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In this paper, we propose a semiparametric survival model to investigate the pattern of spatial and temporal variation in disease prevalence of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in wild deer in Wisconsin over the years 2002 and 2006. The semiparametric survival model we suggested allows to build a more flexible model than the parametric model with fewer parametric assumptions by modeling the baseline hazard using a Gamma process prior. Based on the proposed model, we investigate the geographical distribution of CWD, and assess the effect of sex on disease prevalence. We use a Bayesian hierarchical framework where latent parameters capture temporal and spatial trends in disease incidence, incorporating sex and spatially correlated random effects. We also propose bivariate baseline hazard which change over age and time simultaneously to adopt different effects of age and time on the baseline hazard. Inference is carried out by using MCMC simulation techniques in a fully Bayesian framework. Our results suggest that disease has been spreaded mainly in the disease eradication zone and male deer show a significantly higher infection probability than female deer.  相似文献   
The formation of 2,8-dichlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and other harmful degradation products in the photo-degradation process of triclosan is of increasing concern. Here we worked on the identification of polymerized products at high triclosan concentration and on the mechanism of photoreaction. Five dimmers and two trimers of triclosan were detected by liquid chromatography-mass spectrum analysis. 2,8-dichlorodibenzo-p-dioxin was also identified by comparing with an authentic standard. Relatively low pH and high concentration favored the polymerization of triclosan. Three main routes of photoreaction were postulated, namely dechlorination, ring closure and polymerization.  相似文献   
采用多步连续-湿法-化学方法,分离提纯了于2010年7月和12月在厦门近海采集的沉积物样品,获得3类高分子有机质,即腐殖酸(HA)、干酪根和碳黑(KB)和碳黑(BC)。以扫描电镜(SEM)作为有效的辅助手段,观察沉积物原样及高分子有机质的形貌特征,结合稳定碳同位素(δ13C)的分析,初步探讨了厦门近海沉积物中高分子有机质的来源。扫描电镜观察发现,在原样沉积物中存在多种海源物质(如钙质硅藻和圆筛藻/冠盘藻);而在KB样品中同时发现类似于陆地植物的木质碎片以及来自海洋的藻胶鞘,暗示了其来源是海源与陆源共同作用的结果。稳定碳同位素研究表明厦门湾近海海域沉积物中有机质以陆源影响占优势,其比例在58.32%至84.45%之间;δ13C值整体上显示为夏季的贫于冬季的,这与研究区域的生态系统中陆源C3植被和海源水生植物的繁殖生长有关,同时还有排海污水及化石燃料煤燃烧后或者运煤船只洒落的碎屑的贡献。  相似文献   
采用人工模拟熏气法,研究了36种广州市园林绿化植物对SO2和NO2气体吸收净化能力,以系统聚类分析方法为依据,将参试植物的吸收净化能力划分为强性、较强、中等、较弱及弱5个等级。结果显示,在不同SO2质量浓度(0.259和0.448 mg.m-3)环境下,黄槐、鸡冠刺桐、红花银桦、木棉、红千层、大花紫薇、复羽叶栾树吸收SO2能力具有强或较强的能力,而罗汉松、竹柏、深山含笑、乐昌含笑、观光木、樟树、阴香、双翼豆、印度紫檀、大花五桠果、长芒杜英、五月茶、海南蒲桃、芒果、海南红豆、糖胶树和幌伞枫吸收SO2能力表现为较弱或弱;在NO2质量浓度(0.149和0.428 mg.m-3)环境下,黄槐、黄葛榕、红花银桦、红千层、麻楝、复羽叶栾树、大花紫薇和小叶榄仁吸收净化NO2能力为较强或强,而深山含笑、五月茶、芒果、海南红豆、糖胶树和桂花叶片对NO2吸收能力表现为较弱或弱。在不同SO2和NO2浓度环境下,黄槐、红花银桦、红千层、复羽叶栾树和大花紫薇叶片对SO2和NO2吸收净化能力表现为强或较强,而深山含笑、五月茶、芒果、海南红豆、糖胶树叶片对SO2和NO2吸收净化能力为较弱或弱。研究结果为珠三角城市功能型园林植物选择和广东生态景观林带建设提供科学依据。  相似文献   
The effects of a diesel oxidation catalytic (DOC) converter on diesel engine emissions were investigated on a diesel bench at various loads for two steady-state speeds using diesel fuel and B20. The DOC was very effective in hydrocarbon (HC) and CO oxidation. Approximately 90%–95% reduction in CO and 36%–70% reduction in HC were realized using the DOC. Special attention was focused on the effects of the DOC on elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) fractions in fine particles (PM2.5) emitted from the diesel engine. The carbonaceous compositions of PM2.5 were analyzed by the method of thermal/optical reflectance (TOR). The results showed that total carbon (TC), OC and EC emissions for PM2.5 from diesel fuel were generally reduced by the DOC. For diesel fuel, TC emissions decreased 22%–32% after the DOC depending on operating modes. The decrease in TC was attributed to 35%–97% decrease in OC and 3%–65% decrease in EC emissions. At low load, a significant increase in the OC/EC ratio of PM2.5 was observed after the DOC. The effect of the DOC on the carbonaceous compositions in PM2.5 from B20 showed different trends compared to diesel fuel. At low load, a slight increase in EC emissions and a significant decrease in OC/EC ratio of PM2.5 after DOC were observed for B20.  相似文献   
三唑酮对大型溞21天慢性毒性效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
三唑类杀菌剂是一种在农业上广泛应用的广谱性杀菌剂。三唑类杀菌剂在农田施用后能够向土壤深处迁移和扩散,从而污染土壤和地下水体,因此三唑类杀菌剂对土壤生态环境能够造成一定的破坏。选择三唑酮为研究对象,参照经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Developement,OECD)标准方法研究三唑酮对大型溞的慢性毒性效应。21d慢性毒性研究结果表明,大型溞繁殖指标-内禀增长率是对三唑酮最为敏感的毒性参数。其慢性毒性下限值(LCL)和慢性毒性上限值(UCL)分别为40和80μg·L-1。三唑酮对于第2代大型溞,染毒的影响比对第1代的影响更大。对第2代恢复的大型溞除了第1次产卵数没有显著性差异,其他指标都有所变化,这说明毒物被转移到子代中。  相似文献   
降低FCC再生烟气NOx排放助剂的实验室评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过采用ACE装置与烟气NOx分析仪器联用的实验室评价方法,可在更接近实际催化裂化反应-再生过程的条件下,评价助剂对再生烟气中NOx的催化转化性能,同时还可考察助剂的加入对催化裂化产品分布的影响。采用该方法对几种降NOx助剂的性能进行了评价,结果表明,在催化剂体系中含有Pt基CO助燃剂的情况下,加入4%的RDNO;助剂后,烟气NOx降低幅度约30%~40%,且催化裂化产品分布基本不受影响。  相似文献   
随着大量制冷装置的建成和使用,氨制冷企业安全问题日益突出,定期检验作为保证在役氨制冷压力容器安全使用的一个重要环节,目前仍存检验依据不清、检验项目不明、检验针对性不足等问题.文中对氨制冷压力容器定期检验现状进行了介绍,对氨制冷压力容器损伤机理进行了分析和讨论,从损伤模式判别的角度提出了相应的检验策略,给相关人员提供一些...  相似文献   
电梯制动器是电梯最重要的安全部件之一,故研究其可靠性具有重要意义.首先分析了电梯制动器的故障机理并建立了动态故障树模型,其次利用二元决策图和马尔科夫方法对故障树进行了分析计算,得到了影响系统可靠性的相关指标以及制动器的薄弱环节,最后提出了改进措施和建议,为电梯制动器的设计、维修保养及检验提供了科学依据.  相似文献   
湿法净化黑烟中炭黑颗粒物的关键在于降低吸收液的表面张力并以高性能絮凝剂使其从溶液中絮凝、沉降以利于分离。选用十六烷基三甲基溴化胺(CTAB)为主要表面活性剂,使之与十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)和月桂醇聚氧乙烯(9)醚(AEO-9)进行复配实验,研究了复配液的表面张力,再向最低表面张力的复配表面活性剂溶液中投加絮凝剂聚合氯化铝(PAC)和聚丙烯酰胺(PAM),探讨絮凝剂的添加对黑烟颗粒沉降和絮凝的影响.实验结果表明:同时添加表面活性剂CTAB,SDBS和PAC,并使之浓度分别为0.5 mmol/L,0.4 mmol/L和200 mg/L时,炭黑颗粒的沉降效果最好,沉降率高达94%,且絮凝体较大,沉降时间仅为2 min。  相似文献   
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