the least or among the least preferred seaweeds and attained one of the highest growth rates of the tested seaweeds, with and without herbivores. The addition of herbivores increased the number of cases by 40% in which the invader had higher growth rates. Our results suggest that low grazing pressure on S. muticum by the recipient herbivore community may give the invader a competitive advantage over at least part of the native seaweed community, thereby contributing to the invasiveness of S. muticum along the Portuguese coast.  相似文献   
The concentration of uranium was determined in 944 samples from stream water by the inductively coupled plasma quadrupole mass spectrometry (ICP-QMS) method and represented on a color-shaded contour map. Uranium concentrations in surface water were determined to be between 0.007 μg/l and 43.7 μg/l with median of 0.33 μg/l. The regional distribution of uranium is influenced primarily by lithological and anthropogenic factors. In Mecklenburg, northern Brandenburg, and eastern Schleswig-Holstein, elevated uranium concentrations coincide with the extent of the last Weichselian ice sheet. The maximum concentrations are observed in the surface waters of the old mining districts in the western part of the Ore Mountains and in eastern Thuringia. Elevated concentrations are found in areas of agriculturally used loess soils. These concentrations correlate with the use of phosphate fertilizers. There is a zone of elevated concentrations up to 10.0 μg U/l in the Keuper Sandstone area south of the Thuringian Forest and from northwest of Stuttgart as far as Coburg. The distribution of elevated values in mineral water shows a clear correlation with the elevated values in surface water and the geology of those locations. Bunter and Keuper strata are the most important uranium source.  相似文献   
The environment is profoundly important in shaping many aspects of animal phenotype, including courtship and mating behaviours. Courtship displays rely upon the transmission of visual information from the signaller to the receiver, which means they are likely to be less effective in visually poor conditions such as at low light or in turbid ecosystems. One might therefore predict that in visually poor environments it would be beneficial for individuals to plastically adjust their mating behaviour to maximise mating success. Here, we investigate the impact of the developmental and current visual environment (light intensity) upon male mating behaviour in the Trinidadian guppy Poecilia reticulata. Male guppies have two different mating tactics: They can court females with a visual sigmoid display or attempt to circumvent female choice by attempting a non-consensual copulation (gonapodium thrust). We reared juvenile guppies in low light and relatively high light intensities for 5 months before observing individual males for mating behaviour in both light conditions. We found that the current light environment is important in determining the frequency of both sigmoidal courtship displays and non-consensual copulation attempts. Males increase the frequency of sigmoidal displays at relatively high light and increase non-consensual mating attempts at low light, suggesting that males compensate for poor visual conditions via an adjustment in tactics. We also find a significant correlation in courtship effort between the different light environments, suggesting that there is individual consistency across time and context for this trait. Developmental environment was less important. However, we found that fish reared at lower light intensities continued to employ sigmoidal displays despite the poor current visual environment. Our data show that male mating behaviour is phenotypically plastic in response to recent light environment. This may have implications for understanding how animals cope with anthropogenic environmental change.  相似文献   
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