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Flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) equipment to be fitted to UK coal-fired power stations will produce more than 0.8 Mtonnes of calcium sulphate, as gypsum. Most gypsum should be of commercial quality, but any low grade material disposed as waste has the potential to generate a range of sulphur gases, including H2S, COS, CS2, DMS and DMDS. Literature data from the USA indicates that well-oxidised waste with a high proportion of calcium sulphate (the main UK product of FGD) has relatively low emissions of sulphur gases, which are comparable to background levels from inland soils. However, sulphur gas fluxes are greatly enhanced where reducing conditions become established within the waste, hence disposal strategies should be formulated to prevent the sub-surface consumption of oxygen.  相似文献   
The extent of the nocturnal vertical migration of Mysis mixta Lilljeborg varied between early July and late October (of 1985 and 1986) in a coastal area of the Baltic Sea. Migration was more restricted in early July and late October. Seasonal changes in surface light levels and transparency were sufficient to explain the observed differences. Mysids avoided light levels above 10-4 lux throughout the study period. Smaller juveniles migrated higher up than larger juveniles and adults. A two-layered distribution with part of the population close to the bottom was observed at night. Zooplankton were more abundant in water layers above the main concentration of mysids. M. mixta fed on phytoplankton, detritus, copepods, cladocerans, rotifers and tintinnids. Diel changes in gut fluorescence indicated a higher intake of phytoplankton at night, but levels were low compared to primarily herbivorous zooplankton. Comparisons of stomach contents of mysids caught at the bottom in the evening and in the water column at night showed a higher ingestion of zooplankton at night and of detritus during the day. Mysids caught at the bottom at night had an intermediate diet. Copepods and cladocerans constituted between 90 and 100% of ingested material by weight in all mysid groups.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of inter-litter competition on pup survival was investigated in pairs of female rats (Rattus norvegicus) living and breeding in the same environment. If a female gave birth when a 0- to 14-day-old litter was already present in the environment, her pups had a very high chance of surviving, similar to the situation in which no other litter was present. Moreover, the mother was likely to nurse communally with the mother of the 0- to 14-day-old litter. This communal nursing benefitted the newborn pups as evidenced by their being heavier at weaning than litters that were not nursed communally. In contrast, if a female gave birth when a 15-to 28-day-old litter was already present in the environment, her newborn pups were likely to die within 3 days postpartum, owing to the fact that they were often prevented from suckling at their mother's teats, resulting in milk deprivation, and were often beneath the older pups, resulting in physical trauma. These findings suggest that inter-litter competition is an important source of pup mortality when litters are born 15-28 days apart. The data are discussed in terms of the advantages of birth synchrony.  相似文献   
The diets of fish from the tropical Embley Estuary in the eastern Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia, were analysed with particular reference to piscivory and predation on juveniles of commercially important penaeid prawns from October 1986 until July 1988. Of the 77 species caught, 52 were piscivorous, and of these 37 ate penaeid prawns. The most numerous piscivores wereScomberoides commersonianus, Arius proximus, Lates calcarifer, Polydactylus sheridani andRhizoprionodon acutus, the first four of which accounted for over 90% of all prawns eaten. Twenty species are commercially important species of prawns. The proportions of penaeids in the diets varied seasonally, according to the density of penaeids in the estuary. The proportion was highest during the pre-wet period (November) and lowest during the dry period (July–August). Predation on prawns was highest in the lower and middle reaches of the river. Estimates of the rates of predation on the two most common juvenile commercial prawns,Penaeus merguiensis andP. semisulcatus, are presented and discussed.  相似文献   
The demersal fish fauna of Albatross Bay, in the eastern Gulf of Carpentaria, northern Australia, was sampled on seven cruises from August 1986 to November 1988, using a random stratified trawl survey. Four depth zones between 7 and 45 m were sampled during both day and night. The mean biomass of fish from all seven cruises was 297 kg ha–1 for days trawls and 128 kg ha–1 for night trawls. The overall mean catch rates were 922 kg h–1 for day trawls and 412 kg h–1 for night trawls. There were marked differences between cruises in both the biomass and catch rate. Approx 890 000 fish of 237 species were collected. Of these, 25 species comprised 82% of the total biomass and 74% of the overall catch rate. The dominant families were Leiognathidae, Haemulidae and Clupeidae, with Sciaenidae and Dasyatidae important at night.Leiognathus bindus was the most abundant species. Twenty-five species occurred in more than 50% of trawls, withCaranx bucculentus the most frequently caught (96% of all trawls). Thirty four species were predators on prawns; their absolute mean biomass was 50 kg ha–1 during the day and 39 kg ha–1 at night. The corresponding catch rates were 171 and 125 kg h–1. Multiple-regression analyses were used to discriminate the effects of diel, seasonal, depth and cruise patterns. Of the 31 most abundant species, 15 showed diel patterns of abundance; 11 species showed seasonal patterns of abundance; 23 species had differential depth distribution; and 13 species showed significant cruise-to-cruise variation in abundance. Cruise variations in abundance were tested against salinity, temperature, tidal exchange, plankton biomass and prawn abundances as well as periods (and lags) of total rainfall prior to sampling. Only total rainfall showed any significant correlation. Total rainfall over a period of 6 wk immediately prior to sampling showed significant positive correlations with the abundances of five species, with overall daytime catch rates, and with the suite of 34 prawn predators. Rainfall and river runoff into Albatross Bay were significantly correlated. In Albatross Bay, the complex of factors affecting fish abundances and the magnitude of between-cruise differences indicate that such tropical communities may be unpredictable and are not seasonally constant. The high catch rates in Albatross Bay relative to similar tropical areas elsewhere are discussed and attributed to the light exploitation of the Albatross Bay stocks. Other than a prawn fishery, there is no commercial trawling in Albatross Bay. Hence, the only fishing mortality is a result of by-catch from prawn trawling. The annual total of such fish by-catch is probably less than 10% of the estimated standing stock of 93 000 tonnes.  相似文献   
The plankton community in the Polar Front area of the Barents Sea was investigated during a cruise from 14 to 28 July 1987. The colonial algaePhaeocystis pouchetii andDinobryon pellucidum dominated the phytoplankton. Depth integrated carbon assimilation rates varied from 190 to 810 mg C m–2 d–1. A high carbon:chlorophyll ratio (which varied from 123 to 352) prevailed at the three stations investigated, which may relate to facultative heterotrophic behaviour byD. pellucidum. The herbivorous zooplankton community was dominated byCalanus glacialis, C. finmarchicus, andC. hyperboreus. Maximum zooplankton biomass was found in the same depth strata as phytoplankton chlorophyll maximum. The herbivorous copepod populations did not display consistent day-night vertical migration patterns. Phytoplankton consumption rates of the various life stages were estimated from the turnover rate of plant pigments in the gut. The gut defecation rate constant (R) varied from 0.014 to 0.027 min–1 at 0°C in copepodites (Stage II to adult female) ofC. glacialis, independent of developmental stage.Calanus spp. community carbon ingestion rates calculated from particulate carbon:chlorophyll ratios, were 10, 65 and 400% of daily phytoplankton carbon fixation rates at Stations 1, 2 and 3, respectively.  相似文献   
This paper reports on the firstPhaeocystis sp. (hereafterPhaeocystis) bloom in the Arabian Gulf. Total lipids from threePhaeocystis colonies sampled in November 1987 and in March and May 1988, comprised ca 11.0% of the dry biomass. Triacylglycerols (TG) and/or free fatty acids (FA) predominated in the lipids of all three samples. Polar lipids consisted of mixtures of phospholipids and glycolipids. Diacylglycerotrimethylhomoserines (DGTH) were present in all extracts, whilst conventional phospholipids only occurred in low concentrations. The predominant glycolipids were monogalactosyldiacylglycerols (MGDG) digalactosyldiacylglycerols (DGDG), sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerols (SQDG) and steryl glycosides (SG). The predominant fatty acids in the total lipids of all three samples were palmitic (16:0) and oleic (18:1) acids. Total lipids of the November sample contained the smallest proportion of palmitic and the largest of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) — especially C16. The proportion of PUFA was considerable in individual polar lipids. C16 PUFA were more common in individual polar lipid classes of the November and March samples than that of May. The concentration of constituent C18 PUFA was relatively low. PUFA with chains longer than 18 C atoms only occurred in very low concentrations, and were confined to certain polar and nonpolar lipid classes of the November sample only.  相似文献   
A study was made from January 1988 to March 1989 of the penaid prawns in the Great Bitter Lake and Lake Timsah located in the central part of the Suez Canal. Two species of Red Sea origin were investigated,Metapenaeus stebbingi andTrachypenaeus curvirostris; the former is by far the commoner. Both species displayed seasonal breeding over the period April to October, with peaks in the early and late parts of the season.M. stebbingi had two main cohorts each year. A spring-spawned cohort survived 16 mo, and attained modal sizes of 23 mm carapare length (CL) for females and 16 to 17 mm CL for males. The autumn-spawned cohort survived 13 mo, and reached modal sizes of 20 mm and 15 mm CL for males and females, respectively. The reasons for the success ofM. stebbingi in the Canal lakes, in contrast to other Lessepsian penaeids which have flourished in the Mediterranean Sea, have been considered. The main factors are that it is essentially a shallow-water species, with excellent tolerance of salinity variations and adverse environments. However, the Canal lake populations have smaller maximum sizes, and mature earlier, than those in open seas.  相似文献   
Antarctic krill,Euphausia superba, often exhibit abnormal behavior in laboratory aquaria, usually hovering in a stationary position, unresponsive to most external stimuli. In the austral summer of 1985–1986 at Palmer Station on Anvers Island, Antarctica, we provided laboratory conditions which inducedE. superba to school in large aquaria. Captive krill swam horizontally and exhibited the full spectrum of behaviors normally displayed while schooling at sea. Schooling krill avoided visually contrasting stimuli, with avoidance distances correlated with stimulus size. Schools responded in qualitatively different ways to presentations of food, chemical compounds, and abrupt increases in light intensity. We describe the conditions necessary for aquarium schooling and discuss the importance of an appropriate social environment for displays of escape, avoidance, and feeding behaviors and of positional preference within the school.  相似文献   
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